Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boss is married and flirting with me, help!?
Your own fault. Assuming you knew he was married right away, you lead that on and you shouldn’t have been getting on a personal level with your boss. Smh. Don’t get why some females do this knowing they liked the attention at first
You encouraged it knowing he was/is married. Lay in the bed you made. Shouldnt mess with a married man. Y’all are both in the wrong.
How is this even a question? You are wrong and he is wrong, stop it now.
He’s played you from the get go. He isn’t planning on leaving his wife. You’re his side piece. Leave him. IF he ever gets a divorce then perhaps revisit, but I’d tell you he is going to do the same thing he did to her.
Just stop it. What is wrong with people
Your boss is a married man he hasn’t left his wife… many men promise to leave and never do. Do your self a favor and walk away go find a real man that doesn’t cheat…
Crossed the line…back up and keep him out of ur life. One of u will end up being fired:
You are in the line of fire. Get away now.
I don’t see why that’s even a question you already know what to do.
Why would you get with a man you know is married. Yeah, you’re a piece of s h i t
Why were you flirting with him to begin with… You’re a major player in this situation!
Find it hard to believe you care about the wife when you are playing house with her husband!! Ugh, everything else I’m thinking would be deemed mean, so I’m just not even going there.
It’s been 2 years and you still believe he is gonna leave his wife?
You shoulda never been with a married man in the first place. This is karma getting you boo. Hopefully his wife isnt like me cause I can assure you it would get more than messy real quick. Damn shame females walking around like you disrespecting other females, that makes the men feel like its okay for them to disrespect us. Shame on you chick for real shame tf on you.
If he did it to her… he will do it to you! Always keep that in mind!
Sounds like way more than flirting lol
If you thought the world of his wife, you wouldn’t be messing around with her husband. Sorry, you did this to yourself
You can’t think too much of his wife if you are messing with her husband. Karma is a bitch and it will come for you.
You never play with someone else’s man. Once a cheater is always a cheater.
Agree with all comments above
Its so wrong even right from the begining it sure is going to be a shit show but u created it hes married u knew it period no going back and if u didnt feel for him u better tell him rather then destroy his life or both of yours
Why put your son in that situation? Don’t you want a real relationship with someone for you and your child?
You made your bed now lay in it. You care for his wife what alot of bull. Do you really think he’s going to leave his wife for abit of easy meat. Hope the wife leaves him cause she deserves alot better than him
All I’m going to say is this:
The way you got him is the way you will LOSE him.
He’s never leaving his wife. Especially if he’s twice your age. Get out now!!
This shouldn’t even be a question! DITCH HIS ASS “I’m leaving her” is one of the oldest lines in the book!
You think if he were to leave his wife and be with you that he wouldn’t do you the same way he is doing her? SERIOUSLY
Run the opposite direction
He’s gotten close to you and your child. Flirting would be bad enough but this sounds like it is past the point of flirting. Yes, he’s guilty but why are you even flirting with a married man to begin with?
Usual lie men tell women…im.married,but we are divorcing
So cheesy. B…Why would you be flirting with a married man? That makes you a homewrecker if they do divorce. Get away from him and stay away if care about his relationship with his wife!
If it never should’ve gone this far then it shouldn’t go any further
Leave him alone . he does this to her , HE WILL do it to you. He has issues.
NEVER touch someone else’s husband
They never leave their wives! Especially when they are older! You are just a fling and he has you where he wants you. If you end it now you better look for a new job first!
Plus if he cheated on her with you what makes you think he won’t do the same to you!
Why were you flirting back with him if you think the world of his wife? Woman here’s the thing you’re a home wrecker plain n simple. Both you n him deserve to deal with the mess y’all’s affair did cause you’re both guilty of it in the end.
You can’t “think the world” of a woman who you’re helping tear down- in the worst way possible tbh.
Yea, end it NOW cause honestly your feelings mean shit here. If you truly think anything of his wife, end that shit and cut any personal ties with your boss. It will hit the fan and, sorry not sorry, but you’ll be painted as the reason.
Biggest line ever, " we are getting a divorce "
Run, don’t walk, run! You want no part of that mess, you probably aren’t the first, and definitely won’t be the last.
You obviously don’t think the world of his wife if you are flirting with her husband and have your son involved Sounds like a lot more than flirting
Fo u know how many men say they are getting a divorce and are lying about it… end it
If he’ll cheat with ya he’ll cheat on ya. Have fun. You’ll need a good divorce lawyer in a few years, shoot me a message and I’ll hook ya up.
Change jobs yesterday! And grow up.
Flirting with diaster!
Well, this is misleading…more than flirting is going on. I hope you weren’t trying to save face.
he’s going to leave your ass too…Smh How would you feel if things were reversed? I don’t know you but, baby please believe half of what you hear… He could be telling you a lie, just to get some free pussy.
If you honestly thought the world of his wife, you wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. Also, you have already allowed another woman’s husband to get close to your son. You’ll be breaking his little heart in the end too. SMH!
Why would you say flirting when you let him get close to your son?
Umm, are you actually seeing him, is my question. Definitely end it. You need to tell a higher up about it.
Your both pieces of absolute cr@p! You for knowing he is still married and still going along with it and him for being a cheating douche. You both probably deserve each other. His wife deserves better!
Def more than flirting going on
Two words…“Home wrecker”
Girl, that could be what he’s telling you, all the while they’re still committed. If you get him while he cheats, that’s definitely how you’re gonna lose ‘em.
If you’re actually in a relationship with him now, you will also be in trouble for talking, so just end it.
You don’t think the world of his wife. You would have NEVER done that. He obviously is not leaving her. You need to pull hard on them reins and stop this home wrecking rodeo.
You never should’ve flirted with him whether you thought it was harmless in the beginning or not. You knew damn well he was married and you had an obligation to keep yourself out of whatever personal problems he and his wife were having.
If he cheats with you he will cheat on you.
Well that sounds more like a relationship than a flirtation. So if ‘shit hits the fan’ you have no one to blame but yourself. And you definitely don’t think the world of his wife if you flirted and continued to flirt with her husband, whether they have anything to do with each other or not. They are still married
Run. He could be telling you this just to keep you around. Been there done that and I’m ashamed. It’s messy. Don’t allow your child to be in the mess either. Run now while you have the chance.
Bet you he is he going home to his wife perfectly happy and lying to her and you. Want the real truth stand up and be a woman’s friend tell her husband your boss of he doesn’t stop flirting with you, you will tell her. You shouldn’t be flirting with him while you think the world of his wife….if you did you would straight up tell him, your wife is amazing and you are lucky. You should not be flirting with me when you have a woman like that. But no you put yourself and your son into a position where your part of a husbands life. Sorry but your right it should have never gotten that far, but you let it.
They never leave the wife. Lol
This some shit off a movie???
I am sorry but you got what you wanted since you flirted with him in the first place
Umm you are just as much to blame
Your situation sounds like mine. And honestly… dip out now. Better he gets his ego crushed than you a broken heart. He’s not going to leave his wife. He likes having his cake and eating it too and if it wasn’t you it’d be someone else.
Run! Even if he divorces her he’s shown he’s not an upstanding guy to even do that in the 1st place, instead of waiting till his divorce. Is that the kind of man you want your son modeling after? I would hope not. Nothing good can come from something that started from betrayal. And if he’ll cheat with you he will cheat on you. Run and run fast.
There’s no way you think the world of his wife. There’s also plenty fish in the sea so to speak. Move on. Karma isn’t pretty. Women should always be for women, period. If a man is dating or married then just move on.
You need to stop and find another job . God will not bring you another woman’s husband .
If you KNOW he’s married, you do NOT get involved in any way PERIOD! When he’s legally divorced, go for it! until then, grow up and act like a responsible adult and stop letting your child get involved in your affairs with married men. You are Not setting a good example for your child!!!
If he is cheating on his wife with you he will cheat on you with someone else get out now
You can’t help who you fall inlove with
Iv got no advice all I can say is please protect your heart and your sons
Some say a man only cheats until he meets that 1 women which makes him want to stop
They also say the man will never leave his wife
Your not a bad person
Be true to yourself xxx
He’s lying. All cheaters tell the girls they are chasing the same lying rubbish. End it. For your own sanity.
“I think the world of his wife” but I’m sleeping with her husband ….YOU sound like a friggen idiot!
How is your boss close to your son??
He’s married (I personally wouldn’t have flirted back) and if ya had any respect for your son and his wife it shouldn’t have gotten this far. I honestly wouldn’t have another thought in my mind on what I’d do if it was me. Men tell women all the time they are divorcing which makes it alright for affairs but honestly you’re just the other woman, meanwhile he’s not. My personal opinion is cut the ties now before anyone seriously gets hurt.
Women like you…are the problem. Just as much as men like him.
You made you bed, figuratively and probably literally as well, so lie in it. Quit lying to yourself to make you feel better when you say you “think the world” of his wife. NO YOU DO NOT. If you did you wouldn’t have started this mess from the beginning and to think you dragged your kid into it. You are a home wrecker. Nothing is going to hit the fan unless you confront the wife because he’s not going to leave her. You should be asking yourself why you would get involved with a married man in the first place because it doesn’t seem like you really have a problem with it.
You must not think too highly of his wife like you claim. Bc if you did, you’d shut that flirting down right away. Your asking for advice now bc the home wrecker feeling is settling in and you feel like a piece of shit. Which the both of you should.
Morals and values.
Seems you both are a perfect match
Good luck
End it. If you’re still having issues, go to HR
I promise you… he isn’t leaving his wife. He wants his cake and eat it too. You’re new and exciting… and his wife and home life is the consistency he needs. He’s playing you. And you can’t possibly think the world of his wife if you’re helping her husband cheat on her
Karma will catch up to you. You lose them the same way you get them.
2 years? And he hasn’t gotten a divorce? Lmao he don’t want you and I’m not sure why you would bring a married man around your kid.
You shouldn’t have gotten involved with a married man, Have enough self respect for yourself and find a new job and tell him it’s over.If he ever does get a divorce you could see where things go( but most people who cheat tell you what you want to hear and many don’t end up leaving)you should feel shitty, you said you think the world of his wife but your sleeping with her husband, and you as a mother should of never let him get close to your son when you knew he was married.
It sounds like you are already in pretty deep… I don’t know how easy it is for you to get a new job but if that is a possibility at all I would definitely consider it. As a woman that has been cheated on by her husband I can almost guarantee you there is no talk of divorce. That is just what they say. And with him being so much older than you it sounds like he’s having a midlife crisis to be honest with you. Get out while you still can. This will not end good for anyone.
Girl you must be pregnant with how you’re making things sound. Definitely wishing you the best of luck but you gotta end this and have some respect yourself. Sleeping with a married man is a massive no no
Leave him, leave the job, leave her.
I hope the day come and the wife figures out your the mistress and just whoops your ass.
Worst of the worst home wrecker! I feel sorry for your son!
Get out, make your own journey, find your soul mate, he’s not worth it
Don’t get sucked in you will come out looking like the “homewrecker” he is lying about leaving his wife, this crap happens way too often.
Should have never messed with a married man in the first place especially if you think “the world” of his wife lol
So you think the world of his wife, but you’re sleeping with him? . Just remember if he is cheating on her with you, you will be next
You’re in a fantasy world! Wise up n run … to that child. This will harm this child as he gets older HE will lose respect for his own mother.
It’s simple really. Tell him to give you a call once he’s filed for divorce. Oh what’s that?? Your phone not ringing? Honey, have some dignity for yourself. Oh and I won’t even mention my thoughts of him being around your son!!
You and him should be ashamed. His wife deserves better. Plus you are stupid for believing he’d actually leave his wife for you.
If he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you.
I think you should end it. Don’t want to be part of the drama becoming a problem not want his soon be ex wife getting up your face. Better walk away from him better off go your separate way stay focus at your job and stay single being mom to your kid set good examples.