My boss is married and flirting with me, help!?

Women like you piss me off.

Get out now!!! Move on and be careful who you introduce to your child. Children get attached to people quickly.


You opened the gates by flirting back ffs … you do NOT flirt with a married man !!


U Shouldn’t have even started it when u knew he was married AND u involved your son???..shame on u!!!


Sounds like more than flirting to me why Is he involved with your son


If you thought the world of his wife tho wouldn’t be fucking him so :woman_shrugging:t2:

He lies. Don’t fall for it.

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Just my opinion.
STOP what you are doing.
It is WRONG. If he is doing this to her he will do it to YOU ALSO when he gets bored.
It’s the old saying…" My wife doesn’t understand me"
If you were smart you would find another job. I know that probably be hard but when it hits the fan you will be without a job anyway.


Wow if you have to ask you deserve each other


You don’t feel like shit, you entertained it

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Just put yourself in the wife’s shoes for an hour, does it feel right? Would you like it if it was happening to you? Please :stop_sign: STOP!


The fact that you already allowed him the opportunity to get close to your son makes this 10x worse Tbh


Its not that’s hard to find someone single… Why do people go after married men? Wtf is wrong with you?:upside_down_face:


He is using you because you are vulnerable you are using him because you are vulnerable you are both feeding your egos if you stop this now you will be hurt but you might keep your job if you carry on you will end up even more hurt he will abuse you as he has done with his wife and then replace you with another you will end up with nothing. Ask yourself why you put this on face book are you secretly pleased that he chose you out of all the other beautiful ladies or do you want someone to say how lucky you are well beautifull lady nobody on here will help you there is only yourself who can do that loneliness is a terrible thing but self respect is bigger you choose


If you knew that he was married then KARMA is what you will get in the future!


I’m sorry but if you thought anything of his wife, you wouldn’t have reciprocated the flirting.
Flirting can be harmless and a bit of fun, married or not, but you “getting close to him” and allowing your chhild to get close to him is a bit mean.
I’d end it because it’s not right, right now.
Not to say it wont be right in the future but for his wife’s sake, end it for now

You know full well the consequences of your actions. The fact that you know his wife makes it worse. Both of you deserve your ass beat. But karma will get you both. Just wait for it.

You think the world of his wife? What a joke :joy: you’re only getting cold feet because he wants to leave his wife and you’re worried about what people will think of you… you both deserve each other. If I was you I’d tell her what you both got up to. You owe her that.


Make up a new boyfriend so he thinks you’re taken. Then get a new job out of this toxic workplace with the harassing boss.


You already know what’s right. Why are you torn?


You’re a home wrecker…
It’s that simple, you know what you’re doing but you do it anyway.
And you let this man get close to your son.
You must be a different kind of stupid.


Have you slept with him yet…as flirting and getting very close to you and your son seems like you have had him over. Your a hoe and a crappy mom and your karma train will stop at yours soon.


You messy messy!
You should’ve nipped that in the butt from the start. How your child got involved? I’d hate to see what would happen if you didn’t like his wife? Naw lady.

You knew he was married honestly who gives a shit if he said he’s leaving he’s wife u still let this happen you truely went for a married man I agree you r a home wrecker and why the hell would u take your kid to work unless u let your boss over seriously u feel for he’s wife bulshit people like u discuss me seriously

Walk away ! Trust me. He will repair his relationship when the thought of something new is gone, at the moment ur a toy to keep him happy, he will settle back to his marriage quiet happily when ur gone,
Leave, leave your job cut ties and move on.


You’ve made some choices that will in the end hurt a lot of people. Moving forward, you need to admit your role in this situation and choose what you’re willing to live with. Personally, I could never be with someone who cheated on his partner because I’d never trust them. There’s no win in this situation

Since you seem confused… God will NEVER send you someone elses husband!!!


What kind of a mum introduces her married affair to her son!!! :flushed::eyes: Make better decisions! His little eyes see you and your actions ! And there less than good!


You cant help who you fall for sometimes things happen if you like him well thta up to you

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You’re a homewrecker. You knew he had a wife. Karma will see you this done right back at ya :woman_shrugging:. Hope his wife takes him for all he’s got :woman_shrugging:


U new what u was doing bull n u like it trash we put in the garbage

You think the world of his wife but you have been flirting with this man.


Ew why would you flirt with someone’s husband :nauseated_face:


Why would you even go there to begin with

Sounds like you have encouraged this.


He’s not really getting a divorce and leaving her. Also even if he does, he’s going to cheat on you too.


How did he get close to you and your son when he’s your boss? Do you bring your child to work? You should not be spending outside of work time with your married boss. He should have been spending time with his wife or his own friends and family. You need to find a new job and end this.


Go to HR that’s sexual harassment

If that’s how you feel about it you should end it immediately

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Got need to find another job. Anything that happened there is unfairly influenced. Up to, and including the fact that you’re a subordinate. At a minimum, if found out, you’re both canned anyway. At least you could circumvent unemployment. As for him… Sounds like he doesn’t quite get the whole leadership part of management. Most places have a company policy about this type of thing.

I think U shouldn’t have started it!! He’s married regardless of if they interact or not. U couldn’t think that much of her if u carry on with her husband n trust me they all say they’re gonna leave their wife!!


Better start job hunting.
There’s a saying, never shit where you eat. And you’ve been shitting all over your dining table :rofl:

oh honey u asking for trouble…some crazy bitch is gonna hurt yo ass…dont mess with a married man…respect yourself more than that…hes already cheatin on his wife…u think he cares bout you…no way…

You know he is married
Cut it off
You are not special and he will do it to you next if he even leaves the wife. Id guess it would cost him too much to get rid of her. Karma is real and what you send around will come back to you.


End it, nothing good can come out of this…

How long till you’ve a status up cause he cheated on you… if he cheats for you he’ll cheat on you :100::100: you are a home wrecker takes 2 to go at it but you know his wife that’s scummy behaviour right there and you’re poor kid getting used to him. Have you any shame girl? Where is you’re girl code… if I was his poor wife I’d clean him out for ever cent he had then I’d wipe the floor with you for been a tramp :poop::poop::poop::poop:


No words, you are as bad as him


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boss is married and flirting with me, help!?

Stop walk away Now!! Some men say they’re getting a divorce but it’s not true. End It !! save yourself and your child.


Mandy Lynn I know that. She could’ve controlled the situation. He didn’t force her to do anything or respond to his flirting. So don’t cry about the situation now.


If you knew he was married, why’d you mess with him anyway? Both of your faults. He’s your boss. He’s married, doesn’t matter if he’s “getting” a divorce or says whatever he wants to keep you on a string. I hope it bites you both in the butt.


Why do you need everyone’s opinion on this matter? Can’t you see what you are doing to yourself and your son? It’s a bit late to be worried about what you should be doing as you should have thought of the best way to go about things before you let it get this far. :thinking:


There is an unwritten rule about dating a married or separated man. DONT, 9 times out of 10 they don’t leave their wives or they go back to them. Wait until the divorce is final. Second, do you like your job? Because if this becomes serious you will have to leave it. Finally, shield your son, don’t let him get attached because if it doesn’t work then he gets hurt too. This situation breaks all the rules of home life and work life. Tread very carefully.


If I thought the world of another woman I certainly wouldn’t show it by getting flirty with their husband on a daily behind their back :woman_shrugging: i also see no reason your kid would be involved at all, so this is all inappropriate and unnecessary. He isnt leaving his wife, dear. You have been lied to. You slowly became the other woman. You dont need to have sex to cheat. Hes emotionally cheating already and would have done more if you allowed it. This whole thing is messed up and trust me when i tell you to just take your kid and go…you may end up having to switch jobs now that youre in this situation everyone at work is prob talking

Some of y’all are making a big jump. She said flirting she never said full on sleeping together. Clearly, some boundaries have been crossed and you can’t change what is already happened but you CAN stop it before it gets any worse. There is a lot at stake including your paycheck. For the sake of everyone involved and your job, put a stop to this. Tell him that you need to keep your relationship professional for the foreseeable future. One thing you haven’t mentioned is your co-workers. Trust and believe they are chatting it up anytime y’all even smile at each other. I don’t know where you work but if you have any desire to advance in your workplace, this relationship is going to make it difficult for you to be taken seriously at your job. Office flirtation/romance causes so many issues. Put down some boundaries and move on.


First off im going to start by saying rule number 1 is never shit where you eat ie never sleeping with colleges its messy 2 if his willing to cheat with you he will cheat on you and 3 it should have never gotten to this especially if he had a wife you have obviously let it get to this point and you are both so wrong for it


This is wrong in a few ways. One he is your boss. This is him taking advantage of a younger employee and it’s against the law. Next your child should not have even met him yet if he was a partner. Next what are you teaching your son about how to treat women? Its ok to cheat on them?
Next and finally
Once a cheater always a cheater. Best of luck if you think he won’t do this to you.


If you knew he was married you should have stayed away in the first place period. He’s not going to leave his wife or he would have already. Maybe they have "nothing to do with each other " because he’s having to much to do with you. I can’t believe you involved your child in this. Just cut it off and find someone who is single and age appropriate. Also stop letting random strange men become part of your kids life


If hes gonna do something shitty like that to her and not divorced yet, he’s gonna do it to you too sis :woman_shrugging: plus if you knew he was married in the 1st place I wouldn’t have even began to flirt with a married man :woman_shrugging:


That is a age ole lie. They almost never leave their wife. And second? If he will cheat on her with you? He will cheat on you also. You will never have a boss and employee relationship. You would be better off getting another job and cut your loses.


Why did you start flirting with you married boss to begin with


I would end it until he is officially divorced


Short of rape, I don’t think a guy can get anywhere with a woman unless the woman is willing. Believe me I’ve been in that situation. If you don’t walk away now you’re going to end up being in his wife’s position someday.


Why the hell are u opening yourself up in the first place to a man who is already taken?? I have no sympathy for you… think the world of his wife but sleeping with her man… smh


Erm… yeah sorry I don’t know who is the biggest liar - him or you.
Him for spinning the yarn.
You for telling yourself this is the truth.
Well you asked for an opinion - hun it’s not!!.
Have some pride and self respect and move on.
This is the kindest thing I can say.


Before it gets worse…he’s married

If he will cheat with you he will cheat on you !


Unfortunately, he is taking a page from the playboy handbook. “We’re getting a divorce”. “I am planning on leaving her.” “She has nothing to do with me anymore”. Don’t be one of those women who fall for that BS. Don’t take up with a married man who is still living with his wife. No matter what he tells you. Until he is legally divorced, he is STILL, married. I would not say anything to the wife. She probably already knows. I know I knew. Don’t humiliate her any more than he already has. You break it off from him. No explanation needed.


Not to mention I love how you played the victim card yet you’re fucking him​:ok_hand:t4::woman_facepalming:t3:


He’s not going to leave his wife, or he would’ve by now. You’re just a young play thing that gives him confidence. I suggest ending it. Also - you don’t think the world of his wife, or you wouldn’t be doing this to her. Do you know how life shattering it is to find out the love of your life is cheating on you? It’s horrible.

Let the wife know what’s up before you call it quits to gain your self respect back. Please! Be polite about it to soften the blow because it’s going to be hard for her to hear, but she needs to know.


End it now. Make it crystal clear.

You should seek help seriously. I’m sorry I’m not trying to come off mean or harsh in anyway.


If he had affairs with you an married , he’ll to the same with you.that’s to much age difference, he’ll be so jealous an you will be miserable

The fleeting should have not start in the first place, you need end it now ,he not leaving his wife or devorce her

What makes you think he won’t do the same to you ?


They’ll tell you anything to get that dessert free!! Sounds like you already know what to do just DO IT!!!

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Trust me … leave now & don’t go any further !!! The best thing you can do is walk away


You answered your own question in your last sentence

Tell him your uncomfortable and please stop…no need to explain yourself to him…if it dont stop turn him in to Human Resources


Dam near all married man are getting a divorce

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Sexual harassment. Stop it now. Nothing good will come of it.

So what I just read is you allowed him to get close to you and your son while he was married, and behind his wife’s back because you like her so you’ve had conversations with her.
You reap what you sow


I’d quickly disclose it to HR so in case it does get messy you can’t get fired


Hang on, if he’s only flirting with you, what is it that you need to “end”? Are you in a relationship with a married man? You say your kid has become close to this man…so it seems like there is much more than flirting here. Although, I never blame the other woman when a man cheats…that’s his marriage, his wife, his lies, his problem- being the “other woman” is some shitty energy to put out in the world and you better be careful because karma is a bitch. Women who are willing to hurt other women over a man are gross. Be better than that.


He is not leaving his wife first things first baby :joy::joy::joy: he would’ve been did that…I’d quit and find a new job,how do you know his wife won’t try to hurt you once she finds out? Pain is a very strange thing…

Your asking what you should do? Wow sounds like you already did it, good job that guys a loser for doing this and your a moron thinking he’s worth it

You shouldn’t flirt " here and there" with a married person PERIOD!!

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You just won the ‘Dumbass of the Year’ award! Start looking for a new job, Princess…


You’re gonna lose your job…smh


G Well, hindsight is 20/20! I’ll answer the questions you asked instead of shaming you:

1.) so you’re basically saying you’ve been involved romantically for 2 years now. Is this a person you’re in love with? And do you want to be together?

2.) even good people cheat on spouses. It’s not ideal, or is it right but it happens, and it very well be that they’re married a long time and “saving face”. The marriage was likely done before you came into the picture.

3.) it will get worse, that is a given. Ask yourself, is it worth it for this person? If not, leave. There’s no use stringing him,or yourself, or your child along if it’s not what you want.

4.) If you truly care for the person and want to be with them, leave it be and deal with the shit storm as it unfolds.

5.) it has gotten this far, and now you’re in it. No amount of damage control is likely to fix what happened, or prevent what will happen. Again, you need to decide if it’s worth it.

6.) he is a big boy who made his own bed! Weather you continue the relationship or not, things aren’t likely going back to the way they were.

He’s your boss and he’s manipulating your emotions. If they aren’t divorced they aren’t getting one. Find a new job and get away from him

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Really now you worried . Grow up tell him you don’t want him and don’t do it again. Remember what goes around comes around.smh

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If you are smart, you start looking for a new job


How you get them, is how you lose them. My ex-husband learned this the hard way. We were together 11 years, I was pregnant with our son, and I guess she stroked his ego and gave him a distraction from my pregnancy. Suffice to say, she’s been seeing another man for about 5 years now and he still lives with her cause he can’t afford to live on his own.


Holy cow… you guys are having it dont you

End it. And maybe find a new job!

You deserve your ass beat!! You’re not torn about shit or you wouldn’t be crying on here looking for someone to OK your behavior! It’s not OK it never will be! The fact that you recognize that it shouldn’t have gotten this far only show me you know you’re an asshole and don’t really care but would like someone on here to tell you, you can’t control who you fall in love with BUT in your case you absolutely could of and you should of! Now pay the consequences for your actions and I hope they’re hard enough to teach you!! See I would beat your ass on principle just hearing this!

Don’t shit where you eat is all I’m gonna say. You knew he was married… put him in his place now or find someplace else to work.

He sounds man insecure old and seeing if he still has it

Oof, girl. You invited it in and kinda made your bed with this one. Not knowing your ages, let’s say you DO become serious with him after all this time behaving poorly together… What’s stopping him in trading you in for someone even younger eventually? There’s a difference of being friendly and cordial to your boss and coworkers than to actually flirting and carrying on with them with no boundaries. Professionalism matters and being a big time flirt, especially with your boss, is not a look to want. Yes, I know and agree, love is love, but it is kinda creepy being with someone that is or older than your parents. Never involve your child into an affair either, even if it hasn’t become physical, it was most definitely emotional. I’d find new employment and get on with your life, while learning from your mistakes. Good luck.

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