You don’t think highly of his wife if your willing to steal her husband js
Maybe think of how it will effect your son when shit hits the fan.
Shouldn’t have started flirting in the first place if you knew he was married. He also shouldn’t have flirted with you. Regardless who started flirting first, you are both in the wrong. No respect for his wife from either of you.
You’re a coward if you knew he was married and continued.
No offence girl but your a home wrecker. Knowing they are still together and u still got with him. He’s an asshole for cheating on his wife. You both made your bed now lay in it.
Always remember what you allow will always continue
Leave and find a new place of employment. He could be telling you an entirely different truth about his marriage than what it actually is and he will only do the same to you.
What they do to one, they will do to another
I love how you tired to make it about how he’s a dog with the head line…how about you take accountiblity for your part in it and grow up. And you even have the nerve to bring your child into the situation shame on you with your selfishness. Who cares if they don’t get along according to you. Its not your place to get in between. Unreal.
You’re a horrible person.
Sorry u knew what u were doing by flirting back… u dont think highly of his wife cuz ur trashy self continued to flirt…ur scared of getting caught…you both are losers
I seriously cant.
- your not smart for not only allowing it KNOWING granpa was married, but you kept going back and sounds like you have had him in your home more than once. Now your shocked and concerned? Nah its on you.
You could have said no or gone to hr,instead of ruining some woman’s life life
- he’s
- do better and be better for your son.
End it if he’ll cheat on his wife with you, he’ll cheat on you with some one else
Wow the moment you knew he was married it should have stops.
You are just as awful as he is.
You need to grow a set and come clean to the wife.
If he really wanted a divorce he would have gotten one instead of being all talk. He wants his cake and pie!!
Ya both slags, you and him!
You lack a moral compass and are such a nasty person
You knew and played along
He is terrible don’t get me wrong
Leave! Also know that he’s still sleeping with his wife.
First it’s disgusting to mess with a married man no matter what his relationship is like. 2nd, why on earth would you let your daughter meet your married affair? Sorry lady you are gross and selfish. End it now and explain to your daughter that mommy messed up big time. You think the world of his wife but you are boning down her husband. You’re hilarious.
If there willing to flirt and cheat with you there do exactly the same to you!
Are you serious? You know good and well he was married and continued regardless of their situation you should’ve left that man alone and if he kept on took it to HR or whatever… You have since continued for 2 years now geez! Oh and you brought your child in this mess shame on you… You’re just as guilty as him… You need to grow some cahonas and tell his wife the truth and grow up! If he is cheating on his wife with you ahh duh he will do the same to you and don’t for a second think he won’t… We shouldn’t even have to be telling you this honestly GROW UP AND COME CLEAN PERIOD!!!
THEY NEVER LEAVE THEIR WIVES… the wife finds out and puts them out.
Yeah you should feel s*tty… You knowingly flirted and got serious with a married man. I have no sympathy for you whatsoever.
Did you really ask “do I leave now” YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER STARTED…
Uhhhhh…remove yourself. Not good example for your kid. Anyone that speaks to you that way and you don’t like it…don’t encourage it. Your close to him and your son is? Sounds like you encouraged it.
I’m going in a different direction;
Stay aside and do nothing, if he really wants out of his marriage then he will. But I would be seriously surprised if he actually did
If it was just flirting on your end and nothing more then you know what to do (or what you want to do)
Personally, I hate that you’ve done this to another woman.
Him too…
Doesn’t matter if he’s leaving her or not,
He hasn’t done it yet…
So therefore you’re hurting this woman behind her back.
I’d be so hurt…
I try not to judge, but you ask for advice on social media…
You’re in it a little too deep now…
The damage has been done…
I’d tell the wife what’s going on, even though she’s going to hate you…
Or she may not… but I’d tell her…
End it now is my advice shouldnt have even started anything in 1st place
he’s a married man and u knew that. Never believe a man when he says he’s going to get a divorce. It’s word’s, nothing else. Most don’t divorce, they just want a full cake. He’s cheating on his wife, believe that he will cheat on u too. Why would u allow a married men near ur son like that? Like wth
You really have to ask?
Its already a shit show. Move on with lessons learned.
Let’s ignore the fact he is married for a moment because as wrong as it is and the chances of it lasting are slim but sometimes it does work out. HOWEVER, dating your BOSS is 1) probably against policy 2) literally putting your career/paycheck/livelihood on the line, and you have a child. I’d bet dollars to donuts that he will hold it over you.
Find a new job and and end it all.
End the affair. You answered your own question “it should have never got this far”
You could have ended that quickly, but instead you drug it on, knowing he had a wife.
You allowed it to happen so don’t act like you feel that bad sweetie. You knew. End it and find a new job.
You know he is married. Step away. If he will do it with you he will do it to you. Don’t do that to his wife and family. The domino effect hurts many.
You should feel shitty. You are both shitty people. And you introduced your son to a shitty person. That’s shitty on your end. Ps… he will get sick of you also…
You realize you are the other woman ?? The homewrecker?? Don’t be complicit in the down fall of their marriage
The amount of women going after her !
You think the world of his wife yet flirt with her husband to that extent?
You need to evaluate why not only did you get involved with your boss but why would you get yourself involved with a married man and now try to play victim. Nice morals to teach your kid. You need to evaluate, professionally ,what your motive is in the choice you made.
Who do you think you are? Are you so stupid to think he would leave his comfort zone for a an employee. Be true yourself and KNOW, you’re being used . This isn’t the first time he has done that and you can rest assured he’s not leaving his wife . You are just another toy. SO STOP iT NOW.
You said it at the end. " it should have never gotten this far:" and your child is involved??? Seriously. And you think highly of HIS WIFE but you have absolutely no respect for anyone not even yourself. MARRIED== LEAVE IT ALONE!!
You should have NEVER involved yourself with a MARRIED MAN. HE IS WITH ANOTHER WOMAN! You Re an awful person. And to involve your son…sickening.
“A wise monkey, never monkeys, with another monkey’s monkey!” And “never get your meat where you make your bread!”
You are being fooled he will not leave his wife have you ever heard the term it’s cheaper to keep her be the better person
End it. You should’ve never started in the first place. It will be messy. Sh*t like this ends up a story on the ID network.
so you actually believed the “I’m getting a divorce line” lol… Not that’s it’s your business, but They don’t leave. The wife finds out and kicks them to the curb and they still beg their way back. I’ve seen this happen a few times. And the other women always lost her job. So not only are you doing what you’re doing but putting your job on the line to. He isn’t going nowhere, and he’s still sleeping with his wife. You’d be silly to believe otherwise. You said “flirting” BUT also said ,“its serious and he’s close to your kid”?!? You didn’t specify if you were sleeping with him or not. He’s not going to change for you, you might get him but only after his wife rejects him. If he’ll do it with you, he’ll do it to you, you lose them how you get them.
You’re not special, to actually think he’ll leave his wife and not do to you what he did to her. Of course he will. Your spot will be open. And I’m almost sure that you’re not the only one, there’s probably a few. I’ve worked with men like him. Seen it play out the same way. Married men flirt with and hit on me at work all the time, and some very aggressive, and a coworker of mine to. We both never allow it to go far. We don’t give in, or give out our numbers, or accept dates/gifts. We Keep it moving. We’re both taken but we have no reasons to hurt another woman just because we can. Don’t do to someone what you wouldn’t want done to you because karma will get you. She always does.
Why are you bringing your child around a married man? Seems like it’s more than just flirting. He’s going to drop you like a hot potato if his wife finds out don’t be a home wrecker. If him and his wife breakup that’s one thing but being the cause of it is not ok!!! You know what you’re doing is wrong
If he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you.
You don’t care about his wife or this wouldn’t have happened. You also don’t know what their married life is. You’ll only be a mistress.
Remember this: it’s always easier to get into things than it is to get out of them. All the old adages are true - the girl on the back burner is the one to get burned. Get the hell away from this guy!
He sounds like a typical man “I want a divorce”. Sounds like you may want change jobs and bosses
How does ypur boss know your son so closely??
I’m sorry but acting all innocent and pretending ypu didn’t want this is literally a joke and I’m sure you know it! Pretty sure you wanted this to happen and now it is your getting cold feet!
Easiest thing to do is end it, new job and stop talking to your boss! Should never have flirted with him in the first place!
Find another job !
Stop the madness
Ummmmm ewww. It’s none of your business what they do with eachother. How can u think highly of his wife and be put into this position??? You need to tell his wife and find a new job.
Should not have played along with dirt bag
It is likely he gets off on seeing you and his wife together…… the wife suspects/knows and is only keeping the enemy closer…
I’m just going to say, when we were going through it my husband said the exact same thing to other people about me for months. We didn’t separate until I left HIS ass when I found out and guess who was the one crying abandonment then. He won’t leave her for you because he would have left for himself by now.
He’s married. If he says they’re divorcing, he’s married. If he says they’re like strangers, he’s married. If he says they’re basically roommates, he’s married. If his name is on a marriage certificate to another woman, he’s married and he should be off limits to a decent person.
You’re a terrible human and so is he
Should have NEVER made it past the part where " He’s married !!! "
You must not think too highly of his wife.
If you flirted back with a married man then you might as well see it through because at this point you knew what you were doing from the beginning and you chose to continue to flirt and obviously get your child involved. His wife would probably be better off without him at this point since this has been going on for 2 years!!
I hope you end up with him and he does the same to you marriage is hard enough without women acting like you flirting and shit shouldve never got started
Sounds like he’s a POS and you are a homewrecker as you allowed this to go on knowing he was a married man
They never leave their wife !
Youre both the trash that eachother deserve.
Men don’t leave their wives and children. The wives either leave or put the husbands out. He will however do the same to you. Lonely women almost always make bad choices for love.
Sounds like it’s to late to ask for advice. You already in it
What if you were in the wife’s position? My ex cheated for years, I had no idea. I was ignorantly blissful, I guess, as he put it in the end. Just because he says it’s nothing between them doesn’t mean that’s true. I loved my ex up until I found out what he’d been doing. Life was normal up until then so she might not even know. I’d tell her everything and then leave him!
Sounds like you got yourself into this mess to me smh
You flirted back and say hes very close to you and your son so you knew exactly what you were doing.Figure that mess out yourself.As a mother you should have never mixed business with pleasure if this all falls apart which it will you are out a job…hello🤦no wonder you posted without your name lmao id be embarrassed to admit i did some ish like this too wow
End it. If he is married and flirts with you can you imagine what he would do to you if you decided not to end things ?
You should have never entertained him from the get go. Yall both in the wrong. You should probably find another job and cut ties NOW
They all say they are gonna leave their wife.haha.remember this if he cheats with you he will cheat on you
The old adage remains true if they’ll cheat with you they’ll cheat on you and I pray it happens to you. You knew he was married and you’re as much of a shitty human being as he is for insinuating yourself into someone else’s marriage as he is for breaking his vows. Whatever fresh Hell comes your way, I hope it burns like Hellfire baby girl, you both have it coming. I despise homewreckers. You’re setting quite an example for your son, you should be so proud of yourself. Oh and don’t you dare get pissed when and if you ever find yourself happily married and some home wrecking whore comes inside your marriage and starts screwing around with your husband….that will be your karma coming back on you. Karma NEVER misses anyone!!!
You lost me at flirting with a married man. CUT THAT SH*T OFF.
Look him in the eye and tell him to knock it off.
You say it shouldn’t have ever come that far… Sounds like you know what you need to do.
Doesn’t sound like he’s flirting with you. Sounds like you’re having an affair. Why would you be with someone like that? Would you trust him if you’re wife #2 at home?
Man…… I would just love to sit back and watch all this shit unfold.
You flirted with a married man… you KNEW he was married when you started flirting “here and there”!!!
You’ve involved your child… everything about this PISSES me off!!
Why ask for help now!? A part of me hopes you stay in it until he does the same to you, bet you won’t mess with another married man when it happens to YOU!!
Not very good of you really is it, maybe the same will get done to you one day
Sad there’s still people doing this shit. If you take someone who is taken- guess what? They will be taken from you eventually!
Don’t build your foundation on lies then act surprised when it crumbles.
Get a new job and leave him alone. Let him get his shit together and u get your shit together. If his wife was anything to u then u wouldn’t of back stabbed her.
I say if he really wants to be a part of you n your sons live he should get a divorce
Ew. & You fell for it
YES. You may have to leave that job.Don’t flirt with a married man .
Why do you have your child involved with him too? Not judging, just curious. However this ends it will be messy. You should probably start looking for another job like days ago.
leave it, the inevitable will happen
U r rite it should of never happend
You should’ve never let it happen. Married is married. Him saying he’s getting a divorce is probably a big lie. You want messy, someone could die. Jealousy can lead to very bad things. Get away now.
You have to blame yourself. I seen it time and time again - the woman instigates it then when the man hops on the train the woman wants to complain.
Why is this a question. You obvsly should end it. He’s married and your flirting back… that’s disgusting imo. Married/taken men are off limits even if they say they are getting a divorce.
And you got your child wrapped up in this mess !? That’s messy as hell already .
Why are you trying to play victim here? Lol you’re trash just as much as he is.
Wth he is married if they have problems let them figure it out. He’s prob painting you a picture…that will never happen! WAKE UP!
How can you think the world of his wife?? yet let things get this far … you knew better … you should leave that job and find a new place to work and stay away from married men NO MATTER show shitty their marriages are
Its best if you go find a job like now some were else ,no good will come of this
Yikes. Got a job and decided to try to get at the boss. And even worse found out he was married and continued.
How do you know they have nothing to do with eachother? Have you heard this from her? Or just taking his word for it? Why would you bring a man that’s still married and probably won’t actually get divorced around your kid? You know your probably gonna need to find a new job right? A lot of places frown upon that. You say it shouldn’t have gone this far but you literally let it knowing the situation.
Honestly- messy is what you deserve. And I’m pretty sure in some states if she really wanted to she could sue you for being the reason of her divorce if she finds out and files for it.