My boyfriend and his girl best friend and went on a trip without me

Child that is not your boyfriend nor best friend anymore… She’s doing what secretaries do to married men when they going on “Business trips”…


Girl tell him the next trip with his “girl best friend” could be his last time seeing you as well. This is beyond disrespectful and shouldn’t even be an option !!!

Most people I know aren’t best friends with the opposite sex, unless they have/have had/want to have s€x with them or one of them is not straight! I know my opinion probably isn’t popular but it’s mine to have.

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It’s not as common now a days, but it’s definitely possible that they are just friends and having a good time. If they are on a trip I’m sure phones aren’t their first priority. That being said, I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I didn’t trust him AND her. So that’s what you need to figure out. If you dont, and he knows that- then boundaries were and are crossed. But if you trust them, then just trust them.

If u have to worry then leave simple as that

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This is sketchy at best. I have a male straight BFF. When my now husband and I started dating, it changed the relationship I have with my BFF. Our relationship changed whenever he was dating someone as well. It’s all about respect. I would NEVER have considered going on a trip with my BFF if either one of us was in a relationship. I would seriously have a sit down talk with your boyfriend about boundaries and respect. Best of luck to you!


You deserve better. There is absolutely no reason that a person in a committed relationship should be spending time alone with a member of the opposite sex. My ex-husband had a female best friend for 10 years before we got together and come to find it they had been f*ck buddies for 10 years. Everyone kept telling me I was jealous and they were friends before blah blah blah. Many of them knew about their relationship and swore they assumed they stopped hooking up if one of them was in a relationship :joy: at the time though I was young and dumb and thought I had to blindly trust everyone or I was just a jealous person. Don’t listen to anyone who calls you a jealous person. I was told that by a lot of guys; until I met my husband and I’ve been jealousy free for 16 years because he never gives me a reason to be jealous and he makes sure I have no reason to feel insecure.

I have heard this way too many times. You ladies STOP! No it’s not cool that your boyfriend has a girl best friend. And very not cool that he goes in a trip with her. Stop staying with these men please.


He wouldn’t have a girlfriend that’s ridiculous and that you weren’t included is even weirder

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Idk I go on trips with my best friend whose a male with no problems. My boyfriend doesn’t care and I don’t care if he does.

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An intimate relationship with another woman is NOT acceptable for any man who is in love with me. My Intimate relationship with my man is the ONLY RELATIONSHIP allowed! If he doesn’t like that. I will find my own man who will be happy with me and only me!!!


Ummm absolutely not. It’s not even about trust. That’s down right disrespect to you and your relationship.


Either sit home and suffer , or get yourself a best friend too.


If she is his best friend then she would want to get to know you! If she is really his best friend she wouldnt want to do anything to mess up his relationship with his girlfriend. If she was his best friend you would have been invited. If he cared about your feelings he wouldnt have gone. Does he want a real relationship or is a friend enough for him. If he jeopardized the relationship with you he is selfish and you have your answer. A person doesnt have to cheat to disrespect you. If his actions cause you pain emotionally run!


Charlie Rodger red flag bf

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no… shes not just his bestie… think about it… :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

BULLSHIT!!! You say that you’re his girlfriend??? What’s wrong with you???

I have a male best friend of over 10 years and my man has plenty of female close friends. That being said, he has never attempted to go on a trip with one his female friends without me. Nor I without him. I would never even think of going without him. I doubt he would either. Trust your gut hun. Good luck!


Narcissistic sob. Pack your bags deary…

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I think your being played lovely

Walk away and stop wasting your time! You’re not crazy and you’re not over reacting! Seriously unless you’re in an open relationship

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My best friend for years was a man who got married. We went out of town for a weekend once for fun, and his wife actually made the hotel reservation for us. We shared a room, 2 beds. Nothing happened because we were friends. It is possible for the opposite sex to be friends and nothing more.

Depends. Does he give you a reason to be worried? I went on vacation with my friend and her boyfriend without my husband before🤷🏽‍♀️

I wouldn’t have agreed to the trip! There’s more going on there!

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Would you go on a trip with your friend without him? If it’s a no. Then you should leave. Obviously, he respects that relationship before yours. Maybe get to know her more.

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For one, they should’ve invited you on their trip as well. If they didn’t then thats very shady. And two, his lack of response while with her is also shady AF. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
They may have something going on behind your back.


You will find out REAL QUICK if she is a ‘friend’ or not, if you get your own GUY BFF! Mean tend to HATE the taste of their own medicine


He would be coming home to an empty :house_with_garden: house :woman_shrugging:


That’s disrespectful of him .


I can promise you they are sleeping together. Been there.

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Absolutely not :ok_hand:t2::clap:t2::dizzy_face::persevere::warning::raised_hands:t2: walk away girl walk away


Not worth it. He doesn’t have the respect for you. It’s fine to have friends who are females but to go on a trip with one and not bring you? You don’t do that, I’d be upset. Doesn’t matter he is a adult, that doesn’t make it right. I have guy friends but wouldn’t go on a trip without my husband


Yeah… no, none of that is cool.
Pack your things and find a man that loves you or, if it’s your place pack his things and put them out and change the lock.


My husband has a girl best friend and she would never make me feel this way! She even told me stuff about them I didn’t know. Huge red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Did they at least invite you? (As per respect on your relationship) if not, then let them be the bf-gf here, don’t let them make you sound like the 3rd wheel.


Catfish sorry to say this I know it sounds terrible but you gonna have to girl up as him about it and so ask her aswell that being said I don’t think any boyfriend should go on a trip with a girl-bestie without his partner now that’s a really and I mean really obvious that something fishy is going on there

You mean your boyfriend and his side piece went on vacation. Girl RUN


How long have yall been dating? I can’t see your bf having a girl bestie and you not know her well unless you’ve been in the relationship for a short time.

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It’s one thing to be friends but to be on a trip with her and not answer? That’s a red flag


My husband has a girl best friend that he’s been friends with since they were like 14 (were 27 now). They have NEVER at any point gone on any trips together. It IS crossing a line. Going out for a day together is one thing but going away is a whole different level. I understand taking a while to respond because vacations are fun but that’s just weird


If I knew who the friend was and didn’t have a reason to not trust either of them, no big deal. Going on a trip with someone I barely know would be a problem. Not cool at all.

You’re probably being played. My bf since elementary school is a guy and due to respect for our significant others we would never set out on an overnight trip alone. I can assure you my hubs and his wife would have been atleast invited to go… if they say no, it’s a no go

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That’s a no! Absolutely not ok! Leave!

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Well, well, sounds like he is fooling both girls


I (female) had a male best friend for years before I met my husband. While my husband was in the Army, I asked my (male) best friend to escort me to dances and other get togethers. Friendship was all. Husband wasn’t upset at all.
I’d let it go if you can.

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I know I say this alot, love and trust go hand in hand. I’d get the heck away from him. Fast.

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Am I the only one who doesn’t think this is a bad thing? If you are questioning him and don’t trust him you shouldn’t be with him. Of course he is taking longer to reply they are on a trip. He might be driving or they are at a museum or something :woman_shrugging: he’s known her longer than you if they wanted to be together you never would have been in the picture in the first place. Also, for all these people saying “I wouldn’t agree to that” or “he should have asked permission” they are not married… honestly even if they were…hes his own person. He is not a child. He can make his own decisions.


Are you looking to receive the “doormat award of the year”! Know your worth and find someone who cares!


Please don’t be that person. I had a male best friend from the time I was 5 years old until I was 25. His wife was insanely jealous, even though I legitimately looked at him like a brother and neither of us had any interest in a romantic relationship. She ended up telling him that he wasn’t allowed to speak to me anymore. 20 years of friendship gone because of an insecure woman. He turned out to be kind of a crappy person, so I guess she helped me dodge a bullet, but the point is either trust the person you’re with or move on. Don’t give him ultimatums or throw tantrums when he wants to spend time with her.


Big no, if he ignored your concern then he’s guilty


Honey, you’re third wheeling in your own relationship you’re the other woman.


See I see nothing wrong with going camping between friends if something was to happen it would of happened be4 then if they have known each other for that long would of be way more easy to keep it at home and be quiet about it all than making a big deal out of it and going camping with her and making you aware of it by going if there was out sketchy going on .?

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Damn you let them go like that, crazy you crazy girl( TikTok voice )

oh my God. That would NEVER fly with me. Why are u with him

What are u doing

Move on with ur life

It’s so. Soooo inappropriate


I have a male bf that was once a fwb but when I started seeing some one we set boundaries as to what our friendship would be now . And def to keep going on trips alone is not one of them . It’s not a trust issue , it’s about respect for your partner . I’d say he’s coming or I’m not going


Nope. I’m not insecure in anyway but my husband would not be going on a trip with another woman. Day outing bar sure whatever but not a full blown trip.


Wow… I would not be pleased. Sounds like it is time to get out of that situation. No man would want to take any other woman on a trip other than his own woman, unless it’s his mother. Lol. Are you the extra in the relationship?

The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on the list.

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Its a red flag that both these people did not respect you by acknowledging your relationship with him now. Its ok he went on this trip with her however if you voiced your concern and it makes you uncomfortable and he still does it, you have to rethink this relationship. Its not even the fact she is a girl. Who cares about that. My husband has several girl best friend but he has made me feel very close to all his friend. Meaning he brings me into their circle as a family to them too. Thats how they should treat you. Not like an outsider.


So sorry to say this but this isn’t right… he should not have gone a trip with his “girl best friend” without you. And depending on how long you two have been together, you should know her well by now. I know it’s easier said than done but I think you should break up with him… let him know that him taking a trip with her and being very non responsive is crossing a boundary and that you won’t be disrespected like that. I wish the best for you girl.

Im as laid back a they come, not a jealous bone in my body, but this would tick me off. That is just wrong. And for him to dismiss your concerns shows how little he respects you.

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That’s dangerous- a girl and a boy on a trip without you.
That’s already a red flag sign.
You will never be happy with him. Move on and find a person that’s right for you.


Idk in my experience, feelings are always made. She must have a crush on him and he just is clueless to it. No women just wants to be friends. At least most of the time. I am sorry but I am not sorry. It’s not like they have known each other forever and grew up together. I wouldn’t be staying in that relationship. There is more there. And just the two of them??? Ya, no. Let me find out my man went on a trip with another female by them selves. Even the way it sounds, seems like there is something going on.

Red flag. Get out asap

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oh my God, Im in this situation before and I’m just crying like a baby that moment :sob: I’ve tried to talk about it with my partner and I am really disappointed. That’s definitely the first and last time. I will never let him do that kind of thing again!

Situational I would say… Did they invite you with or could you just not go? Why don’t you know the friend so well? Why don’t you guys build on a relationship? Look im not second guessing your feelings but I just asked my partner the same thing and he said he agrees it’s weird if you don’t know the friend because you don’t know their situation or their friendship… But if you knew her it could have been different… So because you don’t know her I agree with you toe be weird…

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The serial killer in me would be triggered :melting_face: My boyfriend would be single after that trip, he wouldn’t even have time to explain himself when he got back. I would pack all my stuff and leave and block him in everything.


Why didnt you go with them? If its just a friend then wheres the issue? Did he tell you that you couldnt go? If thats what happen then I would be questioning things too but if you just decided not to go on your own then sit at home and leave them alone… Dont ruin their trip! He’s probably not in tune with his phone because he’s enjoying himself. You should have went :person_shrugging::roll_eyes:

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Um no. He shouldn’t have gone on a trip alone with her he clearly don’t respect you!! Ditch him

Get your male best friend and go camping and also take time to respond to texts.


Hell to the no. That’s wierd as hell

You’ve already answered your own question. If it concerns you that much, then sounds like this situation is not for you.

If you didn’t go and they hang out without you RED FLAGS! Don’t even let him play you as a fool…

Honestly, my husband has a girl best friend and I have a best male friend. At the beginning of our relationship when we were figuring everything out I would feel the same way you are. But after being together for 5 years and knowing each others best friend if I wanted to take a trip to say a concert or an overnight trip with my male best friend and my husband wasn’t able to go he would trust me to go without him as I would trust him to go with his girl best friend. However, if my husband voiced concerns about me going away with my male best friend I would absolutely respect that as he would my concerns. I definitely feel like he should respect your concerns. But not always does going away with a best friend of opposite sex does it mean they are doing anything. It takes a lot of trust and respect on both sides. Also my best friend will always respect my relationship with my husband if he knew my husband’s concerns he wouldn’t be ok with taking the trip. Guys and girls can have platonic relationships and hang out alone without being sexual. I would have more of an issue with him not respecting concerns than the trip alone with his best friend.

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Yea. In no world is this ok.


Let her have him!! I would block him while hes gone and be done with him

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Find yourself a male bff and see what he would say?!?


He should have more respect for you than that. Big red flag!

My husband’s best friend is female. They were best friends before we met. She was the “best man” in our wedding. He assured me from the beginning that they would never go anywhere with just the two of them anymore. He has kept that promise for over 12 years. She has actually become my best friend now, too.


This is absolutely inappropriate behavior. I have a male best friend… as close as any best friends could be. Wildly inappropriate jokes constantly… it was just our thing… but the minute I met and began dating my now husband that stopped immediately. It was a learning curve but out of respect, it stopped. Your husband should absolutely not be going camping with her alone. He doesn’t have to drop his best friend… the relationship just changes slightly… and if neither are willing to do that and respect you as his gf ,that’s a huge huge problem

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Kick him to the curb

Yes you should be concerned and yes boundaries need to be in place.

Wait ur bf and his gf,wouldnt that be u? I am confused

Is this a troll post!? This can’t be true​:woman_facepalming::tired_face:

I’d be pissed and upset if my fiancé went on a vacation aline with another woman

Ummmm no…? That’s weird :confused:

That was pretty messed up that he went with out you, he needs to sit down and talk to you

Yeah, no. I would’ve already left him.

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Wow a lot of ladies toxic viewpoints are astounding. Get to know her more before passing judgement.


How long have y’all been together?

Take a trip with your male best friend. If you don’t have one, get one. Turn off your phone while on the trip. When you come back, tell your boyfriend he’s overreacting. :smiling_imp:


yea…Nope. Not going to happen.


My boyfriend wouldnt have even tried to go on a trip with a female friend. He would be single if he did.

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Hell no. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: I would raise hell. Why did they go away together. Girl there playing you kick his ass out. Tell him if he wants her go be with her. Does she have a boyfriend?

I had a guy best friend before I got with my husband and instead of stopping my friendship I made them best friends so that’s shady to me


Nope. Bad boy. Break it off…:rage:. girl I know went on vacation with her friend. Left his engaged girl at home .shared room Cheaper he said. He got in bed with her. said he broke up with other girl. She said O K> I warned her. now she is ashamed. He said nothing happen. both girls kicked him to the curb. Beware ladies.

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You spelled side hoe wrong.


Yeah no… my ex did this… a lot but with his buddies and girls they knew…
turns out he cheated on me a ton… please… if you have to write this- you already know the answer.


Good god people men and women can be friends without it being sexual some of y’all need therapy i stg. I’ve had the same guy friends for years I’m married hell one of them gave me away at my wedding. They stay the night at our house and hang out when my husband is not home. He trusts me to respect our marriage. There are places I want to go that my husband does not want to go so he tells me to take my friend. Their wives are a lot like some of y’all convinced I’m trying to be a side piece when really I’m like :woozy_face: I know what their about I’m in on the way they think that’s your mess I’m good I have my own. Take a breath and just talk to him when he gets home and get to know her. I promise you if you try to make him choose he will choose his friend.


Unless she is gay…no way

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Anyone else saying this sounds like the perfect case for Ryan’s Roses!!!

But seriously this is a huge no. Once a girl becomes a girlfriend/significant other, these things need to stop and you should become the priority. Like hands down. This is so not okay. You need to tell him his respect level for you either becomes top tier or you walk because YOU deserve so so much better.