I’m a 50 year old woman , I work in healthcare , I work with mentally challenged people I work 230pm-12am 5 days a week sometimes I also work on a Saturday from 2-10pm … I work 40 minutes from my house so I drive that back and forth daily… I leave my house at 130pm and I don’t get back home until around 1 am … I live with my bf of 2 years , it’s his house and he makes sure I know that . He’s on disability makes around 850 a month , so he’s home every day , he does not clean up after himself or clean the house and he throws the mail down and trash on the floor around his recliner, we’ve had a issue with mice in the house , they pretty much took the kitchen over they been in the cabinets and counter tops and there’s droppings in such , I’ve asked the bf to clean all that up but has not so there fore I do not eat there I don’t dirty any dishes up and I also clean up after myself … the bf expects me to clean sweep cook dust the house and help with the outside work , I’m only off 1 or 2 days aweek , I’m tired I don’t feel like doing anything but he demands that I do all this even when I work and he does absolutely nothing but sleep all day and sit in his chair … I also give him 400 a month to live there and buy my own groceries, he receives food stamps as well but I buy my own stuff … when we go out to eat or do anything I pay for it all , he never does , says he doesn’t have money but I give him 400 a month and he doesn’t have a house payment just utilities, I feel like he’s in the wrong to demand that I do all this to the house and on the outside , am I wrong?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend demands I do all the cleaning after work
Why are you staying?
Leave. Sounds like he’s using you
Move out? Boyfriends a bum!
Girl, you need to leave…
Run he is not a bf he is a moocher
if you dont cook or eat there why are you buying groceries
If you’re husband is demanding you to do something I be out the door or be telling him you aint no slave there the door
You deserve better,please leave❤
Leave. Now. You’re being used.
Why are you with someone like that? You would do better on your own. People like that don’t change, period. Leave and don’t turn back .
Tell him you aren’t his home health aide, give him the numbers to call, and get your own place. I’m pretty sure you can survive just fine on your own. He needs YOU, not the other way around. Basically you’re just there to supplement his income and clean up after him. You already have a job cleaning up after folks.
You work 5-6 days a week and give him $400 a month? Meanwhile he does nothing?! That’s not a man that’s a boy who is using you. You deserve SO much better. Doesn’t matter if it’s his house or not he’s supposed to be putting in the exact same amount of effort you are. He’s literally using you for everything… To pay for dinners, to have spending money, to clean up after him. You even buy your own food and still give him money?!
I’m sorry but….what exactly are you getting out of this relationship.
Ma’am you need to leave
By word #3 I saw red flags he’s gotta go
Ummm, leave his ass!! For real, why are you staying? Read what you wrote. What would you tell someone else that wrote this?
Leave plain and simple
He sounds like a loser
You are with the wrong person.
LEAVE!!! you deserve way better… Leave leave leave
U got me at my boyfriend demands…
… oh hell no!!
You need to leave life is short and you should leave and live your life
Red & narcissist
You need to get your own and tell him to get lost
Tell him he is a lazy assand needsto do things for him self
Ok and move our
No your not leave his lazy tail.
Wow why are you even with him why have you wasted so much time on him get rid of the waste of space
Dump him. Sounds like he just wants you around as a personal maid and to give him money
Stuff that!! Pack your stuff and get yourself somewhere else!! Leave him to either sort it out himself or live in the midden he creates!! You’ll probs spend less money out on your own xx
Leave! He will never change and you’re just the maid that helps with bills.
It genuinely stuns me that people get themselves into this situation. Move out.
Trial period is over. Time to move on. You can do so much better!! Good luck and dont look back!
Why are you still there ? Seriously ?This a no where going relationship …You are far too good of a person to take this kind of BS move on and let the loser take care of himself and his house…
You’re a roommate, not a gf at this point
You’re wrong to be there. You pay to be a there for what you do all day. And have to put up with rodent. and trash. I’d feel like trash by the way he treats you. You deserve better. Love yourself and leave
Leave quick he using you you work then house dirty up you got to clean and he don’t leave real fast he will be okay.
Sounds like a dictator not a bf. Its all about him. Id say its time to start saving your money quietly and get the hell outta there. You can still love someone and them not be good for you.
No your not leave the sob
ummmmm….and WHY are you with him?! he’s plainly showing you that he could care less about you. accept it and consider it a dodged bullet!
Read over what you just posted please! He needs to be out!!
Know your worth!! You’re such a strong lady, I can just tell. You can get a small studio apartment for that or close to. Then you don’t have to worry about all of the unnecessary stress and mess!!
You’re being used my dear. You are not his mom or maid.
Tell your ’ boy’friend that house keeping is a partnership. If he not prepared yo do his share, he knows where the door is
Honey stay there for three months and save all your money. Do not go out to eat and when he asks say the same thing, you don’t have any money. Then move the hell out of there. If you don’t want to leave him that’s on you but at the very least do not live with that filth of a man child.
He’s not a boyfriend.
He’s a dead beat loser get rid of him the lazy drain on society that he is
He can be alone forever
He showed you his cards. It’s time to make your decision.
Get out and get your own place. Leave him. You will do so much better on your own. Good luck.
He’s treating you as his slave not a partner. Leave and go live your best life.
If you’re working not only should he have the house cleaned when you get home, he should also have your dinner cooked and your laundry done. He’s got it made! You could take care of yourself and have a lot less work to do.
If you don’t like it , then you need to leave . It’s not going to change .
From the mouth of a lady who is 108 yrs old- when asked, is she lonely, does she miss her husband…
“ what do I need a man for- All men want is a nurse and a purse!”
Oh hell No Leave Now ! You’re way better than that and deserve much better than him .
Leave and get a new BF
Why you saying there, leave and tell him to hire a maid.
You know, you don’t have to take all this on. You can live on your own with so much less stress and hassle. He offers literally nothing. Muster the courage to leave.
Time for you to find another place to live.
He’s using you badly, leave him, you deserve so much better!
I’d be leaving. There’s no excuse for him not to clean up after himself. If he can get up to feed his face he can get up to put something away or put trash in the can. I’m on SSI due to Cerebral Palsy so I can’t be on my feet all day long cleaning, but I still clean up after myself and my 2 yr old. I’ve been wheelchair bound and still did what I could to clean up after myself and her.
I read half of this…… get your own place, and bid him farewell!
Please leave! You are too good for him and deserve so much better!
He’s a jerk. Go get a nice place on your own. If you want to stay demand he sees a doctor for mental health care. He sounds depressed and taking out his woes on you. You allow people to treat you the way you want to be treated. Love yourself.
Love yourself , leave him .
Run and don’t look back!! Screw that situation and him.
It would save a lot of arguing and save your relationship if you just hired a maid service and be done with it. I don’t know what his disability is, but people are often in more pain than they let on or exceptionally fatigued. And I definitely say that you work way too much to be expected to do all the housekeeping. I would price check a few of them and pick an inexpensive maid service.
Throw the whole make away you deserve much better
Hold on a sec. You work 5-6 days per week, pay him $400 per month and he doesn’t do anything? Why??? Girl please, you have to know you deserve better than that. Hell, you would be better off by yourself. Leave him.
U need to get out of there ASAP!! Run for ur life!!
What? Is this real? It can’t be
Unless the sex is awesome… leave!!
Leave!!! You can do so much better!!!
You need to leave you can surely pay for an apt for yourself
Walk off and leave the bum!! If you can stay with a friend or relative until you get the money up for somewhere else to live and deposits for utilities. You can do a lot better on your own.
I’d be finding my own place. If his sorry azz is home all day and does nothing. No honey it’s time for you to move on and get your own place. Like I tell my daughter if you gotta do everything yourself and your man don’t work. Why do you need a man for!! You don’t!!
Tell him to use your 400.00 and get a maid each week. Only you can make the decision of staying or going.
I’m sorry I was married to a disabled veteran
And that’s the excuse
They don’t feel good. It’s going to get worse.
I think you may be better off by yourself
At this age u should be living in peace… walk away…
Why is this even a question? Get your own place and let him live with his mice!
I would be done! Life’s to short to kill yourself over doing it for someone else who doesn’t give a flying shit about you.
These people are either paid to write this stuff or need to learn their worth!
seems he committed to the relationship for his own personal gain n Thts to live off n be cared for by u he’s a bum with a house it seems
You already know the answers on what to do.
Have you looked at what you do get in return within your relationship?
Bitterness comes when you are out of fair exchange.
Talk to him. Speak from the heart. If things don’t change, it’s time to put action behind your thoughts
Lady, get some self respect, leave
You do understand at 50 you can leave
Girl… why.
Why is this even a post?! You know what to do… how have you lasted this long? It 100% is NOT your job to clean up after a lazy ass boy.
What is keeping you there???
Leave him find you a good man
I would be packing my stuff and out the door I go. He is just using you as a maid and sugar momma.
My question is - why are you still there ?
He is using you, leave.
What are you talking about? Leave him
This is a joke right? I’d be gone the second I saw mouse droppings ANYWHERE.
Why are you there??? Are you a masochist? Move much closer to work and be happy!!!
Leave. You don’t have any ties to him. Forget about him.
Sure doesn’t sound like a boyfriend to me.
So you’re pretty much living with a man child. Run don’t walk!
Sounds like roommates not a relationship. He doesn’t respect you. You are working way too damn hard to not feel comfortable in your own home. Gain some independence and walk away from him. You will feel so much better!
That’s not how this works. That’s now how any of this works. Both should be taking care of the place one dwells. And by making sure you know its his house sounds very selfish and all around toxic. You’re not wrong. There are places you could live and not have to deal with this bs. Please look into it. You’ll be so much happier.
I’d pack up and leave asap