I have been seeing my bf now for almost 2 years he has two kids and I have 3 kids all on school the youngest is 3 getting ready to go in headstart . I have been on birth control for 6+ months now and have recently found out I was 5 weeks pregnant and he was the first o told. He wants me to get an abortion because this pregnancy wasn’t planned. I do not I want to keep it because I don’t believe in it. What should I do or how should I handle this?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend doesn't want me to continue my pregnancy
If you want your baby, you keep it.
Your body. Your choice. Do what YOU want. Not what someone else wants. Idc who it is.
Keep the baby. You won’t be sorry❤️
Your body your choice yeah, but you can’t force him to be responsible for that baby. He stated he doesn’t want it. So that would be fully your responsibility.
Then keep it and have him terminate all rights
Ur body/Ur Baby aswell. Your Choice
Please consider adoption. I would love that baby
Keep your sweet baby❤️! Every baby deserves a chance at life. That baby will be a huge blessing
If he was that concerned he should have wrapped his sh!t before he took a dip
There’s always a choice. If you wish to give birth then by all means do so. Leave him if it’s an ultimatum. He has no clue the pain it can bring you for an entire lifetime. If he truly loves you he will side with you.
He will eventually accept the news just give him time to process.
Dump him and keep the kid
Keep the baby, get rid of the boy. Don’t ever let someone try and make you feel like you need to do something you don’t want to do. That’s not love. That’s selfishness. He should just man up and do what has to be done.
Keep the baby if that’s what you want. Who cares what he wants, good thing it’s not his body. He has no say
Your body your choice. But he’s made it clear he doesn’t want it so don’t expect him to stay
It you get rid of the baby I truly feel you’ll regret it if your heart isn’t in it to end the pregnancy
Your body. Don’t live in regret
Your body, your choice. Not a single person can tell you what to do in this situation and certainly not him. There isn’t a logical reason to damage yourself by going through with something you do not believe in for a man. Ever.
this is 100% your choice. if you want to have the baby then you have that baby, with or without him. if you don’t want to have the baby then get an abortion. but just remember, whatever you do, that it is your decision and nobody else’s
Your body your choice but if he’s telling you he doesn’t want the baby be prepared to be a single mom and you shouldn’t hold it against him when he’s making it clear what he wants
If you can afford to raise the fourth on your own, then keep it. Terminate his rights and leave him be.
I think you two need to have a serious sit down. At the end of the day you get to make the ultimate choice. And you have to figure out where he stands with that choice as he’s given you his idea. Just because it wasn’t planned doesnt mean don’t keep it. Is there more reason beyond that? This is definitely something for you to chat with him about but at end of it you make the choice
Keep baby and let him relinquish his rights- so you can’t claim maintenance too. If he steps away thats his choice.
It is your body your choice, but men have rights also…. if he doesn’t want this baby you can’t force responsibility on him so I would have him terminate his rights and do it on your own.
You just said you don’t believe in abortion keep your baby and worry about your kids and the future of the new baby.
It’s your body and your choice. I’ve been in that situation. I told him if he didn’t want the baby that was fine, but I was keeping it and didn’t need anything from him. I won’t force someone who doesn’t want to be a parent to be a parent. However abortion isn’t an option for me personally. I respect everyone’s choice but for me I couldn’t do it and would simply tell him that and tell him he has the choice to be there or not
First things first, dump the boyfriend! Next, you’ll be just fine!
Your body. If he didn’t want a baby he should have been taking precautions too, like a condom. Just cause your on birth control doesn’t cover you 100%
If you want to keep the baby then keep the baby. If your against abortions then don’t do it. But you can do adoption too.
It is your body your choice. If he is adamant about not keeping it then you can leave him off the birth certificate or offer to have him sign his rights away.
Don’t let anyone pressure you into killing your baby.
If he doesn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life then you can’t make him.
Keep your baby and get rid of him. Hes already not worth your babys life.
Are you willing to raise the baby, with the same love as your other kids, and possibly alone? If yes then keep it, if no then there’s your answer, but I wouldn’t get an abortion to appease him if you really want it and will love and take care of the baby
Tell him you won’t terminate the pregnancy, but you can’t force him to stay / provide.
Keep the baby if that is what you want. However, don’t push him to be in the child’s life. If women have a right to abort without a man’s consent if he doesn’t want it from day one, that is his right
You will never regret keeping that sweet baby once it’s here. Especially if you already want to keep the pregnancy.
We have a large family and no matter how nervous, stressed or afraid I once was I don’t regret any of them. So much love.
YOUR body YOUR choice!!!
This is your body and your choice, you are the one that has to carry this baby, you are the one that will take care of this baby, please do not let anyone talk you want to doing something that you do not want to do, I got an abortion because somebody didn’t want me to have a baby and I have never forgiven myself, it’s a mental torture and it leaves you missing that baby for the rest of your life and I have to beg God to forgive me for what I’ve done, please don’t do it.
Why are people laughing at this??
If you want to keep the baby, keep the baby! Dont let him convince you to do something you dont want to do, just to keep HIM!
Keep the baby get rid of him God gives us these sweet babies
It sounds like you already know in your heart what you’re not going to do. That leaves you 2 options…and they’re both great choices.
I would gladly welcome your baby into my home and raise it as my own, if you decided to continue on with the pregnancy.
Your body your choice just be okay with the consequences that come along with your choice…prayers for you doll
Your body your choice!
Do what you want even if it will push him away.
Aborting the baby you want will only cause you heartache and to resent him for being the reason you went through with getting one. If you want the baby, keep it. However, he has stated he doesn’t wish to have one, don’t expect him to be responsible. Be prepared to raise him/her alone. But honestly? He may just need some time to process it. You guys have a lot of kids as it is, it’s a huge responsibility to add more. Especially if you aren’t wanting to.
It’s your body your choice. He knew the risk of having unprotected sex. There’s always a chance of pregnancy even with condoms and birth control. If he can’t accept that you won’t get an abortion then it’s time to leave him and when the baby is born file for child support. Don’t let no man tell you to abort a baby and do not do it just because you want to keep the guy around
That is your child. And if you want your child no one should be able to make your mind up for you.
It’s your body, you make the decision. But if he’s made it clear he doesn’t want it then you need to just let him go.
Your body your choice but if he didn’t want should’ve thought about that before he had sex birth control not 100% ask my daughter
If you know you don’t believe in it then that right there is your decision, you’d regret it if you did, don’t do that to yourself.
Do you. Period. From personal experience- having a child with a man that does not want one - means you do it ALL ALONE.
Still early, I’d give him a week to process, and then restart the cinvo by letting him know abortion isn’t an option for you, and give him your reasons
I’m pro choice, keep it. It’s your choice.
Do what’s best for yourself in your kids
Don’t do it , you’ll regret it and wonder what could have been for the rest of your life.
If you want it, you keep it. If he wants to leave, let him. If you abort it, your relationship won’t be the same anyway cuz there will be resentment
Keep the baby get rid of the boy/man you should have got him a vasectomy if he didn’t want any more kids
Keep your baby, it’s your body & you decision, if he doesn’t support that then I’d get rid of him instead xx
Do what you want with your body.
Keep the baby he will come around…
Do what you want it’s your body , your choice , however be prepared for him to make the right choice for himself also , as in him leaving you and or resenting you and this child .
Emotionally it will mess you up
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Time to let the BF go
He hasn’t learned that sex could lead to a pregnancy .
You want to keep it so that’s what you do.
That’s a living human being. Murder should not be an option.
If you want the baby keep it. But don’t expect someone to pay child support for a baby they didn’t want from the beginning.
Do what feels right to you and if he’s not on board he can go bye.
I dream of having another child….id probably never do abortation,u got a gift…
Keep your baby. God’s gift.
He’s not worth it. Keep your baby and ditch the dude if he won’t support you. This will be something you will absolutely regret, especially when it’s something you don’t want or believe in.
Keep the baby. If he doesn’t want anything to do with it then he can sign his rights away after the baby is born.
You said you don’t believe in abortion. His opinion doesn’t matter. But definitely talk about what can change in your relationship by keeping the baby
Get another boyfriend if he doesn’t change his mind!!!
Keep it and leave him!!
I feel like if you have this baby, you cannot be upset that he leaves you and you raise it on your own. He’s making it VERY clear that he doesn’t want this baby with you. It is of course your choice, but I’d look into adoption as a alternative to an abortion and if you choose to keep it, know that you’ll be doing it on your own with the kids u already have.
Your body, your choice.
Also, if he didn’t want kids that bad… He should have gotten a vasectomy
You should go talk to a counselor and make a decision with guidance and understanding.
Keep it and get rid of him! Asap
It’s YOUR choice when it comes down to it. You are the only one who knows what is best for YOU. You have options. Research all of them, and make your decision based off that- not other people’s opinions of what they think is right or wrong. THERE IS NO WRONG ANSWER.
Well adding a 6th baby is a lot. Do what u think is best for you and your kids. Screw him. He can’t tell you to do anything.
your life will never be the same if you choosing to abort. you will question yourself from that day forth. the pain in the misery that it will bring you’ll never get rid of. I suggest you to find a way to live on your own if need be. you will not regret it. and chances are once all the dust settles neither will he
I have been told the same thing before and I now have a perfect 5 year old daughter and I wouldn’t change a thing about choosing her over him. Go with your heart.
Do NOT get an abortion because a boyfriend asked you to. That’s your choice. But it sounds like you will regret it if you do it. You don’t want to live with that.
My ex husband forced me to schedule an abortion for my youngest son, I refused to go to the appointment and got rid of the husband. My boys and I are doing great on our own with no help from him. If you want your baby, you can do this, you will do this, it’s just what mommas do!
Put the baby up for adoption.
You need to talk with him and tell him you do believe in abortion… He never should have asked you to have an abortion… Keep your baby, he will come around or he won’t… Do what you believe is right.
Your baby, your choice. Don’t let a deadbeat bully coerce you. He’s useless anyways.
Keep the baby…dump boyfriend
Babies are a blessing
Keep the baby if it’s what you want but be prepared to possible raise this child alone without hes financial help on top as he’s been upfront and honest not wanting the baby…
If you don’t want to do it, don’t. That’s the beauty of bodily autonomy.
He has every right to feel that way if you are on birth control and got pregnant
You do what you want with your child. Abortion is murder. Dump the idiot boyfriend
Keep the baby!! Don’t allow him or anyone to pressure you into doing something you don’t believe in doing….STAND YOUR GROUND!!
Tell him to man up or get out
Tell the bf you don’t want to continue a realtionship with him