My boyfriend doesn't want me to continue my pregnancy

Your body, your choice


Dump him and keep the baby


Your body your choice you don’t want to have an abortion so don’t don’t let him talk you into it but if you don’t want the baby give it for adoption to somebody that wants a baby that can’t have one my parents adopted my cousin at a couple weeks old you have options don’t let anybody talk you into something you don’t want to do

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It’s your body your choice period :100: if he wants no part his loss and leave him because he will use it against you and resent the child and create a toxic environment it happened to me my ex did it to me with our daughter he didn’t want but went on to have 2 others he adores it disgusts me. it’s not your fault nothing is 100% effective this happened to me twice with my ex the first unexpected on birth control him and his family staged an intervention to drag me to an abortion clinic against my will I ended up have a miscarriage so the next unexpected while on birth control my daughter I stood my ground I’m not built for a abortion if a baby’s meant to be here they will be here for a reason.AS a man he needs to respect how you feel its your body yes he should have a say and if his say is no leave its hard but you have 2 choice 1 to abort and make him happy but live with guilt and it will cause a rift in your relationship or keep the baby and let him go it will be hard as breakups are with kids but he will just have resentment towards you and the baby and will create a toxic relationship and DONOT put the blame on you or let anyone convince you it’s your fault men need to start doing research too that birth control,condoms even I’ve seen people with tubes tied get pregnant.Men will come and go but a child’s love is genuine and pure I always choose my babies first cause at the end of the day I know they love me for real.I have 3 its not easy but I do it and so many many do too.And if if you need to financially do child support down the line it is your right.I struggle financially from time to time but I always make sure my babies have what they need because as MOMS we make it happen no matter what I have faith you can too and there are so many resources to help with needs you may have for your child from help with furniture,diapers,formula clothes ect even if u hqve a dime to your name theirs a program or resource to help make sure your kids are ok and you​:pray::purple_heart:

Most pregnancies aren’t planned.


Say no to abortion. I was a choice baby. Glad my mom made the right choice.


Adoption, please ask me to parent! :baby:t4::baby_bottle::breast_feeding::pregnant_woman::heavy_heart_exclamation: Or you could parent bc you got this Momma!! Wish you n yours the best!!!

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Remove him from your life his useless. And keep the baby. He has no balls!

It’s your choice! Don’t let him pressure you into that. It wasn’t planned but that’s what happens when ya do the tango. Keep your beliefs strong!

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Don’t make him guilt you into it, not cool!!! Have the baby

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Not one of my 5 kids was planned either lol… do what you want to do.

Keep your baby and tell your man to kiss it.

It is your choice as much his. If you want the baby and he doesn’t you have to be prepared for him leaving and not being a parent with you. I hope you do what you need to do to be healthy but I also think open and honest communication about what that means for both of you moving forward.


If you want them (the baby, I don’t like saying “it”) then keep it. Your body, your choice. If he doesn’t like it then there’s the door. That’s something to seriously talk about instead of him saying to abort right away

Don’t let his decision pressure you. You will regret an abortion! It’s a permanent decision!! If he doesn’t want it, he can sign his rights over and you can raise it


Dump him and keep the child.

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I’ve learned you can never plan a pregnancy! Pregnancies happen when you stop trying or even when you get behind​:joy::joy:they’re NEVER expected. I’m the same as you. I don’t believe in abortions. I would tell him buh bye and you raise YOUR baby!

You want to keep the baby, so you keep it! It’s your body and your the one growing the baby.

Your choice, don’t be pushed into something you don’t want, you’ll end up regretting and despising him. But be prepared for if he leaves since he also has a choice to not stick around.


Sooo I will probably get hate for this. But in my opinion, yes “your body your choice” but if you choose to have a child this man does not want then do not hold him responsible for child support on a kid you chose to keep. I do not believe in abortion whatsoever but I do believe men should not be forced to pay for child support on a kid they had zero say in. You make your choice live with the consequences of your choice.


It’s your body you have decided to keep the baby so keep the baby BUT be prepared that there is a possibility you’ll be a single mother of 4 and that’ll be his sad…. Either way stick to your conviction #keepthebaby

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In or out of the womb don’t ever let a man tell you to give your child up. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:


It’s really not up to him. This is your baby too. If he was that worried he should’ve used a condom. If he wants to leave then he can go nut he’s still financially responsible whether he likes it or not

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You should have the baby because that’s what you want and the harsh reality is you only have you at the end of the day why wait to see if when it’s time he rejects it or the night that your so tired you can’t get up he says you are its what you wanted. Save that from happening and carry on your way.

Is this your first child with him?

I could never live with myself if I ever got an abortion. Accidents happen unfortunately and it isn’t that poor innocent babies fault. I’d keep it and if your boyfriend doesn’t like that then there’s the door :woman_shrugging:


Do not let him decide for you. You have to live with your decisions. He doesn’t want responsibility of a child and the financial problem. So I think people like this want to fun fun with no responsibility. Probably why your not married

Your body. Your choice. But keep in mind the future of that baby. Will you guys spilt up due to having this baby? If so, you have to prepare yourself to do it alone. Maybe have a long conversation with him. Explain your wants and beliefs. Even when babies are planned its not easy. Also remember having this baby well effect your man regardless of your decision so i feel it is fair to have a longer convo and both parties contribute to the decision.


Mine wasn’t planned all 8 don’t let him control you it’s your choice an body

It’s ultimately your decision. Do what you can live with.


If you want to keep the baby. Keep it. Tell him he can be as involved as he likes and if he doesn’t want to be involved then fine thats on him. Dont do something you’ll regret


Honey you just answered your own question. You don’t want to & you don’t believe in it. So don’t do it. You’ll hate yourself if you do it because your BF wanted you to. You’ll forever wonder about it. Tell him he needs to snip it now.

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I wish you all the best … This baby is a gift from God …If you have a abortion it will haunt you the rest of your life .I say keep this presious baby …:footprints::baby_bottle::baby::footprints::baby::baby_bottle:

Mine did the same. I sent him on his way and kept her. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Do what you feel is best, not what he wants.

No uterus no opinion! If you want this baby remember you are strong independent and can do this without him!

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What are his reasons for not wanting to raise another child? Find out. Finances is the number 1 reason men don’t want another child. He may want a child but knows financially it isn’t feasible. This would be something that you could help with so he sees a away to keep child.

Men have rights now to fetuses

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If you don’t want to have a baby get an abortion and take care of you and your family , if you want the baby I’d have a really long talk with your dude , it’s a family thing but it’s also your body, tough one . Big hugs

You don’t believe in abortion but you’ll do it for your man? Reevaluate yourself hun…

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It’s your decision, your body.

It’s your choice, not his. The way " your body your choice " works is that the father has no say in it bc its inside YOUR body.

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See a councilor or therapist? I know women who have done it and both were happy they did and others said they wish they didn’t do it. So it’s kinda hard to give advice to you on this topic

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It’s your body if you want to keep the baby you should if you don’t then get rid of the baby.

You don’t believe in it you don’t do it if he can’t understand that or agree to that that’s something yall are going to need to work on. But you need to tell him it’s not happening especially since his only reasoning is because “this baby wasn’t planned”


You have to decide what is best for you and your family. If abortion is not for you but you also cannot commit to caring for another child there is always adoption. If you opt for abortion be sure that you have supportive people around you that can help you afterward.

It’s both your choice maybe the fact he has two kids and you have 3 is more then enough…you may have been on contraception but everyone knows its not 100 percent so you should of told him to put a condom on and he should of known better cus you both know what happens when you have sex… your pregnant but its his child as much as yours why is the choice only yours.

You may not like my opinion but you put this post on for people’s views on the situation so that’s mine

It’s not about you and your body anymore it’s about the precious life you have created. If your man would ask you to do that instead of being supportive it’s sounds like you need a new man.


I would rather be a single mom with babies than to get an abortion for a boyfriend. He can accept responsibility or be on his way. Not trying to judge anybody at all but yall have only been together for 2 years.


Screw him he only cares about himself and dont want to pay anything.Apparently he is not that into u if he wants u to get abortion.Keep the baby no matter what he says.He if leaves u awe well get that child support.

I’m not gonna say completely disregard his feelings, but if his ONLY reason he wants you to get an abortion is because this wasn’t expected , then I’m gonna say I would tell him too bad . My 4th was unexpected . I was on birth control never missing a single pill and somehow we got pregnant . We were in a house too small trying to buy a house and move , we JUST had a conversation about maybe never wanting anymore kids and being done and that IF we did decide it’s gonna be a couple more years at least and then BAM . Life had other plans . I won’t say the thought didn’t cross my mind especially when my husband said he thought that was the best choice , I didn’t . And I couldn’t think otherwise and it was the BEST decision I made . First of all , we had three girls and this one ended up being a boy so that was pretty awesome but on top of it , he’s literally the best baby . He’s the happiest all the time and will light up anyones world . He’s such a light in all of our lives .

I’m not telling you what to do… and aside from what anyone here thinks, feels, or believes… it’s ultimately YOUR decision you have to live with forever regardless of what you choose to do. I don’t judge anyone and I don’t feel it’s anyones right to come here judging. It’s your body. Your life. Your choice. Do not let anyone make the choice for you because you will end up having regret.

So your body you decide what you want to do, however also realize he can decide to leave & have nothing to do with it either. So in end do what you think is best for you & your kids you have already

No birth control is 100 percent guaranteed… if you have sex…unless you’ve had a hysterectomy… pregnancy is always a chance… he should know this… he chose to have sex with you… as you choose to have sex with him… this baby is a gift… if he can’t accept that… then send him on his way.

Then don’t do it. Your body your choice. If he doesn’t want it then take your kids and move on

There no way if my boyfriend told me to have an abortion I would say no I’m keeping. I will bring this child up on my own . You don’t have to be involved .nor pay financial if that’s what your worried bout

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The best advice I can offer you is stop asking strangers on the internet for advice on something that is going to literally affect you for the rest of your life no matter what you choose.


Adoption is a beautiful choice
Don’t be forced into something you will carry the rest of your life.

Keep the baby, you already stated you don’t want an abortion. So DON’T get one. If that’s what you truly believe, don’t back down. Nobody can make that decision for you. You will regret it for the rest of your life.
Congratulations on your new precious gift from God. Your new precious bundle of joy momma.


Your body, your choice!


Respect goes both ways. However, it’s your body, so do what’s best for you.

Your body. Your choice.

Having the baby when he doesn’t want to is just going to bring strife to everyone. Start planning for you and all of your children to move on and if he doesn’t want to be a part then don’t put his name on the birth certificate.

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Your body your choice. Since you want to keep the baby then do that. If you do something because he’s màking you you will règret it and you will grow to hàte him for it.

I was in the same boat not long ago. My boyfriend originally said the same thing. He wasn’t mean about it. We just simply had not known each other that long. We lived an hour away from each other. I owned my home and he rented. We both had a child from previous relationships. We had a lot to consider. Ultimately it is YOUR choice. I kept my baby. It was hard. It was scary and crazy but we figured it out. Our 6 month old has his daddy wrapped around his finger now. Not all men will come around though. If you want to keep the baby, then do it. If you don’t, then don’t. If dad no longer wants to be a part of the picture and doesn’t own up to this, be prepared for it. You’ve got this!


While I do believe the decision should be made by the both of you, it is something that you would have to be doing to your body so it should ultimately be your choice. I think even if you don’t believe in abortion maybe you should educate yourself about it if you haven’t already and tell him after reading into it more you are standing by your beliefs to at least show that you tried to consider that option. You could also both talk about the option of giving the baby up for adoption to see if your beliefs match up for that option better than the other 2 choices. If you don’t believe in abortion and he really doesn’t want to raise the child and you think that it would be hard to add another child to the equation as well, adoption may be the best option even if it’s a painful one. If you think you could manage adding another to the family and don’t care if he leaves you if you’re able to do it on your own or if you don’t think you could do it on your own, look for support from family and friends if he were to leave, would someone else be able to help? Talk to him and ask him would he leave you over your decision and if he says he wouldn’t leave you over it then I would keep the baby. He will either be the type of man that will support you in your decision to keep the baby even if it’s not what he wanted or he will be the type of man that will leave you over keeping a child that he didn’t want and who would want to be with a man like that anyway? Also, he may still be in shock give him a day or 2 and have a conversation with him.

What the hell’s the matter with you why would you even ask what should you do it’s a baby there’s no question

Get rid of the boyfriend

No one’s choice but yours. People can have opinions but they don’t get a choice.

Well I feel any baby that is made is a blessing from God I will not get no abortion be a man and raise the child that is God’s blessing

Abby Johnson has an organization that can help you.

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I know many families that would love to adopt and love the baby. There are so many families that can’t have babies them-selves. :heart:
So what’s right in your heart for you and your baby.

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Don’t compromise on your beliefs

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Don’t go against your beliefs for anyone. If you don’t wanna do it don’t because that’s gonna affect your mental health socially because you wanna keep it. Tell dad that’s what happens wen you do the deed no birth control is 100 percent


Get rid of him and keep the baby birth control or not having sex makes babies there is always a chance and that’s a chance he took

Its your body your choice but I don’t think it’s fair to force him to raise a child he didn’t want an ultimately has no say in whether that child is born or not. However if you are ok with not putting his name on the BC and never having any financial or emotional support then keep the child and raise it on your own.


My partner said the same thing or mentioned adoption. I told him I wanted to keep the baby and if he didn’t want it he could leave. We currently have a 2 and 1 year old and this pregnancy I was on birth control but it failed. In the end it’s your body, your decision. If he doesn’t like it he can leave

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Seek counseling and do what you feel is right.

You don’t need a man that wants you to kill your baby. Your choice, it a life that was meant to be here, a blessing. Personally, I don’t know your story but you have to think this is his baby too. I’d pick my baby no matter how much I loved that man. Actions speak louder than words. Prayer for all of you. Stay strong, you know what you want, 12 years is a long time. Wwjd. Best wishes which ever choice you make. If your a believer, you know who to talk to, if not try it. God has away to help you, just ask. God bless your journey. Prayers and hugs sent. :pray:

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Be ready to take care of it by yourself

Your body, your choice. Period.


Ur body, ur choice…I also do not agree with it

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You absolutely need to do what is best for you and you only. Last year I went through something similar with my husband its been a year and I still regret it.

Stand your ground if you don’t you will never forgive yourself

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Did you guys discuss having a child in case something like this would happen? What did you both agree on? If he choose to walk away and not help with the baby after saying no are you going to trash him? There’s a lot to talk about here. It’s not killing a baby. I’m definitely not a position financially or mentally to even have another baby I would totally take care of the problem and move about my day

I would leave and raise my kid alone.

Keep the baby you want to … Wil go 2 ways he will man up accept took pair of u to make this baby …m step down and walk away complelty ethier u or him … Even if u have an abortion doesn’t mean u be wit this man foreva think of future z

Terminate the boyfriend. Keep your baby :heart_eyes: :baby:


If he doesn’t want any more kids he needs to get a vasectomy. Contraception isn’t 100%

If you don’t believe in it, then being forced to do it is only going to make you resent your partner

But be prepared, most of these situations, not all, end in them leaving, so do you want to be tied to him for 18 years


Although you can take his opinion into consideration, ultimately it’s your choice 100%. Be prepared to raise the baby on your own if he chooses to walk away. Maybe he’ll come around, maybe not but don’t be guilted into doing something that will haunt you since you said you’re anti abortion. Best of luck!


It’s Your Choice and you get to live with Your choice it’s not his to make.

It’s your body. If you want the baby keep it. It’s not his decision

You have choices…you can always let someone who is waiting but just can’t conceive be parents!! Good things do happen in adoptions…just another choice but it’s yours to do as you need to live with the outcome

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You keep your baby and drop that man. I don’t believe it abortion either and I suspect I might be pregnant. If I do nor change my mind I’ll be finding him or her a family to love them and make sure they give the baby a good life. I was responsible and on birth control but it happened anyway. I’ve tested negative I’ll be retesting in a week.


Its your choice of course…but I know from experience , you’ll feel like a murderer in years to come…the quilt will eat you up …it’s been 35 years now …when my boyfriend told me ( it’s me or the baby) I choose him…only to find out they where twins…I choose the love of a man …over the life of a baby ( babies) and I carry the quilt and just rolling in the remorse…for the rest of my life…


Contraception is not 100 % . If he didn’t want another child he shouldn’t have helped make one.
Termination is possible as you are only 5 weeks but could you live with your decision ?
You obviously want your baby …he doesn’t. Id be raising my children on my own.


It’s absolutely your choice and you need to make the choice based on your beliefs and what’s best for you but you do also have to consider his opinion as it took both of you to make this baby

so many people looking to add a beautiful baby to their family through adoption! I myself would be one happy to adopt any baby who needs a loving home :heart:


Pray about it. You know what to do. What outcome can you live with! Because your the only one who will.
If there’s a heartbeat…there’s a soul.
God bless you guidance and direction in your decision. :pray::pray:

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Dump your boyfriend and keep the baby. Prayers


It’s your choice but expect the possibility of having to raise the baby on your own.