My boyfriend finds it disturbing that my 6-year-old son still co-sleeps with me: Thoughts?

If you had a 6 year old daughter it still wouldn’t be right much less a boy. He’s gonna get more curious of females. My daughter and son were 14 months apart and they stopped sharing a bedroom at 4. Momma, your son needs his privacy and so do you.

First… Is totally fine that your son sleeps with you at age 6. Yes, you should probably start moving him towards his own bed though. Second… You should not have your BOYFRIEND sleeping in the bed with your son PERIOD.

First, dump any man that would make fun of your child. Tells you all you need to know about his parenting. As far as sleeping with your child, it is a personal decision. No right or wrong. My personal opinion is kids should have their own beds once out of the bassinet, but you have to do what you feel is best and are comfortable with.

Personally drop the boyfriend. He has a mean streak. But I personally think it’s time your boy start sleeping in his own bed. If for No other reason he will most likely be bullied at school if other kids learn about it

Your son doesnt know any other way. It’s always being you and him. Yes it is time he gets his own bed but he needs to know it’s ok to come find you anytime if he’s feeling scared. You are the one person he trusts, you are his comfort.
Your “boyfriend” is being a terrible person. Be careful of the man you bring around him. If he acts like this now… how is he doing to act later when another obstacle comes. He makes fun of YOUR SON, that’s unacceptable. Your son needs the right Male role model because he will look up to this new person. And also think that one day your son will be a man, husband, father. Is your boyfriend the man you want your son to look up to?

He is YOUR child and it’s irrelevant what anyone else thinks or says!! You do what you feel is best for you and your situation :heart:

I think you do what makes you comfortable and as far a the bf goes I would kick is ass to the curb and never look back.

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My oldest 4 never slept in my bed and I don’t allow my youngest to very often. At 6 he should be in his own bed, the boyfriend is right about that. The boyfriend is wrong for making fun of him.

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Find a new fucking boyfriend. I’m honestly mad at you for not even considering this! Do you really need a bunch of strangers opinions??

No six year old should be sleeping in your bed! He should have his own space and relish in It!! The only person holding him back is you!!

I dont think he should make fun but i agree a child should sleep in their bed and your bed is for you

Youre wrong for letting that boy in your home hunny and thats the only was you are wrong. Kick him out

I don’t mean to sound heartless but the only time my children sleep with me is if their Ill :face_with_thermometer: other than that their in their own beds! I need my sleep, space and time to myself which is while their asleep. I don’t agree with him making fun of him but if you want the relationship to work and want privacy then I personally would start putting him in his own bed. It’s a win win situation.

If your son has his own room and bed it is time to make the transition to his big boy bed, just part of growing up. I don’t like the guy making fun of you or your son. You don’t need another child in your life and that is childish behavior.

studies show …once you allow co sleeping…(and I personally don’t see much wrong with it)…it’s near impossible to separate the child from this untilTHEY want to go…which is around age 12…so figure out who you want to harm emotionally…and make a decision

It’s not weird that your 6yo sleeps with YOU but it’s inappropriate when you have a man that’s not his father in the same bed.

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Oh hell no. What truly wrong with him is that he is fucking jealous of yours and your son relationship because you two have a special bond. Yes get him use to his own room and bed. But don’t do it because a man tells you to because he’s jealous. Since your son is use to you sleeping with him start off with a mattress in the your room and get him use to that first.

Yes I agree it’s time to have your son sleep in his own bed should have been done before BF moved in.
I can’t imagine making out with my husband and a 6 year old in bed with us.
Not right for him or you they understand more than you think at 6 years old…

Get a new boyfriend, dear!

Six years old is still a baby. The boyfriend also Sounds like a baby. The bf has to grow up first, the kid still has plenty of time…

As an outsider and a man that could certainly seem wierd. Its not a common thing. However, I wouldn’t let a boyfriend move in and share your bed until you are married… I know thats not popular opinion and maybe you will keep scrolling, but the situation always plays out the same. Back to the point… it’s probably time to help your son make the transition. 6 is really late…

the guy needs to go !! you let him make fun of your child??

Personally I don’t think that is healthy for either of you. Besides it is weird, how do you explain sex to a 6 year old? Where is he during your intimate moments?

He doesnt deserve you if he is talking to you like that. Screw him get you a man who treasures the bond you have with your son that knows itll take time

Kick him to the curb… I had a guy like that once he didn’t last… my son was 6 as well… dude was jealous!! Got no time for that

Maybe you can lay in his bed until he falls asleep sometimes. But he should be able to sleep without you.

When I got married my husband said he didnt want the boys sleeping in the bed with us. My oldest is 8 (7 at the time) and he wanted to sleep in bed with his mama. It was very hard to tell him no but they are plenty old enough to sleep in their own bed. I think my husband was right on this one

I have to completely side with the boyfriend here. And I co-slept with both my boys.

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My son is 6 and still sleeps with me n my hubby(his dad) but were expecting #2 now so I let my son know hes going to have to go in his own bed wen the baby comes if it wasnt for having another baby I’d probably still have my son right next to me. My hubby only expresses a problem with it wen it comes to getting sexual other then that I’m happy my hubby doesnt complain about our son in bed with us.

If hes making fun of you and your child he would history
A decent man would help you thru the transition not joke about it…what else will he laugh about and think about how his laughing makes your child feel … if your hurt imagine his hurt

I think it’s a huge red flag that he said it’s disturbing. Why would your boyfriend even have disturbing thoughts like that to begin with? I’d kick the boyfriend out for that reason alone. It’d be different if he said he’s old enough to transition to his own bed because of age or something of that sort. But the way he said it I don’t like. Bye bye boyfriend.

I slept with my mom and dad till I was 7. Completely innocent, we just only had 2 bedrooms and my teenage brothers had the other bedroom. I got the 2nd bedroom when they moved out. They’re 11 & 12 years older than me.
My son had his own bed from the time he was born, but he is welcome to come sleep with me anytime he wants, he’s 16, he hasn’t slept with me since he was about 7 or 8, same with my girls. My 17 month old daughter sleeps with me almost every night, my 6 year old daughter does if she has a bad dream or doesn’t feel good.
If you’re comfortable with it forget what anyone else says, they’re only little once, love them.
Anyone that sees it as inappropriate is a pervert in my opinion.

Well I don’t think he should be saying those nasty things , a talk between you both can easily solve the situation, he’s been rude about it , when I remarried my actual husband my kids used to sleep with me , I transition then to their own beds lil by lil because a child needs to become independent obviously besides from marriage this wasn’t doing my kids any good , he’s acting completely disrespectful about the situation, he came last he needs to also adjust to be the new person around and ask nicely if he wants things to change

Ha tell him bye… it’s a child! A child needs her/his mother till the day we die! It’s not like your child is 15+ sleeping with you! Someone don’t like it move on

Why would you move a partner into your house when your child sleeps with you? That’s just weird😏

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I feel like when you date someone, it also includes their children. I have 2 (5 years old and 3 years old) sons and they are always going to be welcome in my bed.

What’s disturbing here is ur boyfriend is making fun of you and your son & making you feel bad & prob making ur kid feel bad. Obviously it’s not an issue for you & your child. That’s the biggest issue. But secondly, you should’ve weaned ur kid out of ur bed and into his own Prior to moving in a total stranger and then moving that stranger (to ur child) into bed with both of you.

If u force ur kid out now you will scar him as he will feel like ur replacing him but if you don’t, ur relationship is doomed.

Now I don’t blame the boyfriend for feeling it’s wrong. It’s not his kid & presumably that are I are intimate - ur child doesn’t belong on that bed at this point

Well in my family we dont let kids sleep in the bed past 2yrs old and even then its not an every day thing.

On a side note, you are only dating this guy for 8 months and he is already moved in and making demands and making fun of you… That doesn’t sit right with me either, sounds like you guys needed to discuss the living arrangements ahead of time before he moved in and you gotta remember he is just a boyfriend, he isnt the father and or the stepfather and it might be weird for him to have a child that doesnt belong to him sleeping in the same bed you gotta factor that in too…

Your child should be in his own bed at age 6. Really he should of been in his own bed years ago

He shouldn’t make fun of you that’s fucked up.

Of your boyfriend is a serious thing he needs to quit being a dick to you and your son…but your son is in school he needs his own room. He doesn’t know there is anything other than mom’s bed. So it’s time to let him grow up a bit and have his own space…your boyfriend doesn’t need to be sleeping with you and your boyfriend. Just you not too weird…the boyfriend too…a bit weird.

My doctor told me, enjoy it while u can, I guarantee he won’t wanna sleep with you when he’s 15! Doc was right. No big deal.

Lmao, people are crazy that they’re this mad about a kid sleeping in the same bed as you. I think your boyfriend is being a dick honestly. I get that he probably wants to sleep in the bed with you without the kid being in the same bed, but he’s going about it the wrong way and being a jerk. Co-sleeping is beyond normal and it’s only modern society that starting pushing that little kids have to sleep all by themselves.

Good luck breaking that habit because its gonna be a nightmare for awhile!!

Kick the boyfriend aside and put your child in his own bed. Boyfriend over reacted and was mean about it instead of communicating. But the kid is way too old to be sleeping with momma. My kids are 1 and 2 and in their own beds. My step daughter co slept with her dad until she was 3 due to living arrangements. When we moved in together she was in her own bed the first night.

No specific age but boyfriend shouldnt make fun of the situation.

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What’s disturbing is the man who is living with you.

Your son needs to sleep in his own bed sweetie. No man, bf, whatever u have is going to entertain him sleeping in ur bed. Its going to be harder for you than it is him.

My 6 year old still climbs into bed with me as do my 4 and 2 year olds. Never let some man make fun of you or your son for anything. He wouldn’t be a boyfriend after any comment like that was made.

How was your boyfriend relationship with his mother he sounds jealous to me . But he should have his own bed n your boyfriend needs his own place.

I’m in my 60’s. I gave birth 3 times. The last one was 1.9 lbs. I didn’t ever let the kids sleep with me. I did allow a bassinet till they were 4-5 months old. I believe your son needs his space and if you let your boyfriend in after 8 months, then you and him need to build on that. That’s personal space and it’s just good for the child to be in the middle of that. Jmo.

Nothing wrong with it unless you’re demented.

Its fine enjoy while their little also ditch this guy he is jealous of your soon he could get very mean with this child while your not around dont trust a grown man

Our son just turned 5 he sleeps with us when I’m really tired and just wanna go to sleep . Then other times he shares a king bed with his big brother who’s 11. My husband complains toomy reply is he’s only lil once and let him me little and let me sleep in the middle. Have him listen to " Let them be little" by Billy Dean.

I would be more concerned about him making fun of you and the insinuations he is making by saying you’re sick

I think that your boyfriend is acting like a jerk, but he does have a valid point. 6 is too old for me to have my child sleeping in my bed daily. If a nightmare or sick is one thing, but every night no!

Our son is 6, and still sleeps with us. :woman_shrugging:

Well that relationship really has no future. My youngest sleeps with me occasionally and hes 13. Anyone who can find that disgusting thinks about things in a way I cant comprehend.

First off if someone ever made fun of my child we would have a HUGE problem cause I’m not only gonna tell you byebye u
Your leaving in an ambulance while I roast marshmallows with my child over a fire made with youre belongings thats first and two he has no right to decide anything at all that concerns youre child if he dont like it he can sleep on the couch or outside but before I sit by and let some man tell me how imma treat my child and what my child will and will not do after only 8 months of dating this loser his asd would be gone and real quick !
You dont mess with someones babies, its dangerous fr

If he makes fun of you dump him now screw the feelings any man who cant articulate his feelings in a mature way doesn’t belong in the lives of a single mom. Then find a way to get your son sleeping on his own break that habit now

Personally I see nothing wrong with it. When your son is ready he will make that choice to sleep on his own. I’m a mother of 3 and co slept with all of them. An when they was ready to be on their own they went to their own bed. Hell my oldest is 21 and every once in awhile she still comes to my room to sleep. So does my 14 year old as will as my 7 year old. A bond a mother has with her children is a gift no need to push them away until they are ready.

Tell your punk boy friend mind his on business and move on! He is just jealous if it was his real son he wouldn’t be saying anything about it.

let’s focus more at what you doing with a guy that’s making fun of you and you’re son. although your son does need his own bed. He has no right to say it’s disgusting is co sleeping

I have 3 kids and they never slept in bed with me they all wanted to sleep in their cribs in their rooms. In fact they wouldn’t sleep in my room. But I would still get rid of the guy no one has the right to make fun of you and definitely not your son for something you feel right in doing

Well I’m no expert but yes u should explain to him that he’s getting older and needs to sleep in his own bed now,as for the boyfriend get rid of him he obviously doesn’t have kids, and making fun of u both is wrong he needs to grow up himself,goodluck

Eww, 3 mo. They’ve been sleeping in their own bed, unless they sick

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My son sleeps in my bed with me nobody’s going to tell me he can’t cuz fuck them

Seriously that could be a problem, I slept with my son and then he didn’t want to sleep alone and then when he’s 21 he crawls into my bed after I’m asleep and just sleeps with me when is it time? He doesn’t live with me but he spends a lot of time with me and spends a lot of time with me and sometimes spends the night with me. We were separated throughout the years so I would ask the same question my daughter doesn’t stay the night with me and she’s 24 and she has a baby of her own but she is practicing what I did with them with her own child separation anxiety is a real thing don’t do this you can fall asleep with you but move him to his own bed before you fall asleep

Hon my youngest slept with me till I divorced his dad 18 yrs ago he was my best friend and I miss him. My son is now married and has five kids so tell your man shut up there only kid’s not your lover.

Your son is and always will be more important than a boyfriend’ Don’t let a boyfriend start telling you or your son what to do.

This guy is new to your relationship with your son, he has no right to make fun of a child especially yours. He may need to sleep in his own bed and that’s something you could work on but the boyfriend of only 8 months is complicating it and will make things worse with his attitude. I would re-evaluate the living situation with somebody that made fun of me or my child.

My daughter was about 15 when she starting sleeping in her bef

There is nothing wrong with sleeping in same bed as your child

I think his attitude is disgusting. Your man should respect u enough to approach the conversation like an adult with manners. No man. I’d be watching him

You are disrespecting your child and yourself by having your boyfriend live with you, find your knight in shining armor who will respect you and your child and get rid of the mess wrapped in aluminum foil…

My baby is 4 months and I tried to put him n his own bed but he slept better with me n bed but now he co sleeps with me from time to time but I still put him n his own bed but i don’t care how old my baby gets he wants to lay n bed with his momma that’s fine with me he’s my only baby and I had some complication after giving birth and no one is gonna tell me that my son can’t lay with me I carried him for 9 months don’t allow no one or no man to tell u some shit he needs to get lost

First of all if you’re not married you shouldn’t have a boyfriend sleeping in your bed anyway especially with a son that age so if you would take care of things and do it the right way other things will fall into place

I dont see anything wrong with letting your baby sleep with you mine slept with me till he was five but my bf helped change that because eventually you need your own space for things like adult time

If you don’t stop the child from sleeping in your bed now, you may be facing other issues in the future. At 6, he should have his own bed. I am not saying do it for the boyfriend, but do it for your son as he is old enough to sleep in his own bed. Otherwise I see mommy issues in his future. Think about it. Ps…loose the boyfriend.

Move your son to his own bed you cant blame the guy for being upset
Your son should not be sleeping in the same bed with you
Hes six

If the child is off the tit. He should be on his own bed.

co sleeping wont work unstressfully if both adults dont agree with it nor do i think its fair! i dont think hell last long based on this! and i think it should be disclosed as important info when the next one becomes serious! thankfully my husband is not for co sleeping as i am not either. if his children get up we take them back to their room talk if we need to snuggle etc and get them settled back. our room is our room-except for coming to get us at night any other time they stand in the door to ask questions etc if we are in there and need us… co sleeping has to be something that is agreed upon i know alot of male friends that dont agree but just do as theyre told and let me tell you 6 yrs later their relationship is seriously thinning out if not already over and that is one of the main reasons

Um , how long you planning on letting him do this? He needs to learn his own space. You can’t think this will be good for much longer? Once in a while good fine , but every night is not cool in my book…

Sadly my son slept in my bed from 3 1/2 until 10 years old (last year) I wouldn’t suggest having your son co-sleep with you if you want to keep your relationship.

Ummm. Stop dating that guy is my advice.

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He is your baby, you make the rules!

The boyfriend would be the first to go.:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Your son needs his own bed. Period.

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Weirdo … time for some counselling me thinks

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I promise… before he’s married he’ll be out of your bed😄

Send the jerk out the door fast as you can. Take of your child first. Let him make the rules in his own house.

Your kid, your rules and your consequences. (If any)

Kid needs his own bed!

Get rid of the BF, he obviously has some major issues if he thinks that this is disgusting.

None of his business. Not the guy for you

Keep the kid. Lose the boyfriend.

If I read this correctly…he left you??. situation resolved itself.

4 when I got married

Your bed. Your Son. Your House.

Boyfriend needs to go.

Never trust a grown man whom makes fun of your child he can become dangerous to your kid n you read paper listen to the news you hear it everyday ditch him your child is number 1 enjoy him love him cherrish him let him sleep with you ypur his security god bless

Sounds like you need a new boyfriend LOL no offense