My boyfriend finds it disturbing that my 6-year-old son still co-sleeps with me: Thoughts?

I first of all wouldnt move someone in after such a short time. But my 6 year old still sleeps in my bed occasionally no big deal

My eldest was 3.5 and my 8 month old currently sleeps in her own crib in room with sister. Personally I think sleeping with your kid each and every night at that age isn’t something that should be done. Of course when nightmares or just needing mama or daddy when they are having problems is fine to sleep with them, but at 6 I feel they should be in their own bed most of the time.

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Don’t ever choose a guy over your son that is fucking bullshit you deserve better!

Meh. Leave him honestly. He is being rude. My son is 5 and we still share a bed 🤷 He has his own bed too. He just loves cuddles. Just remember there will be a time when your kid wont want cuddles anymore… Soak it in while you can.

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First of all, ditch the boyfriend. For him to say it’s “disgusting” for you to sleep with YOUR child? No thank you. I’m not saying it’s the ideal situation for you to be sleeping with your child still but everybody is different. But if it bothers your boyfriend he could have brought it up or tried talking about it in a much more respectful manner.


You have been dating 8 months, moved him in a few months ago and allow him to sleep in the same bed as your child? BIG HELL NO TO ALL THE ABOVE FOR ME!!! And the guy is already being ugly & teasing you & your child? You need to seriously re-evaluate what you are allowing in your home and around your child! I do not mean any of that as disrespectful but definitely hope you hear the seriousness in my words!


Put the kid in his own damn bed 🤦

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Mine have their own beds but we still nap together at 4&5 years old

I can’t give an opinion on what age should be acceptable or not but my daughter who will be 6 soon has never co slept with me. When she would have issues falling asleep I would just sleep on the floor of her room and hold her hand and when she fell asleep go back to my bed.

You’re wrong for moving a man into your home with your kid after only dating for a few months.


I see nothing wrong with co sleeping but by moving him in you’re saying it’s his home too and he has choices . Personally I would never put someone over my children . I have 2 stepsons 13&11 and occasionally they’ll come lay in our bed and fall asleep watching a movie . It’s moments to cherish . We also have a 4 &2 yr old who if they come into bed we also cherish it . They’re only little a little while


Every situation is different. Considering you both almost died, I can’t really blame you for wanting to be close to him. But I do think you should start transitioning him to his own bed in his own room. Do it in stages, like you sleeping on the floor next to his bed until he falls asleep type stuff.

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Well he’s not totally wrong


My daughter still sleeps in the same bed as my husband and me sometimes. We try to push her to sleep in her own but but it doesn’t work that way 3 or 4 nights of the week. I also have a friend whose son slept in the same bed as her and her husband until he was 9 or 10.

Hell no. My son was almost 8. Only stoped bc I had a baby. He’s on a pallet in our room. He will gn to his own room when he’s ready.

He is YOUR CHILD. if it brings you and your child comfort, by all means cosleep with your child. If you and your boyfriend were to progress further into your relationship he’d have to accept your son as his own. Him saying this is disgusting is actually disturbing to me. He has a nasty mindset and shouldn’t have a place in your child’s life.


I do not think this is disgusting or disturbing … but I do think at 6 he is definitely way too old to be sleeping with you…especially when you have a fucking boyfriend in bed with you… wtf

Don’t move your boyfriend until your son is ready to sleep in his own bed


He should be in his own bed if you are sleeping w a man other than his father


First of all…
I understand as well as anyone the bond of you and your child. My son is also 6. We both almost lost our lives during birth. Added to that we had a rough couple weeks in the hospital. And traveled 2500 miles just him and i for him to have surgery.

Bedsharing isn’t always wrong nor disgusting. When it was just me and my son (18m-2y) he slept with me a lot. However he doesn’t sleep in the same bed with me now, and hasn’t for years. He may crawl in with my husband and me in the morning and some nights (when he’s sick) he sleeps on a pallet on our floor but personal space is an important concept for me but also for him. He needs to understand personal space and privacy and that’s a fundamental starting point.

I think the boyfriend is seeing issues and While i won’t go to disgusting i will agree there are things that make that arrangement not quite right.

  1. Your child sleeps in your bed for your comfort. Not his. Unless he’s still having problems that put his life at risk to sleep alone, you should be at least encouraging your 6 year old to TRY to sleep alone.
  2. You, your boyfriend, and your son in bed together every night is an issue. Its honestly just slightly creepy. The boyfriend is TRYING not to be creepy but essentially you’re putting him in a position to either be creepy or a houseguest rather than a part of a relationship. That isn’t to say he has an issue with your child but the sleeping arrangement and i personally don’t blame him.

So hes upset about the bond you have with YOUR son?? Doesnt matter the age, because that’s the life and person you created. Not his child, he shouldn’t opinion anything unless if it’s something bad that your child is doing and you’re like brushing it off. Wow just wow.

Let him leave. This boy isnt worth your time if he cant wrap his mind around you and your childs bond.


I don’t have kids but cosleeping can be beneficial to the child’s mental health and it can prevent night terrors as for the boyfriend he can fuck off. Your son comes first

I personally find it weird that hes still sleeping with you both. He’s 6 not 2. He’s old enough to be in school. He’s definitely old enough to be in his own bed. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be so rude about it but he does have a right to be uncomfortable with it.


Your child comes before anyone else. So what’s best for you and your child

Never let mine sleep with…i dont find it disturbing but sounds like you may have some ptsd


My son is 6 and just recently stopped sleeping with me. But we got him a bunk bed and made his room cool. I still catch him trying to sneak in my bed.

My 8 year old still climbs into mums bed on the odd night if hes had a bad dream or cant sleep. I’ve never questioned it. Hes my kid :woman_shrugging:

Good riddance to bad rubbish,I say.He is your baby ,soon enough he won’t want to sleep by you…enjoy these years ,they fly.let the boyfriend leave,he is bad news.


My son is 8 and still sleeps with us sometimes. It’s normal especially for single moms. When you’re used to being a single parent you and your child/children are all you have. He is coming into a pre made family and needs to adapt to y’all’s life style because ultimately your son’s comfort is most important and in reality that’s his home first not boyfriends.


The trash took itself out :grin:


Only someone with a disturbed mind could find fault in a mother and child sleeping together


Yes someone need to leave the bed but it’s not your son!
You should not move a man in and he tries to take over.


I thinks it’s okay up to certain age. But he is 6. I think every once in a while is okay but definitely not every night at age 6. Not disturbing at all. Bf has no say so. It’s been you and your son thus far and it’s your decision. I’m just saying from experience, the longer he sleeps with you the harder it will be to get him to sleep alone. I cut the ties about a year ago with my 4 yr old and it was a STRUGGLE! Good luck!

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My son is 9 and to this day if he’s had a rough day or had an unsettling dream,he will ask to sleep with me and I allow it. You are your child’s source of comfort and safety. And perhaps, when it comes right down to it, he is yours. Personally l would begin the process of getting him into his own bed. You can always lay with him in his bed until he drifts off to help with the transition. As for the boyfriend :roll_eyes:he can get his own bed too if his sleeping arrangements are unsatisfactory. Js


Ok … I think we need more details… Does your kid not have his own bed at all. Are you having relations with your new bf in the bed while your kid is in it because that’s kinda weird and disgusting.

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Glad we never did this. What a nightmare

My kids stayed in my bed whenever bad dreams and until about 5 or 6.

I’d never want my kids to sleep with me and my hubby , unless it’s a bad dream. But I’d go to their beds when we moved in with my hubby

I hardly ever let my daughter sleep in my bed. I’ve trained her she has her own bed and needs to sleep in her own bed. Now me and my s/o have lived together for the past two years and does not say anything I’d she has a nightmare and sleeps with us
But I keep her on my side of the bed never on the middle just to let everybody sleep comfortably. To each their own but your bf should not be making fun of your son or you that’s not ok. If he has a problem he should leave he doesn’t sound like a good role model for your son. And just because the child isn’t his shouldn’t make him treat him any differently. My daughter is not his but he’s never treated her any less and loves her like his own. I say dump him he’s not good for either of you.

My son slept with me til he was 3. 6 is a little old for any child to sleep in the same bed as you. Just my opinion.

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My children had their own room and own bed when they come home from hospital. It was never a taught him to sleep with you and he thinks it’s the right thing to do. Not his fault and yes 6 years old is way to old to sleep with parent. Time to be a big boy and have his own at school will tease him if they know.


Both my 7yo daughter and my 6yo step son climb into bed with us for bad dreams or cant sleep. they have their own beds and sleep in them most nights but we have movie nights and things

You’re the parent, it’s your choice, simple as that


My youngest 2 co slept with me until they were 8 and 9 years old . Nothing wrong with it. If they feel safe and ya can sleep co sleeping is a good thing.

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Wrong or not, it is not OK for your boyfriend to make those comments and is a red flag he is not the right man for u or ur son.


I stopped fully co-sleeping when she started school. Because she has a early bed time

As soon as your boyfriend moved in you should’ve moved your son to a different bed…it’s one thing if it was just you if I was your boyfriend I would’ve felt uncomfortable too…


My son coslept with me at that age…I think it’s a personal decision and when he doesn’t want to sleep with you anymore he won’t.

He is your son, so he can still sleep in the same bed as you, my 7 year old starts in his bed and wakes up in mine. But, and that’s just me, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with another man, other than his dad to sleep in the same bed. I am on your side, but do not put your boys safety at risk.

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My 7yo still gets in my bed.
If you look at a sleeping mother and child and see anything other than a mother and child enjoying snuggles then they have the problem.

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Don’t allow him to tell you what’s to do! Kids first always.


It was ur son’s bed first. I personally wouldn’t allow a man to sleep in the bed with my kid. Have you asked ur son how HE feels? He’s old enough to have an opinion that should outweigh ur boyfriends.

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My son is 7 and he and I sleep in the same bed. My daughter sleeps in her room. She’s 9. He just feels more comfortable with me. So whatever. When he’s ready, he will make the transition. Why are letting some dude in with y’all anyways after 8 months? Protect your babies mama!


I don’t agree w how he went about it but maybe he felt disgusting sleeping in bed w your 6 yr old. You haven’t been together very long and he shouldn’t be sleeping w your son every night. So he lives there but has to be uncomfortable or sleep on the couch? I co sleep w my kids but once they reach 2/2.5 they transition to their own beds and my husband and I enjoy our bubble. Rough nights they end up back w us but that’s for sick/nightmares etc. 6 seems to be pushing it a bit but it’s your child. Just don’t move anyone else in while you still have him in your bed.

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I have 2 girls, age 7 & 2…they both have their own beds, but we lay with them until they fall asleep…my husband and I joke as most nights we both fall asleep too and never seem to sleep in our bed :woman_shrugging::joy: Do what works for you and your family…

If sexualy active,no children :heart: should be around this behavior!


My sons 9 and we have shared a bed since he was born he only went in his own bed last year and sometimes now he still gets in my bed he’s growing up so much n soon won’t even wana be in the same room as me make the most of it lol x

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My son is 6 and has always slept with me while I was single parent. But now that I live with my boyfriend he sleeps in his own bed. He’s old enough. He needs to understand boundaries and personal space. He should be sleeping in his own bed by now. He’s not a baby anymore.

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Honestly if you wanting to be in a relationship you need to start having your son sleep in his own bed. Your bed that you share with your partner especially if your partner is not their biological parent is your personal space to be together and be intimate together and your child should not be involved in that space. I know its hard I have a close bond with my kids as well and before my husband and I got together along time ago we coslept but When I decided to start dating and eventually move to the next step of my personal journey I knew it was time for my kids to sleep in their own beds. He shouldnt tease you and he should be understanding as you switch into your new routines but you also shouldnt allow someone to move in your home and share a bed with you when you have your child sharing it still!!!

My daughter is 9 and my son is 5. They both sleep with me. I think it’s more common as a single mother, but as far as the boyfriend, sounds like an asshole that he would ever judge or call something like that disgusting. I’m assuming he doesn’t have children🙄 I wouldnt let anyone ever tell you what to do. Maybe ease into it, but don’t force it just to make him happy! Sometimes my kids sleep in their beds if I have my boyfriend over here and there, but I always lay with them until they fall asleep. It’s a comfort thing for me too❤️ soon enough they won’t want to anymore and I’m sure I’m going to miss it!

My oldest 2 children shared a bed with me until they were 12. My youngest is 4 and sleeps with me. They’re only little once and one day you’ll wish they were still at home in bed beside you. You do what makes you and your son comfortable. He was there way before the boyfriend.

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I’m 35 . I still crawl into bed to have a nap with my mom or dad … to this very day its comforting

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Mine never slept with me


I have been with my husband since my youngest was 2. She and I cosleep. When he is home (he’s a truck driver and soldier) she has to sleep elsewhere. Sometimes she’s in her own bed, sometimes with her sister and lately with my mom. Never has there been a problem with this arrangement. She is allowed to come in if she absolutely needs to in the night, but otherwise no.

It is wrong that your son is sleeping with you and this new man. My children coslept with me until they were around 2-3 years old. When I started dating my ex boyfriend we transitioned my son into his own bed, my son would occasionally lay between us or even on my ex boyfriend but only until he settled to sleep and was able to be put in his own bed for the night. I’m single now and my children will sometimes ask to sleep in my bed, my oldest who’s 11 today still sleeps in my bed for a night or so at times. The age of the child is not really the issue, it’s that there’s a new person in this bed now. I would put your son on the floor in your room to begin to transition him into his own room. Your son is at an age where he should have his own space and become more independent. In cases of nightmares and illnesses and emotional stress, I don’t believe there’s ever a “too old” of random cosleeping.


Ultimately it is not wrong but at 6 they should be adjusting well to their own routines and bed etc… It is odd and hard when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, i think you should have started to correct the pattern before moving your boyfriend in and expecting it to just work and be ok. I understand how its odd to him.

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Sounds like your boyfriend is jealous of your son. Might want to find a different boyfriend

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I tried to by 2 years to have them sleep in their own beds. You can hang out in the room, read them a story and what not until they fall asleep. It’s not disturbing, but I do believe they need their own bed and at least try to sleep in it by that age. Just my beliefs, no one else has to agree or disagree.

What is disturbing is the fact that he finds any malice in your son sharing a bed with you. Throw the whole boyfriend away and find yourself a man worthy of you and your son.


Im one of the few that doesn’t believe in co- sleeping at all.


Dont think theres anything wrong with it but private time fir you and the boyfriend would be great for you both. I moved my daughter into her own roombat 7m and we have a camera to watch her. Her dad and i want to have our own space and let her have hers even though we loved letting her sleep in our room and our bed . but when shes older in her big girl bed we’d love to let her climb into bed with us its always open for her but allowing her to be independent and have a safe and quite space that she knows is hers at any age is important to me. Shes 14m and loves to just go sit in her room sometimes and play or sometimes when shes having a hard day she’ll go to her crib and want ti be put there and she wont sleep she’ll just lay there and talk to her babies until shes ready to get out.

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My kid is 13…she sleeps with me on stormy nights

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That’s something that’s up to you and your son. Look at the malice as a warning sign… Seriously.

You should have considered all of this and discussed it before you moved a guy in. Why would you want some guy sleeping in the same bed with your kid???


He’s obviously not one for u. Be4 turns bad get out. My son is 4 and sleeps with me he’ll b 5 in March. My 7 almost 8yr old daughter still climbs in bed with me as well … Their father works 3rd shift 6 days a week so I really don’t care. They r only young and need you for so long

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Please stop focusing on if bedsharing is wrong/creepy (it’s not creepy, at all). There are so many red flags in this relationship and your “fiance’s” behavior that I highly suggest cutting it off with this man and running far away from him. You two don’t have the same ideals and him moving in so fast and then trying to upend your life is a huge sign that things will only get worse. Please stop worrying about the bed sharing and start worrying about your relationship :grimacing:

On the weekend I co sleep with my 9 year old. He says he’s my little cuddlebug :heart_eyes:

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Son sleeping with you, totally fine. My husband and I are separated and my daughter can sleep with me until she is a teen, I dont care. Him and I didnt plan for that but it works best so we agreed she can stay. I lay with her until shes asleep and we have sex in other rooms. If we were to divorce, I would be extremely reluctant to have another guy in that position. Maybe since he is 6, put him another bed in your room. First next to your bed so he can hold your hand. Then away from your bed. Then maybe move it out of your room. Definitely have a discussion with him why he is acting like a child and trying to make you feel guilty. This is your house, your kid, your routine. If he does not like it he needs to have a discussion with you and see what yall can agree on instead of him making fun of the child and you. That’s not cool at all and pushes you and child emotionally away from him.

While co-sleeping isn’t my jam… Neither is a significant other who calls me disgusting and belittles me, for ANY reason. Dump him.


Don’t let a new man come in and make you do something you don’t feel like you or your son are ready for. Do what you think is best not because a man thinks it’s “disturbing”. If you want him to continue to sleep with you, so be it! But if you feel as if he is ready, so be it! But don’t do it just because a man says it’s weird and disturbing.


Dump him. Son comes first. Maybe get the bf a dog bed first and say its disgusting for him to want to sleep with you and point to it.


My 7 and 5 year old still sleep in bed with me. Dont let ANYONE make you feel like you are not parenting "the right way " because there is no right way! Soak up those cuddles for as long as you can mama!!!:green_heart::green_heart:


Having a man want to share a bed with his woman is perfectly fine. I’m sure this wasnt the first time he said something about it… personally the ONLY time my kids have slept with me is when they’re sick. They have their own rooms. My bedroom is my mans and myselfs sanctuary.


Mom of 4 kids & I have co-slept with all of them! This is not weird to us but other people haven’t been raised the same way. My daughter’s father (she’s 16 now) had a girlfriend that thought it was inappropriate that she still snuggled with him or set close on the couch together. She was around 7ish. The girlfriend had a really hard time with it because she had been molested as a child & threw the biggest fits… as far as saying she was worried if my daughter set on her father’s lap! It was so ridiculous. We had to have a talk & I had to remind her that what she was feeling was HER trauma. She was projecting her own issues on this father/ daughter relationship. Needless to say that was only one of the ways she weaseled her way between them. My advice is it’s a natural flow. You wanna cuddle & co-sleep, do it! Eventually they grow & will grow out of it.

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Nothing wrong with your son sleeping with you but now that you have a man in your bed one of them need to go.

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My son is 11 and ive been a single mom since having him and he has a choice where he sleeps sometimes he chooses wants to lay and just talk till we both pass out in same bed I don’t find it weird but hes never slept in bed when had a boyfriend or anything. He knows he has his own space as I need mine I would say to slowly ween him a bit just so he can get used to sleeping in his own bed cuz just saying him being in there everynight when your with someone is definitely going to put a strain on your relationships in many ways

Mama knows girl it’s up to u!

Whatttttttttt ??? Omg wow hes a jerk. Although I understand maybe a night or two for just yall, but dang … hes your baby. I let my son sleep w me for the longest … now he hates sleeping near me lol …

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I slept with my mom until i was like 11 lol and my kids 5 years 3 years and 9 months all still sleep with me. Some nights in their own bed they always crawl in my bed though. Its very normal. Your ex boyfriend is the weird one.

If he wants alone time with you that makes sense. But he shouldn’t be making fun of yall or saying its weird.

My 11 year old daughter still sleeps with me, she can’t fall asleep without her cuddles lol

I guess I’m disgusting too then. My kids didn’t always want to sleep with me but when they did, I loved having them. They were welcome to. My son now 12 and my daughter 15 still occasionally does when my husband is out of town. Not both at the same time of course. Our kids are our babies. They always will be.

Your boyfriend is probably jealous…because your son is taking time away from him. If he doesn’t have kids of his own, then he doesn’t understand that parental bond. Plus your son is not his child. As for it being gross and him making fun of you for it…IT IS NOT GROSS and your boyfriend sounds like he’s not a keeper! Your son comes first! The boyfriend sounds like a dick!

My son slept with me until he was 7 and then all of a sudden he went in his own bed ! Every once in a while he still comes in my bed and I love it ! So you do you and what feels right ! Don’t listen to anyone !

If he’s got a problem with you and your son after a few months, then he’s
looking to control you going forward. Major red flag!


My son is 13 and we share a bed. He has his own room but we love to cuddle and watch movies, I see nothing wrong with that.

Okay me and my daughter had a similar experience when I had her and the first few month of her life she was sick and vomiting and getting choked on it so I moved her to the bed with me and her daddy but we also know she needs to sleep in her own bed too now that we have the vomiting under control I’m slowly moving her to her own bed in my room (she’s almost 4 months old) not that I dont love bro g be able to just look next to me and know she is okay but I know she needs her own space, so I see your boyfriends point of view and he is right that kid is old enough to sleep in his own bed now and it’s hard to have a kid in the bed with you and a spouse as well let him sleep in his own bed and come to you if he needs you at night it’s time to let him grow up a little bit

Disturbing? No. Annoying yes lol.

To be completely honest before this man came to live with me I would have started settling my son into his own bed, for the sheer fact I wouldn’t want my son sleeping in the same bed as a guy I’ve only been seeing for 8 months. So the first step was your wrong doing.
I think explaining to this man the reason behind the co-sleeping may help him see a whole new perspective because I don’t think I would allow my 6year old in bed with me for the whole night, maybe a cuddle before bed and cuddle in the morning but not the whole night as I need my own space too.
If his still “disguted” by the situation then sorry kids first he needs to go.


My son is 5 am a single parent and he always slept in my bed but the past year or so he will come in about 5 in the morning he will stay in his bed most of the time i dnt think its weird and ur bf needs to adapt to ur house hold and routine he cnt just expect it to stop cos he moved in ur son comes 1st if he dnt like it show him the door simple as that

My daughter is 6 and sleeps with me still

Really can’t blame the man

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