He can’t be to religious if he is having premarital sex. That is a big No No in the Catholic church.
Who is stopping you to going to a Catholic Church and talk with father so he can explain the whole baptism to you ??
He can’t be too strict of a Roman Catholic if you’re having a baby out of wedlock.
I wouldn’t allow it. Children are people and have the right to decide for themselves when they’re able to even understand religion. And we all know what the Catholic Church is known for. No thanks. AND nobody is dunking my brand new baby into a bunch of cold water. Religion is a 2 yes 1 no thing. He can suck it up.
It is important for your child to be Baptised. Baptism is universal. The main reason for Baptism is for salvation from original sin of Adam and Eve. The child is welcomed into the Church community where they have access to the fullness of faith. My suggestion is to speak with a priest and become informed about this. Best wishes to you on your new baby.
This should have been discussed way before even getting pregnant in my opinion.
Too bad he wasn’t religious when it comes to marriage.
I’m not religious and never have been. In my ex husbands family, all of the babies get baptized catholic and wear the same little gown.
While it was awkward for me during the ceremony, I let them have it. It didn’t hurt anyone to do it.
Personally I am agnostic or borderline atheist. If I had strong religious views, I’d have had more of an opinion and care about it. But being non religious, it wasn’t worth making a fuss about.
I think this is a personal preference. But if you’re not religious, I don’t think it’s a big deal to let him have this if it’s important to him.
Strict with his religion? Baptized , baby but, not married. Sorta, talking out of 2 sides of his mouth.
Hahaha his “religion” is so important to him that he fathered a child out of wedlock??? Which is totally against the Catholic churches Teachings.
My dads church refused to baptize me (catholic) because they weren’t married in the Catholic Church and I was considered a bastard in their eyes. So I was baptized in the Methodist church. But I don’t practice.
What does the kid want that is something between her and god
Sooo only his feelings should be taking into consideration? Nah. You said you want to experience it for yourself and understand it and he is saying idc what you think or feel I will do this against your wishes if you fight me… your NTAH.
But I strongly encourage you to figure out what else you’re not on the same page about and what else he thinks he gets to make sole decisions on without considering your feelings or wishes on before this baby is born…bc while the underlying issue may not be a “big deal” the PRINCIPLE of it is. You as the mother deserve to have your opinion heard and considered. This isn’t just HIS baby he gets to make decisions for without your consent and those are some serious red flags
I would just let him think his little water droplets make a difference
My mom baptized me as an infant because it was important to her mom. She doesn’t believe in organized religion (neither do I) but did it anyway because it was important to someone she loved. It definitely didn’t hurt me and my grandma was happy and proud and felt respected. I honestly don’t see the big deal.
Look at it line what are the downsides of being and not being baptised for you and your boyfriend ?
Lol… strict catholic… but has sex before marriage and has a baby out of wedlock. Sounds like he needs a refresher course on Catholicism
like alot of others are saying. If you don’t believe then it’s water… to him it’s saving his baby
let him have this cause in the end when the baby is grown that baby is gonna decide on their own what they believe. learn his religion and go to church before baby is here if u wanna get to know the religion. its really not worth the argument over some water lol plus theres usually cake at the lil get together afterwards. and who doesn love cake
If his religion is so important why is he a boy friend? I thought Catholic’s had to be married.
He doesn’t get the only say so on whether or not your child is baptized you speak above like you have no say so because he said this is what it is. that’s not the case if you don’t want your child baptized don’t baptize your child, especially into a religion that you’re not even a part of or familiar with. do you guys attend church on a regular basis? because if he doesn’t attend church on a regular basis what’s the point in baptizing her in a religion that she’s never going to know? I just wanted you to know that you have a say so he does not get sole authority to decide what it is or is not best for your guys’ daughter so if this isn’t something you want stand your ground about it and if it’s something you’re willing to consider as long as you can go to church and see what it’s all about then tell him that and if he doesn’t want to do that then I wouldn’t allow my child to be baptized.
Perhaps you should have had this conversation before you decided to have a child together
Can.get baptized its up to the daughter if wanting to go to sunday school and do anything with it. She can switch religions if she wants leave it up to the daughter
It’s just baptism. They won’t remember and might not be religious or believe as they grow up. Js
Save the fight for the things that will have an actual impact on her physically, mentally and emotionally. I was baptized and it’s safe to say it’s made absolutely no impact in my life what so ever.
You do have a say, you’re the mother. The church will ask for both parents, unless one parent has sole legal and physical custody, then all you’ll need is the court order.
He can’t be all that strict with religion since the Catholic Church forbids fornication between marriage. Per the church, illegitimate children are a sin .
Yeah his religion was real important when he had premarital relations and is having a child out of wedlock. Do not go along just to make it easier. And do not let him control what you allow for your child. The Catholic Church hasn’t exactly been respectful of children.
It’s not going to hurt her, I assure you. If it’s that important to him and you aren’t religious it’s not going to force anything on her or you. They may see it as she will have a soul in unrest if it’s not done…
You may see it as it’s pointless water splashed apon her head and pointless prayer said over her.
I think it would hurt him way more to say no than it ever would you or your daughter
And I’m not judging you im just being honest
Sounds like you may be agnostic? I kinda feel like I am too… I have a God, I call him God… I know science only goes so far then comes miracles…
I was raised Christian but not sure I believe the whole Bible just the morals it stands by…
I feel like why would a creator make it unknown what is the truth only to punish so many people starting from the beginning of time for 'choosing the ‘wrong’ religion ’
I just have doubts about some things but not everything
It’s definitely a struggle for me but no day in church, or prayer said over.me has hurt me I can assure you that much
Dude can’t be super religious if you had a kid out of wedlock, lol. I’d tell him no.
On the flip side to this…
Baptizing a baby is not even close to the same as baptizing an adult.
It’s not dangerous or anything like that.
For babies (if my understanding is correct) it’s more like a blessing than anything
With that in mind…
If you’re not religious so religion does not matter to you and he is religious and it matters this much to him…why not? It doesn’t hurt baby or you and it brings him comfort.
It’s not that you shouldn’t have a say but this is one battle I wouldn’t pick.
So he’s ok with fornication but believes he must baptize her…
She’s a baby, get baptized and when she is older she can decide if she wants to follow it or not. I was baptized as a baby and don’t follow the catholic religion anymore. .
Stand your ground. Dead serious. Go to a Christian Protestant church (anything other than Catholic) and let her decide when she is old enough to own her faith as her own to get baptized. You will not regret it.
Why do you all think the catholic is the only religion that thinks baptism is done ??? Go to a y church that believes in God and ask any preacher or minister about this and why can’t the ba y be baptized in a Baptist church???it is the same anywhere…
If his Roman Catholic Religion was Sooo Important to him he would not have had Sex and be expecting a child out of Wedlock.
Premarital Sex is a Sin in the Roman Catholic Religion.
Soo that goes against his arguement, just sayin🤔
I am catholic my father is catholic my mother is Anglican. I have attended catholic, Anglican and pentecostal church. My church of preference is pentecostal. My husband and child are pentecostal. I well never take the time of day for my confirmation. I do have my first holy communion.
I do not go to church on the regular. I try to bring ny child to church activities at the pentecostal church as it is very open and they welcome anyone
My husband was from a religion that didn’t baptism until you came forward as an older child/adult. I was raised catholic then went to Lutheran church. When our son was born I wanted him baptized. The pastor asked my husband “what will it hurt for him to be baptized as a baby?”. We have this wonderful letter from the pastor thanking my husband for baptizing our son and about he came be rebaptized/baptized as when he is older. So to you “what will it hurt?” Your husband will have peace of mind.
Very strict with his religion but…having premarital sex and a child out of wedlock
It’s important to him for his baby to be baptized. How will him having the baby baptized in his faith affect you? You say you know nothing about his religion, but respectfully, I have to say that’s on you. You knew he was faithful and strong in his devotion and you knew he wanted his baby to be baptized in Catholicism. Why didn’t you take an initiative to educate yourself on his faith if that is the issue? Baptism in the Catholic faith is an important step in the faith. But being baptized Catholic isn’t what’s going to shape this child’s future. Just because a child is baptized Catholic does not mean it has to remain a Catholic for eternity. I say you need to support what the father is requesting and be by his and your child’s side for the baptism. 
You are being ridiculous. It’s not like the baby is committing to anything - and it’s not going to hurt anything to have it done. If you cared at all you would have had the discussion before you got pregnant and sure would have already researched whatever it is you want to know now. If it’s important to him, it doesn’t hurt you or the baby to do it. Baptizing a baby is just a blessing - notice it has any sins to be forgiven. Why you suddenly care about the religion of the baby when you didn’t before is just stupid.
1st if you really cared about BF you should have investigated his religious beliefs before becoming intimate. So now baby is on the way and you need to understand his beliefs.
He can’t be too strict with his religion if he has out of marriage sex!!
It was important to my Dad that his grandkids be baptized, myself not being an active practicing catholic , knew the importance it was to him , and went through with it . We did take a couple of classes at church and original sin was explained .
Being baptized at birth or before a child can make a decision themselves , doesn’t have any effect on raising a child . However if your partner is insisting , is he going to ensure the child has a catholic upbringing with the church ?
As mentioned I did it for my Dad , with him knowing how I felt , it would be my son’s decision whether he is a practicing catholic when he is older .
When my son was born the Catholic Church wouldn’t baptize because his father & I were not married
If he’s very strict about his religion why is he having $3x before marriage? Lol
Okay. First off…its his kid too. He does get a say as well.
Second off, yall should be talking about this like reasonable human beings to each other. A relationship is about balance. If you can’t talk to each other and respect each other, then what’s the point in being together?
And thirdly…whats it going to hurt if she does get baptized? Not saying I agree with organized religion/churches/baptism/catholic or whatever…but seriously, if this is important to him and you two love each other, then what’s the problem? What’s going to happen to her if she gets baptized? Nothing in your eyes. And good things in his eyes. So again…compromise and communication.
How tf is he super religious having a baby outa wedlock?! Furthermore he doesn’t get to tell me what tf my baby doing without my permission. Smfh
It’s water so it wont honestly even matter. She wont remember or even know. Dont let religion be pushed on her and let the child decide. That is disturbing
Definitely do your research on it. A lot of reseach.
Your child, your choice.
You do whatever YOU are comfortable with.
I would NEVER let anyone bring any of my children into a church personally. F that.
You do not force religions on kids you teach them about salvation you don’t force baptize on a child teach them
When he said “no matter what” that shows he could care less about what you think and shows he will start to turn into a control freak. Leave him before he turns into a total control freak and than it’s to late.
It’s a beautiful religion.I am a roman Catholic went to Catholic school.
Maybe have your husband explain a little bit of his religion to you.
A person is said to be fully initiated in the Catholic Church when s/he has received the three sacraments of Christian initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This is achieved through a process of preparation. The usual practice is that a family will bring the baby to the Church for baptism.
His religion doesn’t seem to be that important. Baby out of wedlock and all. P. S 2 of my 4 kids born out of wedlock.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if he’s so strict in his religion shouldn’t you guys be married b4 children? Or is that not needed anymore xx
Two ways to look at this:
- it’s water on a head and is essentially a meaningless gesture to appease him and his family, unless you plan on actively raising them in the religion
- this could be a red flag that your feelings will not be accounted for in the relationship and it might be time to move on.
( Also if your boyfriend is a Roman Catholic and having sex outside marriage his religion is only important to his standing in the community. Not in his heart. )
That’s why people need to choose who they have children with wisely. Especially when it comes to religion. Also they dribble water on the baby’s head. Just educate yourself about it. It’s his child too if it’s his religion and u knew he was strict about it then why are u surprised?
Something people should discuss before hand. If he is that religious I would say get the baby baptized.
If he’s so strictly catholic then he shouldn’t have had sex before marriage smh
Get rid of the controlling boyfriend. He’s not a friend.
Both my kids are baptised and so am I, yet, I consider myself as between
Buddhist and pagan. I don’t go to church nor I follow it’s tradition. Christmas maybe but not really sure in what way. Jesus was born in June
anyway. I was young when I got baptised, my mum since has become Buddhist. My kids got baptised when they were babies to make their granny happy, neither of them go to church or follow the religion. Neither of them have done their communion.
It’s a catholic religion and I too had both of my kids baptized I believe in God and it’s not a big deal that you think unless you are Atheist, I would agree with him!!!
Do both parents need to be Catholic for baby to be baptized? It is important for both parents to have the same faith. Catholicism does believe baptizing an infant is for their salvation. Many have been baptized as babies but later are baptized into the Christian faith when they accept the Lord.
As someone who isn’t religious anymore, just go with the baptism. It doesnt mean your child has to grow up and be apart of that religion, it just means for your boyfriend and anyone else who is religious that if something happens to her she will be “saved”. The best way I can describe it is when someone prays for you, you arent engaging in that religion but it isnt hurting you.
I think you should let him baptise your baby, I’m guessing he wants religion to be a part of the baby’s life so will want to take the baby to church when older.
If I was you I’d definitely go along to church oneday and see what it’s all about, it will be easier for you and your partner and baby if you can all go along to church together and it will give you an idea of what he wants for your baby. I’m guessing there’s going to be some religion In that baby’s life whether you’re with him or not, If he has access to your baby but you should have some say. Id say to him that the baby’s religion will be your choice also and that you’re willing to go to church to understand why he wants the baby baptised
My son isn’t baptized, I was born and raised catholic, also baptized catholic and for me it should have been up to me to pick what I wanted to be baptized in if anything at all, so my bf and I decided not to get him baptized until he’s old enough to pick it for himself or not at all. Both sides of our family have been pushing it but also been pushing for him to be blessed whatever religion my bf’s family is but i told them no, it’ll be my son’s decision
this is something that should be talked about before children… I’m only speaking from my personal experiences :
when I met my now husband, I asked him what religion he was & he said he was atheist & didn’t believe in religion. I didn’t believe him and said oh. come on. what did you grow up with? he said mother catholic and father Lutheran but he was absolutely nothing.
I told him that I believe southern Baptist & follow those morals. he said that was ok with him, I would be doing any religion for future children anyhow, as he doesn’t & didn’t want to.
fast forward to us getting pregnant & his family finding out, I got “encouraged” every encounter during my pregnancy & a few months after, to have my twins baptized under the catholic religion!! after politely declining multiple times
it was so annoying.
fast forward to current day : it didn’t happen because he wasn’t honest. and never mentioned a word until his relatives kept on and on.
IF he would’ve been honest, I would’ve had time to research and learn about it but he put me in the position he did so, I’m not doing it.
same with our wedding. we had a wonderful southern ordained man attend our wedding and I was so happy with him!
I guess I don’t understand if you knew the importance of Catholicism why you never researched or went to mass with him before it came to this point . Being uneducated about this seems like a failure on your part .
It’s funny to me how about 80% of this thread is wildly uneducated about baptism lol
As far as I know both parents have to agree for it to Happen if it was me I wouldn’t agree to it on the simple basis of my child will not be indoctrinated into an organization that my child is not of mental maturity to understand and an organizattion that also protects and shelters pedophiles from prosecution
I have family and friends that are Catholic if you marry a Catholic then you become Catholic and so did your children or at least that’s what they would want you to do. The baptism of the baby in itself is not a big deal the fact that you are having a baby out of wedlock without the benefit of marriage in front of God or the religion that is so important to him is a big deal, if you want to convert to be in Catholic get involved if you do not want to convert to being Catholic you need to find a new boyfriend just my thoughts
Idk much about Catholicism but isn’t premarital sex against the religion? But he’s your boyfriend not your husband? Now don’t get me wrong bc I had all 3 of my kids before I was married. I’m just curious.
If you tell the father of the church, he will talk with your boyfriend or both of you. That isn’t okay without your consent
I don’t understand why this hasn’t been discussed throughout the pregnancy or even before honestly. Someone’s religion is very important, if not the most important thing to them. If you are not, and he is, then I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be okay with it. Every child deserves to know and understand their families, or each parents religion preferences. You’ve had 9 months to learn about this religion that’s obviously extremely important to him. I couldn’t imagine my child not knowing what my religion was about and the fundamentals of it. Would I allow them to choose what they want to believe with age, of course. I think this is extremely hurtful and petty either way you look it.
I’d be more worried he wants to bring her to church and introduce fairy tale nonsense as fact than I would sprinkling water on her. Introducing religion to children ought to be illegal. They cannot properly formulate an objective opinion on it when they’re being told before they can cogitate that they are inherently bad and need to be saved from the evil man in the firey pit that will burn them for eternity if they don’t believe in God. It’s child abuse in my opinion. If anybody else used these scare tactics on innocent children we’d deem them monsters, but somehow with religion it’s not only accepted, but anyone seeing to speak against it is the bad person. It’s crazy.
If it’s that much of an issue for you then you should have thought about that before becoming pregnant with his child. He can’t be too devout of a Roman Catholic or the two of you would be married before having sex and creating a child.
That’s a hell no from me. Organized religion is incredibly toxic as it is, and the fact that he isn’t giving you a choice nor is he compromising on this is incredibly telling.
Also, it’s baffling to me how there’s a good chunk of contributors in this thread that are ignoring her needs and wants for HER child merely because HES religious and that’s “important”. So, because its involving religion he’s automatically at the top of priorities? That’s incredibly unfair… and is not a partnership.
Probably should have figured out the religion thing b4 getting pregnant. But with that said, how would it affect her in any way? It won’t. You’re being ridiculous
Do not do it. And if he was so strict with his religion he wouldn’t be having sex before marriage. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and I’m so glad God got me out of that and In to a couple church families who actually are not judgmental they actually care about me and everyone . I got talked in to having my daughter baptized and I regret it so last Sunday I had her dedicated to my Lord which is how it’s supposed to be . My religion now when I child is old enough to decide for themselves and have been saved that’s when they get baptized. Idk if he can force you to have ur baby baptized I think it’s a scare tactic. Idk either of you but I know I have been told this by my ex husband when I asked him to take the kids for a hour so I can clean he threatened to take me to court and find someone else to take care of the kids. And same with my husband I told him i wanted my child dedicated and he said no she’s only getting baptized in his church (he doesn’t even go to church and hasn’t for many many years) so I stupidly got her baptized. That’s why his other two r not baptized because their mom said it has to be at a polish church and he said it has to be at his church so she ended up saying they will decide when they are old enough, they have brought it up to me and I did tell her (they r 12 and 11). Yes Catholic Churches are strict and from my experience most Catholics r very judgmental. Please don’t let his scare tactics work please don’t let him control you and your child if he’s like this now it’s only going to get worse after ur baby is born again from my experience
So where have you been all this time? Take for granted he will also raise her in the church. Religion teaches more than a relationship with God. Values, morals, strength,faith. Skills your child will benefit him/her. You don’t need to accept all, find it a place to meditate. Be there for both. We have differences in religion. Wish I had worked harder to be an example for my kids
Well they won’t until she’s old enough to decide for her self also they couldn’t anyways as risks her health
I don’t know how much the catholic church has changed over the last 30-40 years but I can say that family experience was that they were really strict and made my dad become catholic through a bunch of classes and meetings with the priest in order for him to marry my mom who was brought up in the catholic church. Then when my sister and I were born the catholic church wouldn’t allow my parents to have us baptized if both sets of godparents weren’t also members of the catholic church as well so my parents switched to part of the Anglican communion and we were baptized and brought up in the episcopal church because they didn’t have strict rules about the godparents having to be of the same denomination. I’m not 100% sure that the catholic church would even baptize your baby without you both being catholic or married.
So yall not married, expecting a baby, and he’s STRICT on his religion? Pffft. Sure.
I went to a Catholic school and last time I checked both parents are supposed to be in the Catholic religion and baptized as well , so yea there’s that
He must not be to religious you are pregnant and having his baby out of wedlock that goes against everything the Catholics believe in sorry just had to put that out there he’s your boyfriend he should be your husband per the Catholic religion
How is this such an important thing to him with his religion but having kids unmarried is ok? Seems a bit ass backwards to me. Maybe try asking him why/how one this is important but not another? Why does he get to pick and choose what is and isn’t important?
I personally don’t agree with baptism because babies are innocent and don’t have sin. He needs to be mindful of your opinions if he expects you to be mindful of his in return.
Try talking to him, it needs to be a conversation not a demand.
Please learn about the religion. Baptism is a GOOD thing. Many parents say they’ll wait and let their kids choose when they grow up. Stupid idea. If they grow up with none, they will choose none. You may decide to get baptized too!
Baptism as an infant?? That should be after the child has made a choice to do that. All babies are athests, lol.
U go to classes before the actual baptism, u can tell the priest to guide u to knowing the religion more at these classes.
Idiot…know who you are making babies with!!! Yes, you need help or the ability not to be able to make children. The father has equal rights…the father is also an idiot for making a baby with someone he does not know. If you want to make a baby with someone, know their religion. I feel sorry for the child.
If you knew he was very religious and it was important to him, why are you acting surprised? Didn’t you have a Catholic wedding? Because if he is very religious I’m going to assume you in fact had one, and that means you had to have at the very least had a confirmation paperwork done before the wedding. Listen, it doesn’t tie you to a religion. Catholicism has 3 ceremonies to confirm your religion. First is the baptism which parents do as babies, then your first communion where they learn about the catechism and all they need to know about participating in the religion, and then when you reach 17-18 you have your confirmation, since the previous ones were done because your family brought you up in the religion without much of a choice, the confirmation is where you as an “adult” decide if Catholicism is really for you, and if it is you confirm your faith and your will to stay a Catholic. Nothing is mandatory, I did the first 2 but when I grew up I started putting my confirmation off because I had doubts and then ended up not doing it as it was my choice. it’s not a legal contract, it’s not a big deal, and if you will raise that child with a man that will take his kid every Sunday to church, why not? Your child will have plenty of time to decide for themselves if they wish to be religious or not.
Your boyfriend strikes me as being a hypocrite and a bully. If he were really entrenched in Catholism he would have married you in a Catholic church before conceiving a baby with you. He should not choose which parts of Catholism suits him🙄
I’m sorry for coming across as judgemental . It just irks me that he’s putting you through pressure and stress, at such a vulnerable time. You should be enjoying your pregnancy and be as stress-free as possible.
Just want to share my story a bit. I was raised Hindu and my hubby was raised Christian. (I did not convert to his religion when we married). However, I believe Spirituality plays an important role in raising child. It just helps with instilling great qualities in a child. Generally living a life with honour & “righteousness” (patience , tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, humility etc) .
So, when our daughter came around and as spirituality was/is important to me I had decided that my child should follow her dad’s religion. (not that her was religious at all. He never attended church🙄) So, she was “dedicated”, on her 1st birthday. We started attending Church as a family. I am happy to say that I am now a firm believer in Christ😊
My daughter, however, now 14, decided 2 years ago, that she isn’t Christian and refuses to attend church. That hurt like crazy. Still stings a bit.
I guess it’s just teenage angst? She’s maybe asserting her independence? Being a rebellious teen?? Finding herself?
I do pray that she’ll come around, at some point, but it’s something she will have to decide for herself, now. I believe I’ve done my bit and given her a firm spiritual foundation.
I guess, it would not hurt for you to visit his church. Make an appointment with the “resident priest” and have a talk with him.
Discuss your situation, freely and openly. Do not allow your boyfriend to interrupt, this is your appointment. If the priest is worth his salt he would have a discussion with your boyfriend and ask him to wait a minute and hold off rushing into this baptism, while you explore Catholism.
Just keep an open mind. Draw up a physical “pro’s & con’s table”, see if baptizing your baby would hurt her or, benefit her???
You may just be surprised and enjoy it:blush:
All the best to you, and your baby. Wishing you much Peace & Happiness
Nobody making me do anything I don’t want to with the kid I just carried and pushed out!
Especially when it’s about a religion I have no connections with!
Baptism is a dual party agreement. Almost 100% of people agreeing to getting the child baptized are religious. Do not baptize your kid is something you know nothing about. Your kid is precious and everything around the child needs to be good not based on random strangers advice on Facebook.
Wow. Yes you both have a say and should agree. He shouldn’t be forcing it. My family is catholic. I am not. My husband is Roman Catholic. I decided to get our son baptized because it meant a lot to everyone. The reason my mother told me was that it gives the soul back to god. And for them it saves them from hell. Im not a believer. But it meant the world to them. So I did it.
I’m not religious or anything but if you knew how important is religion was to him and you knew he was going to baptize her baby I think waiting first found out you were pregnant you probably should have started going to church and looking into what his religion is and what being baptized into that religion means, with that being said If you had no interest in baptizing your child into his religion you should have said something to him from the very beginning so he wouldn’t have gotten his hopes up I’m not saying that was your plan but if you didn’t want to do it then you should have told him if you’re having cold feet you need to completely be honest and once again from the beginning you knew how religious he was and what he wanted for the child so you should either spoke up or dove into his religion and start going church with him and figured out what it was about over the 9 months you’re pregnant
As parents you decide what’s right for your children.its funny to see people say oh wait til your childs older they won’t know shit unless you introduce and bring faith into the home.Your the parents! Choose wisely for your family nobodies opinion matters if there not religious and understand.
So you and him have already sinned by having a child and sex out of wedlock . It dosen’t lock your child into a particular religion forever
Baptizing babies is weird.
Unpopular opinion. What if this child grows into an atheist that doesn’t want to be baptized. I think indoctrinating children is wrong. Don’t tell her she’s a sinner. It can damage her brain/ mental health. She’s perfect just the way she is.
I was raised Catholic. My family rarely missed church, even on vacations.
The fact that you’re pregnant out of wedlock tells me that he’s not as strict as he claims to be. This leads me to ask why it’s so important to him. I’m guessing that either: 1) He believes the baby will go to hell if she isn’t baptized; or 2) His parents are pushing for this.
You should know that to get married in the Catholic Church, you will be required to sign paperwork stating that you’ll raise the children Catholic.
I’m curious why he isn’t really encouraging you to learn about the religion. A few things:
The core of Catholicism is guilt. Babies are born into sin and require baptism to forgive their sins. How babies can be sinners when they can’t even move how they want to until they’re at least 3 months old defies my comprehension. Catholics believe that because Eve gave Adam the apple from the tree of knowledge (the “original sin”), that all humans are born into Original Sin.
Thus, guilt comes from God and is lifted through the sacrament of Confession (telling a priest your sins).
I could say so much more, but suffice it to say, you definitely should learn more.
As a parent, you have rights here. Should you two ever separate, the parenting plan will include a section on religion. You two really should have discussed religion already. I suspect he didn’t want to because he suspected you might not like it. Perhaps he hoped you’d go along with it because you didn’t know about it and knew it was important to him.
Oh, women cannot become Catholic priests. Priests also cannot marry. And while some individual Catholic churches might be more accommodating to the LGBTQ community, many are outright hostile towards them. The current pope is much gentler, but overall the Church hierarchy is decades behind the times.
A Catholic priest at my niece’s high school told her religion class that women can’t get pregnant from rape because women’s bodies will expel the pregnancy if it’s rape.
Now, that priest was really bad (yet highly charismatic and well-liked), but you get the idea. Its a VERY patriarchal religion that lobbies against abortion and lobbies for shorter statutes of limitation on sex crimes since pedophile priests were exposed.
See the movie “Spotlight.” It shows how it wasn’t a “few bad apples.” Bishops and even the pope knew and intentionally shuffled pedophile priests to different parishes and silenced victims. It’s sickening and eye opening.
This is not an institution that fosters female empowerment. Now you have to ask what you want for your daughter and how much you’re willing to fight for it.
Look up how many pedophiles are in positions of power in the churches! I suggest keep your child far away!