My boyfriend is paranoid about STD's

Nah heres Whats up: He has a rotten dick and now when you get what hes got , that mf gunna blame it on you and spread lies around town I had an ex like that he fucked my friend who everyone knew had shit and then i magically ended up with it and all they could say is it came from me. Throw the whole dude away :wastebasket::-1:

Bring that up right after having sex makes me think that he has something and isnā€™t a telling you. Go get tested. I have a feeling if something comes up on that test heā€™s gonna blame you and say you gave it to him. You both should have gotten tested before having sex. And if the birth control your on makes you depressed- talk to your doctor about different birth control options/hormone types or hormonesless to see if that may help

Thatā€™s strange. I would ask him to come with you so you both can be tested. It may be nothing but itā€™s so common for people to deflect. He may have an STD and is going to claim you gave it to him. Honestly neither of you should be having unprotected sex until youā€™ve had at least 2 clean std tests. Not doing so is how STDs are spread.

Oh no, this sounds like hes got an std. .

Yall please have the people you are interested in having sex with get tested before having intercourse.

Stay on your birth control. Jeeze I donā€™t blame him for being worried about getting you knocked upā€¦


Gurl he already has an std. Heā€™s gonna pin it on you


Maybe he has onešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Go for a test and then always make sure to use a condom when you both have sex :person_shrugging:

Maaaan make him get testedā€¦maybe both of yall should

Umm thatā€™s weird! Iā€™d be going and getting an STI tests. If heā€™s so worried why wouldnā€™t he have said this before sex and you both get tested or use condoms. If birth control is rough on you I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good idea what has your ob/ gyno said about that?. Something is seriously up with thisā€¦

If heā€™s not wearing a condom heā€™s not that worried about stds or pregnancy happening.

Heā€™s that worried yā€™all would have been tested before have that kind of relationship together!


Who he be messing with if heā€™s so worried about an STD


Why would you have sexwith someone like this. Stop. Respect yourself more than that


Also you can absolutely get pregnant from the pull out method so be smarter than that. You can and will get pregnant from PRE stuff. Heā€™s being responsible there.

Thatā€™s respectable. Just go with the flow. What heā€™s doing is positive.

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You should both get STD tested to help with this situation


heā€™s gonna give you an std and blame it on you


Well, both of you get tested then to ease his mind. If pills depress you. You can use various other form of contraceptives.


Make him go back to condoms until he gets tested


I wouldnā€™t ruin my mental health for anyoneā€‹:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: but if he is that worried then he needs to keep his stick to himself.


I think that is responsible. Both of you should get a full std check and you can share your results so you both know you are clear. If the pill causes issues you could try other options like the IUD or rod

Run fast and go get tested


Heā€™s probably a little tripped out that you are so down to be unprotected and itā€™s giving him red flags. I think itā€™s normal. Nobody wanna have no disease from having sex. Why arenā€™t you even a little concerned? Maybe thatā€™s what heā€™s more concerned about.

Have you both been tested? If you are monogamous then tell him to shut it or leave him.

You being on birth control doesnā€™t prevent STDā€™sā€¦ I sure hope you guys are using condomsā€¦ even though those donā€™t preven STDā€™s either.


Itā€™s normal, to have that talk. Both of you should go get tested at the same time and be done with it . Now days idk why people freak out over it. There is something wrong with a person if they arenā€™t worried about it

Todayā€™s norm for smart adults is to have tests run. My fiancĆ©e didnā€™t hesitate when I myself called his doctor and made the appointment for his exam. I showed him my test results without worry and I seen his. Take the questions out of the conversation and clear that crap up right now. Plus, lots of STDs can be cleared up with a prescription. Address it now, so it doesnā€™t have to ever be a topic again. Problem solved.

Did you make HIM get checked?


Get both of u test and when both negative u can tell him to get over it if he donā€™t then he is sleeping around and could give u one and blame on u so be careful


My old bff had a dude exactly this way. He gave her numerous STDs and blamed herā€¦


Either he has an std already or heā€™s just trying to be responsible.


Go get checked! If heā€™s feeling some way he may have more than just you as a partner

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You going on birth control wonā€™t prevent stds. Only condoms will. I wonder if this guy is cheating?

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NEVER sacrifice your health & wellbeing for a partner. NEVER.


I would go get checked ASAP!! Both of yall need to get checked. I wouldnt do anything until he get checked and both of yall share results
Birth control isnt going to prevent an STDs. He needs to wrap it up, but it still isnt 100% effective.


Heā€™s got warts go get a std check

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Ummmm Iā€™m on the fence because either he caught an std before or he has some form of OCD. Definitely just ask him why the std thing really freaks him out.


Lol he got another girlfriend b4 uā€¦ and that is his excuse so he doesnā€™t have to cheat

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Why risk depression for bc?? Your mental health is important too. The std thing, both of you get tested. Donā€™t sleep with other people . End discussion.


Its normal at the start of a relationship but not months into it. He sounds shady. I would go get tested asap just for your peace.of mind


Why not wear a condom to protect both of you from STDs? I know they arenā€™t 100% guaranteed to protect from pregnancy but some form of protection is better and more effective than none.


He must not be that paranoid if he had sex with you. Kinda sounds like heā€™s making excuses because heā€™s guilty of something. You should definitely go get tested and not have sex again until he gets tested too

Get tests done and you both be sure.


Sounds like that man has a guilty conscience lol make him go get tested asap. And you can do it together


Heā€™s clearly had one or still has oneā€¦


At least heā€™s being safe :woman_shrugging:t4:


Iā€™d make him go get tested.In fact,Iā€™d tell him,letā€™s go get tested together


Iā€™m a bit of a hypochondriac so Iā€™m constantly worried about catching something from someone


Could you possibly be having an odd smell of vagina ?? And he just does not know how to bring it up ort

You sure is isnā€™t already married or in another relationship?


He thinks your sleeping with every guy you shake hands with and heā€™s probably sleeping with every girl that will let him. You shouldnā€™t be having unperturbed sex with anyone your not in a searous long-term relationship with and you definitely should have been on birth control.

You didnā€™t use condoms? Other forms of bc doesnā€™t protect STDsā€¦


Have you been checked since youā€™ve been together also are you both in a committed relationship? Not judging but stds arenā€™t a joke. I remember freaking out after having rub raw on my penis after sex a few times. Theirs probably a reason he is concerned/paranoid.

Did yā€™all not get tested prior to having sex? If you did and you were both clean Iā€™d be concerned that heā€™s been screwing around. If you didnā€™t get tested first then go. ASAP.

It sounds like he may suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and STDs is his theme. I would ask him about it.


Why not get tested together that way you both know you are cleared and you both can move forward.

Maybe soMe one he was with cheated on him and got an std. You really never know.


Why in the world would you harm your mental health for anyone? Both get test. Tell him to wear a condom. You dont need to sacrifice anything, especially your health for anyone. And the STD talk, once is enough, get test or wear a condom. He has trust issues. If he doesnā€™t trust, put a Condom on. It doesnā€™t matter if he says he doesnā€™t like it. Tell him, you dont trust him too, so to be safe from STDā€™S, WEAR THE CONDOM. your worth so much more than how this person is treating you. And no, you are not over reacting. He is not considerate towards your feeling.


Homeboys cheating and making sure youā€™re not catching anything


You go get tested together then tell him to wear a damn condom and stfu :woman_shrugging: you donā€™t owe him birth control

Or he has a std and heā€™s just letting you know with the std talk bc itā€™s probably gonna come up a lot more ā€¦ get out while you can


If u guys are exclusive why would he be worriedā€¦
Whats he upto is what I would be asking myself


Just shows heā€™s responsible maybe suggest you both get tested before continuing to have sex

Heā€™s hiding a rat in his trap! Heā€™s playing innocent
Or Heā€™s hiding something :thinking:


Get on birth control and please use condomsā€¦ he sounds shady.


I wouldnā€™t sleep with him til you have a test done! Sounds like he has something but hoping you do or heā€™s gives it you to blame it on you, or heā€™s had something from a ex and itā€™s stuck with treated or not! As for pregnancy if he is that worried tell him to wear a condom
But girl I see read flags with this! Xx


Guilty Conscience. And Imma leave it at that and hope you leave him OVER that. And not JUST the topicā€¦ But the amount of ā€œHUGEā€ red flags flapping!!
Paranoia. Lecturing. Control. Mental distress. Youā€™re already second guessing yourselfā€¦ Babe, if Iā€™ve learned ANYTHING in my LONG string of THESE TYPES is it NEVER ends well. Please guard yourself and take care.
You deserve better :heartpulse:



You should both get tested before having sex.
Lecturing someone afterwards is suspicious to me.


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: I would call it quits because thatā€™s just weird. Esp the birth control. You donā€™t deserve to be depressed from medication just to make someone else happy.


I love the fact that hes concerned about his health and now yours too because you can affect his. I donā€™t think shaming the guy about being proactive is appropriate.
There is a good possibility that somebody betrayed him in the past and now he has to be over vigilant about it.

I look at posts like this, the comments/advice is disgusting and I canā€™t help but be ashamed in women now days. If it was a woman being overly cautious about an issue like this she would be lifted up and told how amazing she is. Our men should be lifted up for doing the right thing tooā€¦ What if this was your sonā€™s girlfriend and he was being overly cautious wouldnā€™t you be overjoyed?


Iā€™m not saying this is the case but I used to be super paranoid about STDs to the point where I would think I might get them from a toilet seat while using a toilet seat holder. I have OCD and maybe it could be something like this with him too? Could the STD talk be a reassurance thing?


Seems more like a control maneuver. If he was truly worried about STDā€™s he would of ask that you both be tested for them before sex.


No itā€™s not normal. You have out sex over your own mental health. Stop having sex before marriage.


After reading some good points, if heā€™s that paranoid, he should WANT to wear a condom. I have a boyfriend who was paranoid too, about pregnancy. Send a message if you nedx


Go on a date to a dr office and both of you get tested for peace of mind. Also, buy him a big pack of condoms Bc no man is worth you getting depressed for. Love yourself first girl! :heart:


Iā€™m surprised at the amount of women saying these are red flags. The man doesnā€™t want to catch a disease or get someone pregnant. I didnā€™t read where it says he wouldnā€™t wear a condom. Just that he didnā€™t want to get her pregnant. What is so wrong with that. The only thing I see wrong here is they should both have gotten tested together before sex.


Make it clear you donā€™t want kids. If thatā€™s true. And that youā€™re only with him. Sometimes we all need reassurance. If it continues after that Iā€™d leave


Just use protection. And consider not having sex until you are ready to be exclusive and trust each other. You shouldnā€™t be on birth control if it gets you depressed


Thatā€™s super weird maybe he has a kid or something heā€™s not telling you about :roll_eyes:


I think responsible adults should ALWAYS get tested and use BC if they donā€™t want a baby.
That being said. He should go take a test if heā€™s so worried.


He should have had the talk before sex. Go get checked out and make sure he didnā€™t give you an STD. Sounds like a guilty conscience to me. Then run :running_woman: far far awayā€¦ā€¦

If heā€™s so paranoid, shouldnā€™t of had sex. To me, it sounds like he has other people heā€™s sleeping with. Idk. Thatā€™s just my thought. To each their own. Go get tested together, also if birth control makes you depressed, he should be participating in the safe sex stuff like condoms & whatever. Not just you. Its not fair to put all this on a girl; I donā€™t wanna kid, go on birth control. Dude can use a condom. Or if heā€™s that scared of getting you pregnant, donā€™t have sex. Birth control and other safe sex arenā€™t necessarily 100% protective. Thereā€™s always that slim chance.

Just gonna leave a note that men can get snipped and have it reversed if theyā€™re soo worried about pregnancy :woman_shrugging:.
After that side note have you talked to him as to why heā€™s soo paranoid? Has he had an STD? Maybe he has trust issuesā€¦ I still get tested and am happily married but I was in a toxic marriage for 10 yearā€™s and that messed me all up. I had trust issues so I still get tested every year. Communication is key in any relationship. If your not willing to investigate more about your partner then thereā€™s no reason to continue :woman_shrugging:

No you are not crazy,He knows itā€™s wrong to have sex and not be married guilty of breaking God

If he worried about you getting pregnant he needs to make an appointment and get snipped, no reason for you to take meds that make you depressā€¦ And obviously he has been burned before since he is so paranoid, so its as simple as both of you getting checked and use protection, You never know if he might step out and then bring something to you then blame you ā€¦ But honestly please rethink this relationship do you really what to always feel like you walking on eggshells or constantly having to adapt to his craziness??

If heā€™s so paranoid, why didnā€™t he wear a condom?! It helps to prevent both things heā€™s supposedly so paranoid about! And you being on birth control wonā€™t do :poop: to prevent any STD!

U should have both got tested first. Also, there are various types of birth control. I am sure there is one that would not make you depressed or ensure you use condoms.

Birth control wonā€™t protect from STDs. He has to wear a condom for that. Or you all get tested regularly.

i think thats kinda odd and weird sounds like he has it or has had something in the past but i guess i would suggest him to both of yā€™all get tested to get a peace of mind and take it from there

Guard your heart girl. This sounds toxic already. Itā€™ll only get worse with time.
And you should get an STD check to be honest, his paranoia is a little weird and sounds like he might have one.
Also, if heā€™s so paranoid, why doesnā€™t he wear a condom??? Instead he wants YOU to get back on birth control that fucked up your mental health. Yea no. You deserve better and I would leave as soon as possible.
You gotta think long term, if heā€™s not thinking about your well being now, what happens if you end up getting married and getting pregnant? How will he act towards your well being then?
Red flag over red flag.
Good luck girl

Wear a condom he should be good not getting an std

It sound like he has STD. you need to be carefulā€¦

Do not take medication that makes u sick for another person. Let alone a toxic person.

He has the std and wants to make sure if you get it he can say you gave it to him. You better go get tested like NOW! And quickly start falling back out of love with this dude.

Trust issues. Major if heā€™s ruining a night of great sex with lectures that are not requested or needed. Sound like itā€™s his thang.

Always test before or after a new partner. Heā€™s aloud to be cautious, sounds like a good man. And if he has his own issues, then definitely educate him or help him, point him in the right direction. I think its a normal thing to worry about and talk about in the bedroom.

Yā€™all should go together down to the local clinic and both get STD testing done,you never know what someones been through. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a story behind this

If he has one, he could totally blame you and say you gave it to him to cover himself (if you didnā€™t wear a condom)

Go get tested. Both of you. But make sure you also get tested for hsv 1/2. I dont think planned parenthood regularly checks for that in their std panel.

That raises red flags. 1:Thereā€™s no trust, if there is no trust you canā€™t have a normal healthy relationship, 2: why does he feel like he needs to lecture you? Youā€™re both consensual adults and you know about stds so thereā€™s no reason for the lecture every time.
3: If heā€™s that scared he needs to (1) wear a condom (2) not have sex. You shouldnā€™t have to go on BC that makes you go into depression just to give him a peace of mind. Seems heā€™s only interested in himself.
4) This seems like he has insecurity and controlling issues and that heā€™s not being faithful to you. I feel like hes prob had it or isnā€™t faithful and has it and wants to pin it on you to give him an out.

This isnā€™t normal , if you have to change anything about you for him even something as little as birth control than heā€™s not the one. A relationship is supposed to be finding a soulmate, someone who makes you happy, who is fun, who can give you amazing sex. Not stress you out.

Ooooh honeyā€¦
Donā€™t walkā€¦ Run yourself to the health department on your way to get the hell outta Dodgeā€¦
And make it a life motto to not mess with anyoneā€¦ Male, female, whateverā€¦ Friend, significant other, or whateverā€¦
Anyone who:
A) Feels the need to grill you or play 20 questions about anything at anytime other than getting details of someone who hurt you on their way to hurt them back. Or,
B) Feels the need to repeatedly reassure you of anything, absolutely anything, that should be understood between adult human beings (ex Iā€™ll never hurt you, you can trust me, you have nothing to worry aboutā€¦ etc)
People who actually care about you will let their actions speak for them.

Anyone who tries to argue these are only trying to convince themselves that someone they want to be good for them is, when they really are not.)

Does he have an std that he doesnā€™t want to tell you? You should probably get an std test now to be safe!