My "boyfriend" just told me he is single, what do I do?

Toss his ass out! You’re going to drive yourself crazy keeping his ungrateful ass around. He can sleep in his own bed and pay his own bills. You focus on yourself and your babies. He doesn’t sound like he’s worth the headache.

Hes toxic as f. Tell him to go back to his place. To tell someone they can’t be with anyone else even though that person don’t want you is just toxic


Stop letting him sleep in your bed. Make him stay at his place. And go for DNA test when baby is born and get child support. You deserve better.


Red flag, get out while you can


Comes and goes? That’s what a fk buddy/fk boy does

He does what you allow him to do.

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Have some self respect and leave. He pushed you down while pregnant and you still love him… yuck :face_vomiting:
Go file a dvo or avo and forget that looser


He says his not your bf tell him there’s the door! Don’t let him treat you like trash!

get rid of him ban him from house change locks if have keys and burn watever clothes has at urs ss get rid of him cleanse with a few gfs make a night of it

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Why pay for water at his place when he Can charge yours up

Stop giving in and kick his ass to the curb, and stop having kids, life is a bitch it is tough raising babies on your own

You need to end the relationship. He does not own you because you’re pregnant. He’s physically & emotionally abusive. Call a DV agency. Work with a counselor. Get a restraining order. You & your kids including baby will be better off without him. Try to move ASAP so he can’t find you. Don’t contact him at all. Not even when baby is born. You will be a single mom. There’s no way he’s going to co-parent. He’s already using the baby to control you. You will be better off single parenting without him. If you’ll need child support as for your address to be hidden. You can receive child support without him having visits. He can petition & will get them. Chances are he won’t because his goal is to control you. Going through the court limits his control. You can ask for 3rd party transfers, communication, set scheduled visits, first right of denial etc. If he petitions for visits get a lawyer. The big thing right now is getting away from him. He’s going to make your life hell if you don’t.


So because he’s threatened you if you move on. “You and that guy will be in the ground”. You can use that in a restraining order especially if you have messages. I’d break it off. And let him know he can’t just show up. And get that in messages. And if he does you can call the police. And then go apply for a restraining order because of his threats. And when the baby is born file for child support and custody immediately


Its time to dump the baggage. If your not together then he has zero right to be in your house. When his child is born he can have visitation with the child that doesn’t mean he gets you.

Girl you need to get a protection order against him for you and the baby when it arrives. If he’s willing to put hands on you pregnant, I wouldn’t trust that he wouldn’t hurt the baby. Change the locks and if he tries to get in your house, call the police. I would NOT want that man around a baby, already showing you signs that once his buttons are pushed, he reacts violently.

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Because you let him. Period

Tell him to go home. Change locks. Charge child support when baby is born. You deserve better. He’s not it

You are crazy for putting up with this! Kick him out! Stand your ground! Make him pay child support when the baby is born. Take it from someone who’s been there, he will never change. Put your kids first. Ditch him

First off you’re single mama, he told you that. If he has a key to your place change the locks. He doesn’t want you he is using you. When you have your baby give baby your last name, leave him off the birth certificate, and you go straight over and file exparte motion for custody and put him on child support. If he comes and hits you, pushes you, or even threatening to you get proof (like a text) or if he comes getting aggressive call police. Tell them he is trespassing and have him removed, then follow up with a personal protection order for safety reasons. Don’t answer his calls and just move on.

Wow…better choices need to be made in your life.

Just sad for the children.

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Stop letting him come & go as he pleases. Set boundaries for when he can and can’t come over. Don’t let him do his laundry at your place, don’t cook for him, make him clean up after himself- you aren’t his mother. He’s keeping his options open & you should do the same because you and your kids deserve better. And stop letting him sleep over, don’t have sex with him since he’s single and so are you. I don’t think you love him, you just love the idea of him, which he obviously isn’t living up to your standards, but someone else will without you having to ask.

Do yourself a favor & read this again from an outside perspective. Read it over and over until it clicks. Girl, what? Be stronger than this. Pick your self worth up off the ground & stand up… Anybody can plant a seed that doesn’t give them access to the whole entire garden! It’s abuse. All of it. Get away please before it gets deeper & you even doubting yourself & wondering if it’s just “hormones” is showing signs of gaslighting!!! Please recognize these signs for what they are in the early stages bc they can & will get worse, it sounds like he already has that hold/control on you & he knows it! Please research narcissistic behaviors & abuse (tiktok is a great platform for this bc it’s very relatable and breaks it down and also grazes over things that aren’t mentioned in articles based on personal experiences) I also wanna point out that your main concern seems to be “he says he’s single, doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me what can I do to get him to commit?” This should honestly be your last concern and be grateful your dodging that bullet so to speak imagine how much worse it could be if he did (claim) you? Tbh HE IS COMMITED to mentally, emotionally controlling you… he is a narcissist!! Open your eyes & please get away!


Is this the life you feel like you deserve? You have to decide that you want better for yourself and your children. To ALLOW yourself to be treated this way is not healthy for you or your children.

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Get a DV order and change the locks. Any of his possessions at your put out the front. Tell him it’s over. Call the police if he escalates

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you need to dump this loser , it sounds like he is a mental case i think you should take a step back and read your post , see how it looks when it is in print . you dont deserve this kind of treatment ,

Please look in the mirror and tell yourself you can do this. He is the poster child for reasons to run! He treats you like shit, comes and goes as he pleases the THEN had the nerve to tell you that you didn’t have a choice??? Kick him out, change the locks, move if you have to BEFORE the child is born.

I didn’t even finish reading! He’s using you! Make better choice, be an example for your children. You can do it!


Want not won’t.
Why the hell you wasting your time? Your kids times? Your mental stability? You need therapy. You need to love you and your kids first. You need to find you and stop relying on a no good person to make you feel good. :100:

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I got to “6 months pregnant” & stopped reading. Girl, couldn’t be anymore black & white than that so you’re not in a relationship anymore. Would you really try be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you while you have a baby to look after? No. Just leave him be. You’ll put yourself through hell if you constantly try & win him back when he doesn’t want to be with you.

End it, he’s being physically and mentally abusive to you. He wants to control you. Get out while you can. You are not his possession. Many red flags here.

Sooo many red flags here…!!! Put his things out get an order of protection. Block his numbers and change your locks… and don’t look back for the sake of your children and yourself!

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You should just leave him alone. Just because your having his baby, doesn’t give him the right to control you. Don’t let him over and do his laundry there or anything else. If he has a key to your place, change the locks. I know you love him, which makes it hurt even more so, but he clearly stated that he didn’t want you. I’m sorry, I know that pain all to well. But you are also unhappy. You have a right to be happy too. And find someone who’ll love you AND your kids. Yea, he’ll still be in your life if it is his child, but that doesn’t mean he controls you. I agree with putting anything that is his, outside and telling him that, he’s not welcomed at your place any longer until the baby is born and old enough to reconnect to him as it’s father. As soon as the baby is born, file for child support, heck file for it at the hospital right after birth. Take back your freedom from the guy. He doesn’t own you. Feel free to message me

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This is so very sad to read, you need to first start loving yourself, this guy does not love you, he doesn’t love your children and is using you for what you can give him. He is seeing other women, throwing you around ( while pregnant) pushing you and telling you he is not in a relationship with you and making death threats! Is this really how you want your daughters to grow up thinking a relationship should look like? Is this how you want your son to grow up thinking he should treat women? This “man” will not change , things WILL get worse. He is abusing you, disrespecting you and using you and you are allowing it. Love yourself and your children more than you love this POS. He is not worth it, change locks, get a restraining order and take care of your children.He will end up hurting you, maybe even worse and you will always be miserable hoping that he will change. He wont. Let him go before it’s too late. If you need support or a friend, you can message me.

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What does he do for you, because it sounds like he only waste your time? You already have your own place and your own life. No one gets to tell you that you can’t do this or that or put their hands on you. That is not normal nor will it ever change, he will only get worse. He should definitely have zero say if he “isn’t your boyfriend”. You’ve got to start documenting these things and if the physical abuse happened recently, file a police report. This will help in any custody case you have. There is no way that any man that is like that is worth it by any means. You’d probably feel less alone without him there.

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Oh god please leave change the locks you don’t want to be with anyone like that you deserve much better


Your his side bitch not being rude or mean but it’s you allowing him to do this to you he’s using the baby you are carrying against you…you are letting him do this to you your are pretty much his doormat to step on when he feels… he doesn’t want you, he wants what you have n he’s using that baby in your tummy to get what he wants outta you. He don’t care about you he cares about himself n that’s all. Don’t let him do that to you kick his ass out, you need to realize you don’t need this for yourself n children. What you think is love with guy is not love. Don’t let him push you around you don’t need that

No contact order against him.

Girl. Make haste. This is as good as it gets.

Just change the locks. He has no cares or concerns for a relationship and is using you. So sorry


Kick his ass to the curb and do what’s best for you and your children. He is using you and your letting him.:sleepy::sleepy:

Sounds like he’s just using you and pushing you around he’s also being physically, emotionally and mentally abusive. Domestic violence, get out or get the police to get you out of there.

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Nothing about any of this should make you want to be with him, he isnt giving you sex, a commitment, financial stability or peace of mind…what is there about him that makes you want this relationship?

Lady get rid of him he is not worth the headache or heartache. If he has pushed you already & on top of that preg he doesn’t give a damn about you & your a idiot for putting up with that. Trust me it doesn’t get better, it will get worse. You don’t want your girls to think this is what love is & eventually they will seek out a boy yes a boy a man would never treat his woman like that b/c that is what they have seen. After this pregnancy stop having babies till you are in a stable, loving relationship.

This guy is definitely a creep and an abuser. Physically, mentally and emotionally abusive! I would not give him the time of day. Like others have said change your locks block his number file a protection order tell him do not ever come to your house again. You deserve way better and it is very hard to be a single mom if you have the chance to meet an amazing guy in the future you will want that. But you don’t want him. Trust me. I have been there. It gets worse not better. You have to be very careful for you and your children sake. You are setting the example. I would suggest getting a good counselor you can usually get them for free through state insurance. You may even want to move honestly. He sounds like he could turn into a stalker especially since he’s already making sideways threats etc. This treatment is not acceptable behavior. I wish the best for you, I went to counseling every month for four years and it changed my life. I have also gone every week for an entire year. Life can be tough but you can do hard things! You need the support. Keep reaching out and protecting your children by also protecting yourself. Hugs :purple_heart:

Get rid of him Asap. Zero tolerance for that dum shit’! Sorry, you deserve better,

Get rid of him. He is trying to control you. It’s best you end the relationship now’! It’s going to get worse.

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run, he’s having his cake and eating it too !!

Oh my god girl get out pack a bag call women helpline you and you’re kids deserve better if he can drag you while pregnant he will kill you one day xx

Well, he sounds controlling and manipulative and honestly, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him.
Thank him for being willing to step up and be a father to your child, but tell him that he is no longer welcome in your home and has no say as to how you live your life so long as it is not going to hurt the wellbeing of your children.

Really you need advice on this

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I’m not going to tell you that you deserve better… I mean come on how many kids and you’re pregnant again? I hope theres not 4 baby daddy’s…
How ever what I am going to say, get out, and stay single and be a mum to your kids and stop thinking about the dick.

Change the locks, block his number, move on. He’s using you.

If he is saying he is single distance yourself. Any man who pushes a woman around ain’t sh*t anyway. You are paying your own bills without him. If he straight tells you he is single. Don’t let this little boy be an example to your other kids on how a man should be. Straighten your crown because he doesn’t deserve you.


He’s a buttface dont waste your breath… he wants his cake an to eat it too. Take away his cake

The right man for you won’t make you beg for attention.

He’s using you and you’re allowing him to

Oh girl. I didn’t even have to finish reading that to know he’s using you because you’re letting him. As long as he can come in and out he will. Put your foot down and tell him if there’s no relationship then he needs to go. The second you get out of the hospital file for a custody order if you put him on the birth certificate. In some states, if y’all weren’t married then he’d have no legal rights even if he is on the birth certificate until they were established by the court but in most states if he’s on it, he’ll be able to take the baby from you and won’t have to give it back until y’all go to court so protect yourself and your child from that trauma as soon as baby is born one way or another. If you wait until a court order is established to put him on the birth certificate then he won’t be able to just take baby from you. He does NOT sound like a good guy at all and I just have a feeling he’ll try some crap like that and my intuition is pretty good. He sounds exactly like my ex who is a narcissist.


Uhhhhmmmmm. :thinking: Am I missing something or did she say that the non bf threatened to kill her and any guy she might decide to start seeing?!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Seriously, tell him to gtfoh and :face_with_monocle: file a restraining order or something. Dude is mental!


You need to tell him that it’s over and record what he says to you and see if you can use it to get a restraining order

Girl, it is beyond time to take out the garbage. It’s over, and it sounds like this is something you should be forever grateful for. Best of luck to you and your babies.


Sounds like he is very controlling and probably could snap any moment, u got other kids make him leave and I would get a ppo against him.

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Ok, don’t let him back into your house. He wants to be single, he can do it elsewhere and not give you false hope for a relationship that will never flourish. Also seeing red flags, he’ll be sleeping in bed with you to stop you from sleeping around whilst your pregnant. That is a mark of a narcissist man, close off those feelings. He can have a relationship with his son/daughter when they get here, but for now he doesn’t need to be in your life


Leave him and move on. You will never have that relationship you’re hoping for with him… he’s not sleeping with u cuz he is sleeping with someone else. I had to learn the hard way and we also have a son and I left him and allow him to still be a father. You don’t have to be together to raise a child.


This so called man is only using you. You need to tell him it is over and he is not to come over anymore. Have a friend there with you so he won’t push you around because you will have a witness and they can call 911. Change the locks on your doors and if he comes around and tries to get in then call the cops. Period! When you go to the hospital to have the baby let him know but be sure to tell the doctors and nurses that you DO NOT want him in the delivery room and that he is not to see you. Please keep us informed.


You have this guy around your children. What is wrong with you. Kick him out of your house and your life. If you think it is okay for some guy to threaten you your unborn baby and abuse you, then you are wrong. Restraining order and leave his name off the birth certificate. Do not teach your children that getting abused is okay. They will grow up finding the same kind of guy. Do you want your daughters to be in the same horrible situation?


You are allowing yourself to be treated as a doormat. Kick him to the curb and get on with your life.

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Wow , wow , you are so weak ,you don’t respect yourself. How do you expect respect from him?Can you tell that he doesn’t love you? Love your self please .I feel sorry for that child with a father like that. Walk away fast. May God Bless you and your children.

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Change locks on the doors. Put him to the curb. Make him take you to court for visitation and you file for child support. He’s acting like a boy, treat him like one. He sounds very disrespectful. Don’t stand for it or it will never change. If he’s single, he needs to do laundry an sleep at his house


Omg he sounds toxic… run away asap!!! He will be trouble …listen… HE WILL BE TROUBLE FOR YOU! RUN AWAY!!!

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What you allow is what will continue. You are allowing him to do whatever he wants and come and go as he pleases. It sounds like you’re so desperate to be with someone you’ll do anything to keep a man. How do you have all these kids and have time to keep getting knocked up by someone new??? Shouldn’t your focus be on your kids and not on getting laid??? You sound very young so I would say you need to take some time single to grow up and learn what it means to be an adult and a parent instead of jumping into bed with the next man that tosses some affection your way. He is not interested in a relationship. He’s interested in what you can do for him. You need to put your big girl panties on and handle business instead of dropping them for another looser.

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Your poor kids. Girl please have a back bone. Give those kids a better llife.


Tell him he needs to back off or you Get a restraining order . He’s the baby’s father not YOUR father


This boy wants to have his cake and eat it too​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Change the locks, get alarm system, and tell him he is no longer welcome! If he breaks in call police. Your daughters are watching you and they will end up with a man doing this to them! They deserve better! You deserve better! Sad you don’t see any of this!


You love a “man” that threatened to kill you if you found someone because he feels he owns you and is entitled to everything you can provide without having to do a thing. And is sleeping with you and other females while you are pregnant with his child… Please read your post to yourself and really read it as if this was a stranger that posted it instead of you… How they treat you while you’re pregnant is how they truly feel about you!


Your just a side chick :woozy_face::joy_cat::rofl: that’s why


Protective order needs to be in place and you need to RUN!! Let him go!! Make him stay away!!


You deserve so much better. Move on.


GTFO, better yet, GHTFO, like right now, yesterday…

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Hes literally threatening you & anyone you may bring around… you need to boot him & move on… hes only around cuz he got you prego, he doesn’t actually wanna be there… youre not gonna get anything from him other than what he’s giving you now & you deserve better & a committed partner…

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Don’t know why you’d want a relationship with him he sounds like a toxic person and a user. Do what’s best for you and your kids and change your locks.


:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: Honestly I can’t believe these story’s , So unreal like people are just making this s?-/: up!!!:woozy_face:


Run :running_woman:t2: as fast as you can from this jerk!!! Period!!!

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Why is he in your bed? I always say we teach people how to treat us. If he doesn’t want to be there then let him go. Love yourself!


Tell him to go to hell and stop allowing people to hurt you and treat u like crap…not about some punk as dude ur world sweetie hes just living in it…

Not sure if anyone else has said it, but whomever wrote this… please read your post as if it’s one of your daughter’s telling you these things about her and a guy that knocked her up. If you don’t want to ever hear something like this from her, run far and fast away from this man, or any man that you treats you in a way you wouldn’t want a man treating one of your daughters.

Point blank, period.


I hate to see women being taken advantage of, and ALLOWING IT! Get some dignity and some pride. You don’t need this creep.


Fuck that! If you need to borrow my fiance to help sort this POS out, just let me know! I’m so sick of reading SO many stories like this! I’ve read your story to my fiance and he is just as angry as I am to hear about what this guy is doing!

You need to heal yourself for your children’s sake. Learn to love yourself enough to demand better.

I am starting to lose faith in women. Why do you let all these men disrespect you then ask ‘what should i do?’ :face_with_spiral_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:


Leave. It will hurt yes, but you need to love yourself more. As well you are showing your daughter’s what they should accept. Is that what you want for them? Find someone who loves you and chooses you, everyday.

He’s using you for sex. He literally just told you without telling you because he’s a weenie. Grow a pair of balls and cut it off.

Sorry to say your barking up the wrong tree with this guy, child or not, kick him out - change the locks, call the cops on him, get him trespassed, change your number if need be and go on with your life. Stop making bad decisions, your not going to change him, he has to change on his own. Don’t let him back in ever because he is using you. Sounds like he keeps the other place to have his own on the side relationship going. He is a controlling manipulative a-hole who will not change… and if you believe him that he will, than sorry you can’t whine about what happens if you do let him in… who knows how many kids this guy has by the sounds of it… kick out and move on… Make better desicions… good luck


He sounds scary. Please contact a women’s shelter/center and a domestic violence hotline while he is not around so you can get out of this safely, especially since you are pregnant.

Follow all instructions to protect you and your kids as he sounds violent and unstable. No one deserves to be treated the way he treats you. If possible, have family and/or friends present when he comes around to act as witnesses and protectors and someone to call 911 if necessary. If possible have them sleep on the couch and live with you until he is safely removed with a restraining order.

Keeping a journal of his actions with dates and times is a great idea, but make copies to leave with friends or family in case he finds it and destroys it. You or another person should make recordings of him going off or accusing you or setting “rules” to show the court if you can do so safely.

Consult with the women’s center and domestic violence folks as to the best way of protecting your unborn child, whether leaving him off the birth certificate or only allowing court supervised visits and getting his wages garnished for child support.

He sounds toxic. Please use reliable birth control in your next relationship so you don’t get into this predicament again. It’s good to know someone for three years to be able to really see their personality and all their demons.

This website has great info:


You can’t change a person. You can only change your behavior. Concentrate on your children. Give them the love! And throw the “single” guy out! Don’t let him in to sleep in your bed. He’s gonna be a part of his son’s life. Let him go. He doesn’t care about you… good luck …


Report him for domestic violence and get an order of protection against him. He sounds like a horrible person and he will likely not change. Sounds like he just likes to control you.


Good luck with this one. What a mess

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Change ur locks as soon as u can cause guys like this are not gonna let u just walk away and maybe notify police u need to get away well u can ur stronger than u know think of ur babies if not for urself



The man you think you love does not exist anymore, if ever. And he has shown you that he is not that man. So snap out of it and start putting yourself and your kids before this POS man-child.

Please write on a piece of paper two columns: one named PROS and the other named CONS. Then go into the bathroom, lock the door behind you, look into the mirror and read your post from beginning to end. Fill in the PRO column with all the good things you said about your relationship. Fill in the CONS column with all the bad things about your relationship. When you’re done, look at your paper. You’ll see your answer and know your solution. Period.

Now for the sake of your children, grow TF up! You already know this man ain’t sh*t. And that he has nothing to offer you other than getting you pregnant. The very first thing you could do is CUT HIM OFF! 100% NO CONTACT. Throw his stuff into a box and put it on the porch and tell him to come pick it up. Let him know that you need time and not to contact you at all. Block him on social media, block his number, and delete it from your phone. Let your friends and family know for support because he will try to contact you through them eventually. Monitor calls from numbers you don’t recognize. And if comes to the house, don’t let him in. Change the locks if you have given him a key. Take care of your physical and mental health. You are pregnant and you’ve got to realize that this chaos is NOT good your pregnancy.

This man is no good for you. And having him around is detrimental to your mental health and possibly dangerous for you and your children. Just keep thinking of the worst case scenario that could happen and make your decision based on that.

Take some time to figure yourself out and work on yourself. And please don’t jump into another “situationship” because you feel lonely. And if you do, please practice safe sex because as you’ve witnessed, getting pregnant and having a man’s child does not make him morph into what you want him to be. Good luck.