My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Kick the boyfriend out unless you want someone trying to come between you and your son for the rest of your life. He will only get worse.


Kick your man out. He ain’t worth it. It’s your child.


You kindly but firmly show that “boy” man and his stuff out the front door.


Your EX boyfriend says what???


First of all it’s your son and it’s not your boyfriends place to say if you can or can’t go all out. You can spoil your kid as much as you want until your boyfriend becomes your husband then he can have a say so that’s what I would tell mine.


get rid of the man child and spoil your real child.


Who do YOU want to see Happy??? Seems like a no-brainer to this mom. Maybe BF could be a “better” “friend” and help plan the JOY OF LIFE for children!!!:heart:


Is he your sons father? No. Is he your husband and paying the bill? No. One can still teach the real meaning of Easter, and still have fun with it too! I say do you. Your son is #1… boyfriend is #2. Sorry…his permission is not needed.


I’d find a new boyfriend


No man will ever tell me what to do for my kids


Do it!!! If he’s not buying it it’s not his business.:100:


I don’t like that. Don’t stop doing, what you have been doing, before the boyfriend came along.

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Girl what … He isn’t the parent that needs to know his place.

It’s none of his business. He doesn’t get to tell you how to handle your child. Honestly, who does this guy think he is? I hope you don’t give in to him. If you do, that’s the way it will always be and don’t think that your son won’t know that.


Go all out girl because these times go so fast. Enjoy going the extra mile for YOUR child. They remember those times when they get older.


You do not change your parenting for a partner. Unless it’s for the better. This is harmless and would cause confusion if not some emotional distress if all a sudden he went from being spoiled to not. He may think you are starting to love this man more than him and this may grow into larger problems in the future. If he does not have children, do not allow him to tell you what needs to be changed in your parenting. Buy that boy even more stuff this year than you did last!! :heart::heart:


Tell him to kick rocks…thats your child, who tf is he besides a live in piece of ass??

Well I agree with him that Easter is not a second christmas. I buy by children a few inexpensive toys/movies, some candy, something fun etc. But I personally dont believe in going all out. But that is MY belief. If YOU enjoy/belief different, you do you girl. No judgement. My kids have everything they need. I buy for my kids on and off throughout the year and some people choose to go all out and only get things on holidays. Ultimately is this his child? Are you spending HIS money? If both are no, in my opinion, he is welcome to VOICE his opinion in a respectful manner, but its your decision.


Choose your kid everytime. Every single time.

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Get rid of the boyfriend - not his kid.

Do NOT adjust what your child and your traditions are! Your kids will remember those traditions when they are adults and they will do them for your grand babies. Do not EVER change that because a man says it’s too much when he isn’t around for the first years. It’s not their call it’s yours. I will never allow a man to tell me what I cannot do for my babies.


RUN GIRL RUN and don’t look back

While I agree with him it’s not his child and he has zero say unless that puts you at a struggle for bills.

Think about what memory will make you smile 10 years down the road your baby waking up Easter morning to a bunch of stuff or the boy you dated that may not even be around for the following Easter. It is your child. I would not let him control what you do for him. I would almost say he’s jealous if you ask me.


Honey…that is YOUR son you spoil that baby as much as YOU want too …an a new bf…matter of fact bf at all should never tell you not to do something for your son knowing it means that much to you…sounds like dude has alot of growing up to do

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Red flag!!!

It’s none of his business. You do not change your way of parenting for a boyfriend!


Tell your boyfriend to get lost, sounds like some red flags coming from your boyfriend. Holidays even the smallest one should be made special as far as I’m concerned, these are memories made for your son, and I’m sure he will remember how special these holidays where when he gets older and he will do the same for his children one day. Like I said sounds like some red flags coming from him and I’d rethink your relationship with him especially if you have moved him into your home with you and your child. Control issues lead to abuse, my kids come first before anyone or anything period.

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Go out for your child!

Sorry, but I would never allow a new boyfriend of 1 year or any amount of years for that matter dictate how much I spend on my children. You can have an opinion, yes, but no further. It basically goes like this… We did it before without you and we can do it again without you. Time to re-examine this relationship if something so small as this ticks him off.


Girl you better go all out wit yo kid and let the BF just out.

Get rid of boyfriend and take your son to church and learn the true meaning of Easter as well as Christmas it’s more than gifts oh you might also take the bf

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Oh hell nah, do what you want for your son. That guy has issues, why does he even care and if anything he should be spoiling your kid with you tf!

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Ew gross. Throw the whole guy out.


It’s your kid and your money (I hope) do what you want!

He’d have a new address before daylight tomorrow. Blocked on everything. This is what we’re not going to do is yell at a mother for wanting to spoil her child when you have the means to do so.

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Don’t ever leave him alone with your kid men like that Nooooope

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Tell him how important it is to you, and if he doesn’t respect your position, decide if you are willing to stay with someone who wants to argue over something so trivial. Child rearing has to be agreed upon for a successful relationship.
Also, look within yourself, do you really need to give him so many material things? Maybe compromise.

You are the parent! He is telling you how to parent vour child, only one year! In my eye he will be over baring your parenting in the near future!

Fk the boyfriend sounds like he’s jealous and it is not his call… you only have a child do everything you can now so he knows he is loved and not his call… that’ll my opinion … I will nvr let any man or anyone tell me what i can or cannot do especially the holidays…

Do what you wanna do for your kid.

It’s sad that you even need advice


Why would u even listen to a guy telling u what to do or not do for YOUR SON??? RIDICULOUS

He’s not wrong really but it’s your kid

How I would handle it!?! Is that I will do what I want for my kids!! My husband ( father of my kids) knows this as well. I will do what I want with my money. I got out for holidays as well. My husband has learned let me do what I want because I am going to anyway. Now this is a boyfriend I would explain to him that I have been doing this on my own for 5 years and doing it my way. I am not going to change how I parent nor how I do holiday’s because you feel it’s to much. It’s your money do what you want

Did you also him to pay for this? It’s important to keep traditions for our kids we had before the new men.


Your house, your kid, do what you want. I always did a gift for Easter rather than a whole basket of candy.

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I understand where he’s coming from as I just had this conversation with my wife (of 19 years). That’s the thing tho, he’s just your bf…. He’s overstepping his boundaries. That’s a convo for a much more committed relationship than a bf of a single year

I went all out for my kids on holidays, and for easter, I actually get my puppy a basket, some treats, and a toy, because she is family

Do what you want wtf

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Your kid do what you want but if finances are joint and this spoiling causes concerns there then concerns may be valid & worth discussing further

Kids come first simple as that. My man wanted us to go all out and even after I buy a bunch of stuff he’ll go grab more things.


Tell your EX bf that youre sorry no one loved him enough to make the holidays special for him and that youre gonna do what you want to make YOUR son happy. Just because he’s miserable about a holiday doesnt mean he has to make everyone around him miserable, Id tell him to shove it. Unnecessary argument


Sorry but in my opinion your boyfriend is right.

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It’s your kid…you do what you wanna do if he don’t like it tell him get tf out kids come first sounds like he’s jealous though

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Oooh no. Another controlling boyfriend. It’s jealousy, nothing to do with spoiling your son. Do what you want for your kid. He’s only a bf and you guys are NOT married so he’s not even a stepdad. My gut says ditch him because he’s going to continue making you choose between him and your child. And he might take it out on your son. This says future domestic violence all over it. I know I sound bitter but I’ve lived it and then worked in Battered Women’s Services. Now I’m a mental health counselor. Please stay safe.

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Pick your son. Period


Drop his ass! Kids come first NO MATTER what!!!

Do what u want for ya kid :100:

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I guess it depends on y’all’s definition of “all out”. I hook my kids up on holidays, doesn’t bother my husband. I guess maybe bc it’s not his kid???

Lose the extra weight and say goodbye….if he is giving you grief over an Easter Basket….what will it be like with real issues

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Unless you’re taking out a loan to spoil your kid, you do you & whatever makes you happy. Sounds like maybe the BF is a bit jealous perhaps?


Don’t change what you do for your child because of a dude. It will be what your son sees and make him feel like you are choosing that guy over him. And also, why does he care? Is it coming out of his pocket? Tell that guy to step off.


Your child should always cone first girl…men are by the dozen…dont let him ruin what you and your baby have…

Give him an Easter basket.

My ex husband used to say the same thing. Did I listen? Hell no. I’m fact I’d go overboard big time on purpose lol. You’re not gonna tell me what I can & can’t do with my kids


Your son is first if he’s controlling you now then it will only get worse

Continue to buy your whatever the hell you want! A man that doesn’t want a kid to be happy is a miserable one. He is most likely jealous of your child. Never let a person like that POS control you or your household. Men come and go, your kids are yours for life. Never ever chose a boyfriend over your child.

Tell him you have your own way of celebrating with your child and you don’t plan on changing it.

You might want to begin rethinking this relationship. It is nothing to tell about and it’s a holiday to celebrate.
It’s a good time to sit down and share family and holiday expectations before you move forward in the relationship. I wish more people knew to do this.
Someone once said if you marry for love and do not consider your lifestyle it will be unhappy ever after.
If you marry someone who is very strict on a tight budget and you spend freely for example or vise versa you will be unhappy for life trying to work it out and missing out on life


Do what your want to your son make him happy.

Your kid your money :woman_shrugging:


It’s your son so do what you want

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F*** him he’s your son

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That’s your BOYFRIEND, NOT YOUR HUSBAND or HIS FATHER! Compromising for a man that may be gone before Easter ijs​:woman_shrugging:t4:…if it we’re flipped and you spoke on his kids and what he does for them, how would he react??? We are so quick to change our lives and how we feel for temporary people. Be careful, there may be ill feelings towards your son! Control issues this early on is a sign to get out anyways. And to state, "NO DRAMA WITH HIM!":thinking::thinking: Sounds you already know how he is, DON’T PASS BY THE RED FLAGS, you’ll regret it later.

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Say by by to boyfriend sounds like abuse ,son come first get out of this relationship well u can


My kid is 28 and I still
Go all
Out don’t let a man tell you how to raise your kid draw the line

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Who the hell let’s this new only a year old boyfriend tell you the mother how to celebrate the holiday. If he doesn’t want to be apart of your holidays he can move out. T this guy does NOT have an opinion unless he’s paying or parenting. Why do you feel bad? Your kid should come first. Always. He’s the NEW bf . He needs to shut up and be happy he’s got a place to live.

Tell him to mind his own business

It’s hard I know but if he feels this way and acts this now it may get worse.

I love going all out for my kids no matter the holiday. You shouldn’t let a man that just came into the picture tell you what to do with your child! It’s your money, not his. Do what you’ve always done and go all out!!

Your Child should always come first, sounds like he’s controlling…#redflag


Kid comes first… Everytime. Sod what he thinks.


That’s the problem with kids these days, over the top spoiled. Nothing wrong with your BF pointing that out! Might actually even help in the long run.

I would not be having that at all! I would be showing him the door


He’s your little boy, you do as much as you feel like doing for him! If you want to go all out then by all means GO ALL OUT! You’re boyfriend doesn’t have a say, THAT LITTLE BOY IS YOUR BABY! Don’t let ANYONE tell you what you can or can’t do for your child. He doesn’t get a say unless he’s footing the WHOLE bill for the basket. If he’s not the one paying for it then he can back off. And if he wants to turn the situation into a drama episode then that’s on him not on you, your child comes first, if he can’t understand that then he can leave. Don’t feel obligated to do what your boyfriend wants, and don’t feel obligated to try and fit him into your lifestyle if the puzzle piece is the wrong shape, you can’t make that piece fit if it’s meant to fit in a different spot.


Easter isnt a 2nd christmas. Chocolate in the easter basket, maybe some bubbles and a spring outfit and thats it.

Your kid is more important than your boyfriend that hasn’t raised a child.

Easter is about Jesus Christ. Dye eggs… or make cookies… have an Easter Egg hunt in your yard. You’ve lost the Focus.

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If you’re paying for it it’s none of his business

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I understand if he’s trying to be frugle with finances. Yes, you should do what you want for your kids, but maybe he sees you spoiling your kids rotten and it creating a problem in the long run.maybe he sees a future with you, but he is also starting to see a spending problem?

Screw him. Do it for your son

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Kick that dirt bag out!!!

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So it’s your kid or your boyfriend? Ima always choose my kid periodt!

Ewwwwwwwww lmao I think bf is mad that he isn’t getting the basket :joy::joy: what kinda man tells a mom what to do regarding her child when he hasnt been around long enough to matter like that?

He’s just a boy-friend

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I’m definitely torn but I don’t like how he handled it. 

I always go all out for my kids for holidays. I don’t care if it’s not Christmas. :grimacing: My husband came into my older son’s and my life when he was 4. I can’t imagine him being like that. He’s always supportive and even does as much as I do. We now have a 2 year old of our own and it’s even better. I’m sorry, I wouldn’t put up with it. My son would come before a man.:grimacing:

Your child should come first. He has jo say in it

i know someone should have told you this but your son comes first, show the whiny “man” child the door and get you a REAL man that will love your son because he is a part of you …your son is only young once and if you want to get him stuff for Easter i say go for it, he will remember how his mama was there for him


Tell him to mind his own business . This is your son and you do what you want .