My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

You go all out for your son

Your child, your money, I say do whatever you want if you can afford it.

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Choose the kid
Or the boyfriend

Fuck the boyfriend. That’s your child. If you wanna make the holiday special then do so. Boyfriend shouldn’t have a say on that. He is not the child’s father. Either needs to get on board or shut up.

Red flag … get rid of him


Show him all out the door. No man is going to tell me what I can and can not do for my children. Children always come first before ANYONE.


Your son should and always come before any man. Just saying :100: That’s your Son. A man or boyfriend will come and go but the love from your child is unconditional. And forever :heart: Spoiling your kids is not bad and for a Easter basket n such please he should have no say in how much love you want to show your son.


Do it anyways. Your son. Your money.:blush:

If it’s your money :moneybag: don’t give it a thought

I handle it by saying “get out”


I’m sorry but I have to agree with the bf. Easter isn’t a second Christmas. I’ve seen people buy their kids mountains of toys for Easter and I’m like :flushed: why? I’ve always just gotten a basket, filled it with candy, eggs and small toys. Pencils, stickers and crap like that. If you’re planning on having this man for the rest of your life, y’all will need to come up with some sort of compromise.

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You are not married!! Your kid is 1st!!

Tell him he not doing enough !

Leave him & your son come first before him

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Tell him to mind his own business


You do what you want for your child the minute someone told me I couldn’t do for my child they would be gone


Honestly sounds jealous. I’d ask him who hurt him lmao

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You do it anyways??? He’s not your sons parent you are

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Do what you want and stop buying the boyfriend gifts :rofl:


Um do for your kid. Period. No way in this world am I gonna let a man tell me I can’t.


Spoil your kid, let the boyfriend go.


Tell him to leave and don’t come back.

I dont want to judge his comments without more information. Why would he say that? What are you putting in your son’s Easter basket?@!@!

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Sounds like a man child
I say, spoil yr baby the same u would any other time. He deserves it. A butt ton more than this dude does. Ur kid first. Period.

Kids first. Tell him to accept or move on

Why are you letting a man that’s only around a year tell you what to do with your kids tell him to jog on out the door if he doesn’t like it sounds like a spoilt himself :roll_eyes:


Your money. Your child. Your business.

Unless going “all out” requires you to borrow money from him to do it, it’s none of his concern.


Seriously red flags this soon and he already upset u do too much for your child nope not good at all if he fights qith u about this it will get worse with other things


Huge red flag telling you how to spend your money


One of my favorite memories of my mom is the incredible Easter baskets she made us and how fun Easter was! She gone now and I cherish those memories. Maybe just tell him it’s important to you, if that doesn’t work then maybe rethink how much involvement you let him have with your son.


Kids come 1st. You can always find another man


Do what pleases your son and not your BF. BFs come and go but not your son!!

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He’s just a bf.

Kick him out and do what you want for your child.

He sounds like more stress than he’s worth anyway.

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That is YOUR child. I always go all out for my kids. Tell him to accept it or move on! Only a year and you are letting him control what you do for YOUR child!! NO.


And this is the reason,you date,for a long time so things like this…not going to happen,you both have to be on the same page…your not,there Is A lot to talk about…COMMUNICATION is key,both your parenting skills are different!

You do WHATEVER you want to do with YOUR child…

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Your son. Your Easter tradition get that man outta ur house I’d he doesn’t want to raise your son how you want to.

It’s your kid, do what you want, boyfriends don’t get an opinion on the matter.


Um is he mad he didn’t get an Easter basket lol maybe make him 1 too but all honesty all jokes aside your baby is 5 enjoy going all out pretty soon who knows if your son will care for it or not we go all out on our 5 year old daughter when she gets older she may not care for those things and if it’s your only child ummmm… that’s normal idk why anyone has a problem with what a parent does for there child unless your using his card and spending thousands then ok ok I would get told that’s too much we only spend like 30 the most since moving back twords family but that’s because she will get alot from family so I kinda don’t have to go too crazy

Are you using HIS money to do this? If not, it’s really none of his business. I go all out for my kids too… they each get an outfit, something fun to do, something crafty to make, something yummy to eat, and something to read. We follow the same trend for our kids at Christmas— so I guess in a way it is kinda like a second Christmas for my littles… my partner calls me ridiculous sometimes too— but ya know what… he doesn’t say anything when he sees their little smiles.

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Why does he get a vote? Not his business!

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Umm, MAN CHILD!!! Sorry no one made him special. :face_with_peeking_eye::roll_eyes: Your baby is only small for so long, you do it while you can!!! :white_heart::white_heart:

Kick him to the curb

Do want you always do for your son dont let anyone tell you not to do it for your son because your son should come before anyone

He sounds jealous of your child :sleepy:

If you know your sons expecting what you did last year and I do it regardless. That’s why I will remain single because I want to celebrate with my kids the way I want to celebrate.

First off tell him stfu… not his kid

Get a new boyfriend.
Sounds like my ex husband, he was that way. My fiance who will be adopting my 3 children after the wedding this November always goes out for the kids.
Whether you want to do simple baskets or huge baskets, that’s your choice. They are your children. No one should tell you different. You do what you want for easter. Remember they won’t be kids forever, only so many years they will be excited over an Easter basket


Kids always come first no matter what it is

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Stop dating a guy who thinks he has the right to control your relationship with your son.


Your kid your house YOUR rules, I’ll be damned if I ever let a man tell me what to do with my kid … even his father is only allowed “suggestions”

It’s your kid. He doesn’t have a say

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This is a situation, in which if you make your own money, you can do whatever the heck you want to do and tell him to shut up about it.

You handle it by telling him to mind his own business. This is your son.

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You do what you always have done with your child. You shouldn’t have anyone tell u how to parent!

You can’t actually be serious right :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I would spoil your child. They are little for so long. My kids are 14f (bio), 11f (bonus), and 10m (bonus). We are getting some stuff for Easter but I don’t think we are going all out. On Valentine’s day we went all out for them. My girls got plasma light ball and something else but can’t remember exactly what. My bonus son got a game for his Nintendo switch and a Minecraft light. All 3 of the kids got 2 wood hearts (for them to paint on), a wood pot of gold (for them to paint), gold coins (plastic to put on their pot of gold), tons of candy and couple other things but I can’t remember exactly what it was.

Guess who is JEALOUS

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I’ll do whatever I want for my kids… regardless of anyone’s opinions


If you normally do it, you do it. It’s your child and he’ll miss that memory if you stop now. The man sounds like he needs to go is shouþing about that.

Time to kick him out

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Get rid of him girl. Major red flags


Tell him don’t be mad bc the Easter bunny didn’t get him anything :sweat_smile: lol but for real though just tell him to get over it!

Do what you want because you’re a grown woman and that’s your baby. lol

He’s your kid and that man is not his dad or your husband. Do it the way you like to do it.


Do it anyway. If he doesn’t like it then bye boo. We do it all out too

Do what you want to tellhim to hush

I know this feeling

You go all out Mamma

If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t need to be part of it

You better choose your kid over him … Trust me … This will cause problems and this is just the start of something much larger … Mark my words

Ok and it’s not his kid so ???

Your child comes first before any boyfriend buy what you want for your son

Boyfriend of 1 year has no say. Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: dump him


Always choose your kids WTAF

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Get him an Easter basket too so he can shut the fuck up! :rofl:

Your kids are only little once. You will regret it later on if you let someone else tell you how to handle your kids for those short 18 years

Just do it. If he keeps whining, kick him to the curb. He sounds like a jealous guy with anger issues. Your son doesn’t deserve to grow up around that.

That’s terrible! These are the years kids remember! Men get too worried about money sometimes, not realizing us women have holidays planned way in advance & the bills will still get paid! All men seem to panic about the expense of holidays… But if you are paying for the Easter basket with your money, he needs to relax! I’ve made extravagant Easter baskets for $30 & under! A good man likes to see a child smile & excited on holidays! Keep that in mind! Narcissists try to ruin holidays :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:!!!
My boyfriend is not my kids biological father, and yes he worries about money, but like on Christmas, he goes all out to make everyone happy! That’s the way holidays should be for children! And 5 years old? You only have a few years left before your son doesn’t believe in the Easter bunny anymore! You spoil that kid!!!


Kick boyfriend to the curb!


I will always do what I please for my children, regardless of anyone’s opinions. He can hit the road. Kids remember those things. Still to this day my Dad buys me a valentine’s card and candy and my mom still makes me an Easter basket. I’m grown with 3 kids. Lol


He’s dispensable, your child is not!

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Do whatever you want!! It’s your child parent the way you want.

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Do what you normally do. Don’t let your guy jack up your son’s day


Why should he have a say in what you do for your child?

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your son came before him. remember that

Aww get him a chocolate bunny so he won’t feel left out :flushed::roll_eyes:

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You get rid of the boyfriend and fill the space he occupied in your house with tons of Easter stuff for your son.
He is telling you how to parent. Telling you to skimp on what you give to your child. He should not have a day. It’s your child, it’s your decision and the fact that he doesn’t want you to is a huge red flag. If he was the child’s father he would get a say but he’s not so he doesn’t.
Seriously this seems like controlling behavior that is usually attached to a toxic relationship. I’ve been in a toxic abusive relationship and it started with little things like this.


Omg he’s such a loser NO ONE would tell me what or not what to do when it comes to my SON


Um, he’s YOUR kid… you’ve been together for a year and spoiling your kid is a problem? He’d be an ex boyfriend at this point. Choose your kid over that kind of messy.


Set the tone now or your son is going to have a hard time. Maybe get something special for your guy too so he doesn’t resent the kid.
Kid first.

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Definitely go totally over the top with your son and have an amazing Easter!!

Not his house, not his kid. It shouldn’t matter.

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Your child should always be first!

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That’s not the man for you. That’s a special jealous excuse for a man. I’d pack his crap and tell him byyyee!!

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He’s not gonna be little long so go ahead nd do it!!!

Leave him your son comes first


Will the disagreement bring more harm than the basket does good? This is how I would weigh my options. Prayers dear.

I would be showing that boy the door your son comes first


What’s his issue? Tough luck on him, he needs to pick his battles and this one is ridiculous! He’s 5 years old and your son. Do what you want and don’t let him stop you from defining your holidays with your baby. Enjoy and spoil while you can

Ummm tell the bf to go take a hike :v::v::v::v:

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Depends on if you can afford it and what is considered over the top?

Basket full of candy and toys? Egg coloring, egg hunt? What else?