It’s a boyfriend or your kid…. You know which option to choose. It’s not even his child. He doesn’t get a say especially if spoiling on holidays is a tradition.
Get rid of the boyfriend…and go ALL out for that little boy, spoil them babies!!
You child(ren) always come first. Not friends, boyfriends or yourself for that matter. Do what you want for YOUR child.
Show him the door. No question as to what to do.
That’s YOUR kid not his. He has no say if it’s your money your spending. I’d be telling him to find his lane and stay in it! I don’t go crazy at Easter. He’s right it’s not a second Christmas but that’s also not his call to make, some people go all out and that’s their choice as parents and I don’t judge that.
Tell him to get absolutely f**ked. Moving in n telling you what you can and can’t spend on your child.
Nah x
Your kid your rules. Kiddo comes 1st. Boyfriend can suck it or be gone
Its your kid, not his. Keep doing what you’re doing momma!
Spoil your kid, Unless your using his money and overspending to where things aren’t getting paid then he doesn’t have a say. Never let a man tell you what to do with your child when it makes you and your son happy.
Sounds like this man child is jealous of you son … don’t let him be alone with your son and dump that guy ! Red flags everywhere !
Girl…that man ain’t the one.
Children are always first! Spoil that baby❤️
I bet he would accept it if you were spoiling him.
I’m not understanding why this is even a question? You’ve only known this man less than a year. If you’re paying the bills on time, and it’s not breaking the bank, then I think it’s a great idea to go all out for these holidays. What else is trying to control (if he’s not right now, he will be soon).
He sounds jealous. Not his kid not his problem
Why would your bf of a year get any say at all?
It’s your kid , do what want x
Tell him that you appreciate his opinion, but decisions on YOUR finances and for your son are YOURS to make. Not his.
You Go All Out For You’re Son And Kick Him To The Curb!!
Lose the jerk! He shouldn’t be yelling at you. Don’t tolerate this type of stuff.
Do what you want he doesn’t like it have him move out.
Tell your boyfriend that this is your son and he has no say. If he doesn’t like it show him the door. He’s not worth it.
He is not paying for what you buy your son and if this is your little Easter tradition and he is now living with you he better get used to your ways your son won’t be little for long let him enjoy it while he can
Get rid of the boyfriend and choose your son
Easter isn’t a second Christmas… but that’s my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.
You need to sit down and talk to him. Find out exactly why he thinks its too much. Maybe hes worried about too much candy. Maybe he wants to give more thanks for the true meaning of the day. So before you end up in an argument which will also be bad for your son. Find out. Comprimise, hes your new partner and should have some say if your wanting him to be part of your sons life.
He is YOUR kid not his. Do whatever you want for your child!
Sounds like you need to ask the Easter Bunny for a refund on the boyfriend.
Your kid comes first no matter what. What is his problem with it? Are you short on rent or bills? Other then that I don’t understand why he has an issue with it. But if everything in the household is fine financially and he’s just being a jackass I assume it’s only going to get worse. Don’t take this lightly. He is showing you who he really is.
- Put your child before any man.
- If your man doesn’t think children come first, obviously within reason, put him on the curb and find a new one.
- Pick better men.
Still your kid, still your house
Your kid you do as you please
Man is trash, take care of your kid mamas
Never let a man, or anyone for that matter, tell you what to do and how to celebrate with YOUR CHILD.
Why is this a question? He yelled at you? Because you do something for your kids and you want to know if you should take your BF’s side over your kid’s? Hell no. He should be an ex
This is how it starts! Put your foot down now and make it clear to everyone living in your home that you love your son and no one is going to stand in the way of that!
If you are footing the bill then go for it. If he is helping on the bill for it then go for it and tell the boyfriend that your son is only a kid one time in his life but the memories will last a life time and he can get over it or you can find a new boyfriend that will be more understanding!!!
First it’s going be Easter, Then it’s going be Christmas Presents, then birthdays… don’t let this dude control how you spend holidays with YOUR child. If he doesn’t respect you he definitely won’t respect your child. Seems like a money hungry prick to me.
It’s your son. Do what you want to do. Are you expecting him to help pay for the stuff? If not, then don’t worry about it.
He’s YOUR child. Do WHATEVER you want. If he doesn’t like it, HE can leave.
If he doesn’t wanna pay for it then he doesn’t have to! But he shouldn’t be telling you what to do for YOUR child in your own house!!!
It’s your kid, if he’s not funding it, it’s none of his damn business.
If your paying for it what does it really matter I know there Re 2 sides to every story and maybe he has some kind of reasoning for this but I don’t see what the big deal is.
Yeah no. Those are your traditions with your kids. Never let some man or women or anyone come in and think it’s okay to change things. Those are your kids and he’s coming into THEIR HOME an THEIR territory with THEIR mother. He needs to pick and choose his battles. This ain’t it.
It’s your child not his, do what makes you happy🥰
Girl do whatever you want for your son! He is your son. Boyfriend is replaceable, your son is not
Tell him don’t let the door hit you in the ass . No man will ever tell me how to handle my (babies 25-22) just deleted a man because he said I spoil my kids and grand baby. My kids are reasonably respectful adults . Yes I will always drop my plan if one needs me. Get the heck away from the man !!! Your kid is only 5 you go all out !!
These hv2b made up stories cause who go let a dude tell them what they can and can’t do 4they own child???..the boyfriend ain’t the problem, it’s you sis…
You’re the momma of your son not your man he little still spoil him and leave that jealous controlling man!
Don’t let someone tell you what to do bc you are a grown up? N if you don’t do it bc your afraid of pissing him off then that is toxic and you should not be with him. That is not, and never will be a normal feeling. <3
You should never be pressured to change what you want for your child. I like for every holiday to be special for mu grandbabies and my little nieces and nephews. If you can afford it and your bills are paid. Then no one’s business, no reason to be defensive or be yelled at. Your children should always come first and anyone that truly cares for you should accept that.
Red flag for me. Your child(ren) comes first. He just sounds like a jealous man child. Screw your BF.
Your child!Your choice!
Your boyfriend is a whole ass red flag
Do what you like. He’s the temporary fixture
That’s your son. My son is 8 I’ve been with my man 3 years now. We split rent and bills etc. he helps support my son and his advice and input on how to punish my son. But I have over all day. He never once questions how much I spend on my son or spoil him. He still spoils his 2 grown daughters and his 5 grandchildren. As long as our bills are paid do what you want with your money on your kids
Are you serious? He’s obvi not a good person/step dad & it hasn’t even been that long kick him out before your son ends up hating both of you
Go all out for your kid
How about teaching your child true meaning of Easter?
Boot the boyfriend. They are only little for a short time
Do you booboo he is the fool one cant tell you how to go about for your children
Spoiling your child for Easter is a good thing, they grow up SO fast and before you know it, those holidays are gone and your child is an adult, and here’s some advice from the child’s point of view, my mom always picked men over me and my brother, and it was wrong and hurtful, please choose your child over a man because in the end you Will be happier for it, your child should always be number one! Good luck on your discussion
He’s your child not his…
You lose the boyfriend
Tell him bye it’s just a taste of the future
It will get worse, please get out
And what’s his opinion going to be come actual Christmas time? Figure these things out now before it’s too late.
Do what you want, that’s YOUR son!!! And if he don’t like it he can get on down the road…….
It’s your child. Do whatever you think is right. Unless that man is paying for everything he has no say.
You’re the mama , go all out!
Your kid, your business. If you are paying for it all, then it’s your choice, not his. He is not his father and doesn’t need to tell you how to parent. We go all out of Easter, it is a second Christmas for us. My son’s birthday is 4 days after Christmas so he has nothing to look fwd to the rest of the year. I have had people tell me the same. I always tell them? Is my son your son? Am I using your money to pay for his stuff? Is what I buy my son going to affect you in any way? No??? Then mind your own business. You do you, I will do me. Tell your bf, this is what I do. You need to understand that. Don’t let him tell you how to run your house or your life. You just give that kiddo of yours the best Easter you can. They are only little for a short time. Just enjoy in his delight on Easter morning.
Dump him. Boyfriend’s are plentiful- you only have a few kids and then it’s for a short time!
Girllll if you don’t make Your baby a basket
Red flag. Any man that tells u how to parent your child is no good
Yelling at you over your son …I’d be yelling sending him out the front door …
How are you gonna put your boyfriend before your son. That’s just sad
What exactly does he mean by overboard? What are you putting in the basket ? Let’s not attack the boyfriend without seeing the Easter basket … He has a right to express his feelings about it .
Your kid. Your choice.
Get rid of your bf ,this will continue ! Your little boy should be your number 1 ! It sounds very.much like your bf is jealous of your little boy !
Not his kid, do what you want.
The question is, what you should do about your boyfriend! Do not let anyone come between you and your child
Oh fuck no, he’d be out. No way, no how.
You go all out for your kid is how you handle it. PERIOD
Do for your child and if he don’t like it show him the door I have regrets to this day because of a crazy man it’s nothing wrong with being a single mom take care of your child #NoRegrets
Screw him spoil your kid mama
I went all out for Easter…most people do…maybe his fsmily never did put your son’s needs above your boyfriend…he came into your lives…your son will treasure the Easter memories
If anyone and I mean anyone has an issue with your holiday traditions that you celebrate with your child to the point where they feel it’s necessary to yell at you has some issues.
Sounds like his true colors are showing sadly, and what you’re doing for your kiddo is beautiful and sweet. Seriously Sounds like he has some childhood trauma he needs to work through if he’s throwing a fit over spoiling a child on a holiday.
You and your kid deserves better than that, just remember there’s a man out there that would’ve not only help you make the Easter basket, but would be excited to give it to your son as well.
Put your kid above your 1 year boy toy. sounds like the evil step dad on a power trip:triangular_flag_on_post:
Give BF the boot now
Tell him to fuck off, that is your child and you will raise him how you see fit. My man use to have an opinion about how I do things with my daughter but after me standing my ground he now understands she is my child and if I want to go all out he better shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride or he’s gonna be miserable.
Who’s paying for it? Are you using your own money? If so, tell him to fuck off politely. (Or not politely whichever you prefer )
If it’s his money and you are a stay at home mom, then you should consider his opinion.
By Felicia!! If he’s not paying for it what does it matter!! It’s your child and if that is what you want to do then do it.
kick him out thinkof your son he is some one i am scared of
I would definitely get rid of the boyfriend!
Wow so much hatefullness for the boyfriend. Give it a chance. She just asked him to move in.
He’s not absolutely wrong but is absolutely wrong for yelling.
I was an only child. I was spoiled. I believe kids shouldn’t expect big shit on holidays just cause.
But id never yell at .y new partner for making her 5 year old smile. He’s a douche you can do better op
Red flags do not make excuses for that boy when you have a child already you deserve better. Having a budget is okay but telling someone your doing too much for someone else is not okay. Find someone who will love on you and your son for Easter
Tell him to piss off
Tell him move out do anything you want for ur kids wtf is his problem ur kids with be urs for ever a man today it’s ur tomorrow he’s not
It won’t get any better. If he feels comfortable yelling at you about this? I would be kicking him out and leaving him instantly.