Your child will out grow an Easter basket soon enough. Let him and yourself enjoy these times while he’s still young. I wouldn’t allow a man or anyone to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do for my child.
It’s not just about your child either. It’s about letting a man know you aren’t interested in him controlling you or your decisions. He’s allowed to disagree and even allowed to not like it.
That’s for you to examine.
Pay attention to how he treats you and your child when you stick with what you decide/choose because it’s not his choice, decision, or business.
Tell him to move on the hell back out?
Tell him its YOUR kid and YOU will decide what to do for him! The boyfriend sounds like a control freak and this is a big red flag!
I have bought my kids Easter baskets and little things they love every single year of their life . They are 17 and 23. My husband said a long time ago their too big but they are still my babies
Horrible boyfriend! Next
It’s YOUR kid, he needs to mind his business.
Who’s more important? Making your child happy are making your boyfriend happy ? It’s a no brainer kids come first spoil him as much as you want
It’s your kid if you wanna go all out thendo it. If he has a problem he can leave. Why listen to him he’s not ur husband or his dad. He gets no say
About a year and he’s already yelling at you for your parenting!? Heck no, this has me fired up
Get rid of that bf now. He is a controller. It will only get worse. I raised 2 kids alone and they are fabulous, successful adults. Men complicate things unless you find your soul mate. Good luck to you. I hope you are teaching your son about the real meaning of Easter too.
I literally just got told “it’s not Christmas” about an hour ago while talking to my kids’ dad about Easter so I totally understand that part! I’m still going to get them whatever i want🤷🏼♀️. If i was in your shoes I would just tell him that you’re the parent and this is something that you’ve always done and will continue to do with your child and let that be the end of it
I’m curious what going all out entails, but I say do what you want for your child. They’re only little once and they grow up so fast.
Your child, Your rules PERIOD…
Your kid, your house, your rules.
Also just talk to him because if you guys have a great relationship don’t have this situation ruin it over holiday purchases maybe ask him why he thinks it’s too much maybe if this is your oy child just tell him you enjoy doing this so you don’t understand what the issue is if he has a good sense of humor and this won’t cause an argument ask him if he’s jealous because he didn’t get one lol maybe he low key wants 1 too im trying to be supportive on all sides of this situation because I see some comments on how you should leave him but if you guys have a good relationship just talk this out
Sounds like he needs to hit the rocks
Ur son come before him and always comes before him. Its none of his business. Is he jealous ur not doing him a basket or
Easter is special if your boyfriend doesn’t understand that I’d be saying goodbye to him!!
Run with your kid best Easter presents ever
well you need to say buy to the boyfriend… you don’t choose a man Over your child. second you buy what you want for your son.
He shouldn’t be yelling at you regardless. It’s one thing to calmly say hey maybe this is too much why don’t we do x instead but if his money isn’t involved he has no right to even say that.
It’s honestly a red flag that he’s making such a big fuss over such a trivial thing.
Not his kid! He is YOUR son! You go over the top & then some! If your bf doesn’t like it, or doesn’t encourage to help you go over top, tell him to kiss it, there is the door!
Aside from the fact that he can offer an opinion but can’t tell you what to do with your child, don’t let him come switching things up too much because it might send the wrong message to your kid. Bringing in a new person to the home is a big adjustment so keeping things as normal as possible is important
It’s not fair that this guy moves in and your son loses some of the fun things you guys had in place beforehand.
Is time for the boyfriend to move out!!
Tell. Him. To#!%©®. Off. It. Your. Kid!!! Kick. Him. Out. The. A. Hole
Men are a dime a dozen. That is your child! That’s your answer!!
Won’t let you? He’s got to go.
Put your child first.
Tell the guy “Bye- don’t let that doorknob hit you on your way out of my life !”
He’s the boyfriend. If you let him take over your household your children will become resentful. I’m speaking from my own personal experience. My mom’s boyfriend’s always took over our household. We were her kids though. Not their’s. My mom lives in regret for letting those men treat us that way. At the end of the day this man is coming into your household. Your family. Adapting to your family is easier than adapting your family to him.
I still buy for 19 year old son, nobody going to tell me what to do…
I’m in charge of the Easter basket . Our son is 14 and as long as he lives here his mama will go ALL OUT.
Biiiish…. Get rid of the boyfriend. Your son is apart of you for the rest of your life. He sounds controlling and jealous and not ready to be a parent
Get rid of the boyfriend!!!
He’s your son. Do what you always do for him. Go all out. He’s only 5. Before you know it He’s grown. However I love making easter baskets. I would make him one every years until I can’t. Make that eatser basket for your little boy
It’s your kid, you go all out and never let a man tell you what you can and can’t do - especially over something for YOUR child! My kids (24 & 16) still get Easter baskets and I’ll be damned if my husband is going to try to tell me not to do Easter baskets!
Ummm… Not his choice and pretty odd he thinks so. If it’s your money and your kid his approval or opinion is unimportant
People husband didn’t like it when I did it but I always did it and he learned to live with it.
Yes! Time for a new boyfriend! Your kid comes first!
Throw out the whole boyfriend and get a new one.
Don’t let anyone come between you and your child.
Get a new bf and go all out
Fuuuuuck that guy. Get you a whole bunny costume and smack him to Jesus.
Always put your kid first. You know what to do.
Not sure why a boyfriend has any say. Tell him to stfu or move out.
A mother’s first responsibility is her children.
Please coming from one of those children follow YOUR and do what you want. YOUR child always always always comes first. If you are the one paying and doing this for your child this (boyfriend) has NO say. He can speak his opinion but in the end. He has NO say!
Go all out. I don’t know the background but here’s my pov…
I was poor kid with addict parents. Holidays were always a big deal. We didn’t always always get spoiled but we always celebrated.
Now a mom of 4. I go all out. And we give to other
s as well, especially to friends or family with young kids. We do make itknown that not all children get the chance to celebrate like we do.
Celebrate without breaking the bank. And unless you are fully relying on you boyfriend financially, Id hear him out but I’d respectfully decline.
Girl get your priorities straight your kid comes first, his feeling about what you do for YOUR child are IRRELAVANT.
Get him whatever you want! That’s your baby, and he just moved in. Throw the whole man away and get a puppy.
My husband tells me this every year but he doesn’t really care, he just doesn’t like when I spend 200 on each kid for an Easter basket lol but I agree I like to spoil my kids.
I’ll be damned if he ever yells at me for it.
Y’all only been together for 1 year I’m sorry but who the hell is he to tell u what to do for ur son don’t let him belittle you and ur son if u got the money to do then do it but if it’s gonna take u broke then I see why he telling you not to that
Put your son first over a bf always. Your son will be with you forever he is your blood. But this bf? Why isnt he on the same page as you concerning your son.
Do what you always do for your son. He is only 5 years once. And he will always remember what you did for him.
I think you should question your relationship with this guy. Is this the attitude you want to live with? Where are your boundaries of how you or your son want to be treated?
He has shown you who he really is…
Believe him the first time
It doesn’t matter how much you
love him, it won’t change. But it will damage your son and you.
It’s not the b/f’s business to say a damn word!!
Break up with him and do what you want.
Your bf is not the boss. I’d be enraged if my actual husband told me not to spoil our kids on Easter.
Forget him. My ex did the same thing. Worry about your kid, the boyfriend aint shit and he has no say! YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR CHILD! They are only little for so long.
He has NO say on what you do for your child. If you cannot stand your ground on something this simple, you are already setting the stage for an unhealthy and unbalanced relationship. And one that will only end in your child being resentful of this man who is trying to change the holiday traditions you and your child have cherished.
Get a new bf and go all out on your kid!
Your kid comes first. Who cares what he says
Are you paying for it or the BF. If you do whatever you want to for YOUR son. Tell him to kick rocks.
Priorities first. My children come first when they were little.
Tell your boyfriend to beat it! It’s your child. Do as you please for your child. It shouldn’t be up for debate of any kind where your boyfriend is concerned!!
Bye bye, buster! You have no place in this home.
do what you want, but I think there’s MORE to this than…just no…not a big basket…if it was me…I’d be seperating…sounds like trouble down the road…if this early he’s demanding things you shouldnt do … that should be a wake up call…sorry if I overstepped in more than just the answer you want to hear but…believe me I know, from experience…my Mom and daughter … for big examples…Good Luck dear…God bless you…
He is your child, do what you want to. Pretty sure I read boyfriend and not husband so he can easily be replaced if he does not agree with your parenting style.
Tell him to shove it! Time for a new man sis! That’s absolutely ridiculous and not his kid not his decision. The fact that he thinks he has any control or say over it is absurd. 
It’s not his place to tell you what to do. And to get angry about it. I’d set him straight . Or here’s the door
Wtf. Man would be out the door as soon as that came out of his mouth. Lol no one has a say about what I do with my kids, funny he’s even so bold to comment about it in the first place.
Kids come before any boyfriend
Go all out. He’s your son and that’s not your son’s dad or your husband. When it comes to your kid you do exactly what you want. Boyfriend doesn’t get a say so.
Girl you do you. I grew up getting gifts for every holiday and my husband didn’t but I go all out for my kids for holidays.
Kid first. He’s not paying right.none of his business
BF doesn’t have a say. Tell him to zip his lip or find the door
Your babies are only little once!! Going all out and making memories is something they’ll remember forever and do with their kids when they get older…your boyfriend needs to get over it because your kids always are the top priority
Kids come first always I’m sure there are other red flags too don’t ignore them leave him
Go all out. Your son is and always will be your number 1 priority. This guy is just a boyfriend.
He just moved in??? Well thats means u were doing fine without him. Let him move right back out and you move on past him
Tell dude to kick rocks
That’s YOUR kid, not his. You have the final say when it comes to YOUR kid. If he doesn’t respect that, then he needs to go.
Go all out for your kid and fuck him. Your son is your son and you can do whatever you want for your son. There’s a chance that dude won’t even be around that long and your son will always be there. I’m sorry. I know that this sounds harsh but it already sounds like dude’s gotta go. It’s only gonna get worse and your boyfriend will only keep getting jealous over your son. Your son isn’t going to understand like that and feel like he did something wrong and he doesn’t deserve to feel like that despite what some jealous asshole thinks
Get him a basket too
You go all out for your child regardless how much he yells. He will get over it!
If he’s not the child’s father not his choice said what I said. My sons father has nothing to do with him and my fiancé goes all out for him and it makes my heart so happy to have someone who loves my child the same way I do!
If you can afford it then do it. He is YOUR child. Your boyfriend is not his father or your husband so tbh he has no say in what you do for your kid.
Your son and his happiness comes first. Please take care of yourself and be safe.
I think he should butt out of this situation. So many children would love to have a mom who cared enough about them to do all that you do. They will never forget that love.
Hun thats your child !!! Bottom line he’s yours !!! Men are a dime a dozen there are lots of good ones out there ! I get i love you and all but lets face it that child came from you and is your heart and soul or should be the bf either gets on board or finds another boat to rock
If he has kids are you doing the same for them? If not oh well do it anyways
Tell him to go f**k himself no b/f that has just moved in would get anysay in how I raise my child and I spoil my child. Because if I can afford it that month. I will. And I’d want him to do the same if he had kids tbf.
Don’t let your son take a backseat to your man.
Sounds jealous , get him out of your son’s life, red flag!
Is your boyfriend paying for it?
Fudge that!!! He is your son and you have him once while growing up…those days pass fast and you do what you have always done. Never let a boyfriend steal your joy of celebrating any occasion with your child!! You will regret it by letting your boyfriend tell you to play down Easter because he will bebthat way for any occasion and if it’s your money we’ll tough for him!!
Spoil the kid while you can.
l get pald over $ 130 per hour w0rking from h0me. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15770 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
R you really thinking about letting a man you have only known a year tell you what you can or can’t do for ur child?? You need to stop thinking w ur woman parts n b a mom. Your child come first period n your BF is a douche bag
Just do what your heart tells YOU…
To hell with him there’s the Door…
He’s not your baby’s daddy! And he’s not your boss! “Refuses” !!! Really!!! HUGE RED FLAG! Dump him!!! He has no say in how you raise your child!!!