You have to think about the effect it has in your child once he’s older I’m sure your man not telling you this for any other reason
Your son comes first
Kid comes first boyfriends come and go
Do what you want. He needs to butt out
Thats not a good sign. I would truly examine the relationship.
If it isn’t his money he has no say your child your money they are only little once!!!
Your money? Do what you want
Do it any way he is your child protect him get rid of boyfriend you can do better than that
Doesn’t ur kid come first??? Can u afford to spoil him? If u can… Who gives a shit… Spoil him… Be whatever kind of mom YOU want to be. He can get on board or hop tf off
Your kid comes first. Always
Put your kid first not your man
Why does a BOY friend get to have a say about YOUR son?
Kid always comes first. This man can never dictate how you spend your money on your child.
Your boyfriend is acting more like a child than your own child. Don’t let a man you’ve known for half a beat TELL YOU how to do anything for your child
Fuck that, I would be doing what I want for MY son, especially if I’m paying for everything. Screw your boyfriend.
What’s there to be torn about? Dump the dude and spoil your boy !!! It’s not his kid so in my opinion he doesn’t get to decide that
if it’s your child tell him to stfu
I would be single. No way someone is going to tell me how to treat my kid. If this is a problem, imagine how big the problems will be if you stay with him. Nope. Don’t do it.
If you are paying forbitbits none of his business…
Try not doing so much this one time and if your son throws a fit then you know you’re spoiling him and creating expectations that may not always be met.
And my question to him would be…& Who are you? Lmaooo boy bye.
It’s ur child u do what u want he has no say he is just a boyfriend not the child’s parent
Your kid…your way… if you can afford it do what makes you and your child happy…
Women you better put that fool in his place and send him to hell FOH!!!
My boys dad both don’t believe in going all out for anything they believe in something simple I have a 2 month old and a 4 yr old and guess what I told them both it’s my money and I will do as I please with it as long as bills are paid first and foremost. If they didn’t like then your welcome to turn your head and look at the door. My 2 month old got a playmat and some pacifier and some cute clothes my 4yr old cute serval different Easter baskets from his grandparents on both sides so yes both the boys are essentially spoiled rotten. Here’s my point nobody will ever tell me that I can not spend my money on my children the way I see fit to do so. I am a mother an those are my babies I was sliced open and healed from. My babies I sat in the nicu with for 12hrs a day till they could come home then my babies that I took care of. Ain’t no duck gonna tell me shit
Kid comes first Hes just a bf not the child’s father. He has no say!!
If he gets mad its because the attention is on your son and not him. He doesnt care about your kid girl.
You pick ur child ! Men will come n go ya child is there for ever n loves u more than anyone could ever do what u want n if he don’t like it to bad
Red flag!! Who knows what he’ll demand and expect of you soon enough??! Don’t listen you spoil your boy how you want to! He is YOUR child! Not his and you tell him so, too - that if he doesn’t like his decision in how you parent then he should have his own.
Who comes first, him or your kid? Answering that answers your question.
Get rid of his @$$ !!!
Dump your boyfriend immediately
But ur kid comes first no matter…do what u can with what u got
Your kid comes first. Set that man straight now!!
Your child ALWAYS comes first. Someone who’s been around for only a year has no say in what you do for your child. If it’s really a problem for him, then he needs to go.
Time for you to kick out the boyfriend .
Make your boyfriend a basket also. He’s feeling left out
"Eff you dude. I do what I want. " lol
Your kid comes first
You do what you want for your son!
Ummm. You choose your son and kick that man out. How dare he take your joy away and your son’s childhood memories. Why are you even putting him before your son? There’s adult time and there’s parent time. If you don’t see eye to eye as parents together… what is when the point of being with him? Don’t put your wants for a man above your wants for your child.
It’s none of his business if he’s not your sons father. You do what you wanna do mama! They’re only little for so long. Enjoy it!
Well that GUY needs to Go. Now his controlling is coming out and it will get worse.
Your kid comes first. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT let him tell you what to do with your kid. Stand up to him and tell him if he can’t accept your kid and the things you do with and for your kid then he should leave. I even tell my man the same thing, that my daughter isn’t his, that he can give me advice and his opinion but not to tell me what to do when it comes to my daughter because me and her dad already have the way we want to raise her and we aren’t changing it.
You do what YOU want to do for YOUR child. If he doesn’t like it, too bad.
Get rid of the boy friend. It can’t go anywhere if he is that insecure. Your son always comes first.
Dump him now he’s a control freak
THROW THE WHOLE MAN OUT. I mean not much of one. Trash. He belongs in the trash. I would get an actual kiddie pool and put half a hula hoop on top and fill it. Biggest Easter basket ever. If he bats and eye just point to the door. That man ain’t worth a second word. OUT! Devil be gone! You have an amazing Easter and celebrate however you please.
Kick him out my husband don’t even tell me how much or what I can spend on the kids… defo wouldn’t get a say.
Amanda Alyssa Hawkins
He knows he’s going crazy for that imagine if he’s mistreating your son when you not around don’t trust him get rid of him smh
Lmfaooo leave that idiot and spoil your child.
Your kid Your decision!! If he don’t like how you feel when it comes to how you want to take care of your child then it’s time he walks!! That has ALWAYS been a rule in my house! I was divorced and when I hooked up with my current husband he has his/grandkids and at the time I had teenage kids. I flat out said my kids my rules your kids your rules they respectfully have parents that he no I will replace but I would rather be friends with his kids/grandkids and vice versa. It has remained that way and everyone has been truly respectfully of each. Not saying things are always perfect but at least no hatred or resentment from anyone.
Kick his ass out and do what you want mama
Fuck your fella! Your son comes 1st, it shouldn’t even have to be a choice! He sounds like a complete knob
Go all out for your son. Your boyfriend can get over himself or get out. Not his child not his decision.
Your kids are always first he is just your boyfriend bye bye
Why would you keep him around? He’s yelling at you and telling you what to do. Two red flags. Stop tolerating him telling you what to do for YOUR son in YOUR home. Ridiculous.
He needs to just move right back out then. .
Girl aint NO MAN getting in the way of me and my babies! Drop the whole boyfriend
If this guy just moved in with you-------he is off to a bad, bad start! Your child comes first-------This child will always be your child but the boyfriends come and go. I would be finished with him----tell him to move on!
He’s your boyfriend I don’t know why he has a say in what you decide to do for your son.
Is he the boys dad? Is there a ring on your finger? He need to check himself. Kids ALWAYS come first. Show him the door!
If you are paying for it that’s your choice not his. If he’s paying for it & is on a tight budget that’s a different story!
Your child…your decision. PERIOD!
Go all out for your baby and show him out the door
Boyfriend and for that matter spouses come and go. Your child will always be there and ALWAYS comes first!
Not his kid. He can kick rocks.
All the people who are immediately saying get rid of the guy are ridiculous…but he does need to learn he has no say about raising your kid… even after an almost year long relationship…
If it creates a bigger issue…then maybe pay attention to it as a possible red flag… but running from every relationship at the first sign of a disagreement is damn childish…and probably why most of you are single…relationships take work and communication…
Raise your child your way… do what you want for him for the holidays and explain to your boyfriend, it is your son…and your choice.
Ummm u spoil those babies all you want!
Your kid! Your choice!
Go all out by yourself
He’s your son
If your boyfriend doesn’t want to participate
Then he doesn’t have to.
But u do u.
Maybe he’s not the one (ur boyfriend)
You dont need him Hes only your boyfriend why does he get a say hes your son anyway Buy a wooden bunny and smack him one hahah
Do what you want to do. After all, they are YOUR Kids!
that is so sad your kids come first and at Easter it is a fun time hunting to eggs and besides do you really want someone yelling at you about your kids or anything you should say I am woman I am strong and kick the idiot out
Uhhhhh, whose the kid’s parent here
Sounds like he’s jealous of your son. He has to compromise
How do you handle this?
Tell him to shut the f#ck up and mind his business you can buy your son what ever the hell you like
Is he footing the bill?? If not, tell him where he can stick it and do you!
He won’t let you? Sounds like you need to let him find another place to live. That is toxic and unacceptable on multiple levels.
Your child ALWAYS comes first! Move him out~~it will only get worse.
Why do you celebrate Easter? Start there in your own head, then look at what you are teaching with a big “all out” then look at how you can add the MEANING of Easter into it. Don’t waste a teaching moment
Regardless kick him to the curb
Get rid of that no good man. Screw him.
Kid comes first. Always.
Men come and go. Your kids do not
Your child you do what you want for ur child. It’s not his $$ its yours and ur child
Your son must come first. Sounds like boyfriend is a bit jealous of the attention you give your son…
Always choose your kid. Go all out
Your child ,your traditions he’s 5 not 15. I agree red flag he’s getting mad over nothing. You spend your money on your child how you see fit
Lmao why is this even a question? It’s not his DAD, you’re the mom. If that was be me boyyy get chooo asss outta here! Bye! And gift him a Easter basket sayin BOY BYE!
Go All Out … Is your boyfriends name Tom by any chance
sounds to me this guy needs to get with God.
Don’t let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out, boyfriend.
You tell him where to go! He’s your child you do as you wish
That’s a red flag to me in the area that it seems he’s showing jealousy towards your child. The only way I could understand his side is if you’re spending bill money or struggling for money and really can’t afford to be going all out for Easter. Otherwise there’s no excuse for him to be yelling about that. You do what makes you and your baby happy!!
Please spoil your baby, men come and go but your kids are yours. Spoil the boy it can be xmas
Kids come first. Always. Tell that man to get with the program or kick rocks. Period.
Run from a controlling unreasonable bf…they are only young once and once they are older they are over baskets so it’s fun to spluge
If he is not paying for it do what you want it is none of his business
YOUR kid… do what YOU want!
Key words… YOUR KID!