Get rid of the boyfriend, sounds like a jealousy issue to me good grief.
Pack his shit and say bye. It’s your kid, you have the final say over everything. But also- for him to make you feel bad over something as silly as buying a lot of Easter stuff for your own kid, that’s some deep rooted issues on his part. Any one who doesn’t wanna see a kid happy is suspicious in my book.
Tell him mind his buisness,if he dont like it he can leave,that you have always done it and will continue to do it,sounds like he wants you to choose him over your child,hes not your father! Correct to whomever said huge red flag,sounds like hes jealous cause you want your child to enjoy easter and hes mot getting your attention your son is
Its not his kid and none of his damn business tell you how to raise and spend money on YOUR kids. If hes bitching about something this petty its going to get worse
You do what you want with your child …to hell with him
Leave him now before it gets worse
I’m sorry but I think there is more to this story . What are you actually doing for Easter for him ??? Can you continue to do this in years to come ? And If you have more children will you be able to do the same for them ??? Maybe he’s just concerned your spoiling the child and they are going to get unreal expectations from what Easter should be ???
Girl run and I pray that you will always put your baby first and always believe your child . But honey this is the first of many red flags
I don’t understand this?! It’s YOUR KID. YOUR MONEY.
Why would you be torn over this?! Is he going to leave you because you want to spend money on your kid?! You handle this by doing what YOU want to do… why would you let a boy you’ve known for a year cause any tension?!
Just had to post this when I read it!!! Tell him to mind his own n spoil your child
give the “boyfriend” the boot and do it right now. he’s a manipulator and if you think that this is all he has a problem with, you are so wrong. he will micromanage every second of your day and it sounds like he has some mental issues. this is YOUR son; not his and he really doesn’t have any say in the matter. sounds like he is jealous of your son which is not a healthy environment for him. kick his sorry ass to the curb and wash your hands of him and DON’T LET HIM BACK
bye bye buddy. never put your bf before children… sorry but children come first… - and they were there first … ha ha.
Get you a new boyfriend. One that has a heart and understands making children happy.
Yup you do want you want for your son
I agreed on not spoiling your kids because spoiled kids grow up rotten but it’s a huge red flag that he would be yelling about it
Kid comes first. ALWAYS. If u change what has always been as soon as he moves in, you will create insecurities and resentments between you and your son.
Your son will be ur son FOREVER.
Tell ur boyfriend if he doesnt like it to hit the road.
Sounds very controlling to me.
Time for him to go already.
Get rid of the boyfriend now
What you want to do for YOUR child comes before anyone else’s thoughts or opinions. He doesn’t like what you do for your son you deserve better.
He isn’t a parent it’s not his kid. Don’t let a bf parent your child or dictate your parenting. He is brand new just moved in and already acting like this…nope. That baby is 5 don’t start letting different men play parent and definitely do not let any man come between you and your son.
That’s your child.
While I don’t go all out for Easter, they get baskets. That said, it’s YOUR son.
I’d be reconsidering the bf if y’all can’t have disagreements like adults.
Easter is not an all out celebration. It is about Jesus.
You go all out for your kid and tell him to kiss your ass
Remind him that he is your child and you love doing this for him and if he cannot she that than it maybe time to move on, don’t let him choose for you.
Sounds like boyfriends childish ass needs an Easter basket
Why are you posting this? Do as you please: your son/your money
Your man sounds like an ass it is your kid and if that’s what you want to do then do it and if your man doesn’t like it then tell him he knows where the door is until your kid turns 18 your kid comes first!
Your child. Your rules. Go all out.
Looks like it’s time to find a new boyfriend bc wtf
Depends on what all-out means but if you can afford it and go over the top you and BF should talk about this as a couple, but he doesn’t get to control you, bad sign after him just moving in😕
Send boyfriend packing. Your son will be your son forever …… He come first period
Your child comes first! Spoil the hell out of YOUR CHILD!
Dump the douche! Your kid, your rules! If he’s worried HIS Easter basket won’t measure up, HE doesn’t measure up!
You’re confused about what? Your money, your son, your house, your rules. If that POS doesn’t respect that to the point he yells at you, get rid of him.
This is going to continue to be an issue, if not Easter it will be something else. Run.
Go all out for your kid!
Tell him to kick rocks? Spoil your baby if you want to.
Kids first. Always. I’m not saying buy your kid a plane but your son is only going to be little once.
You do what you want for YOUR son and tell him to kick rocks! What a CHUMP!
Seriously you had to ask this ??? If you don’t know better to worry about your kid first and do for him that’s insane ! Tell your “MAN” if you want to call him that to grow up and stop being jealous of what you do for your kid … and never stop doing for your kid … it’s not spoiling them … it’s a holiday and kids will only be kids for so long… make those good memories for him. Yes the holiday is about Jesus … but it’s a holiday and you should celebrate which ever way you can ! I live and love doing for my kid every holiday is Christmas I love seeing his face and how appreciative, greatful and happy he is !
Your kid comes first ALWAYS
Tell ur boyfriend to shut up, ur son comes first !!! If ur idiot of a boyfriend can’t or won’t understand that then he’s out the door !
He needs to mind his damn business
If he is going to control you on this, it is only going to get worse. Always put your son before the boyfriend.
Give less!! Always give less ! Not because your boyfriend said so, but in the future it will pay off. Materialistic things that is. “Less is more.”
Tell him if he doesn’t like it he can get out.
Who tf chooses a bf over their child?!
Send him to the curb! The quicker the better Any man would put you first and your son is part of you ! Good luck
Can’t believe u even have to ask what the answer to this problem is…he would be out on the curb if that was me
Continue doing what you like to do for your kids boot him out your kids should always come first
You was a momma first and if you can afford it you should do what you want for your child
Remind the Bf that this is your child and this is how you do it and he get over it. If this is how he’s going to be with you and your child you may want to reconsider this relationship.
The control will only get worse. Do as you want.
You have been doing Easter with your son and never question. Continue to celebrate with your son go out the way Easter egg hunt giving him a Easter basket going to church putting on his suit or whatever you going to put on him. And if the boyfriend don’t like it tell him to bounce. Does he have kids just asking.
U need to tell him that its ur child and he doesnt dictate how you’ve always done holidays with ur kid.
I personally agree with your BF about Easter being like a second Christmas for some kids. That said, I’m not one to tell a parent how to parent THEIR child. One of my favourite quotes is “The perfect parent doesn’t have any children”.
My mom and dad always made sure we had nice Easter baskets and the tradition continued with our kids. They got toys, as did our grandkids too. It’s not how much your child gets for Easter that’s important. At five tears old, your child should be well on the way to understanding what Easter is all about. If he doesn’t then concentrate your efforts on giving him gifts to explain the role Jesus plays in this important holiday. Make sure that he understands that Easter is not about the bunnies. As for the boyfriend, kick him to the curb.
I would say FUCK HIM
Its only gonna get worse
No way. RED FLAG. this will be an issue with more and more and more things and he may become jealous of your child, it’s happened to me with a boyfriend - he actually screamed this at me " You’re son will always be number 1 I guess and I just number 2!!" Oh hell no-- yep he was a number 2 lol, and I kicked him out. MY SON MY LIFE
Praying for you…
A couple of things are instructive… if your togetherness with the boyfriend involves living together, it is not sanctioned by God. Living together is popular, but those who do and do marry their live-in finally, these are more likely to divorce rather than those who commit to marriage first.
His behavior is signaling some serious problems, in his attitude towards your children and towards you as a parent.
Would cut losses and seek a genuine lasting relationship, one that will benefit both you and your children.
“my boyfriend won’t let me—” immediately no.
My bf used to get bad at me for it too but its more about their reaction and the fun they have than the stuff i get them hes learnt to deal with it
Show him the door
He is showing his colors, your son should be your priority, this is not his father, what will happen in the future with this man in your sons life.
Make happy, fun memories with your son! Do what’s best for you and him. If your boyfriend doesn’t like it he can take a hike! Sorry but you’ve had your son longer than your boyfriend, so son should come first. Boyfriend shouldn’t make you choose between him and your child. He should help support you both and not act like a brat.
Handle it by dumping him. I would never let someone come into my child’s life and try to change how we’ve always done things. It’s one thing if he was just a baby, but he knows what Easter is like. You can’t change that up on him, and especially not because a new man said to.
I beg you, don’t listen to your boyfriend, make your Son #1 priority. If you want to go all out for his Easter, then all means to exactly that. If your Boyfriend doesn’t like it tell him to get over it or leave. Unless it’s your boyfriends money that’s being used.
Discuss it like an adult with him instead of strangers on the internet. If he can’t understand your side, get a new boyfriend.
Tell him to mind his business and rethink his living with you. He should not be yelling at you
I’d be damned if I let a man (especially one whose been involved for such a short amount of time) have a say in any of it. He sounds controlling and that shit can escalate to abuse. It’s not his child or his place to have an opinion about it at all
If he doesn’t wanna go all out for your kid. You should want him out. What do you mean you dont want conflict? He should want to spoil your children and you shouldn’t even be considering giving your child less for a damn man! SMH
Move him out. Bad boyfriend
Go all out for your son if he doesn’t like it he can move back out. Why should it change just because he is in your life
Who does a man think he is move in your house and tell you what you can spend on your kid I DONT THINK SO
Go all out for ur kid
Be careful. No one tells me what I’m gonna do for my kids.
Get rid it’s a no brainer
I mean… It’s just Easter. But that’s your decision.
I’m sorry but if I make the money and it’s my kid I’m spending how a please when I please on what I please.
It’s YOUR kid. Do what you want. If he has a problem with it…he can spend Easter single
Your kid, your rules. He can weigh in but don’t let him change the wonderful things you do for your kiddo.
You tell him that you’ve done just fine with your methods for five years and if he doesn’t like how you’re raising your child he can move on.
Um if it’s your money and your child he can be mad
Kick the boyfriend to the curb
Just as you go all out for baskets, candy and toys, explain to them the TRUE meaning of Easter, the RESURRECTED CHRIST providing an opportunity for Eternal Life!
If you let him move in and he’s controlling you already, then get rid of him. It only gets worse from here. How much are you willing to put your son through?
Go all out for your kid lol bc that is what you were doing before him
Don’t let him tell you what to do with your son.
It’s your kid not his. As long as you aren’t taking money that you both consider only his or missing bills It’s none of his concern.
Wow id tell him to fuck off im doing easter the way i do it
Time too stand up for your self and son if he doesn’t like it he can move out you will be better off just saying
Torn? Dump the boyfriend. It’s your SON!!
I agree with another comment unless it’s his money you’re using do what you’ve done the last 4 Easter’s of me and my bf can afford it I go all out for all holidays my kids get a shirt or whatever for the holiday and so do I I’m very festive don’t let him ruin holidays for y’all and how y’all have been doing it
Get rid of the boyfriend. Stand up for yourself. Maybe this is why I live alone. Boyfriends can come and go but you will always be Momma. If he was the dad then we would be having a discussion. Don’t be changing for every man you move in the house.
Such a huge red
Simple. Kick him out. Nothing or noone is worth changing what you do for your child. You don’t need our advice, you already know. Sorry to sound harsh but be a MOM first!
Spoil that baby all you want girl if he has a problem with it tell him to go chase the Easter bunny and get over it go all out for your baby our kids come first and my ex used to do the same I said there’s the door scadoodle ain’t no man fixing to tell us mommas we are doing too much for our children he’s 5 yrs old he deserves as much as you want to give him heck at any age they deserve it
I feel like there’s more to this… what exactly do you plan on doing? Cause if he thinks you’re doing a second Christmas then that obviously sounds like you’re doing way too much🤷🏻♀️ My daughter gets 2 Easter baskets but that’s only cause we get her one and my mom will send her one too since we’re out of state.
I can understand him not wanting to spoil or waste money on gifts but to get upset with you about it makes no sense . If you want to do that for your son and you have the means to do it, there shouldn’t be judgement or telling because of it. You both should be respecting one another’s point of view and decision