My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Your son is not his kid. Tell bf you appreciate his input, but that you can make decisions regarding your son without bf’s help. If he can’t deal, send him packing.


Do it for your child. He is THE MOST IMPORTANT

Do it anyways it’s not his kid or money.

Well first of you need to straighten him that is your son not his and if he doesn’t like it show him the door


Your son has and will always be your son ! You have been doing this for 4 Easter’s now . You already changed his home like with your BF moving in don’t change his holiday’s. You will never ever see 100% eye to eye on things but never compromise on the happiness of your child !!!


Children first!! Idiots out the door!!

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Boyfriend and not husband. Also sons 5 and not his tells me this relationship hasn’t been very long. I wouldn’t let him put his 2 cents in until he’s proven to stick around and a good figure to your child.

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That’s your son you can do what you want!!

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Please don’t allow this boyfriend to yell at you.Especially in front of your son…He has no right to tell you what to do with your child…If he can’t be nice about what you want to do then tell him to move out…I went through he’ll with a husband like that…I left him because our children should come first…But please don’t spoil your son to much or he could end up like your boyfriend. With no respect for women…

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He has not been in your or your child’s life long enough to make any kind of decisions.

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get rid of him now run your child is number one in your life not a boyfriend

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Red FLAG!! NOPE when it comes to that no. No reason to keep them around.

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Screw what he thinks… If it’s your money and your kid I mean… :woman_shrugging: Stuff that baby’s basket with goodies if that’s what you want to do Mama!

Do you have your own income?? Do whatever you want!! #EndofStory!!


You had your son before you got your bo men walk out kids are forever if he gets his way this time it will be every holiday and the worse the arguing will get buy the biggest basket you can find and anything else you want to do for your child

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Ditch the boyfriend your son comes first


You do what you want for that baby

Tell the guy to get out of your house would be the best. He has no business telling you what to do.

Kick his ass to the curb but give him an empty Easter basket.

Your boyfriend is not your sons father. He is no say so whatsoever in anything you do for him. That type of behavior is what leads into abuse. Put your foot down now and make those boundaries very clear. If your boyfriend cant deal with it get rid of him.


Get rid. If he kicking off about Easter eggs , whats he gona be like about other things.


You can replace your boy friend but not your son

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Son is first…bf could find the door!

Sounds like the two adults moved in together too soon. There should have been lots of conversations about what combining your living spaces could look like. Bottom line… he is a live-in not a parent and should conduct himself accordingly. I would have him move out!!!

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Why are you letting anyone tell you how to raise your kids he should be either supporting you or not included in it his opinion shouldn’t matter your kids should

Your child only have one childhood. So I’m not letting anyone tell me how to spend my money on my child. Especially if they aren’t blood related to my child. Js. He can go. You are shaping your child for the rest of their life.

Throw the boyfriend out. He’s trouble and controlling.

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Don’t let him start controlling you.

My ex was like this. I love the holidays. I go all out too. Make it memorable! And does he know what Easter is about? For me it’s all about seeing my babies faces light up! You only get to enjoy that so many times in this short lifetime!

Since he just moved in, his stuff probably isn’t all unpacked yet. Set it outside, and let him move on. Your son won’t be little for long. Make memories with him while you can.


Do what you have been doing fuck that noise

Unless you’re taking his money for it, he can get over it or he can leave. Set boundaries now, or he will be trying to guilt you into sending your kid to military school because he’s to much of a bother. If he doesn’t like the boundaries, he can kick rocks.


Leave him. It will only get worse. And it’s your son not his. You can go all out.

You need to have a talk with him and let him know that your kids will always come first and what or how you like to treat him is your busy. Maybe he moved to earlier and did get to know how you care for your son and he may not be ready to be in a relationship where the child comes first

My relationship with my kids is none of my boyfriends business he knows they come first in the door love it or leave it.


Your child, your house. You can do whatever you want for your children. He has no say, and if he doesn’t like it I’d just tell him to leave.


Kiddo come first and he is your kid so you do what you wish.
In my family Easter was a big holiday for us because we had winter birthdays and Christmas is in the winter (we live where its cold or snows 9 months out of the year.) Who wants to wait 5 months to play with summer toys!! My kids have been waiting since Christmas to jump on their trampoline!! They are getting bikes this Easter!

you’ve been tg for a year, not his kid, not his right to have a problem with it🤷‍♀️

l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w0r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h0me. l ­ne­v­e­r­ tho­u­ght I’d be ­a­b­l­­­e to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15286 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Kick him to the curve !


All in for all out but please dont forget what Easter is celebrating and its not all for bunnies and chocolate


Honestly, I personally agree with ur boyfriend, minus the yelling at u part, just talk to him & let each other know where both of u are coming from. Maybe growing up the real meaning of Easter was always the focus & he wants to teach u & ur child the same. Sometimes it takes a bf/gf to put u in check. Spoiling children has always been a debate amongst ppl. And if ur going to stay with this guy, he does get a bit of a say. Not saying ur child is a spoiled brat, but a spoiled child is a monster that not just u have to deal with :woman_shrugging: That may have come out harsh, but it’s the truth. Talk & come to a compromise, otherwise break up & spoil ur child however u wish, just don’t expect ppl to always agree with that style of parenting.

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Your child …Your child …YOUR CHILD


I would have ended the relationship based on this one thing. Kids come first. Period. Your boyfriend sounds like a jerk. Get rid of him, value yourself and your son. P.S. to a 5 year old, Easter should be a second Christmas.


Go all out for your kid an thats it no question ask he is your son not his you son come first before any man


Byyyyeeee boyfriend :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Do not set a president that he can Yell at You. Its not a mutual Relationship if he intimidates you. T here’s a difference in stating his opinion and treating you like you are doing something wrong and he is setting you straight. Red flags go up over yelling at you…nooooo. Do not let that go…


Its my kid, If you dont like what i do you can let yourself out.


Show his ass the door!!!

If he’s doing that now and he’s just your bf, imagine what future tantrums he might have regarding your son. He probably didn’t have this in his life. Red flag!!!


That’s your son he’s not entitled to make any decisions kick him out

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your child comes first. I would get out of this relationship it is only going to get worse. TRUST ME I KNOW

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And you’re going to listen to that for how long? Js

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Get rid of him :woman_shrugging:t2:


He’s your son, not your boyfriend’s. Your son is your flesh and blood. As a parent, your child’s needs will always come first. Your boyfriend has to understand that. If he can’t accept your son, he won’t accept you. So I’d say talk with him first. If the talk with him doesn’t work out and he still thinks his way is correct or whatever, cut your losses. Leave him.
You can find a better man who will love and accept both of you with his whole heart and soul


Boy bye. Sorry but my son was here before you. This is how I do things. Don’t like it there’s the damn door and don’t let it hit you on the way out. Bye baby boy

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Shit can the guy. Not worth two cents. Do NOT LET HIM TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. PLEASE. For if not for you but for YOUR 5 year old sake. The guy is worthless piece of crap.DUMP HIM NOW. HE IS A PIECE OF CRAP.

Your kid—run now if he’s trying to control you


As a Christian and realist and a minimalist, I can relate to boyfriend, because the holidays should be for the holiday; it makes me sick how everything has been so perverted that Easter is a “second Christmas” and etc.

That being said ~ this is your child and you can do wth you want for him for Easter. If it’s so worth it to boyfriend to cause a big stink over it ~ then maybe y’all are WAYYYY too unequally yoked.


Sounds like your bf wants to control you. Don’t give in. That’s your child and you need to be in control of your actions in your relationship with your son. Once you give in on this he will start his rants in other areas.

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That’s your son! Do as you wish for him! I go all out for Easter also. And I wish someone would tell me I couldn’t!
This is also a red flag. Runnnn

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A kid can only be a kid once, do everything you feel is fun/right in your eyes. Nobody should have the right to tell you what you can & can’t do for your own kid. Don’t let your boyfriend control the happiness you want to bring to your kid. Time is something you can’t get back & that is a moment in time you don’t want to miss because of a boyfriend & drama. Hope this helps.


Uh, he is your son. Tell your boyfriend he is your son and he is not your boss. Tell him to go find someone else to Mother…


If your not spending his money go for it ,


It is your child. He has no say in this matter. Your child comes first. I would do it anyways. If he has problem…I would say well theres the door…see ya!!

Um, your kid you decision. If you’re financially able, do what you want. My bf doesn’t go all out for his girls but would never stop me doing something big for any of our kids.

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Wether he’s right or not, doesn’t matter. Your child, your money, your choice. If he wanted to teach you something or talk about making better choices with money, that’s one thing but yelling at your about your child, no.

Spoil your child. It is your child. Have fun and enjoy this time.

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All out on what? Or for what? Easter is remembering Christ’s sacrifice for us so… what is being bought, I ask?


If I want to do Anything for my child, you need to get out of my way because I love him and love to do special things for him. People here that are saying negative things are people who are focusing on religion. Stop :roll_eyes:

That is your child. It is your decision on what you decide to do. He has no reason to yell at you for what you choose to do for your son. I’d kick him to the curb.

It’s your son, your child. Your son trumps your boyfriend. Go all for your son :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Your boyfriend has zero input into what you do for your child. If he don’t like it, he can sure move right back out

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It’s all about your child. Dont let anyone ever tell you what you should
or should do with your child

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Compromise…… do half - 60% of what you usually do

Try to understand the true meaning of the celebration for the Easter Season and maybe watch the movie on TV


Every mother knows your children come first !!!

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I’d do whatever I want for my child. He can kick rocks


He (the bf) can kick rocks!! Sounds like he’s jealous of your son. Huge red flag!!

Did you discuss terms and conditions before being comitted, before moving in?It’s important to establish in how far he can be involved in your son’s upbringing if you are building a future together…

Keep doing the same stuff u’ve been doing for ur son before ur boyfriend got in the picture. If hes not financially putting In for the stuff he has no reason to be complaining.

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Tell too move out xx

He is obviously jealous of your son…get rid of him now, it will only get worse…and no 5 year old should have to see or live that…iv seen this many times in my own life…im positive bout this…that boyfriend needs to go out the door quickly…dont look back…choose your son over any new boyfriend…his true colors have shown…sorry but true

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Your kid comes first and he’s been here for 1 year and your baby has been here for 5 and will always be your baby the boyfriend may not even be here next week!

My fiancé bitches I always do to much but they always bitch lol. Get used to it now and just let it go in one ear and out the other :joy:

My SO used to get mad about this stuff too, I let him be mad and did what I wanted. Now he doesn’t even bother to say anything lol If you make your own money, he doesn’t have a right to say diddly.

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Walk away from this man and any man who is not okay with how you love doing good and postive things for your child. Any person who yells and tells you how not to do for your child is not worth being with. Your child is all that matters


Oh hell no, ain’t no one telling me what I an or can’t buy my kids​:100::100::100:


That’s not right. Your boyfriend comes second make your baby happy


The more I read this the more pissed I am. First why would you let anyone yell at you at all? First sign to get rid of them. 2 nd, why would you let someone you’ve been with for a year dictate or even comment on something to do with YOUR child? Second sign to get rid of him. There are red flags all over the place here. Throw his ass to the curb.


It’s not his choice don’t do that to your child, speaking from experience it’s a question he’ll always have as to why you chose a man over him


That’s a no brainer! Your boyfriend has no business telling you how to treat your child. Period! Sounds like the beginning of control issues. Jmo


Your child comes 1st- like DUHHHH… WHY IS THIS EVEN ?? In your mind


Do. What your child is use to.


Your kid comes first and he’s still little so go all out.


Maybe he’s like my husband :joy: the kids don’t need all that crap especially since they get everything they want all year and he’s not wrong :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: so I do something smaller when he thinks I’m going overboard. You guys did just move in so You have to value his opinion too. Make sure you talk to him on proper ways of communication cause yelling is not it

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Get rid of him, he’s jealous of your kid


Your kid, your choice .


You tell him to fuck off and do as you please

I like what Tammy said.