My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Tell him if he don’t like it there is the door. It’s not his money your spending.He shouldn’t be raising his voice at anyone I’d be kicking his but back out it’s your house you do you.


Kick him out your babies are more important then him . Lots of fish n da ocean :ocean:


Depends what you mean by all out. If it’s causing a financial burden because you’re going “all out” every holiday then maybe but no need to yell

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It’s your child it’s your decision it’s your money… you do what you want to it’s YOUR son not his :woman_shrugging::v:t2:


You child is your blood. Don’t let a boyfriend dictate how you do for your child.


Get rid of him, you deserve better.


Say good bye to the boy friend. Easter is the reason we have Christmas and your son deserves better!


Go all out for your kids. He’ll either get with the page or get gone. Unless it’s putting you in a financial mind. It shouldn’t matter I do the same thing for holidays for both my son and my stepchild. I’m still trying to shop for a little mini pool to make a large Easter basket, so that’s not something that should strike an argument so he should be able to just be quiet and enjoy the time together


So true darling to wat to own.person.and my life hw I want and to.the fullest .love your comment dear xxx


Yell back and don’t ask permission just do it

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Girl bump that! He isn’t your husband and he isn’t that boys Daddy do what u want for your son


Not his GD business. You only have a little amount of time for your kid’s Easter. They grow up so fast. Cut him loose.


Exactly what Donna Mitchell Darroch said you do what you want!

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Huge Huge Huge Red FLAG !!! Your son will always be YOUR Son !!! This is exactly how my EXTREMELY ABUSIVE X started with me 5 years later I was lifeflighted and nearly died


You go all out per usual…


If he can’t support your parenting then get rid . I put up with that battle for 8 years . I wish I hadn’t

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Ahhhh your child has been in your life longer than your boyfriend, he should not be jealous of a little boy, spoil the child and tell the big child he isn’t irreplaceable! Child first


INVITE THAT AH TO LEAVE… The boy is only 5 yrs old just because he had a bad childhood don’t mess with the kid…

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Good lord, he’s your child… do it!! They’re only little once

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The bf is just a bf. Your kid is your #1. It’s an easy decision for me.

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Listen to all the wise advice you are receiving!!
You can get another boyfriend……
You can’t get another son !!!


Its your child. I’d be removing him Easter morning so it’s not ruined.


He would just be moving back out…


Dump the boyfriend! He should have no say. Your child should always come before a boyfriend.


If it’s YOUR money and YOUR kid then do whatever tf you want. Don’t let no man dictate what you do for your child that’s not harming him in any way. Whatever I was doing with mine before he walked through the door, I will continue to do. And stand on that shit forever! :100:

I wish somebody WOULD try and tell me what I could or could not do for my kids. My 21, 22 and 24 year Olds get almost as much as my 7 year old and my 4 grandkids. For ALL holidays. Man, listen. That’s YOUR baby. If he don’t like it, show him the door :woman_shrugging:

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I understand his point, I am sick of everything being a second Christmas.
Buuuut do what you want or compromise and cut back a bit. In the end you need to thi k of what would happen if you both have a kid together you would have to compromise and come to a mutual agreement.

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Get rid of him!! Jfc…why is this even a question to you???


I would Tell him to suck it and not to tell me what i can and not do for or with my child!

Your kid should come first. Fuck what he says. You go all out for your kid if you want to Momma

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You don’t let your boyfriend change and ruin your child’s Easter with his attitude.

Also, he’s just moved in and Is yelling at you, telling you how to change your parenting and being controlling…… :triangular_flag_on_post:


He YELLED at you over this? Throw the whole damn man out.

Who tf is he to tell you what you can and can’t do for your kid that isn’t even HIS??

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It your child and he comes before any boyfriend…do what you would do if he boyfriend wasn’t around

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Leave him son cones first :triangular_flag_on_post:

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You kids are always first…I wouldn’t keep anyone who did see this … It is up to you if you can afford

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Tell him if he doesn’t like it he knows where the door is

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Do o what you have to always done for your child. Don’t let no man come in and be tell you how to do for your child. If he has a problem with it show him the door.


I agree Easter is not a second Christmas, but to each his own. He is your son and if you have the money do as you want.


I agree, your kids come first, their only small 0nce and need to enjoy childhood as much as possible before life gets to them.



I spent like 80 dollars lol so I guess it depends on your definition of going all out :grimacing:

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He moved into your life. You can move him out.


Maybe he is just saying money is low and sometimes less is more its not about buying stuff its .my opinion only hope you find a way to sit down and talk about this.

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Your child your rules. They are only little once. Do as you please and get rid of that old tanty throwing child you call a bf. Is he jealous?

My bf sometimes says something like “I didn’t get much for easter or any holiday” first of all boyfriend I spoil you a lot too…he says what he says and I say tough and we go on about our days I spoil my 6 year old girl more then I should but he doesn’t say much after I say eh oh well ima do what I want. Also. If he’s used it getting a lot don’t just cut it all out he’ll notice.

Umm you handle it by telling him oh well and spoil your child however you want to! :unamused:


Do what you want your kids


I say get rid of him. Also though as a Mama that goes all out it get’s expensive when they get older and like more expensive things, and always expect it. My son is 10 and I’ve already spent 200 bucks on Easter :astonished::person_shrugging: but it’s your child and NO man after that time period should be yelling at you over how you parent


Children should definitely be your priority. Please, don’t consider a permanent relationship with this guy. As a matter of fact leave now.


Tell him to go shit in His hat your son is your son if you want to buy whatever you want

Your kid comes first. Go all out!


Lol I’d keep doing whatever for my kids.


It all depends on who’s paying , are all your bills paid up . If all is good and it’s your money then its really not his call .


Tell him if dont like it and to piss off your kid do what you want mama

Did he make that money to spend? If not he has no say. I wouldn’t spoil too much cause then they expect that but that’s my opinion.


Um the kid comes first shouldn’t be torn! Just sayin.


You dont have to have permission to treat your child. Its YOUR CHILD and he should come before any boyfriend and if your boyfriend has a problem with that he shouldn’t be your boyfriend. A real man wouldn’t be such an ass

Red Flag! I spoil my daughter too, but they are only little once


Sometimes you mothers say things that really make me pity your children. Why would you listen to some dude. Grow up. Your his mother. Do what you want.


Never let a man change what you do for your kid. He is YOUR son. It isn’t fair to your son to just stop doing what you’ve always done. He sounds like the kind of ‘man’ I’d be booting out my front door. My children always come first, it should be an easy choice for you, sorry.


Yeah…no… he can fuck right off with that. There’s no one that will tell me what I can and can’t do with my child that I’ve been with for barely a year.

You moved him in, you are obviously a desperate woman who will settle for any man…KICK HIM OUT!!! NOW!!

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Your child needs to come first!!!

Ummmm he’s a boyfriend of only a year his point is irrelevant. You’ve obviously been spending your own money for this before him soooo. This is my opinion. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Go EXTRA extra for your kid this year


Ewe🤢 dump him and use the extra cash to spoil your baby lol


You do what YOU want for your child! Do NOT let him come in the way of your relationship with your son. Screw that!! Bye!!

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Once you became a mother. Your child always should come first.


Send him back where he came from

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Before he settles in, get him out! You do as he says now, it’s going to to get so much worse for you.


Your kid your rules…however if you are trying to build a family with this person & extravagant spending effects the household than it is his business. There is also a difference between spoiling your children & making sure they have what they need. Generally my kids get a ps4 card…some of their favorite candy & an Easter egg hunt we do outside. We have a nice family dinner & that’s it. Not to get all religious because I’m not but Easter is not about buying gifts for your kids…Its not second Christmas lol

Hows this even a question?
Your son, your money!!
This man child has only been apart of your life for a small while… If you let him start controlling things it’ll only unfortunately get worse.

Reading this post all I seen was red flags.
Each to their own but I’d be putting him in the bin :woman_shrugging:

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That’s your son go do what you want. Again it’s your son don’t loose track of that. He’s number one.


That’s a horrible position I would never tolerate it I could either do what I want for my kids or find another man that’s just how I feel

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Do what you want for YOUR child. Hes not his father MHOB

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Good thing you’re the parent and the one funding it


whose money are you spending?


Put your foot down. It’s your money and your kids. You’ll not change your ways just because he came into your lives. Set the boundaries now.

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Kid comes first, fuck what he says!

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Tell boyfriend ain’t none of his business that’s your child

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Go all out for your child and put the boyfriend out!!

He is your kid. Not his. I mean if he is telling you what to do with your kid now, it’s just going to get worse as time goes by

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Get him what ever you want

Say goodbye now. What’s next.

DUMP HIM FAST! He’s obviously jealous of what you do for your kid. He just moved in??!! Sounds like a bum??!!

Show him,the boyfriend,the door!!

Boy bye your kid your money :woman_shrugging:t2:

Easter used to be my fav holiday cause my mom would always go all out for my baskets, it was something special every year, if your a go all out type I say go all out

As long as he’s not funding it then go all out!

Your son comes first. FIRST. That is all.

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Show him the door x


Dump him signs of things to come


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w0r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h0me. l ­ne­v­­­e­r­ tho­u­ght I’d be ­a­b­l­­e to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16091 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Tell your boyfriend to jump in the creek off of a bridge!! Take care of your child. Maybe boyfriend needs to return to his Mama!!


You go all out if you want to .They are only in our house for a short while then their off on their own .I have kids 24,18,and 8 year old twins .And they will all get baskets untill I’m gone .And I hope after I’m gone my husband continues :two_hearts:


Your child happiness comes before ur man… ur money do what u want. Ur child do as u plz… tell ur boyfriend to kick rocks…

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easy choice your kids are always first, if can’t understand that then you have some thinking to do


FOH … what he mean you can’t spoil your own child? NEXXXXT


Throw the whole boyfriend away