My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Tell him you have always done holidays like this he can like it or leave it


How is that even something you need to ask strangers?
My kid does and always will, come first!!!


He is not the man you want to live your life with and marry.


do what you want. i don’t do Easter baskets for my son. He already gets so much all the time.

Holidays are as you want them to be… tell him to get over hisself…or make him a Lil basket too

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Your kid comes first and he’s mad that you want to make you kid happy??? Dump his POS garbage self.

Find a new boyfriend.

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Show him the door if he thinks like that now it’s only going to get worse leopards never change their spots. Your son comes first in your life remember that . Happy Easter to you and your Son. :hatching_chick::hatching_chick:


Dump him it’s not his kid not his money and definitely a sign of being controlling


Screw him do what you want for your kid

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That’s your kid and you treat that baby how you wanna treat them. You’re the mama so you know what you can and can’t do, and if he don’t like it he can kick rocks


You are an adult.your boyfriend is not your daddy. Do what you want!

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Kick him out. Your boy should come first.

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Throw the boytoy away and spoil your child.


He has to go because yelling is abuse. However, giving too much to a child will give him a false sense of importance. Time spent with him will be remembered, not the things you give him.

Kids come first… Always have… no man ever comes first…

Tell him take it or leave.Your child will be your child forever, this guy could take a Dixie anytime and you will regret you sided with him

It’s your child, he just moved in. Never ever pick someone over your child. If you want to go all out for Easter then go right ahead, who is he to tell you what to do with your child

Tell him don’t let the door hit him where there the good lord split you

Kick him out now! He’s going to be nothing but TROUBLE. You know I’m right!


Wow. You do not change things for him, give your Son an amazing Easter!

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If u are payin, he shouldnt have a say. Maybe try gettin the bf a gift too?

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He sounds controlling. That will become abuse. Dump the boyfriend. Who does he think he is anyways?

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Bye bye boyfriend! Ditch that guy. Seriously!

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Well for one he needs to just move out basically!!! Yelling at you about your son is totally unexepytable !!!
And shame on you for feeling torn !!
This is your son , you just met him a year ago , WT….
You need to do what you want and give him what you want to give him !!! No limit because of some new boyfriend
And the drama is already there , just the beginning
You need to stand your ground and set him straight now !!!

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::gift:

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Woah! Kick his ass to the curb girl. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: That is YOUR child and you’ll do whatever you damn well please when it comes to that child. You are NOT “spoiling” your child if you like going all out. I would NEVER let my boyfriend talk to me like that when it comes to MY home, and MY CHILD.

You are going to let your bf tell you how to treat your son? Big fat hard no


My mom gives me like 20 small dollar items and cute things I like that are bunny themed or candy or makeup or things I just like I need more of. She’s been like that all my life and I loved it, never stop being extra to see the look on your sons face and especially never stop because someone who has been there for less time than he’s been alive, tell you what to do. This was a huge warning for the future.

Get rid of boyfriend


Get rid of the boyfriend


Ughhh…this most likely will always be a 'Thing". You and your son deserve better.

Don’t adjust your behavior for some man

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Get rid of him and keep spoiling your baby

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Get rid of him fast. Dont look back

My boyfriend LOVES that I go all out for my kiddos (5 & 4 yrs old) not his kiddos for holidays, birthdays, event, sports etc. The fact that your boyfriend thinks that you doing something for your child isn’t ok is a huge red flag. :triangular_flag_on_post:

Ummm. Who is he to tell you what to do with your son? Oh hell no. You will never get these memories back. Kick him to the curb and start over. Be completely up front with the next man by saying you’ve had problems in the past with guys telling you how to raise your child. Let them know up front that it won’t be tolerated!

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Your son comes first

Kick him to the curb.

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Buy the basket and do for your kid, if the boyfriend doesn’t like it,like my grandma used to say, “He only has two jobs, to get mad and get over it!”

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Remember just a boyfriend, kick his ass out!!! He can’t tell you what you spend money in, unless it’s his money then he has a say. Even then sounds like a total jerk!!! Your son comes first before anybody and anything!

Do what you want to do your son comes first

You obviously like this guy so it’s not an easy thing to do to walk away because of a disagreement. However I do think you both need to talk about it, although he’s not your sons dad, he’s still an influence in he’s life and whilst your living together you don’t want the aspect of “well he’s your son” if you want him to be apart of your sons life because his opinion matters too when your together (to a certain point that is) I think he’s trying to say that he doesn’t understand why your doing it, which he doesn’t have too but if he has children also and he hasn’t done the same for them he may not want them to feel left out (if he has kids, if not then ignore me :sweat_smile:) but ultimately it is your decision and if you want too spoil him for Easter and your paying for it out of your own pocket then I don’t see a problem :woman_shrugging: I deffo think you should talk to him though cause him moving in makes him Part of your family whether he’s biological or not and I’m sure long term you’d want someone else your child can see as a parent (sort of speak) good luck I hope you both sort it out :blush:

Your kids come first, ALWAYS!!
Your kid will look back on this it’s all about making memories.
Sorry but if your partner doesn’t get this then he’s not the one for you


My fiancé did this to me with my two boys, what it came down to was trying to teach me to be more financially responsible with my money and the importance of saving. Although I was bitter at first, I came to realize he was right. Im so grateful for him coming into my life and helping me break that habit … because I used to put so much emphasis on money spent on holidays and birthdays, i would put that before my bills and then spend the next few months playing catchup … and if i didnt change my ways it would be impossible to accomplish any of the long term big goals we set. Children will be just as happy no matter the amount of $$$ spent and I am glad I listened to him because we just bought our first house together back in November, I have a comfortable cushion in case of emergencies… i no longer have to worry about finances or emergencies stressing me out… not only that but I was able to provide them with something better than a few hundred extra dollars spent on every occasion on things they will likely play with for a only a couple of months anyway… I was able to provide them their own home. :heartpulse:. Men tend think more logically and long term regardling financial stablity and savings then we do. Sit down with him and calmly Have a talk with him … ask him his reasoning behind this … if its not to go broke or place yourself in financial hardship … I think its a legitimate reason … those few extra hundreds of dollars add up and will be put to much better use in a savings acct instead. He shouldnt of approached you that way with this. Being screamed at will automatically cause you to put up your defenses and cause a fight… he shouldve sat you down and calmy explained his reasoning.


Follow your heart your child was there first.

Out the door get rid of him if he like that after a year your son should come before any man


As a fellow mom that also goes all out for my 6 year old daughter, screw him and buy that baby what you want. Not his kid anyway :roll_eyes:


Is this the only issue I bet not I bet he yells about other things really think about things he isn’t allowed to yell at you at all its abuse how will he treat your child is he doesn’t obey or act in a way he feels is spoiled but is probably just a kid being a kid

Whilst I personally agree that it isn’t second Christmas, do what you want for your own child. He has no right to tell you what not to do.

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Uhm the minute he tells u what to do with your kid is the minute he gets kicked to the curb !! Thats how it starts and then who knows…


Tell your boyfriend to move on….hit the road


Do what you want. If he doesn’t like it he can leave.


Five is the age to do the most!

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How are you going to let anyone have a say in what you want to do with YOUR kid? Tell that sorry excuse of a man to shut his mouth because you know what your doing with your kid. He doesn’t have a say at all. If he’s going to yell at you foe something so stupid then imagine how he’s gonna be when it’s something important and you have different options. He’s no good.


The child always come before any boyfriend maybe you jumped the gun and let him move in and he never ever has any thing to do with your son. To soon to even meet your child


Just do it, he doesn’t own you! Tell him to shut his mouth


Run now don’t ever put a man before what you want for your child. Speaking from experience.


If you want to go over the top for your child that is your Choice to make not his! I go over the top for things, sorry but he needs to stay out of it :rofl:

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It’s ur child and if it’s ur house then he needs to go it will only get worse

Go all out! Ppl tell me all the time that I do to much for holidays and his birthday but it’s MY SON and I can spoil him how ever I feel fit espy if it’s MY money. Spoil your baby girl he can get with the program or don’t but it shouldn’t change how you’ve always done it

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Also, do you really want to raise your kid with a man in the house that yells over holiday fun. Every holiday from here on is going to be drama. You need to boot him. Asap.

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Kick boyfriend out. Your son is the most precious person in the world to you. Don’t blow it. Boyfriends come and go. Your son will always be with you. Don’t break your son’s heart.

Tell you’re boyfriend to move out if he doesn’t like it xD the fact that you have to ask is enough said… it’s YOURE KID DO DO WHAT YOU WANT! Stop picking guys/girls over you’re own kids

It’s your son. He only gets one childhood. If you are questioning it yourself, slowly do a little less each year as he gets older. But don’t just follow what the boyfriend says, that’s YOUR baby and your money.

Umm…Yeah no…no bf would be dictating how i do my childs holidays. Your child should have it exactly the same as he did prior to the bf moving in unkess you can not financially do so. Otherwise your son will eventually learn to resent the bf. Besides why would the bf not want to make you and your child happy if he really loved you both and there is no reason not to?

Break up with him and buy your baby whatever you want! How narcissistic

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I’ll buy my kid what I want. Screw that your only young once and if you have means then do it.

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unless it’s his money, he has no say


Tell your boyfriend he needs to go!! Bye Bye …


It’s your child and your money and you do as you want. kick him to the curb–he’s not worth him being there


What an idiot of a boyfriend :sob:Kids remember all these little things you do for them when growing up. So important!
Your boyfriend needs to grow up!

You go all out for your child! If the boyfriend don’t like it he can hit the road. Hell my child got a 350 game system from her uncle for Easter! I’m all for spoiling the kids

Dump him. Your child comes first.


Drop him off at Hooters do what you want want that child is more important,

He isn’t the father. A stepfather should be told that right from the beginning. It’s not his business. It’s your call and yours alone

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Tell him to fuck off! Asshole!

Don’t let know man tell u what you can do with your child .

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Throw the whole man away

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Confused why you would even question your decision. Your son, you money - he will be long gone and your son is your son forever.


There’s plenty of fish in the sea, but you only have one son, you’re first priority. Move the boyfriend down the road


100% DO IT!!! Your baby will always be your baby, and you have every right to spoil him. Boyfriends come and go and ain’t shit! Your son comes first always, bout time the BF learned his place!! LMAO…but I am totally serious! :rofl:

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Uh do what you always do for your son. A man child isn’t going to be around that long if he’s throwing fits over YOU parenting YOUR son.

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Not his kid, none of his business. I think that’s a red flag in my opinion.


Dump the boyfriend. It is only going to get worse.


He is controlling you ! Not only is he depriving you of lavishing your child with an Easter basket he is also depriving your child of a hive from his mother. What business is it of his? Does he plan on marring you and becoming this child’s stepfather? Ask him ?


Kick him to the curb

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It has nothing to do with him lol. If a man is yelling and causing a scene over an Easter basket then there’s bigger issues.
Gotta go :v:t2:

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Don’t let him control you and your sons happiness, go extra now


Kids come first, get rid of him if he’s going to be yelling at you for wanting to do an Easter basket for ur son.

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If you are financially dependent on him you have kind of put yourself in a spot where he thinks he has a right to say something about money spent. Even so he does not have a say about how you carry out traditions with your child. Make it clear now that he is your child and you will continue or he can find another place to live. He moved in but what is his role in this besides hopefully paying his way. We women have a tendency to give mixed messages by letting them move in, letting them share our beds, letting them pay bills and so on but we don’t also lay down the boundaries. When they have a difference of opinion things fall apart. I know, I was there with my own child. If he is not contributing to your child’s living expenses, he has no say and you tell him that but if he does he has a right to an opinion on how money is spent. You have the control over the situation.


If he isn’t paying for it does he really have any say at all? Plus your child comes first

Time to get rid of the boyfriend. No one should tell you what you can or cannot do with your child.


I’m sure he never had what your doing and men hate seeing kids get what they were lacking. Females do it too.

Girl leave that jealous of your son man alone.

yea thats not his decision


Kick him out. Let him control you at this early stage he will be doing it forever


Your kid your decisions. I’m sorry but if he just moved in he has no say.


My kids are adults who have their own kids and I still go all out for them on holidays… if u back down on this what’s next? When it comes to ur kid you do what makes you both happy .


Your son comes first


He’s your kid. You do what YOU want and parent your child how you feel fit. Tell him to mind his business.