My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Hmm, I think I read “my ex boyfriend left his stuff at my house, how long do I have to hold on to it?”
That’s not his kid. You’re not his wife. Red Flags everywhere in this game. Nopety nope nope.


thank him for being honest, as your walking him out the door


Control starts with little things it’s only going to get worse more control put your foot down now!


He is your kid do what you want. Boyfriends come and go but not your child he will always be in your life. Be strong :muscle:

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Tell him “NOT to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out”:rofl::rofl:

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Go all out for your son

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Not up to him unless u allow him to control you!

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Your child and your money

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Easter isn’t about gifts .

Your boyfriend is a narcissist, get away from him NOW!

Your kid always comes first. Do what you want for your baby boy and don’t let any man tell u any different. Your kid was in ur life before the boyfriend…and he will be your kid long after the boyfriend

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The BF should have no say unless you expect him to pay. But you are really doing this for yourself, your child does not need all out, whatever that means.

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Your child came before your boyfriend. You do what you feel you want to do for him
He is YOURS.

Show him the door! This situation will only get worse. Yes, it will be hard to let him go, but in the long run you and your son will be much happier.

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It’s your son so you have the right to buy whatever you want for him. Time to get rid of the boyfriend!

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You know how on the news there’s stories of kids that got killed by the mothers boyfriend…this is how that starts…js

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It will escalate to other things.

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Tell him how you’re feeling. But it’s still your choice either way.

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tell him to f**k off he’s your son this is what we do for Easter. If he wants to be in your life he has to respect the relationship that you and your son have and the things you do for him.


Sad that you even had to ask that question


How about making part of his gift not so materialistic. You could do a craft together, go to a petting zoo, etc.

Dump him and buy even more stuff for your kid.

Feck the boyfriend off

Red flag, if he’s upset about you giving your son gifts he would be an EX BOYFRIEND


Red flag. Move him right back out, and buy your little all the Easter stuff that you want.

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Sounds like the bf is jealous of your son. Huge red flag.


Pick your child over him always

just do it for both kids you are not responcable for what the easter bunny does

Go all out for your kid, screw him ( and not in the fun way ) if he can’t handle how you’ve been with your baby, tell him to kick rocks.

Keep the big Easter Basket…Get rid of the boyfriend


My boyfriend never yelled at me about it. But he made comments until he realized I was doing the exact same for his own son as well. He still says Im doing to much but doesn’t make a big deal out of it.

Describe all out! Easter basket with candy and a few toys should be enough a wonderful meal with family is priceless! I never did more than that

Your kid your money don’t let this guy tell you how much you can spend on your kids unless he’s putting the tab and it don’t sound like it just do what you want with your kids and don’t worry about other people


Your son is the important one always


The Easter egg hunt was so more important then anything

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Go with your gut feelings and stand your ground.


Your kid comes first


By throwing the whole man away lol


I guess it’s a good thing you’re there the mom and not the boyfriend so he doesn’t get to decide whether or not you do anything for your son remind him of that a sounds Petty but at the end of the day he comes first not your boyfriend so you do you girls are going to do what you want to do for him and you do that don’t let him and tell you how to raise your child

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You go all out for your kid… Period he’s not the father and should realize he doesn’t understand what it’s like to have a child … he’s only 5 once you go all out girl!

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It’s your child, your choice. But I just told my daughter the same thing. She spent a couple hundred dollars so far

Fill the basket full of whatever you want, and fill the trashcan full with that “man” :face_vomiting: Who does he think he is??


If it’s affecting your joint finances or your son’s behavior and expectations, then it’s an issue. Kids have become accustomed to going all out on everything, making most celebrations unnecessarily expensive. For example, when I was in high school, some people tried to do creative “promposals” but no one spent a lot of money on one.

Going all out all the time raises kids’ expectations unnecessarily. Have an egg hunt and put together a basket, but don’t make it a second Christmas.

Send the boyfriend hopping down the road.


Um eff him! He can move out as quickly as he moved in! Your child always comes first


Easy, do what you want for YOUR kid(s).
I go overboard, too.


It’s is your child. Who asked him?

If it’s not his kid then he shouldn’t have an opinion. Sounds like he needs to move back out.

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Yep. Get rid of the boyfriend. It only gets worse.

Aai your child first, that will be a bad father, it’s okay not to have a man…or be in a relationship if they are as shitty as that…

I see both points. You don’t want a spoilt child cause what happens if you can’t afford it one yr & it’s not about what you can buy love affection time is all a child needs.
As for the bf talk about things have budgets for Christmas, birthdays etc because that will be the next issue no doubt.
No one really knows the situation you ain’t silly so if it bothers you so much give him the flick.

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I’m sorry. Why does he have any say over your son? Why even allow that ? And if he is like this now, it’s going to get a ton worse for you as the relationship progresses.


It is your son, do what makes you happy! My hubby always said the same thing to me, about the holidays & birthdays and I said it is once a year and I’m going to spoil them all I want, he always got over it! I love buying gifts for others!

Get rid of the guy. You’re the mom and that’s your kid. Shouldn’t no man tell you what to do with your kid. Especially after only a year.


Red Flag, little things now,it might become bigger things next,as your son gets older.


Going all out can cause a spkiled child. I know because i did it…i still get her lots of things. But i always try for less. But its by no means his choice or right to make decsions about your kid after a year together. Esp since he yelled at you.

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Ignore the boyfriend, your child comes first,

It’s your kid not his. I understand sacrificing some stuff for the sake of building a family, but if you are financially able to do so, do it for YOUR kid.

Your kid comes first! Don’t stop doing something for your child just because someone who just moved in tells you different! He’s your kid! If he ain’t paying for it, what’s it to him?!


It is your child do what you want to do with your child. And if he’s trying to tell you what to do with that child and it’s not his kick his ass to the curb

Easy get rid of the boyfriend. Don’t ever put anyone or anything over your child .


Tell him to fuck off and get out. This treatment of your son will never change.

He’s YOUR SON and he has NO SAY. I’d tell him too bad…if he doesn’t like it.

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Who the hell does he think he is nothing to do with him you do this every Yr don’t change that for nobody boyfriends are disposable your children you love them unconditionally f*** him you do what you always do


Do what you want for YOUR child. It doesn’t matter what boyfriend says, this is something you want for your child. It’s a memory or even tradition you are creating. Dude can get on board or get off the train, you are the conductor of this trip Mama.


Buy what your heart desires for you son. Dont ever let a boyfriend come in between your child.

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I spent probably over $200 on my 2 kid’s but that’s because I get quality stuff and not a bunch of junk! I’d rather put money into stuff like stuffies, clothing, books instead of filling their baskets with chocolate and candy. They do get that stuff but it’s a good amount, not overdone :woman_shrugging:t3:
My husband has gotten used to my sh*t over the years :rofl:

Throw the whole man in the trash.

Uhm. I personally don’t go overboard for Easter either, so he doesn’t really have to contribute if he doesn’t want to. But its your choice if you want to. Wow, People really jump to just get rid of someone if there is a disagreement. Phew. Scary times. I hope my spouse would keep me if I disagree with him…

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My husband said the same thing but I want my kids to enjoy and have the wonderful memories. As they got older I have slowed down but my 7 year old I still do more for. They understand because their Easter’s I went all out for. Most time I get them summer toys. This year I bought a 14x48 pool. We’re moving she found it in the garage. My big plan was blown. In her basket I’m getting her swimsuit, sunglasses, floats, googles, diving sticks, beach towel, and little more things for pool. Last year Easter bunny brought stuff for the beach and Disney world because we went to Florida.

Your kid comes first and foremost before ANYONE

Dont choose a boyfriend over your son. It’s your kid your decision. The audacity of this “man” to yell at you when the kid isnt his is astounding

You’re really letting a dude come before your child? Shame on you for even considering not doing for your baby just cause some swinging dick disapproves.

Dump him and put ur son first

You do you and your kid ! It’s not his place to change you and your beliefs !! I don’t think it’s a good idea to overindulge children but Easter and Christmas are special occasions, and it’s your kid. And that’s your choice. If you don’t want drama get rid of a controlling man. Js

Whose money are you spending on “going all out”. If it is his, he has say in it.


tell him to kiss your a$$, it’s your son, your money, your choice

If you let him start controlling you,it will get a lot worse for you and your Son. Set him straight now.

If you normally go all out for Easter go all out for Easter it has NOTHING to do with your boyfriend. My ex husband used to say the same thing too bad it’s MY money & I’ll spend it how I please. I go to work to be able to spoil my kids. Pffftt the audacity of a boyfriend to tell me how i should spend my money let alone treat my children current boyfriend HELPS me spoil these kids.


Me taking his stuff out the window. Bc what’s next? Your baby comes first.


Get rid of him before it is to late


It’s YOUR kid, not his. Unless he’s paying for it, he has no say so in the matter.

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Get an heart felt apology or maybe a better boyfriend. You get to decide what is right for you’re child.

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Omg, your kid, your money, your choice, who does he think he is moving into YOUR house and telling you what to get YOUR kid! Do as you please, if he doesn’t like it let him go x

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Your kid, do what you want
Boy is not his he has no say so
He’s showing signs of controlling run

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Bully comes to mind get rid

Lose the boyfriend and take care of your child as you see fit. This should not even be a dilemma for you.


It’s YOUR kid not his!

Ummm yeah….massive red flag.
Please be careful …I see this as a warning sign of future behaviour.


honestly being raised catholic, easter was a second christmas in my family

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you and your kid have been in this routine for 5 years, your boyfriend has been in you life for one, your kids always come first, your boyfriend needs to fit into your already established routine. Never change how you treat your kids for a partner. It’s up to your partner to fit in with your lives, if he can’t do that then he’s not worth it. If you change for him then you are not prioritising your child who is wholly dependant on you. He needs to change, not you


Get rid of the boyfriend ! An innocent 5 year old is much more important !!! Giving your child joyous memories is most important of all !!!
Go ahead and do it the best you can this year & even better next year without anyone hindering you :rabbit::baby_chick::hatched_chick::hatching_chick::butterfly::rabbit2::tulip:


He’s a controlling ass

It is YOUR child girl! Do what you want for your lil dude! It’s only my opinion, good luck :egg::hatching_chick::bouquet:

Do what you want to do for your kids if you don’t you will regret it


Um go out and don’t forget to take the trash mamma ! :pleading_face:

Red flag… don’t you choose that boy over your son.
His no man he has no right telling you what to do for your 5 year old son.
He starts putting his opinion in now about this what’s next…
Tell him to pull his head in or mind his business

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get rid of boyfriend. obviously jealous of son. u and boy go out while he packs his stuff. loads of real men out there.


Your child you do you he don’t like it don’t let the door hit him where the good lord slips him!!
Do not change what you do with your child because a boyfriend (not child’s father) says so


Dump him. Nobody is going to tell me how to raise what I birthed.

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