Boy bye. That’s how you handle this.
kick him out and your kid comes first
Some ppl may disagree, but I can understand his point. If you go all out for EVERY holiday, than your kids will always expect it. Celebrate Easter, but keep in mind, the real reason for Easter
That type of man is the kind you cant leave your kid alone with… leave him
You brought your child into this world. He comes first, so spill him all you want cause childhood is gone so fast. Although it is not valued spilling but celebrating holidays. Let a partner know your son will always come first because he is your son same as you would do if you had children with him. An adult can take care of himself an child can’t
Get rid of the boyfriend. Your son is more important.
You don’t want to spoil the kid and make him expect this even when he is older. He won’t appreciate it. My only child gets a basket. Couple Reese PB Eggs, jelly beans, stuff like that. And 1 small item she wants or needs. And 1 gift card.
Get rid of his jealous petty self. That’s your kid.
Always put your children first !! send the boy friend Packing so what if you go over board with the Easter basket…ther only little once
Boyfriends don’t get husband & father privileges. This is, us, causing problems for ourselves and the kiddos, and then being upset about the problem. Christ followers- the Bible is the best instruction book for us.
You politely say I respect that we have different views. But this is how I’ve always done things. And let him know you don’t appreciate his yelling at you. You are not a child
What the hell is wrong with these women? Kick that a$$hole to the kerb, and give your kid whatever you want him to have. It’s only going to get worse with guys like that. P.S. There actually are a few men out there who aren’t self centered narcissists.
Umm hunny do what you want to do, this relationship is to new to be letting him control you already… plus it is YOUR son, so he can kick rocks if he don’t like what you choose to do.
Do what u normally do and if he don’t like it tuff shit ! Kids always 1st
Go all out for your kid! I go all out for my kids for all of the holidays, and I dare someone to say something about it.
Kick (boyfriend) to the curb and go shopping. That’s a red flag🚩
This is a DuH moment. How are you gonna let this homeless bum tell you how to treat your baby?You are the dumazz for considering his arse:rofl:
Sounds like you should be telling the boyfriend Bye
Don’t listen to him, it’s your child not his. Do what you want for your baby
He’s your son…do what makes YOU happy. Childhood goes by way too fast. Happy Easter!
Your Son comes first----not the boyfriend!!! Maybe it’s time to say bye–bye to the boyfriend and continue building happy memories with your son!!!
I’d be telling that boyfriend to zip his mouth! Go all out for that baby of yours
Don’t let your boyfriend rob your little boy of this joy. Your son is 5 years old and an easter basket brings kids much joy (I so remember it even tho ours just had our favorite candy and a little toy). You do not have to make it anywhere as elaborate as Christmas, but something that brings him feelings of happiness. Hiding easter eggs also brings kids so much happiness and costs very little. Little notes with hints as to where to find a special egg is so much fun for the kids. I used this with my grandkids.
Blood is thicker than water. You do what’s best for YOUR kid.
How do you handle this??? Why is this even a question?? The answer is you tell your BF that you’re doing what you want to do for your child and if he disagrees, he can either keep his opinion to himself or find the nearest exit!
Do what u want it’s ur child and if he don’t lie it then tough … if it is something you have always done you cannot change now because of a man.
Perhaps you should learn the meaning of Easter. A basket , hunt a few eggs, some candy , but not "go all out’.
I concur with Judye Jackson, if you don’t your only opening up years of conflict.
Boyfriends are like a nasty diaper you can change them- your son is yours forever make the memories you want him to have !
Screw what the man says, he can be replaced. Your little boy will remember that you always gave him a great Easter
You do you! Shit the Easter Bunny comes for mama also at my house!!!
Go all out for your kid. Get rid of the looser.
Make boyfriend an Easter basket too! Maybe he is jealous🤷♀️ he sounds immature
Goodbye to boyfriend!
U go all out. Tellxyour boyfriend to move his ass out then
Nope. My kids come first ALWAYS. He doesn’t like it tell him to go have his own family and then he can control what goes on. Your house, your son, your money. I would tell him byeeeeee
Red flag big time , time to get rid of boyfriend
Get rid of the Boyfriend
whats this blow in… of one year …doing telling you what to do with your son of 5?..better stop that right now if you think this relationship is going to work. On the balance side of things there maybe truth to his comment? maybe ease up on the over doing it …kids shouldnt have excess chocolate really. Dont be telling your son to be calling him “daddy” by the way…just to add an extra note here.
Your child comes first if boyfriend don’t like it he knows where the door is
If you can afford to go “all out” without going broke, then do it. But if he is concerned because bills are behind and you are at risk of having stuff shut off, then no, going all out isn’t the smartest thing. Do what you can realistically afford.
Look hard at your relationship. If this one little thing is causing this much conflict, I have to believe other thing will be surfacing before you know it.
Leave him - yelling over that is absolutely not ok by any means. This is a huge red flag you need to pay attention to now, especially for your child. If you’re unable to calmly talk with him about your boundaries for YOUR child and what you want to continue to do with him - then he needs to understand but if he’s going to be controlling and yelling over it than he can leave because that’s not behavior your child should learn and be around
your money, your kid, your decision.
The fact you ask is worrying - this guy is only just moved in and your questioning how you treat your own son with your money - is this really what you want! X
ummmm What? Go all out for your kid. He comes first. BF needs to know his place. He’s just a bf. Issues like that is a giant red flag. If bf is already acting like a donkey over something that is supposed to be fun and not serious, Then he needs to bounce.
I agree Easter shouldn’t be a second Christmas but the yelling and screaming at you about it is a bit much.
They are your kids not his. I would tell him to get lost. Don’t let him start controlling you. That is the way they start. You might want to think twice about a relationship with this man!
You can do w.e you want with YOUR CHILD!!!.
Hes only little once!
If he’s already having that much of a negative influence on something you want to do for your child it’s only going to get worse. Don’t let anybody tell you you’re doing too much for your kids
Do it anyway. It’s your kid.
That boyfriend needs to butt out of your business. Sounds like you and your kiddo would be better off without the Easter Grinch in your lives.
Not his biz, NOT his son! Bye-eee
I think you got your answer with all the comments. This really irks me. Your his parent its your decision.
Your kid you do what you want. Your boyfriend doesn’t like it he can bounce right on out of your house! He needs to respect your rules and traditions with your son!
your son comes first similar situation when I was a kid
It’s your son, do what you think is best
He’s ur son do what u did before boyfriend came into picture, if not he needs hit the road. Your children come first
Depends what you mean by go all out?? You can still spoil your son in other ways apart from buying them stuff. My kids get just get a chocolate, pyjamas and slippers from Easter every year and they are 6&4. They always love it.
But my boyfriend and I are hitting almost 2yrs and it’s most of his money we use to buy food and shit with, cause all of mine goes on school and kindy fees, and just saving up.
Its just Easter, not a lot parents go out with toys…
It is your child do what you want
Set him straight now, do what you want for your child if he doesn’t like it show him the door!
Your kid, you can do what you want.
Honestly though, if his trying to control what you do for your child already then, it’s going to get worse.
Since when is your boyfriend allowed to take over your sons life? Do y’all have some kind of agreement that your boyfriend makes your decisions about your son? Do you work? Who supports your son? You or your boyfriend? I think you have left tthis air headed boyfriend think he is the boss. You need to stop this in it’s tracks now. I think this man is not the right influence you need to have over your sons life . I also think he is jealous of your child. This is not going to have a good end.
Your kid should always be your first priority.
Give your son the Easter you want him to have & show this cracked egg the door. He’s showing what you will get in the future. Not at all good.
Well I know where the boyfriend would be going✌️
sounds like he’s jealous, none of his business what you do with your child, get rid of him
This is something you need to sit down and discuss. Let him know that for now you are going continue this tradition because it is a tradition that you have established for your family. I know that I have always overdone it with my children but, of course, not as much at Easter compared to Christmas. If you are financially able to do this, I don’t understand what the problem is. You are in a fairly new relationship. If you stay with this man, he is going to have to understand that your sin will always be top priority. If he truly loves you, he should be putting your son first and understand where you are coming from. But you will have to understand that if you do marry this man you will have to see him as your partner and father figure for your son and he should be allowed to have input in decisions about discipline and making decisions (realistic decisions) about your (him and you) son’s upbringing.
Look it’s time to stop spoiling these kids!! Sure get an Easter basket and call it good. In Italy where the eggs came in !! Red eggs stood before the blood of Jesus and the rebirth!! We should celebrate and have fun not material things.
Tell him to boot it !
My husband says the same thing. But I don’t care lol I’m the mom. I’ll buy what I want for them and he can say whatever. He gets a basket too ha
It’s your son not his, your choice
Sounds like he wants a basket!!!
Get rid of him he is your baby and it’s Easter you do what you want if you let him get away with this it will never end
correct Jamie her kid screw the boyfriend he’s just jealous lol
My husband sometimes complains even on Christmas. Each time I tell him then he should do all the legwork for the holidays if he is gonna fuss. He mumbles that he does help and just let’s me do what I plan. I have found a great website that sells cool stuff for cheaper so I have saved money on holidays as of late though. Check out fivebelow.
Do what u want for UR child, do what u always have, if u want to spoil ur kid go ahead, if u have been doing it all this time, don’t stop just bc ur bf don’t like it, it’s about ur son not ur bf…MY HONEST OPINION
Nothing should change from before he your boyfriend came in they’re your children he only got one life growing up give him your best the way you want tell him take a hike if he can’t handle it your kids are worth a whole lot more
Tell him to fuck off
If you stay with this man you will be sorry.
If it doesn’t effect you adversely financially then it isn’t his business. Even if you have kids together someday. He probably didn’t have things like that growing up
It is all according on how your family celebrated on Easter this is passed down from family to family.
l get pald over $ 130 per hour w0rking from h0me. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18943 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Is your son do what you want
Say bye bye boy friend! Your children should come first …… if he doesn’t want to spoil him. Your bf is making you choose between him and your son who is 5. I don’t think so!
that’s YOUR child, not his. he has no say
My husband is jealous of what I do for my teenage girls cuz he doesn’t have a relationship with his own daughter that has made him a grandpa to be… it’s sad, however, you don’t have a say in the matter, Period!!!
My husband always says I spend to much he never wins . But I came from money and he didn’t so that factor does play into stuff . Bottom line if your using your own money then … im curious though how much do you spend?? I spent over $800-1,000 last yr. Of my own money on our 4 kids now 3,5,6,7 . But I got them bikes to go along with there other stuff ill admit I probably went to far out . But I enjoy spoiling them . This years its only $6,00 witch we are splitting and $350 alone was a new trampoline his idea as the current one has a hole in the middle . You do what’s right by how you feel. I understand though you want to keep the peace on what still is a new relationship a yr isn’t that long . But like my mom always tells me . There only this age once .
I hope you and your boy have an awesome Easter luv
Tell him there the door
He feeling insecure cos you give all to your son and not him, grow up and be a man or ditch his behind
Not his business. Plain and simple.
Do what you want. If you and dad agree that is ALL that matters
Well the bf can go !!
BYE to Boyfriend !!!
Do what u want its your money n hes your child.
Piss on him, kids are special spoil them to a point, holidays only come once a year Halloween, Christmas, Easter etc before you know the kids are grown and they’ll remember all them special times always
Show him where the door is Do what you want for your little one
I also have a partner that lives with me and my kids. He generally doesn’t tell me what I can and can’t buy them. In fact I think he buys more for them than I do and he is for all intents and purposes their father. However because he makes a much higher wage than I do and we do have a shared account I always give him the respect of discussing expensive things with him. I’d say if you’re using your own money and it doesn’t affect the household budget you should parent your son as you see fit. This might be a bit of a red flag and it’ll only get worse if you don’t stand your ground now.
Now he needs to move out
He needs to mind his own business