He’s not your sons father or your husband! Bye
Ur child ur choice hun x
My children and grandbabies come before any man!
I think the comments about saying to dump him is not what this person is looking for. She wants advice on how to handle this situation. Everyone jumps to the conclusion hes a bad person. Everyone says that when you get into a relationship with someone that has kids they need to treat the kids as their own. I think compromise would be the solution. If you normally go all out for your boy then maybe say okay how about every second year we go all out and then 1 year just get him a few chocolate eggs.
I would tell him to leave your house not good for you or your son.
You might want to take some serious thought if he’s right for you. Hummmmmmmmmm
It’s your kid, your entitled to spoil him. If you wish to go all out, do it. Kids are only little for so long, enjoy it, they grow way to fast
get rid of the boyfriend…believe me this is a red flag…you will regret it if you continue this relationship
Tell him to pull his head in it’s ok to give kids a treat, Easter only happens once a year!!!
Don’t let any man try to change your desire to please your son. Your son should come first if your boyfriend doesn’t like it too bad
Show him where the door to leave is. Don’t change anything positive that you do for your kids because of some arse who is not nearly as important as them is feeling some type of way.
If it’s your money and all your bills are paid I don’t see the issue. This boyfriend of yours has only been around for a year but your son will be there for a lifetime. So do what makes you feel happy. They don’t stay little forever so cherish the time you have with him. Tell your boyfriend to mind his business or he can leave and you can find a husband who will love and cherish your son the way that you do.
Tell him to hit the curb, you do your baby, if he don’t like it he can far goff… You spoil your baby x your baby is well and truly worth spoiling x
Your son comes first, don’t let a "boyfriend " move in and start ordering you around. Seems to me this is RED flag territory.
Shove an Easter Egg down his throat and maybe one up the rear!
You can’t be serious. Lmao
That man is not your husband nor that child’s father. & he’s barely been your boyfriend for a year…… good lord.
Christmas and Easter are both over done in our country. Both are to do with religious meanings. If that all it takes to separate you and your boyfriend you aren’t ready for a relationship anyway. It’s give and take in any relationship ship.
Tell him you’re the parent and if he don’t like it then get the f#%k outta your house!! What a flog!! How dare he try and tell you what you can or cannot do for YOUR child!!!
Are u the child or is ur son!!! Stick up for ur kid!!! Maybe hes jealous… No man comes before them! PERIOD!!!
Your child comes first no matter what
Don’t change a thing about how you spoil YOUR child for the holidays! If that’s what you always do and have the money to do it then do the same thing. Put your foot down early and let him know right off the bat what you will and will not tolerate. It burns me up when a man is new in a someone’s life and automatically thinks they can just change what YOU have done for YOUR babies before he was ever in the picture. You give in and let him win this, next it will be Christmas, birthdays, and any other time of the year that you want to spoil your baby. I’d tell him like it or leave it.
You buy your kid whatever you want. I go all out for all occasions. My kids got a shit tonne for Easter not just Easter eggs. And if my partner said anything (also their father) he can stfu because I’ll spend what I want on our kids.
Do what you want for your child as long as you can afford it do it.
The boyfriend is out the door not your son….your boyfriend is a bully get read of him…the door is there…
Your children come before a boyfriend, or stepfather, , need be very concern and protect your son from live in boyfriends, know of alot bad cases
Son first! Don’t change your parenting style for a man!
Throw the whole man away
It’s YOUR kid not his … your kid comes first
Sounds like the BF is jealous. Stick to the norm. He knows where the door is if he’s that upset.
Sounds like your boyfriend is jealous of your son
He’s not the parent. He doesn’t get a say.
We go all out too and it is a mini Christmas. It was for me as a kid, it wasn’t for my husband. But it’s fun for me and for them so we do it. Gives us a reason to space out buying cool toys.
You want to go all out… You go all out… Your son comes before any man
Is he buying any of it ? If the answers no fuck em
You go all out. My mama did it for me and she was a horrible person but v day and Easter were always my favorite because the shower of love and cool stuff my mom got in our baskets and secret admirer stuff. I do it now for my babies and it means the world. Maybe explain that. If he’s still fuddy duddy about him let him go if he likes.
Yelled at you? A bit controlling
Everyone is saying it’s either or but honesty you could set your man straight about Easter in your house AND keep him. Lol. If this yall biggest fight definetly work it out
its your son do what you want
Send Boy Friend, packing, and raise you son how you please. It’s only going to get worse. Sounds like he’s jealous of your own son.
You’re son is little only ONCE and the only chance is now to spend EASTER, on him. Do it while you can. When he’s grown up and don’t want all that, you will regret it, and for letting someone get in you’re way
Do what you want, your kid, your house… your money. . Never choose a man over your kids bcuz they come and go. Kids will always be there.
It’s not his kid and not his money!! What you do with YOUR CHILD is nobody in the world’s business but yours and nobody can say what you can and can’t do with your kids… If he says otherwise you say screw him because that’s your baby, and if you love and want to go all out for him you do exactly that, don’t let him try to control you or your money
Nothing to handle …son comes first …
He is controlling, kids grow up so fast, I love that you r going all out for Easter. I would not like someone telling me I couldn’t do this for my child.
What does ‘all out’ mean… If you’re comparing it to what you do for Christmas… It’s hard to judge without those facts.
Show him the damn door. Either get on board or get out
NEVER let ANYONE one between you and YOUR Child. AMEN
Tell him peace out. Kids needs and wants comes first. Always put your children first
Your child should come 1st, but you also need to be teaching him the real reason for Easter. Easter is not about chocolate bunnies and eggs (that is the retail industry) but about Jesus, our savior, rising from the tomb.
Never let anyone come between you and your child. Trust me! You do whatever you want for your child… if that boyfriend is acting like this imagine what he may be like when there is a crisis. Trust me!
Son comes first. You do what you think is best, not what bf yells at you to do.
Tell the boyfriend to get bent
Bye to that fool.
Was it his money or yours?
That’s your child! He has no say! You’ve only been with him a year and he just moved in and he’s trying to take control!? Hell no! He can leave just as fast as he came!
Not important what he thinks. He could be gone next week!
Do what you want for your child.
First of YOUR child, NOT his! Second as long as it’s YOUR $ it’s YOUR decision! I go ALL out for Valentine’s, St Patrick’s-Lucky To Have You Gifts, Easter, Birthday, and Christmas. He’s NOT the one! My BF of over a yr spoils MY son just as much as I do! He’s the one!
1st mistake was letting him "move " in. If he can’t provide a place for you , he won’t provide anything else for you.
It’s your child so do what you want! I always decorated for every holiday for my kids! I carried them, birthed them, and raised them and I’ll be damned if someone that is NOT the parent is going to discuss What I do for my kids!
Don’t let anybody yell at you for the things you do for your child. Your child is a lifetime person and this man been here a year. No. And you’re already like “i don’t wanna have problems with him”. Just no.
Not his kid not his decision
Do what makes YOUR SON happy bc if yall don’t work out and he walks away- you’ll ALWAYS have your son!
Kids come before boyfriend
Get out while you can and do not look back. BF is unreasonable. Run do not walk.
You have been together less than a year, and he is already telling you how to raise your son. Kick him out the door, go buy your son, all you want to for Easter. It will get worse if you don’t. Your son was there before him and will be there after him. Put your son first.
I go all out every holiday my kids will always come first if that upsets my man he can be mad or get his stuff ND be gone🤷♀️
I can invite you to my narcissist page
If it’s not his money then he can shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. He has absolutely NO say in what you do with YOUR son until or unless he is married to you as he is not his biological father and he is JUST moving in. He can’t just change things because he doesn’t like it. That’s a HUGE
Do want you’ve always done for your boy
Your bf is jealous cuz he ain’t gettin anything be sure to tell him that.
If you were not using his money to finance this, then tell him it is none of his business. I agree that Easter means more than eggs. If this guy is jealous of your son, cut him loose. Things won’t get better only worse.
Doesn’t matter who’s money. He is ur child do wat u want. Go all out. Ur son is wat matters.
Get rid of him or get ready for what’s going to happen next to you and your child!
Kids come first, fuck that man and his stupid ideas
Tell him to grow up or move out.
Move him out your sons life is about to change for the worse if you don’t.
YOUR Son… YOUR money… YOUR choice! I’d also say “RUN”!
I’d ask him straight-faced if he thought you were asking his permission
You better go all out for your baby…tf that mAn gonna do? You create those memories for your son, not him.
Your child comes before the boyfriend. Tell him if he don’t like it to hit the door.
Oooof I wish my fiancé would say something about how extra I am for the kids when it comes to holidays lol girl you better kick him to the curb or give him a lil Easter pep talk and go shopping together! I know my fiancé likes to be involved in some stuff and then he leaves the rest to me lol which I’m totally ok with cause he’s in my way anyway good luck & positive vibes sent your way
Children should always come first!
Your kid- Your rules. Your holiday. Why does he care? Is he a control freak?
Throw the boyfriend out!
Your child do for him as you want. Also isn’t like your boyfriend has any right as of yet to be “a parent” to your son. Ya aren’t married yet and thank God that you aren’t. Lose him now before things gets worse and trust me they will.
Time to get a sancho
TELL HIM (Boyfriend) He has no say, yoi need to have each other backs or out the door! Your Son is your Life!
go all out for your child
KIDS come first! No brainer! Get rid of him!
He’s only your boyfriend and your child is your child. If he’s acting this way now he’s only going to get worse. Dump his ass and enjoy your life and time with your kiddo
I hope he is gone for your son’s sake. He’s nothing but bad news. A controller.
You go all out and then some! Yes it’s not a second Christmas but he also doesn’t get to decide how you parent.
Show him the door. What you do with your son is your business
red flag alert!
Your child comes first do what you want for him
Get rid of the boyfriend and go all out for your kid.
Easter is 2nd Christmas lol. I’m the same way.
Here is a sign. What are u going to do?
Let him know that he is not your kid father and kick him to the curve
Easter is the second biggest holiday and yes your child comes first
“You obviously don’t know how I parent so let me explain this to you.”
If your money is pooled then he should have a say. Otherwise spend to your hearts content. Some people spend hundreds on Easter some only buy one egg.
Get RID of your fucking boyfriend…GTFO