Get rid of him and go all out and above and beyond for your son! Men come and go! Byyeeeeeee
I’m gonna get backlash and that’s fine.
He shouldn’t be yelling at you or telling you how to spend your money, but he’s also right on the Easter thing. However, your child you do what you want mama. Don’t listen to him.
My boyfriend, the father of our children, doesn’t even DARE tell me what I can and can’t get for our kids… your bf has no right to say what you provide for your child.
I always go all out for my kids on holidays. These are the memories I’ll always have and remember, and they will too when they’re older. Kid > Boyfriend. This isn’t even a question.
go all out for your kid. Its your kid
Boyfriend not his dad
Youve known him a year. He’s just moved in and he’s dictating what you do with your child ? He’s not been in your life long enough to have an opinion on your child…pack his stuff
You’re letting a man who just moved in with you change the traditions you have with your kid, who you’ve had for five years… Let that part sink in and you’ll know what you need to do. If you let him control and change your boundaries/ expectations with your kids now, he’ll keep doing it and next time it won’t be something as silly as an Easter basket…
Kick the boy friend out !
Don’t give in to him, go get your son a basket, he’s your child
Tell him to mind his own business.
Go all out for your kid!! Your child comes first period. Open that door wide open for him, he needs to go.
Nobody can tell you what to do with your child!!
I also don’t see the point in going all out for Easter. We have a pretty low key Christmas too. But also my boyfriend doesn’t overstep. Boyfriend and I have been together almost 3 years. We talk about things concerning my daughter, share opinions, but he wouldn’t try to force me into letting him decide. We parent together but I have final say.
You go all out for your baby!!! I go all out for my daughter every holiday!! Any man that would be that upset over what you do for your child or what you get for your child, is a man I wouldn’t want around my child!
They are your kids not his and if he doesn’t like it well then…………bye bye
Children come first. You do you!! Boyfriends will come and go, your son is forever
Not his kid. He doesn’t get an opinion
It’s not his money, it’s not his kid. Do what you want and tell him to mind his own business
Go all out on your son’s basket. That’s how you handle this!
He is NOT the father, lol no but really Fuck him
How are you going to let some dude tell you how to raise your kid? My fiance tells me I go all out but he knows better than to tell me no and he is her biological father.
easter is not christmas. a basket of eggs, chocolate, a new set of clothes for attending easter services… on the other hand, this is your boyfriend. and you’ve just moved in with him… what else do you disagree about which might have been better discussed before merging your households?
Girl go all out. Your son will have these memories for the rest of his life and so will you. He shouldn’t have a day to be honest.
Get out already!! He shows signs of domination!! He will no change ditch him before it gets worse!!
Make Mr cranky ass leave your house and spoil your baby.
Show him where the door is. Y’all have not been together long enough for him to be dictating what you do for YOUR child. That baby came first, and he remains in that position too, any many in your life needs to respect and understand that.
Go all out for your kid, and find a man who respects that.
So you’re not getting into debt for it? Son first. Always. He doesn’t like it he’s not the one
If you want to spoil your kid, it’s non of his business. He’s jealous of your child… dump him!
Get rid of the boyfriend problem solved
Kids come 1st when its a boyfriend/girlfriend situation
Not his kid. Tell him to mind his business.
Do for your baby
How do you handle your BOYFRIEND yelling at you for “doing too much” for YOUR SON for a holiday??
Uhhh tell him to kindly fuck off lol? Kids come first.
You better set some strong boundaries NOW and set a precedent. Because he’ll start doing that all the time.
Why does your bf get a say in how you parent your child?
I’m sorry but if you can afford to spoil YOUR son you do whatever you want for Easter for your son!! You get him as little or as much as you like!!xxx
Go all out for your child !!! Fuck a dude who thinks you should do otherwise!!!
Not a soul on this planet is going to tell me what I can or can’t do for MY child. I go to far for my kids also do I kick myself for it sure, does my s.o make a peep absolutely not. stay in your lane. These are my children and I also go all out for his.
The fact that you’re torn is whack. Tell the boyfriend to mind his damn business when it comes to your son.
This has to be a troll post right?
Leave the douce. He’s no respect for you or your child. You spoil your kid the way you want. Don’t stay with someone who won’t treat your son like you do!
Go all out! Do your thing momma. I go all out for the holidays too. No regrets.
If this is how he acts towards your child then he needs to go. It’s only been a year and he’s trying to change how you do things for your child. This is a red flag
He jst stupid, leave him if he thinks like that for doing everything for ur kids, got damm this kiddos too, u are living with another kids
Go all out for your kid!!!
Kids always come first. Period. He should have no say. Your not making life changes that would somehow effect him. I would reconsider the entire relationship because it will only get worse.
Ahahah lol I’d go all out
Tell him to mind his own business!!!
Kids come first always. If it makes you happy then do it.
Fuck your boyfriend I think your kid was there first and he needs to close his mouth about what you do
Goodbye bro it’s not his kid nor his say on what you do with your child.
If it’s your money then he can get over it. If it’s his money then I’d tone it down and do a basic Easter basket.
Go all out for your kid. I’ve had my SO tell me I’m doing too much and I just tell him to heck off he knows now and doesn’t say anything.
Throw the whole boyfriend away‼️
Your child & he is your choice what you decide to do for your child you do it even if you just want to do things out of the kindness of your heart. You do it because it makes you happy. Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to be happy about the things that make you happy & honestly it’s kind of a red flag to me . Or you’ll be stuck dealing with this kind of behavior all the time.
red flags, no one should ever have a say in raising your children. especially someone so new in your life… spoil your child all you want to an extent.
Not his child, none of his business.
That mans needs his own basket & he’ll shut up right quick.
You do what you want for your child. Period.
My question is do you work/have your own money?
U spelled EX boyfriend wrong!!! Lol
Don’t let your BF tell you what to do for your Son. I would think about getting rid of this guy. If you married him this would get a lot worst. The red flag is flying all over the place. Get rid of him before your child gets hurt emotionally. This is a narcissist behavior on your BF. Not his child but wants to dictate what to do for him. Shameful
Go all out for your kid. Don’t ever allow a male to tell you what to do.
Not sure why you need his opinion or approval if you’re the one doing it.
Girl that is YOUR son that’s not even biologically his. You do what you want tf
I had one try that over Christmas Presents. Only he was not living with me.
I told him “My Kids, My Decision.”
He also told me that Goosebumps Books we’re too scary for Kids.
Get rid of the boyfriend. Never let a man tell you what you can and can’t do. I am a man and my wife would tell me to go to hell.
He must be a narcissist. He thinks he can come in your life and be with you for less than a year and think that he is going to take over how you raise your own son??? You need to end it! This is just the beginning.
Run. That’s how you handle it
He actually yelled at you over that? You’re using your money and not putting him in debt over it? He is really out of place and would have had to lower his very voice very quickly tf . Continue to build memories with your son. Ebenezer can go sulk in a corner by himself.
My child only gets “spoiled” 3 days a year. Christmas, birthday, and Easter. Go all out. Easter is when aI get things like bubbles, jump rope, sand toys, chalk, outside toys.
Never put anyone (especially a “boyfriend”) before your child!
Kid comes first. Red flag.
Do you ! Who the hell is he to say ANYTHING!
Your child. Your rules. Your child comes first. & If your paying for it with your own funds- it shouldn’t concern him.
I started dating my hubby when my oldest was 4. All I did was spoil my boy. So did his grandma. When I started dating my now hubby, he made me open my eyes and see exactly what that spoiling was doing. My boy was a serious spoiled brat. A big mama’s and grammas boy. We needed to nip that right away so he didn’t grow up thinking he gets everything handed to him. My oldest now is so amazing. He’s so responsible and is greatful for everything he gets. He’s so good he even thinks about how much we’re spending on his shoes (now that he’s in adult sizes, theyare expensive lol). I have to remind him that he doesn’t have to go for the absolute cheapest pair lmao. If you see a future with this man, pu both need to be on the same page when it comes to raising your baby. His or not.
You do what’s best for your son…
If your spending your money on your kid then don’t let him stop you. I could understand if he was the one paying for it but if it’s you then he shouldn’t care.
Go all out for your kid
Early signs of TROUBLE! Show him the door!!
It’s your son and you do that you want for him.
He is your kid. Not his.
Your child your choice how you celebrate holidays. He sounds like a jealous child himself.
Guess your single now
Children before boyfriends.
Your kid your choice. I dont do easter baskets. Just a big egg hunt with candy and other things
Your kids always come first.
You go all out for your son! & if it’s a problem with him he can either get over it or kick rocks!
Do it. Your son will remember these moments forever don’t let someone interfere with that
its your kid, if its your money then you do as you please! dont let him control you now or he will forever try too!
Kids come first no matter what Id tell my boyfriend to shove it. There’s the damn door if you don’t like it spoil your kid if you want to you’re his mother it’s your decision not your boyfriend’s. You’re the parent. And if he has a problem with it leave don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out it’s my kid I’ll do what I want. Doesn’t sound like he’s the Father figure do what’s best for your son.
Girl no! He needs to go asap o dated a guy who was super jealous of my kids it was weird and started out just like that! Girl girls him out of your house!!
I mean he’s not wrong… It’s Easter… Not Christmas. And if your celebrating it at all you should know it’s not about gifts. I get my kid a basket but it’s not Christmas
It’s like this…He is your son!! He has no right to say a word in my opinion. Do whatever you feel is best.
Do what’s best for your son.
easy tell him to take his a** and hit the road that your kid comes first.
I don’t understand why that would make him mad? Extremely weird. It’s your child girl spoil him as much as you want.
He needs to be an ex boyfriend
Girl do you, Screw him, I’m spend close to 300 on my boys, my hubs just shook his head and said spoiled kids but he knows so if you got it to go all out then do it
Not really his say or business but also shouldn’t be going “ all out “ for Easter. That’s silly too
Your kid. You do what you want.
What I do and how I treat my kids is not up for debate and my husband knows that. He just lets me go at it. As long as you aren’t putting yourself in a bad financial situation you do you boo. They’re only kids for so long make it special