Seriously? You sound like a great mom! Kids are only little for such a small percentage of their life! In a few years they won’t believe in the Easter bunny and probably wont want you to go thru the effort. Enjoy it now, go all out!!
Depends what you mean by going all out.
Only so much chocolate they can eat isn’t there… but your decision, not his
Your child , your money , go for it
Your kid will always come first.
Tell him to move back out of he doesnt agree with what you do in your home with your kid
He doesn’t get to decide or have a day what you do with your son for the Holidays. His opinion is okay to listen to but how and what you do IS Your Choice!
You go all out for your kid!!
Probably time to find a new boyfriend.
Go all out for YOUR son, don’t ever let him tell you what you can and can’t do for your child. No man is ever worth that.
Tell the boyfriend to take a hike!
Kids come first ALWAYS. Remind him you’ve done this without him for years and you can continue to do so. That’s YOUR KID and they are only little once.
Kids come first. Always
Go all out I see red flags
I would get rid of him, because your kids and their happiness come before anything else. And that Includes his opinion. You’re not married, to say he “won’t let you” is a big red flag. You’re the mother, and you can do whatever you want with your son!
Girl he’s not in charge of you. Your kid comes first. Put your foot down if he don’t like how you treat your baby then there are plenty of fish in the sea
Consider having a conversation on how you feel and why it is important to you, maybe he will see things your way. Consider his thoughts as well and come to a compromise, if it is a budget issue.
Start as you plan to continue…with this relationship and this child. If this is how ‘You’ celebrate for ‘Your’ child…do Not let this begin a lifetime of being dictated to.
Compromise is important in relationships.
However, if you have established holiday activities with your son. Take a stand now!.
Ken come and go…your children are forever
If I wanted my son to celebrate Easter he would and I would show that boyfriend of yours to the door your children are more important than a boyfriend
You choose your child first. Always.
Bye bye boyfriend. Your child comes first.
Son trumps boyfriend… you do you girl! He has zero say in what you do for your son! I’m only spending about 50 a piece on my boys Easter this year. The only reason for that is because my youngest sons birthday party is Saturday, so we couldn’t afford to go all out like usual with a party as well. I usually go all out as well tho. It’s ok to spoil your kids!
That’s your child you put your child 1st
Tell him to get over it or you’re not the one for him? Tf
Better do what you want now and set the tone. Otherwise you will be doing this forever.
Boy byeeeee. Do what you want for your child.
It’s your child so your choice but I do understand his view. I think Easter is also not a big deal and I don’t see a point in going all out but everyone parents different.
How about you find a new bf ? That’s your kiddo , always first , always the most important person in your life … I’m sorry but he sounds awful you deserve better, your child deserves better
He is only little once. Go all out, momma! Your child… I love showering my kids at Easter. (But also he should know the real meaning of Easter as well)
It’s your kid. Do what you want. I don’t prefer my kids to have candy… so there is no way I’m giving them a basket full of junk. We do alittle candy, then usually 2 outfits for spring/summer, a towel, bathing suit, sandals, bubbles, books, sidewalk chalk, charging wires for devices, outdoor toys, etc.
You already know what ya need to do if your questioning his behavior towards your child.
The boyfriend is a nope for me. Childhood is so fleeting you make all the good memories for your son you want. BF sounds like a narcissist and jealous of your son. I had two stepfather’s too many that thought they were kings so that’s my experience.
If this is for an easter basket? Can’t imagine how he react to a birthday party or something big? DUMP HIM NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE
He sounds controlling and jealous. I’d send him packing. You do what you want for your kid. He needs to back off
Tell him to shut up, you can do what you want! Stand strong girl! Or he will think he can keep telling you what to do. Nip that in the bud right now!
Your child u spoil him how ever u want if he don’t like it tell him to move out… screams red flags
Its your kid not his…
Do what makes your son feel loved and what makes you feel good
I agree spend they money with family and teaching him true meaning God
Ok I agree with your child should come first… but what I don’t understand is why people think it’s ok to have a disagreement with a partner being terms to end a relationship… if you want to make a relationship work you have to communicate with each other compromise grow together… it’s not supposed to be his way or your way your supposed to create your family’s way… I have a two and four year old and my husband would go all out spend way way to much on them for Xmas if I’d let him but I have to be the rational one and make sure bills get paid that they have everything they need and stuff like that
Not his kid to make an opinion and why would you want that jackass in your life…i say …peace out …dont let the sun hit ya on the way out.
Not his kid, not his money, not his worry. You go all out for that baby. My son is 4 and I’ve said I was done with his Easter basket so many times.
Run now, there is no reason to be mean and ugly about something that is supposed to be fun for a child. If this is how you choose to celebrate for your child do not change it because he doesn’t approve, It will only get worse later. Find someone who appreciates what a good mother you are and how you are with your child.
That’s your child if he don’t like it kick rocks
Do what YOU want for YOUR kid, it’s not his place to say anything! F that!
That’s interesting…my fiancé always wants to do more than I do for MY kids at holidays and I have to stop him from doing too much!
Easter isn’t Christmas or a birthday and shouldn’t be treated like it is.
I agree with him tbh, Easter is not Christmas. I got my son a basket and some candy. It’s weird to me when parents gift their children expensive, huge items.
A year together and your questioning your parenting. Ugh just leave him.
Um f him. He’s your kid your call. Guys never get the holiday thing. I was bitching about it at work yesterday and a coworker of mine who has 4 adult kids said u know there would be no holidays if it was up to the men ( NOT a bash I know many single
Dads that take care of everything)
It’s not his call!! I will forever go all out with my kid. It’s not spoiling in my eyes. It’s giving him what I never had. I’ll be damned if any man let alone any body period will tell me how to do things especially when it come to my babys
You do what you feel best doing. Maybe scale back some as the child does not need tons of candy. Maybe get boyfriend to take you to park for Easter egg hunt
It’s your son…never let another man Come between you and your children
That is YOUR child. He comes first above all else. And if a man ever legitimately YELLED at me, I’d be gone in a heartbeat… with his pride.
I agree…tell that boyfriend to leave. He has no say over your son. Read Dr. PHIL’S BOOKS…
Is boyfriend buying? No? Then do you. My husband knows to just roll his eyes because if I want to go all out for the holidays, I’m going to, whether he he likes it or not
To hell with the boyfriend! Do what u want for YOUR kid
Do whatever you want for your child it’s your child!
Just do it. It’s your child. My son’s father trips about the amount I spend on Easter; but he’s not spending it so he can keep his trap shut lol He’s like “just give him a walmart sack and throw some eggs in the yard”. That’s not my style. I only have 1 child and I spoil him on Easter, bday and Christmas. I’m a gifter. I enjoy it. Do what you wanna do, it’s not like he’s spending the money so he really has no say in it.
Go all out for your kid!!
Red flag not his kid. Go all out, your child will remember that and do the same for his children in the future. He’ll be like my mom did this and it was the best.
Go all out for your kid, he’s what’s more important
I don’t believe in getting all crazy for Easter either BUT it’s none of his business because it’s not his kid. If you think it’s going to cause a big drama between you two then maybe moving that guy in was a huge mistake. He sounds controlling. I could see him making a comment that it’s too much but yelling at you?! No way. F him.
It’s NOT HIS PLACE to tell you what YOU can give your child !!!
HE is not paying for it !!!
If and when y’all breakup you will never forgive yourself for not putting your son first, or it will become easier to keep putting your BOYfriend first the longer you stay.
once u can afford it
I do it for my grandkids and I will never stop my grandkids enjoy it and it brings me joy and no man will ever come between that period
Lmao he’s still new. Get rid of him. Yelling at you because you want to treat your child?
Peggy Hill come look at this bs right here. I wish boyfriend would lol
Fuck that guy. It’s your kid! Go all out for him, say goodbye to the boyfriend he’s a piece of crap
Don’t feel torn. Just throw the whole man away.
I agree it’s your kid not his spoil him it’s Easter
not his choice make you’re little ones Easter a good one don’t let a men tell you what to do
Oh hell no. He needs to move on. He’s jealous of ur son. Set him straight or set him free.
Excuse me - but you allow this guy after one year together to dictate to you what you can and cannot do for your own child? I think you need to rethink your life choices. You don’t want drama - so you’ll submit to some guy telling you like it is? Grow a pair and tell him to go fuck himself.
Okay well this is the first step in a controlling relationship. Fast forward to if you have a child with him and he’s going to tell you what you need to do instead of mutually decide what’s best for your child. At the end of the day this guy is your boyfriend. He’s not the father nor is he even The stepfather and you are the mother. We only get one childhood and a handful of Easters. I give my kids a second Christmas and I don’t care. You do what feels right to you as a mom don’t ever let anyone force you to do something relating to your child that doesn’t feel right. This is a huge red flag.
He’s not wrong. A basket with a toy and some candy is more than enough.
That man is just your lay. That child is your world. That child comes first. If he has a problem with it tell him to kick rocks.
It depends on what all out is. But. If the boyfriend isn’t footing the bill. He shouldn’t mind being a little overboard.
My boy before my boyfriend. Not ok, im going all out for not just my kid but our kids as well.
Go all out, your boyfriend can suck it .
Do what you always have done for your son not his business
You get a new bf. Nobody is going to tell me what I can or can’t do with my kids, especially if they’re not the parent.
I wouldn’t let him make your decisions for you!!! If it effects the relationship he has to go
Do what you want. Your kid. I go a little over board for holidays because they only come once a year & my kids don’t ask for anything
Screw him… Your baby comes first
Fuck him. It’s your child not his. why is this a question to even choose the man child over your birthed child.
Do what you want to for your kid!!! Leave the boyfriend sounds like he’s not gonna let you do anything as time goes on with your son…. You and your son Deserve much better!!
A basket and Easter treats is enough
You’re the parent, do what you see is fit.
This is a easy one:bangbang: My kid is off limit to your negativity:bangbang:. Definitely a RED FLAG:confounded:
Your kid, your rules.
what a weirdo…… spoil your son and throw the whole boyfriend away
Your disposable income can be spent however you want.
However if you and boyfriend combined incomes and have long term goals you want to accomplish, he is not going to want to see you spending a lot on a “small” holiday in his eyes.
Discuss a budget or explain why you want to go all out for Easter. Come to a compromise
His family maybe never took Easter seriously where yours did. Communicate. You guys will work past this
Screw him first if all, he has no say in how you raise your child. Do you mama!
And for future reference, if he’s telling you that you can’t do this and that then you need to throw the whole guy away. This would be a red flag to me. My children come first
Kick the guy out… Your kid comes first, if he is being abusive about a few things to spoil your kid it WILL only get worse.
Your kid do what you want. And I would toss the boy friend. He should be just as willing to spoil your child as you are
Your kid has been around for 5 years that’s what he’s used to you are going to let a 1yr relationship dictate what you do for your child? I wouldn’t my opinion
This man is showing his true nature better to get rid of him now then tube B hurt later and maybe even your son getting hurt men are not worth it and if they’re not loving and nurturing he could have got about this a different way that is your son and if that is your money can you kindly tell him to butt out
Sorry im with your boyfriend on this. Christmas is one thing to go out for your kids but Easter, nope.
He yelled at you because of how you parent YOUR child? Leave him now, or let him control you. You have completely different parenting styles… and that’s fine as long as he’s not yelling at you or making you feel bad about how you choose to parent YOUR child. You definitely don’t want to have kids with someone that has a different parenting style than you do; so I would suggest not having kids with him as well.