Your freshly moved in 1 year boyfriend <<<<<<Your child
Who is paying? If it is him….run! If it is you……run faster!
Get rid of the boyfriend he is an asshole
Remind him who is actually the parent and do what you want
You are the mom, do what you think is best. He moved in with you? Do you work? Why would he forbid this?
He shouldn’t have yelled at you about his opinion. If you are out shopping together and he expressed any concern like “can you afford it?” would be fair enough to ask, and you can reply " yes, l budget for this each year and I love doing it". He can’t just move in and take over everything.
I would get rid of him.
I had a man in my life like that once. I don’t miss him one bit
He need to go bye booyyy
Kiddos come first:two_hearts:
The boyfriends gotta go
“Refuses to let me”. id use caution staying this man if hes that controlling…even if its just financially. You’re your own person and you can decide what gifts you get someone else. You’re a grown woman. I refuse to let anyone tell me what to do. My hubs tried that crap id probably make it even more obnoxious with like neon light arrows pointing to the basket and confetti poppers. It’s Easter, its fine…childhood only comes once. We aren’t rich but my son is getting many surprise eggs and a big basket.
I let a man tell me what to do with my kids ….until he told me to disown one that was gay……happy to say he is now HISTORY….your kid should come first! Don’t even let it start!
Oh no… Run. Get your kid whatever you feel like getting him.
Show him the door. If you don’t, at the very least get him nothing for his birthday or Christmas
Don’t ever let a man decide what kind of mom you are. If you want to go all out, DO IT. Sorry he had a shitty mom, but your son doesn’t.
Do what you want for your child. Oh and I would show him the door. No man has ever or will ever come between me and my child
Who should come first my dear, maybe you jumped into something too quickly without seeing what you were getting into
Give him the world. You’re only a kid once.
Sorry get ur boyfriend clothes and pack them all up and kick out ur boyfriend right out as I say ur own fleshing blood definitely ur own child/children always comes first b4 any older person never mind over a man/woman as us adults can always defend 4 our self’s but no child/children can’t defend 4 them self’s and not just that darling ur child/children is always there 4 u and u should always be there 4 them as well don’t ever choice a man/woman over ur child/children as I have also learnt that our child/children r always there 4 us when we do possibly need them when we get older and ok our own child/children mite make some massive mistake in their life while they get older themselves and make some wrong decisions themselves as well but hopefully they will see what is best when they grownup themselves and have child/children themselves and realise what us pertains has really only got our child m/children best interest at heart so definitely get him gone as u have stated ur self u have always gone out 2 celebrity Easter 4 ur child so why stop all because another man has came in2 urs and ur child life ??? I say u shouldn’t change nowt all because ur boyfriend doesn’t want u 2 go all out 4 Easter 4 ur child as u said u have always have made a big effect 4 ur child so no u shouldn’t just stop the way u want 2 bring up or celebrate anything 4 nobody else’s so just get ur boyfriend gone as ur child will know and lean that u have changed all because ur boyfriend moved in and it’s not really fair on ur child 2 have that much changed since ur boyfriend has only just moved in who the heck does ur boyfriend really think he is he behaviour is shocking honestly it is and ur sweet darling child will only suffer and so will u in the future if u allow ur boyfriend 2 tell u what u can do and what u can’t when u have always done whatever u have done when it was u and ur child so why should he just come along and say that u can’t and can do whatever u and ur sweet darling child love 2 do in urs and ur child home nah get gone boot him out and leave him out it’s not right at a as in the long run u and ur child and may be further children will surely suffer as 2 me he’s already trying 2 control u already by the sound of it so nah u need 2 get hold of this horrific situation and get ur boyfriend gone and leave him out of urs and ur child life 4 good as this isn’t going 2 turn out good situation at all and I don’t want 2 be reading something horrific has happened 2 u or ur child possibly ur further children neither as it could possibly happen as he’s already trying 2 lay down the law already that u can’t do this and u can’t do that just please please think and even talk 2 the ur family or friends about it or somebody u do trust the police ect
Let the boyfriend go…
Sounds like you need a new boyfriend
Tell the boyfriend to mind his own business, it’s your child, don’t be afraid of the drama
Kick him out spoil Ur son
Spoil your baby as much as you can right now. He will grow up before you know it & wont want those things anymore.
That’s a major red flag. You date to have a partner who is supportive and loves you AND your kid. He sounds jealous and controlling. KICK HIM OUT. Go ALL out for your baby because he is only this little once and eventually they outgrow the magic of the Easter bunny and all that. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS CHOOSE YOUR CHILD OVER ANY PARTNER, ESPECIALLY A BOYFRIEND.
Get rid of Mr Grumpy pants. It will only get worse.
Get rid of overbearing boyfriend. This is Your chid. He has no say about
Kick the boyfriend to the curb
Dump your boyfriend. He sounds WAY too controlling and he’s not the father of your son. (Maybe he’s jealous because of that). If he’s being this controlling over easter I can’t imagine how controlling he must be with other things, even little things. ’
Your son is before any man. Do what you want for your baby. Tell your bf if he doesn’t like it there’s the door.
So u been going all out for your son every Easter n this bf just moved in n yelled his opinion abt it. Either way, he doesn’t have a say. He’s your son n you’ve been doing fine all this time. He moved into your house. He’s not a stepdad n also is not his money spending. Always put your kids 1st. He already moved in n done start showing his controlling ways. U better put a stop to that right now n go ahead n spoil your son.
Sounds like he didn’t get enough love as a child. Please spoil your son like you always do. Don’t make him feel like for some reason this year is different…
Get rid of the boyfriend. He’s jealous of the relationship you have with your child. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life and neither does your child~💙
He is not going to yell you how to treat your child on Holidays. Do what is right for the child. Not the boyfriend. Why is this even a question?
That’s YOUR son! He is just a BOYFRIEND. Don’t ever put a man before your child.
How is this a question?
Never let anyone tell you what to do.
Loose the boyfriend….
Spoil your son like you normally would and tell the bf if he wants an Easter basket to feel special he can have one too. Otherwise he needs to sit down and be supportive.
Get rid of the boyfriend! Your sanity and your sons happiness is # 1!
Ahhh he moves in with you and yells at you for doing something for your son. Tell that prick to shut up and you will do what you want for YOUR SON. He knows where the door is, if he don’t like it, use it
No Man is a great Man .Put that Boyfriend on the road.
Your son. You do what you want. Big red flag in my opinion.
You don’t have to break up, but you should always stand your ground it will test the relationship but those tests are how you find out if a relationship is actually going to work
I say FK the boyfriend !
He’s your kid spoil him while you can , kids grow up too quickly these days and sadly some without love with parents who don’t care.
Your son will remember his mother showering him with Love and Kindness for the rest of his life.
Your Son will always be your Son.
The boyfriend may Not be with you tomorrow and by the sounds of it, You and your Son will be better off without him.
That’s what mother’s do spoil their children.
Good luck keep Safe.
Your child should always come first!
My grandchildren no longer want Easter Candy, They expect grandpa’s home made beef jerky. Trouble is Eye of the Round meat and processing spices now cost a fortune
Son first…common sense.
He just moved in a year ago and he’s already making demands when it comes to your kid? Big red flag. When it comes to holidays no one should have a say in what you get your son.
Get rid of your boyfriend
Your child comes before anyone especially a man and especially if he’s not even the bio. I’m sorry but your bf is definitely in the wrong, if my husband had told me when we met and spent our first holiday with my kid’s (which was Easter) that I couldn’t go all out with it, I’d tell him to kiss my a** and to let the door hit him on the way out.
If it isn’t your bfs money you’re spending, you do as you please with it. You’re not married, it’s not his income it’s yours. You get to make the choices of what you want to spend and do for your child not him. Just remember that.
When you meet someone and then they eventually move in (especially only after a year) this is the time you learn who they really are and just how compatible you are for each other. This is where you learn how they really are with your children. When our spouse doesn’t live with us yet things are very different (not to say all are like that and it goes for women too not just men) they act differently but when they move in things tend to change. You’ll see things change, small things first and you basically go from there on how you feel it will affect everyone in the long term. If that makes sense (in my head it made more sense).
Do what you want!! Your son!! He can butt out
Drop that guy! F him! Don’t ever stop going above and beyond just because of this new guys opinions
What do you mean to “ go all out” for Easter? Just get them a small basket with some candy then take them for Easter mass to get their baskets blessed.
Dump him now. Nothing but problems ahead.
Kick his ass out… your son is the man in your life
Go all out for your kid, your boyfriends giving major red flags.
My family didn’t do the Easter/Christmas celebrations like everyone else and I was always so disheartened seeing everyone else. My son will be getting spoilt rotten.
Kids do remember. And he most definitely will remember there being a change
My children come first and no one will tell me I can’t spoil them. The boyfriend wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore and he’d be moving out.
Um do what the fuck you want for your son!?!? Fuck that dude
Your child . Your choice. Period.
1 is he paying rent
2 he yelled at you
3 your the child’s parent not him
I think you see where I’m going
Ft & him!!! Don’t change things that you do for your son bc of him. Your son comes first!
What does going all out cost?
Do what you want for YOUR SON and if he doesn’t like it then HE’S NOT THE RIGHT PERSON for you and YOUR family! You be the parent!
That your son who is always going to love u he your .It should be about how u do Easter for your child. U should never have to choose boyfriend or your son . He should be proud that your a great mom and especially if u only do it on holidays .It not like u do it all the time. Especially if u work u should be able to do what u want for your son. IF HE HAD A SON U WOULD DOIT FOR HIS SON TOO.
Do what in you heart
Leave a bad review and return to sender😪
Not his kid not his choice🤷🏼♀️
You better go all out for your son
It’s your business how you raise your child, no one else’s. If he just moved in and he’s already telling you what to do, you need to protect your son from him. But you know that; that’s why you wrote. Listen to your instincts.
Do what you want to do!
Dump the boyfriend. You do NOT need him but your son needs you.
Sounds a bit jealous to me why would your “boyfriend” who’s supposed to love & support you & YOUR CHILDREN, be mad about “going all out” ? what does that even mean anyway? But then stuff, because that’s normal for the holidays where I’m from
He’s your kid, not his, if he’s upset about YOU spoiling YOUR CHILD, he can see himself out
Do it
Your money your kid your traditions
It’s your son, you do what you want for him and either your boyfriend gets over it or he doesn’t lol
Do what you want to do! Tell him this a tradition you started before he was in the picture and you really want to keep making Easter a wonderful time for your son !
He doesn’t have the right to tell you to change how you do holidays for your child. Find a better guy!
Relationships are about compromise. You won’t always agree or be on the same page. Talk it out and come to an understanding.
And if he’s already started fights after just moving in over how you are raising your son that’s a huge red flag
Return to sender and have reset
Can we say jealous! Buh bye bf!!
What in the hell is wrong with your boyfriend. He does not sound like the kind of guy I would want to be a male figure in my childs life. You go all out for your son because he is only 5 once. My daughters knew that Easter is all about the resurrection of Jesus but also had huge Easter baskets. Happy Easter.
That’s a big red flag
Never chose a man over your children tell him to hit the road
Please don’t stop doing for your child what you feel is in your heart to do . If he wants to control what you do with your child then what will be next . Put a stop to this now .
Your kid. Your $ do it
kid will always be your son. BF may NOT be.
Tell your boyfriend to go fly a kite or jump in a lake! Something! That’s your son and he comes first with whatever you want to do for him. I would definitely tell that boyfriend BYE! DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE A–!
Your child comes first. He is acting like he should come first NEVER EVER let that happen. if he is like this now you may need to open your eyes and look at the wide view. Before you know it he will not want you doing anything for your child but the basics. GET away from him
Get rid of him and don’t look back!
l get pald over $ 130 per hour w0rking from h0me. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18168 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Oh no honey, he is YOUR child. It is YOUR money.
You may not want drama but he clearly does by telling you what you can and can’t do. He just moved in and is making rules for your kid.
That’s a huge no. If you wanna spoil him, do it!
You deserve and your son deserve a boyfriend, who wants to go all out for both of you.
I feel like he could have went about it a different way. I do agree that Easter isn’t a second Christmas. Candy coloring books some bubbles and call it a day lol
I know it’s easier said than done but I’ve been in a controlling relationship like this and I just have to say I would never let ANYONE take any special moments/memories away from me and my daughter. No way! Your son is 5!!! Soon enough he will be too old to even get excited about the Easter bunny coming and I promise you you’ll regret letting your boyfriend take this away from you if you don’t do what you want. They’re only little for so long
Go for your kid… sounds like for sure it’s going to be a problem!!
Your child comes first and you keep doing what you normally would do
Tell him don’t like it go
Get rid of him! Your child comes first.
Best thing u can do is get rid of him.