My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Tell him to suck a bag of dicks and kick rocks…

Your boyfriend needs to shut up!

Your kid was there before the boyfriend and he’ll be there after do what you want for you and yours


Get rid of the boyfriend and not the tradition.


Red flag. Your not going to be happy. He’s already letting you know he’s going to be telling you what to do.


You do want you want to got your kids and if he don’t like it you tell him to hit the road!!!

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If I read that right, the bf moved in with you. Your house, your rules. Do what you want for your kid and if he don’t like it, he can find another place to live.


Kid comes before man. If he doesn’t like it he can move tf on. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I totally Agree Brenda, My Girls always came first and my Grandsons, My husbent hardly ever agrees with me especially about the girls, I raised them by myself they where 20 when I got married, he never agrees with anything, unless it his idea.

I think he’s just jealous. Get him his own Easter Basket and hide it in his new home - the doghouse.


Throw the whole man away!


Your boyfriend right. Don’t make your kid a brat. Easter is EASTER NOT A second Christmas.

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Get rid of the boyfriend " he wants to run your life already " not good :neutral_face:


Go all out, you have about 9 easters to enjoy it, however bikes and large toy items are a bit much. Chocolates, baskets, small toy activities, jelly beans, bubbles…go for it.


Your putting your bf over the way you like to show your child love basically.


Depends on whether or not you are taking food off the table to indulge your child.

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Dump the boyfriend…red flag…


You go all out for your child… fuck that man. Your child’s always gonna be there!!!

Go all out for your kid, he can hit the road honestly


Find a new boyfriend.

Tell him that’s your kid, get rid of him

Does not sound like a winner!

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Keep doing what you are doing with your son! The best can be replaced!


Tell him to move right on out. He’s already trying to control you


Well 1. He’s got no say in what you do with your child. However he is kind of right. It’s not Christmas and shouldn’t really spoil a kid by making them think that’s what they should expect. But it’s not his place to say that and is a little worrying that he’s trying to push control like that so early…

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You are allowed to spoil your child however you like

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HUGE RED FLAG, consider your options, your kids come before anyone


Seems like a pretty obvious solution to me🤔


Your kid is your kid. Do for him. I’d the bf can’t handle it then maybe he shouldn’t be around


It’s your son and your call…

And I can’t even find a couple of little chocolate bunnies for my kids…

You do what you want for your child’s Easter basket. They only stay little for so long. Enjoy this time. Why a grown man is starting drama over an Easter basket is beyond me. It makes no sense at all.


Get rid of that boyfriend. Your child comes first and if you have always done this, he should not have a say.

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Tell him tomleave you don’t need that in your life

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im sorry but kids should come first always, go girl do what you want for your son,

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Go all out it’s your son
Bf bye bye


If he is yelling at her now that probably won’t change. I’d send him packing.


Kick your so cLled boyfriend out. Your child cMe before him!!!


Tell him to suck it up … Call him a princess and show him where the door is …

I do think you should be able to get him a little something, but Easter isn’t all about gifts, but about Jesus and how he died on the cross for our sins. Maybe a childs book about that would be nice along with the candy etc.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your boyfriend has no right to tell you how much money to spend on your son if he wants to do that it’s time for him to go to the curb


FK him! Your kid your choice!
He should move out! Red flags


Your son comes first always


Kick him out! Children come first.

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Kids over loser boyfriends!!! No acceptions


That’s your son, go all out!


agree with all,toss the sucker

It’s not his business


Do something nice for your child and go do a family something fun on Easter weekend, but keep the material things down to a minimum. A good time for dung time together goes a long way and get a little something for the Easter basket. You will raise a better person that way.


Do what you want to do for your Son. Your Boyfriend is being controlling.

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Do what you want tell him he can shut up or move out

RED FLAG!!!:rotating_light::stop_sign: Your child your choice. Do not ever change how you treat your child for some guy. And if he is yelling at you for it means he is a control freak.


The fuck? children first!
If someone tried to tell me I couldn’t spoil my child and in an aggressive way for that matter (that is the red flag) I’d show them the damn door.

You had the child first. Let the boyfriend go


Join us guys :heart:

Ummm and who’s child is it?!?! There’s your answer!

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Yes, Easter Basket in moderation.

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I could say a lot of things, but I’m only going to say - Do what is right for your son! :heart:


Agree with Ivy! Been there and took me toooo long to get out!!

Kick hiss a$$ to the curb!

Tell him if he don’t like it…boot it, I’ll spend as much as I want on my child!!!

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It’s it about how much or how little you do…or the meaning of Easter. YOU and only you make those decisions involving your son. Loving private input from your partner is helpful, but you should not feel torn…red flag.


You shouldn’t have to make a choice. He needs to leave this will be the first of many arguments to come!


I agree with Wilma.First, the new boyfriend needs to go. If he is yelling at you now, next comes verbal abuse, Then physical abuse.You do not need this person. AND I agree that the child does not need a lot of gifts for Easter.A new outfit,an Easter basket, & a special item.

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That’s YOUR SON . you’ve been doing things your way since before him. Do you. Especially for your kids, do it YOUR WAY

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Kick the spare tyre out LOL You’re a mumma first and foremost, you allow some dictator with a sausage change the way you parent, unnecessarily, things will decline from here.


Your boyfriend absolutely sounds controlling. This is your son. This being said, every relationship is about compromise.

Ditto! above comment

No torn. Kid comes first. He can shut up or leave.

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Um… that’s your child you do as you please. No man will tell me what I can and can’t do with my kids especially if the child isn’t his.

  1. Kick him out NOW!
  2. Whatever you do don’t get pregnant to him
    You risk your mental health & that of your son if you stay maybe even your physical health. He’s not worth it & if he’s grumbling about Easter eggs next it will be birthdays & Christmas presents -leave he’s an obvious narcissist!

I think it should be modest and you could add activities. That’s a better memory than a bunch of stuff he won’t remember next month. However, it’s not the boyfriends choice!

Your kids are your first priority!!

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It might depend on what you feel is all out… Easter isn’t what “you” want for your kids, it’s what you should want for their love for you. Must you go all out for that ?

It’s your son do as you wish if he doesn’t like it show him the door.


Unless he pays all the bills, spend as you did before he was in your life.


Bye bye boyfriend. Kid first and that’s a sign of what he’s like trust me. Go out without him and he can move out while you’re gone.

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Umm it’s your son, go do what you want, is your boyfriend jealous of your son?,

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Pack his shit and fuck him off. It’s YOUR child do what you want, your money to do what you want.

Your kids come first, it’s your call.
Give boyfriend the exit sign.
“Just an old guys opinion”…


Your child, he comes first

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Your son comes before a man an if he gets mad about Easter stuff he will get mad again about other things. He’s your son no man should tell you what to do for him…


Dump his ass and find a new boyfriend ifk why woman let boyfriends tell them what they can ans can’t do for their kids

As a single mother I can say I did as I pleased when it came to my kids. If a man didn’t like it then that was his problem. You do for your kids. Nobody else will.

Plus does he have kids?? If he does well what does he do for his kids?? If not than this is why he doesn’t understand. Maybe he needs to be around other men who do for their kids

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I hate to say it, but the boyfriend is correct. Easter is not a second Christmas and spoiling kids usually backfires. Too much priority is placed onto material things. Time together with fun experiences are a good way to make your child (or any loved one) feel special. Plus they’re way more meaningful than a mound of gifts


spoil the kid, ditch the idiot


Choose your child, period.


Ha tell him take a running jump a**hole I always go all out on my kids and I’m still with the father and he will be dammed if he tries to tell me different! Bot bye :wave:

Kick his @$$ to the curb because your child should come first no matter what👌

Unless you’re married and your finances are combined his opinion is irrelevant f*** him and buy that baby a bad ass Easter basket

I’d say I make my own money and I’ll spoil MY kids if I want lol if it’s special to you then just let him know

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Spoil them when you can all the time because you never know when you won’t be able to

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Your son comes first. He can always leave. He comes second.

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Ugh! Tell ur bf it ur tradition. Ur making precious memories with ur son. He won’t be little forever. :blue_heart:


He has to go. Trouble looms for you to continue this relationship


They’re only young for a little while. Do what you feel your child will remember these precious memories


That’s your child! You do whatever you want!


Wow!! Red flag!! Already trying to control you and how you treat your kids SMH!! Get rid of him now!!


Do it! It’s your kid.

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I kinda understand what he is saying
Kids don’t need that much chocolate in one day

How about a compromise
You buy to Easter eggs and a bag of little eggs
boyfriend buys an egg and a packet of little eggs for your 5 yr old
You have only been in a relationship for a year
So you really shouldn’t expect him to do the same

My 8 grand kids only get 2 eggs and a bag or egg carton from me
The same as they get from their other grandparents

Their parents
Actually buy them 2 rabbits , 2 eggs , a bag of little eggs a game for their switch or a pair of shoes

There is more to Easter then chocolate (and church)
It’s about spending time with family

This is your child not his
He sounds like he is thinking of your child’s health

But at the end of the day
It’s your child and you have to deal with the sugar high

Ps he doesn’t have a say how you parent your child
The same way you can’t tell him how to parent his kids (If he has any)