Choose your son over the boyfriend.
Sorry, but piss him off. Your son is more important than a blow in.
Make the kid happy he is still young get a new boyfriend. 100% truth.
Why would you ever put a man (boyfriend) before your own child?
I can say from experience with my kiddos spoiling them is not the answer cuz then they expect more & more & not even appreciate it or take care of it so now I do not go all out for them anymore until they learn to take care of their stuff better than laying down all round the house
Your son, your choice and your priorities are perfectly fine. He does not get it change your “traditions” you are making for your family. He can choose to be a part of it or not but he doesn’t get to dictate what you do for your child!!
Just do what you feel is right for your son Dont listen to a boyfriend … Enjoy Easter …
He’s YOUR child. That boyfriend can take a hike!
Make his ass get in a bunny costume or leave him.
Always choose your child and if doesn’t like it then he can choose the door
I used to put in fun movies my son liked along with popcorn and other Easter goodies. We’d give the basket to the neighbor and before his bedtime he’d put the basket on the door knob on the outside of our house… we had an alarm set on the inside and kept it up for a few years.
Sounds to me like the bed is jealous of your kid… smh Throw the bf away
Why are we listening to someone else on how to raise your son. I don’t give a fuck what anyone tells me about my kids , including their dad lol. And I live with him my kids I do what I want to
It’s you child! If he wants to be cra cra he can walk out the door just like he walked in just faster!
He is your child. You do what you have always done. You gave birth to your son, not your boyfriend.
The hell with your boyfriend, take care of your kid first!
Don’t change how you do things for your boyfriend. You woulda done it if he wasn’t there
Maybe he grew up differently so he doesn’t see the purpose in all your doing . Just like with most Christmas stuff that we go overboard on …is the items your wanting to gift really worth it ???
I don’t think he’s controlling…but if you’ve moved in together you need to listen to each other then chose a happy median …
Kids don’t care about all the going big stuff we stress ourselves out to do …a dew things , time & love is what they really crave …
Um he’s just a boyfriend. He can leave if he doesn’t like how you raise your child.
Wow, such bad advice. If you want a relationship with this man, you both need to listen to each other and make decisions that are best for your son. No yelling. Your son dosen’t need you go all out for him either. I am sure he will be happy with less. Don’t get into relationships if you just want it your way or his way. Relationships require compromise and sacrifice. Love and respect.
Drop that piece of shit!!!
Kids come first!!!
You… go all out for your kid…? Duh! F that douchepatty! Babies ALWAYS come first.
Kick him to the curb. He’s trying to control you.
do what is in your heart
IMO, it will probably only get worse. I let my girls get short-changed on several levels and will always regret it. Please take a stand before it becomes ingrained - if he can’t/won’t accept it, I know what I would be compelled to do.
There are many men who would eagerly embrace a blended family relationship – this fellow’s attitude makes one wonder how many other scenarios will also reveal a control freak. JMO
F your bf. Go all out they’re only little for a short time. make it MAGICAL!
Your son has been in your life for 5 years, him 1. Kids come FIRST, it’s none of his business. I’d kick his ass out, definitely over stepping and controlling. RED FLAG if you ask me
Your child nd his happiness should come before any man full stop . do what you want for your son fck the boyfriend nd his opinion
Sounds like he needs the basket too. Chances are he’s never had one.
Break up with that fool
Tell him to love it or leave
Do What u see fit… It’s your child…Best of Luck & Happy Easter
uhm sounds like you’re bf needs to be put back in his place
That dude is toxic… What is HIS problem? His mommy didn’t go all out for him? Deal breaker. Don’t mess with my kid or his happiness. Get rid of him pronto!!! (What a JERK!!!)
That’s a red flag…be very careful
Go all out for your kid!! New boyfriend won’t be there long. His controlling ways are showing so he needs to be gone before Easter.
Your child comes before any man,and who is he telling you what to do with your son. Next he’s going to be telling you what you can and can’t do. Proceed with caution. Maybe rethink the moving in thing.
Your son will always be your son, and be there for you always
How much is “all out”.
Your kid come before any man
Oh no no no, he is going to make your sons life miserable. Please don’t allow it. Make him leave and if he refuses then you leave. You’re the only one who can protect your son. This is just the beginning…. Please run
Get rid of the boyfriend. If he can control how you manage YOUR child, just think how he will control you. He is out of line.
This is your child. These are thememories you are creating for a stable, loving amd amazing childhood. Tell that boyfriend ro hit the bleeding road. Never put anyone before your child.
Is it his money??? What does he care??? Boy bye
You do it they are only little once I use to go all out for my kids and know I’m a grandma and do what I can for them all
Remember you can replace the man but not your child.Dump the jerk.
Your kid comes first always. As for him that’s a big red flag. You should leave him
Kid trumps bf, unless you can’t pay your bills! Don’t go broke over it.
That’s your child you do what you’ve been doing for him. He has no right to tell you what to do with your child. What is he jealous? That’s crazy he sounds kind of toxic to me. Good luck. Happy Easter
He’d be gone if it were me. Kids are little for such a short time I think anything you can do to make their childhood fun you should do it 
Your child should always come first especially before a boyfriend, get rid of him!
Maybe you are doing too much? Idk… What is too much? If he’s comparing what you’re doing to Christmas… Maybe it is a lot…It is your kid and should do what you want and not allow him to control you. But at the same time you should be aware that doing too much can have kids feeling entitled and spoiled as hell. Only speaking from experience We do a basket with candy in plastic eggs and maybe a small toy and stuffed bunny or something. And decorate some eggs… That’s it…Ask some family and friends what they think about what you’re doing and see what the consensus is. We don’t have enough info you tell you if you’re doing too much or not. But don’t make him feel like you changed your mind if you do just cuz of him. And ps if he really ‘yelled’ then maybe you should be second guessing this guy cuz no man should be yelling at you for any reason. Let alone what you doing for your child.
Your child comes first tell him to hit the road if he don’t like what you do for your son
Ummm… Since when does someone have to check with their boyfriend before doing something for their child? Especially since the child is not his. You do whatever you want to do for your little boy and don’t give the other jealous little boy a single thought!
Like maybe yesterday Jordyn Stevens
Where do your loyalties lie?
With your BLOOD, or your
current convenient sausage?
Ditch him if he is already trying to come in between you and your son now it only going to get worse
He may be a boy but not a friend…
O no
Your child comes first
The boyfriend doesn’t get to change how you raise your child
tell him to hit the road let kids be kids
Get rid of your boyfriend
It’s none of his business. Ditch the dodo and be happy.
It’s your kid and your house…you get the say so not your boyfriend…remember he is just your boyfriend…not your husband and not his step dad…your first priority is your kid!! Never forget that!!
Your child comes first
Tell him to “Fuck up” simple
Boot the BF to the curb. No one tells you what you can or can’t do between you and your child unless it’s hurting your child
Kick his butt out the door
Do it any way he is not your boss or should i say don’t let him start telling you want to do It is your child do what you want too
Your son stick up for your little boy.
Your child comes first do what best for your child and your boyfriend if he really cares will understand . This your child and your child needs comd first . Go all out your child is young only once
Kick his butt to the curb.
Get rid of the boyfriend - NOW!
you don’t change your ways for him. when it comes to your child
Your kid comes first. Your boyfriend has no say and why would you want to be with someone who would deprive your son?
Please don’t make the mistake I made 40 years ago. Go with your own gut feeling to do what makes you and your son happy. Whose face do you picture with the biggest smile on Easter morning? Also, power is taken away in small increments. Once you allow him to cross this line with your son, it will only get worse. Everyone is entitled to their own boundaries. You must draw a line and make sure he understands. No need to be mean or dramatic. Don’t share your plan and just do it. You guys are in a trial period. You are each trying on this relationship to see if it is a good fit. He has to know your son is part of you that will be included in your part of the fit. Better to figure that out now before your son is put into a traumatic environment he didn’t sign up for. Your boyfriend is your partner, not another child trying to compete with your son for your love. Hope I didn’t come on to strong. I am 67, I wish someone would have shared advice with me:sunflower:
Your son should come first if your boyfriend has a problem with that he has to go
Bossy BF…this is just the beginning…show him the door!!
I think you have a problem if he yells at you and tells you that what you want to do with your child is wrong. He needs to go he is not your friend
Dump the controlling asshole.
Get rid of him now!!
Yea hes definitely right its so dumb to spend tons on flipping Easter Lmao but not his kid not his choice
Get rid of the dude, it’s your kid, not his.
Do it anyway your kid your choice he needs to get over himself and you need to kick him to the curb
Msybe go on a picnic with ur son and ur bf and maybe take a stroll. Enjoy Gods nature. Understand Gods message. Love first!
You’re not doing anything wrong!! I guarantee you he’s just jealous and controlling, he sounds like a douche dude, send him packing.
Just do what you’ve always done.
sounds like you need a new boyfriend
Tell him to kiss your ass.
Do wtf you want to do for YOUR child! If he doesn’t like it, HE CAN LEAVE CAUSE HES DOING TO MUCH!
Yup I agree with Della
Lose him immediately, waaaay too controlling, insensative and outta line. Bye bye bunny.
Your child, your decision!!
Put him “ALL OUT”. You’ve learned early on how the man is so get rid of him while the gettings good.
Whose money is it? Whose child is it? He moved in with you! You need to set this straight before you go any further.
Screw him he sounds controlling
My child always comes first,in saying that who spends a heap of money on Easter.The Bf is right it’s not a second Xmas…Do what you usually do for your son tho
Umm. It’s your kid. Do whatever the hell you want to do.
Break up with him!! Omg NO BOY will ever tell me what I can and can’t do with MY CHILD!! Women like this make me laugh sooo much.
Have you taught your son the reason we celebrate Easter. It’s not the baskets, eggs, candy and the like. It’s always nice to have fun as a family but going all out as you put it doesn’t seem like a family affair.
Lose the 0 & get you a good man. Sounds insecure & jealous