If you are paying for it , it’s none of business!
Decide on an amount and buy only what is really important. If he is that way now is an indication for the future - get rid of him
Get rid of that loser. You do what you want for your kid.
Your child. He needs tp mind his own,or get out.
Your son come first and if the bf gets mad cause you wanna spoil your son tell him theres the door. Always choose your child.
What? Who does he think he is? When I can, I spoil my kids and I’ll be damned if anyone is going to tell me to do otherwise. I will not put a man above them. Hence why I stay by myself. Too much drama otherwise.
Not his child, not his business. Your child comes first. Sure it’s not what you want to hear. He would be out if he said that.
I mean if it’s ur money then go all out. But if it’s his then that’s the problem
He’s your child. If you want to go all out, go all out. Remember your child won’t be a child forever.
I’d handle this by telling him to fuck off and he’s your kid so you make the decisions for him and it’s your money so your going to be spending as you wish and if he doesn’t like it show him where the door is. Kids come first not whinging men. I’ve been with my partner 9 years I love him but he knows kids come before him and myself.
Teach your child the true meaning of Easter (which has absolutely nothing to do with Easter eggs or new clothes).
I buy my kids Easter eggs but also attach the true meaning of Easter as well. Not near the “all out” mentioned. Each to their own, I guess
Most important though: Your boyfriend has no say on what or how you do things regarding your 5yr old. So tell him to mind his own business and know his place
Show him the door !! . Your kids come before ANY man. Don’t change what you already created
Throw the entire man away.
There should be no question here. Your child comes first. This guy just moved in and he’s already trying to take control?? Nope…I would show him the door!
He just moved in and is already dictating your whole house? Hell no show him the door
Do what you want, he’s your child and a holiday should make memories they carry all their lives. I just recently stopped Easter Baskets ( my kids are in their 30’s). They still get Christmas stockings.
They still get a chocolate bunny though
You don’t let a man that’s only been apart of your sons life for barely a year, and your life, tell you what you can and can’t can’t with YOUR CHILD. I would tell him thanks for his input but that is your child and he has no say in absolutely ANYTHING to do with your child. And if it doesn’t change, leave him.
Your kid your choice
First, always, he is your son. Hope you will explain on a 5 yr. old level what Easter is really all about, and then, give him a great Easter, some candy, maybe go somewhere with him that you will both enjoy. You are making memories that will last him for a lifetime. I hope your boyfriend will care enough for you and your son to not spoil it for either of you. No one comes before your son.
spoil ur baby girl F him
You go all out for your kid. your boyfriend needs to understand that this is what you like to do for your son & if you want to go all out for every holiday for your child & are able to then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’m sorry, but that shouldn’t create drama. Let him in on your traditions you have with your son & if he doesn’t want to be apart of it, then you have something bigger to talk about… never diminish yourself for someone else. I’m sure your son is absolutely going to love what he gets for Easter
You can spoil your kid if you want he has no say in what you do or how you do things he isn’t the child’s parent. He doesn’t sound like the best to be moving in with either if that’s how he is going to react everytime you want to spoil your child… I don’t think he quiet understands that children can be spoiled on the occasions like this… I would hate to see how he handles you wanting to spoil him on Christmas or his birthday.
Please keep in mind that if he is acting this way this is only the beginning of the abuse and a great time for you to tell him that you don’t like the way he told you that spoiling your child was too much and you would like him to move out! If he refuses call the police and don’t fall for his apologies. He will be the reason your son gets taken off you because your son will get scared of him and to be around him.
Unless he is the sole provider in your household maybe he would have a say BUT even then he can’t tell you not to
spoil YOUR SON … send him to take a hike
You’ve known and loved the kid 5 plus years…you’ve been with the boyfriend 12 months… easy choice for me…my kid wins EVERY TIME.
Is he both of your kids? I’m sorry but not even my husband is gonna talk to me like that. You should be able to talk and come to a decision if it’s both of your child. If he is not father then it’s not ANY of his business. If it’s his money solely then understandable it’s his decision.
I’d see it as a red flag. Does he control other ways you parent or exist with your child? It’s a holiday, unless by spoiling him you are going completely, completely over the top. Like a basket with video games, toys etc like an expensive stocking. Maybe it’s a cue to re evaluate how you two live together and raise your son. What is negotiable for each of you, what is not? It may end up being an opportunity to have a very important conversation when adding a person to a parent role.
Kids come first always. They are only little for so long and it goes by WAY TOO FAST. Easter is personally my fave holiday so I still go all out (even though my girls are teens now) live life and enjoy it.
Go all out kids do remember
Sounds like the boyfriend is jealous not a good sign.
If you want to “spoil” your child with material things that is your right…however it would be great if you also celebrated Easter and other holidays for the true meaning at the same time. Give to others that are less fortunate
you have to listen to your instincts there must hsve been more red flags then this one your kid should always come first all i am saying is if you have to ask then you already have your own doubts
It’s not his kid,not his money,not his responsibility,so he should just stay out of it,unless he is a sole provider,he does not have a say in the matter.you should spoil your kid in whichever way you choose and whenever you choose to.If he doesn’t like it,he must hit the road.sounds like he is jealous and that’s never good,he could even harm your child if the jealousy continues.Best he moves out,he is not worth the stress😐
That’s your son. Since when does a “boyfriend” have any say/authority over what you do with your child ??? I was a single mother for years. The only “say” a man I dated for a long number of those years had was when I asked his help in something.
Listen to your heart. Tell the boyfriend to go suck an Easter egg!!
Uh, I thought this was common sense but apparently not. Why are you letting a boyfriend tell you what to do with your child who is not his? You do not need his permission.
Your boyfriend needs to become a parent with you and it’s ok he’s only 5 do it anyways
Do what you want to do for your son….they are little for just alittle bit! Maybe this is a deal breaker….and shouldn’t empty his suitcase just yet! RED FLAGS…PAY ATTENTION! You know!
Get yourself a new Boyfriend He should be your Partner not your Master and have a happy easter with your Son happy Easter
Show his ass the door!
Your kid not his. Your choice not his.
Tell him to kiss your ass and you can spoil your kid if you want he just moved into YOUR HOUSE and he can go ahead and move back out of YOUR HOUSE you don’t need his permission to get your son what you want to get him
First of why are you letting someone tell you how to parent.
Secondly. It’s your damn kid. If you want to spoil them you can.
And thirdly what kind of man thinks he can come into your life and take control
Your children come before any boyfriend and he has no right to say what you give your son if you let him tell you how to treat your son now it will only get worse don’t do it, remember take control of your life and spoil your son because b4 he all grown up
Either he’s jealous of your kid, out of touch with your love language or not probably and ideal candidate for your son. No shade but don’t lose your son trying to hold on to your mate.
Hombres hay muchos,…tu hijo es lo principal, la conducta de tu novio es señal de que tu hijo no estará a salvo con ese hombre, es momento de elegir,
Go all for your kid and don’t worry about what he thinks.
kids more important. Throw the boyfriend out.
I would do what I wanted to do for my son’s Easter basket he’s not the day you’re not married to him so do what ever you want to do
You’re the mom, he’s your kid, simple as that…set boundaries
U been with him year…like why u even considering his opinion about this lol
It’s your kid do what you want to do.
Get rid of the bf sounds a knob
What does going “all out” include?? Do I think Easter should be like a second Christmas? Nope but I also don’t think your boyfriend should came at you like that either. Maybe discuss ut further?
Yeaaaahhhh throw the whole bf out and find someone who loves to do “too much” with you and your son.
Why is he so bothered by it? Are you using bill money or his money to go all out for YOUR kid?
None of his business. It will get worse. Run
Sounds like he is jealous of the attention… your son has been number 1 for the last 5 years… he knew you came as a package so if he doesn’t like your ways jog him on!!!
The boyfriend has got to go
Your child is more important than BF. F him he can go take a long walk and kick rocks. You do you. You will never get that time back with your child.
You know, now it’s Easter and then the next occasion and then other things… what gives him the right to argue with you about how you do things with your child.
I agree, get rid of the bf.
I choose my child anytime anyday. Whatever you do with this information is upon you.
This man is not a keeper your son is your priority not him kick the boyfriend to the curb
1st the Easter basket then xmas then his birthday….nah get rid of him ,he will control u n ur son will end up feeling worthless be cos of him ….run !!!
Do what u want its your kid
Sounds like you have some trash to throw out. If your bf does not support your parenting style or how you love your kid then get rid of him. Your kids are only children for a few years do what you want for them. As long as you’re kid is a becoming a good person and not an entitled little turd then spoiling them on holidays should not be a problem.
I also like to spoil my daughter on holidays but make sure she knows how lucky she is because not all kids get what she does and to be kind and never brag.
You need to continue to spoil YOUR child it’s not his child he doesn’t make the decisions and I would reconsider the relationship
Get rid of him
That’s so absolutely rediculous and he sounds like he’s just going to keep demanding you out your child second to him
Get rid of him and warn all your/his friends of what he did
Don’t want him getting together with another mum and doing that shit again
Don’t let some other person tell you what to do with your child .Stand up for your child this is only the beginning of what he demands !
Your son should come first
Get rid of him, showing his true selfish self! Run now!
He doesn’t sound like a good one sis
Your child comes first love. Even if you were with the biological father, the child comes first. Take in consideration of what your partner tells you and maybe put a price limit to your spending, it doesn’t mean you can’t get the child heaps of gifts, just have to be smart about what you get.
Tell your boyfriend to pack his bags…sounds like a control freak…do as you usually do
Your child is your priority! Your do you
Fuck that do what you want for your son cause your son always gonna be there … That man you with could be here today and gone tmrw
A child’s life is made of treasured lovely memories ignore your man and do what you want maybe something in his childhood is making him resentful
Hell yeah they are only kids once grow up fast !
Think you know the answer
Keep on spoiling u kids don’t let any man or person tell u what to do with you kids
Boyfriend can pack bags what you do for your child is your buisness
Get rid of him. Hes not been around long enough to alter how you parent or judge even it. This is what it is about this time. What’s next.
The fact you are asking tells me you already know the situation is not ok.
Choose your child at every point girl ! You got this x
It’s your kid, he doesn’t have a say in what you do for your kid.
Get rid of the boyfreind
Tell him your going all out & your child comes first. If it becomes an argument, tell him to leave. It may get worse. His having a bitch fit about Easter
Honestly, you can do what you wish for your child.
If he doesn’t support that, then that’s his loss. But you are more than able to do for your child. My baby is only a month old and I go all out for her on a random day.
What most don’t understand, is just because it isn’t Christmas doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do for a child whether you’re stepping up or your their biological.
So who is more important, your son or him? Continue with your son as you have and tell your boyfriend that you have certain traditions you follow and to either get on board or move back out. Sounds like a control freak to me and why is he yelling? Is he abusive as well and can not sit down and have a conversation so you can hear his side of the story and he can hear yours? Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life? Hard enough for a child to accept he has to share his mon and having to watch or listen to her get yelled at is very traumatic for him. What you do depends on who is more important to you and your child will figure that out as well.
Absolutely get shot !!!
Are you serious
If you’ve been doing it before you met him then continue doing it now!!! Your baby, and I’m pretty sure it’s your money so do the damn thing!
Your child
Your rules ! Simple!
Tell him to back off … Or else…
Tell him to take a vacation until Easter is over. You gonna do Easter like you always have. Sounds like he jealous.
Wow get rid of the boyfriend
He’s your kid, not his. Only little for so long and he will remember the memories
I go all out on just about every major holiday. Tell him to be quiet and get used to it. If you don’t spoil them during the year when it’s not a holiday, then by all means, go all out on holidays. They’re only a kid once.
Ouch…he sounds a bit controlling…
He may have been raised a different way but your child, your decision how you raise him
Put your kid before your bf, just as he was there before your bf simple!!! Wouldn’t you rather go through the drama now than wait for more red flags or till it’s too late:woman_shrugging:t4:
It’s your baby not his, it’s your money not his. If he doesn’t like it he doesn’t have to. Do it and to hell with his attitude. He isn’t a life long partner if he wants out let him go.
Get rid of him, sounds like a bully