Say find another place to live your gone
Kick that mf out especially if he’s been negative over something so positive that you wanting to do for your son.
Tell the boyfriend to take a walk
Your child so do as you please
Your son your decision, if this is how you’ve always done it then make it clear to your friend that it’s not up to him . However the cost must be out of your finances not his , it’s only fair . You both need to talk about it calmly
Noway this will work
Pack up the boy friend stuff and toss it in the front yard and then buy whatever you want for you child for Easter. Let no one tell you what you can and can’t do. Especially when it comes to your kids. Don’t give him this win. If you do It’s only gonna get worse as time goes on. Live life drama free.
Don’t walk run away from this idiot!
Do what u want for your kid. Don’t let anyone tell u different
say bye to your boyfriend because he’s a piece of shit. And spoil that precious baby! Your baby! Your money!
He is YOUR child! Do what you want!
Big red flag! It’s to early in your relationship for your boyfriend to have any opinion on what you do for your son. I know it’s not my business but I would rethink my relationship with him.
Your child comes first ,before any man and if your paying it’s not his money your spending go for it . IF he is putting restriction on you now it’s only going to get worst. These are memories for him and you .Good Luck happy Easter
My feeling is you do what you feel is right with you, don,t let others bother you, just don,don’t, forget to let your child know what the real meaning of Easter means.
Your kids come first every one else comes last,if your gf dont o ow that by now, bye felicia
That’s your child if you want to spoil him he can go fuck off your kids always come first
He must move out how
If He is that mean already He will Get Much worse Kick him to the curb now!
Awwe is he mad that he don’t get as much attention as your son… bahhahaa kick the dude to the dust, make your baby holidays as special as ever♡
Make him an Easter basket too!
I’m don’t change yourself, or tradition for him. Explain that to him, if he doesn’t support you, maybe that’s an indicator
Kick him out It’s not his business what you do with your son it’s only gonna get worse if you let him stay
Get rid of the toxic boyfriend.
bye. He’s your boyfriend, not your husband. Not the child’s father. He gets no say in anything. No commitment= no opinion.
Im seeing red flags. He yelled at you over Easter? Everyone has the right to be frustrated or angry for whatever reason but none of that should be yelled at or belittled its all about tone. He easily could of pulled you aside and spike to you in a calm manner over flipping breakfast.
If he yells at you and makes you feels bad about this insignificant event, imagine the rest…cooking, cleaning, medical expenses if there’s dust on the tv what if your son wets the bed basic everyday stuff. Before you dive too deep to this relationship remember the reason you became single in the first place …protect your kid at all costs
He’s a jerk. Say goodbye.
It’s YOUR SON, not YOUR HUSBAND!! Any man who thinks you are doing too much for your child, does not deserve to be in yours or your child’s life. The door is right there.
Your child, your choice… but its Easter. It is about Christ, not about giving stuff to your child.
Girl f* that dude, spoil that kiddo!! They are only little for a short time!! Do it while you still can and F* what anyone has to say or how they feel!!
Fill the Easter Basket and RUN…I see nothing but misery with this control freak! The child is NOT his, therefore is not entitled to an opinion!
Dump the loser! #1) he should never yell at you. That covers the whole gambit. Controlling, anger problems, verbally abusive. You can’t get rid of him soon enough.
Get rid of him Otherwise he’ll make both your lifes miserable, bad fibes about this.x
I’m just gonna say this. He sounds a bit jealous and petty. Your child will always be your child. Boyfriends come and go. Major red flag. Let him go.
Any man that trys to tell you that you can’t do this or that for your child , not his kid is a control freak … the abuse is there and take it as a red sign and get out before he can tell you your not allowed to see your family or not allowed to go here or there ECT …
Kids first always …. I say go bananas on the Easter basket if you want to. Don’t stop traditions based on a guy that doesn’t want to see your son as happy as he can be. Big red flags here with the boyfriend……
Put your kid first mate
Get rid of the controlling asshole and focus on your child. I loved my Easter Baskets when I was a kid…so go nuts if you want to!! HE’S YOUR CHILD not some random BOYFRIENDS BUSINESS!
Kids first, go all out girl, when they are grown you will miss doing it, trust me!
Throw the boyfriend out!
Our family is not religious but we love the holidays,easter, halloween, christmas because it becomes a family thing. I think at easter it should be about dying the eggs, putting up decorations, making an easter basket often with a stuffed bunny and having a easter egg hunt when the kiddies are small. Then when they are parents they will do the same thing for their kids. Just makes for a happier life. Go for it!
He is right. Easter is not a second Christmas. BUTTTTTT its your kiddo, your money you do what you think is best. I know your sons face when he sees the basket will make it all worth it
get a new boyfriend.
Get rid of boyfriend
So easy , and just let him go , easy
He is your child. But you need to think about how much you spend on him for Easter. Christmas is the cekebration of Christs birth but Easter is vety important because it celebrates Christ arising from his grave. But take it from one mom to another… dont over do it. It his age he should like anything. Too much when they are little creates s appriciation problem when they get older. You must must also think long snd hard about your man. You must talk to him and come to an understanding and agreement on what his boundries are with your so and what his boundries are with telling y ok i it
They are only little once enjoy it and don’t let nobody steal your shine
Your kid, your choice, especially when he hasn’t been around long enough to see that this is a thing you regularly do for your son.
Fuck the boyfriend… if he dont understand it he can move along. Its just the beginning… i have 4 girls whom are 22,21,16,15 n every holiday i make them a basket n of course gifts on Christmas n bdays… idgaf how old they are. No it dont create problems when theyre older or whatever. Its a xhance for him to be reminded he’s still a kid.
Maybe first you should start teaching what easter is about, not hiding easter eggs and candy.
I hope you are not color blind because I see RED flags everywhere!!!
Cut your losses! Take care of your child!
Thats your child!!! Look out for him first!!! If the boyfriend doesn’t like it he can leave!!!
Tell him to **** off.
Your kid. Your money. As long as bills are ok, do what you please
Throw the man out and buy your baby twice as much as you usually would for his Easter.
You do what you want for your child
Just do what YOU want to do!! Don’t let him stop you!!! Show him the door!!!
Your kids come first!
if he is controlling you now…
it’s a huge red flag
drop his butt
Just do what you do and go all out. If he’s upset by it tell him it’s your kid and your money, he doesn’t really have a say since he’s just the boyfriend. If he gets upset tell him to do something else ny himself for Easter and Stay away from you guys if it upsets him so much
there’s no such thing as over board I do the same you only live once n he will have awesome memories. Sounds like ur man might be a little jealous. Wants one to.
Get a new boyfriend. If he’s that demanding before marriage look out after.
Your kid comes first
This is your child children are to be loved and cherished you stand up for yourself and do what you want. My mom brought over Easter Baskets well into my 40s stick up for yourself and your child. Your child always comes first
Do what your heart tells you! Make memories, he’s only little for awhile!!!
Why would you let anyone tell you what to do with your kids? Is he the father? If not he has no say. Especially if your spending your own money! You go all out he is only 5 once…
I do the same for my son!! Seeing the joy on their face is the best feeling, don’t let anyone take that away from you! Our babies are only young once. Sounds like he needs to move out just as quickly as he moved in. I would tell him to let the door hit him on his way out!
Go all out anyway. Your boyfriend doesn’t get to dictate what gifts you get for your child. Our babies will only be little for so long, so celebrate big.
Ask him what his issue is and what it would do to ruin his (the bf) life if you did what you wanted for your son on a holiday. It’s not an everyday thing and your bf being a douche about it is totally unnecessary. Sounds like a controller.
Go all out, you’ll never regret it.
Find out what he is stressing about…. Money? Too much stuff? Then try and going from that angle ( if it’s money then let him know how you will still spend in your guys budget maybe others are pitching in or you have a side job or if it’s about stuff do a goodwill run) but I agree you should still be able to go cra lol I will need to donate plasma after this
It’s your child and he comes before anyone, do the basket and get rid of the boyfriend he’s controlling
Not his kid. He gets zero say.
That being said, I would never allow anyone who spoke to me that way in my life and around my children. Time for him to be an ex!
He yelled at you?? He’d be gone so damn quick.
if your boyfriend doesn’t want you to go all out for your son, you need a new boyfriend sweetie, boyfriend can come and go. you cannot replace a son, because they come in a lifetime. <3
That should be an easy choice. Your son comes first. If that upsets your boyfriend so much then maybe that should be a sign he’s not meant to be in your life
Get rid of the prick now
Your son should always come first!!
Go all out for your son!!! It’s not his decision and he shouldn’t be shaming you for something you and your son enjoy!
Is he paying for it if not tell him to shut up
Your child comes first.Sorry not going to tell me how or what to do for my child .Your son is 5 yrs old.You said it a boyfriend
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass!
Easter is actually a more important holiday on the Christian calendar. That’s not the point of course. I don’t have the whole story, but on the surface, if he’s yelling at you for money spent on your kid, I’d invite him to move back out.
Sounds like he might be jealous of ur child! Dump his ass
Get rid of your kid now it only gets worse as they get older.
Dump the boyfriend! YOUR Cjild is YOURS to Spoil
Give your boyfriend an egg, maybe on his head, and say goodbye forever .
I would tell him you respect his opinion, but he just moved in. You don’t have to change what you would normally do, just because he lives there now. That does sound controlling.
Your son comes first. The boyfriend knew you had a son and should accept that. I do agree that Easter is not another Christmas. Do a nice Easter and make memories.
You’re not the boss of me!
When it comes to MY child (and any future kids) I will do what I think is best!!!
If you can’t be a kid,when your a kid, what your child will remember,is the drastic difference,when he who must be obeyed showed up.
Girl,like u said ( Boy) friend will come & go .your son happiness is a life time memory.
Dump the boyfriend
Your kid, your money your choice. Why does he think he has a say?
You just do what you’ve always done for your son
Kids don’t ask to be born. Kick him to the curb and find another guy who loves kids. Kids always come first!!! Don’t subject your child with such negativity from him.
Show him the door and then slam it as he leaves lol
He is your son. You have the ultimate say in what you do. If you want to spoil him then give him the moon. The boyfriend either needs to deal with it or move aside. Your son will always come first. He knew this going into the relationship.
You “SON” should always come first!!!
Move the boyfriend out he can Afford a house for you to live in he’s living in your house no girlfriend move him out