Yup boyfriend must go!!
My wife does the same and I had an issue with it in the beginning but in the end, there happiness lasts longer than money saved so go all out if you want because soon the won’t want to even do a basket
Go all out for your son and ignore what he’s saying you are that boys mom if you want to have a big Easter for him nothing should stop you
Do what u want…it’s your child…boyfriends come and go
This is easy. Kick the loser bf out and do what you want to do for your son. It’s not up to him.
Choose your kid. I’m confused how this is even a question
Its your kid! Tell him to deal with it or GTFO
Shouldn’t even be a question. Your kid always comes first not some random dude.
Show your soon to be “Ex” the door…it’s your house, your son!
My som would come first ‘’’
Kids first. Bad attitude boyfriend? Out the door. Think of this as just a preview of the future.
Your mom, you do what your heart tells you your happy doing for your son. Tell him not to over step his boundaries.
Children should always come first , show bully boy the door
Tell your boyfriend he doesn’t get a vote until such time when he can have you move-in with him. Until then he’s a guest@
Wait until Christmas it will only get worse, then what?
This stage of treating our children to holiday surprises like Easter baskets doesn’t even last long enough, enjoy it while you can.
So my first reaction was “kick this mfer to the curb” until I got to the second Christmas part. I’m a mom that loves to go all out but my hubby always tells me I’m doing too much. He truly said those exact words to me, “It’s not a second Christmas baby!” And he’s right!! Your bf may not be approaching you the correct way but he has a valid point. We can more than afford to go all out but once you open that box (parents going all out for every occasion even the small ones) it’s damn near impossible to close! Doesn’t always have the best outcome either.
Tell him to go pound sand. You are his mother and should raise him as you want. The boyfriend sounds jealous and controlling. Dump him. I don’t see his behavior changing and you don’t want that type of behavior being around you or your son.
do what u always do making a kid happy will not cause your child problems in later life a bad man will i am a 70 year old man and i believe in kindness and happiness are important to kids
Don’t you just love how they change after you move in together. smh Personally I would do what I want. My kid, and you arent taking away from him. Period.
You had the kid first. Just saying
I just bought 200 easter eggs and candy stuffers and 2 sets of giant sand toys and 4 things of confetti eggs for my 1 year old and 2 year old nah girl drop him you don’t need that negativity in your life
Child comes first they are only little once. My husband and me always spoil the kids we put ourselves last our kids basically get a new toy or something they want at the store because they are good kids and listen and because we always make it work. The boyfriend seems to have controlling issues who cares if it’s not a second Christmas if you been doing yrs prior to said boyfriend and you can afford it go for it momma like everyone else has stated they are only little once they grow fast spoil your baby
You’re the parent. The “boyfriend” is not. You (only) make the parent decisions. He actually yelled at you about it? Get rid of him!!!
Tell him to get out I Do not treat my step kids like that
He’s already trying to control you
Get rid of the boyfriend !
If you don’t put your child first in any situation regarding a man, you aren’t a good mom. You do you though.
Why does everyone jump straight to show him the door? Wouldn’t it be enough to set a boundary and be done with that? Y’all are going to die some lonely ass women
Tell ya boyfriend to piss off ?
Don’t try to handle it because of him, do what you always did with your son, otherwise there’s always going to be something that he wants you to do differently, he’s a controller.
Don’t change what you do. I will say tho hes 5 go ahead have fun with it enjoy it 5 to me is the best easter fun. Happy easter!
Get rid of the boyfriend! Your child should always come first no matter what.
They’re kids such a short time. Honestly the need to understand the meaning of holidays and fun, but an Easter basket and some new clothes is not too much. Unless, money is the isdue, then color a couple of eggs, draw Easter pictures, be happy and your kid will be happy.
He is your child, if you want to treat him over easter than do it. Sounds like your man is jealous of your child and is throwing adult dummy out of his pram !!
I will be the odd man out here, I will be the one to say …how “all out” Are we talking here? If half the living room is filled with crap from the Easter bunny (as the boyfriend stated this isn’t second Christmas) I mean that may be a little unnecessary. If my newly moved in boyfriend actually YELLED about it and not a rational conversation stating WHY to not go “all out” his face would catch these hands though
The kid was there before the guy and will be there after he’s gone! Do for your kid! Sounds like a red flag to me.
Y our son should always come first make your son happy always
Say goodbye Better to be single than wish you were. He’s a control freak and will eventually make you and your son miserable. It is none of his business what you get for your child
Good time to make a decision. If you do not like it maybe you should pack your clothes back up and move along!
Tell him if he carries on he won’t be having the roast he will be the roast! Prick
First he’s not worth it never pick a “partner” over your child !!! Second explain to him that if you can’t go all out for your kid then you Can’t go all out for him ! Example That thing he likes that you don’t really care for but you do it just for him Lol
If this makes you and you son happy Go for it You are only a child once Happy Easter
It depends on how u feel about the relationship with your boyfriend. Does your son like/love him. Is your boyfriend someone u see spending your life with. Until that time he’s your son. There comes a time that the boyfriend needs to become like a father and then decisions need to be made together. However until that point he’s your son and it’s your choice. I do recommend not giving him everything he wants. A little spoiling is good, a lot you will have a spoiled child.
He’s your son. Set the boundaries now and if he don’t like it he can find the door! No one comes before your children!!
It is time, boyfriend, there is the door, GOODBYE,
Your children are always #1 in life. They are only with us for a short 18 years, and it’s amazing how quickly that time flies by… I would never tell the boyfriend off as far as my kids are concerned, but it is always true that the #1 responsibility to your children is yours and kids always come before anyone else. Period.
Facebook post VS Conversation. You’ve tried one… now try the other.
Your son, your decision . Your bairns happiness Always !
I second that kick rocks
I say bye, Felecia!! You’re not even married so it’s not anything you should have to discuss with him. I’d do what I wanted but not mention it to the bf anymore (unless he’s paid for it he can’t complain).
I think you should break up you guys are definitely not on the same page this will only end up in heartbreak and sorrow for you and your son
Kid comes first. Fuck that dude
Get rid of the boyfriend
Go do what want it your kid tell get on pace with you or go
Always put your kids first!!
Kick the boyfriend out and you’ll have more room for your sons stuff!
Always choose your child no man is worth your child
Tell him that if he doesn’t like it to hit the road and don’t come back. His actions are a sign of being a CONTROL FREAK. Get rid of him before it’s too late.
No one should come before your child.
It makes your child happy and you happy then do it for your child love between mother and child is strong
You can do whatever you want to do. Send him packing!
Time to cut the boyfriend cord. He has no right to rule you and that’s what he is doing. Get rid of him!!
He’s your son, not your boyfriends.
Let go of him ! If you listen to him this time , he will believe you have to listen to him always ! If he really wanted to be good with you , he’d help you go all put for your son specially if he already moved in with you .
Fick dude, kick rocks.
Kids first. You ALWAYS MAKE HOLIDAYS SPECIAL FOR YOUR KIDS. No man, daddy or not gone tell me what to do with HOLIDAYS or My KIDS
Do a magic trick. Turn that boyfriend into an ex-boyfriend.
Too controlling! Who does your boyfriend think he is?
Your son is forever a boyfriend that is jealous is not good for your son and boyfriend s come and go your son come s first get the boyfriend away from your son before there is a bigger problem
The control will only get worse
You go all out for your kid. Seems like an easy answer to me.
DUMP HIM NOW!!! you only got a year in with him. Your child is only young ONCE, spoil him and Always Always make him FIRST!!! Get Rid of the Man
Tell him you will do what you want, when you want, for whom you want, especially when it comes to your kid. Do not put this man before your child. And if he is going to try to dictate your life and what you do then you should show him the door if it is a pattern.
Spoil the child it’s Easter, you only been with this guy a year why let him dictate what you do with your child if you were together longer then I’d understand.
This guy sounds like a control freak and if you allow him to stay it will end badly. Show him the door and make Easter special for your son.
Your child comes before a boyfriend, always.Hes not your boss,either
your child will resent you if you don’t stick up for them now
Girl you do whatevernyou wanna do for your son any man who gives a damn about your son would wanna spoil him too! Drop the dude and spoil that baby!
Noone will tell me I can’t spoil my kid . So I’d leave if that was me.
Your child always comes first
Time to move on children first boyfriend last maybe u should get him a basket.
Umm… you tell the boyfriend to hop along while you keep being a mom… duh
Why is this even a question?! Your kids always comes first. One of the reasons why I left my ex was because he treated my kids like shit. Don’t come into my house and think you can treat my children like that. My husband now is amazing with my kids they love him and he loves them and he respects my parenting
Kids first always my kids dad tried that lol didnt get far with mama
well ur kid come first get rid of ur boy freind
The guys is a moron period
I’d be worried ! This could very well be a sign of things to come.
Do what you want it’s ur kid and ur kid should come first anyway
His moving in was your first mistake. Kick the bum out and lead your life the way YOU want to.
Show the boyfriend the door. He’s your son, and you should raise him as you see fit. This sounds like the beginning of more problems to come. Boyfriend sounds like someone that wants to control you and the relationship.
Get rid of the boyfriend ASAP if he’s already trying to control and change your ways with your son that is a big red flag!
If he isn’t paying for it, he has no say about it!!
Go all out! He doesn’t get to decide what you do for your son!
I hear a loud warning bell, listen to it !
Show him the door with a big message my son comes first
You should have got to know this guy better before making him your boyfriend, and letting him move in. Better re-evaluate now before it gets way too far gone and its 5 years from now and he is 10x worse.
Buy the boyfriend a basket to. Lol
Go all out for your kids!!! He ain’t their dad
I say it’s your child and so do what makes you happy. If he doesn’t like it tell him not to let the door hit him in the a$$ on his way out. Good luck…
Your kids come first. Unless it causes a financial burden do it!!!
Even if he was your husband the child is your son. I would say that he has a right to his opinion and he might advise you in a loving way that you’re going overboard and possibly spoiling your son, but to “yell” at you? I’m sorry but he’s way out of line with that!