My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

How you treat your son is not his business. Maybe he’s jealous. Buy him an Easter egg/ bunny. If that doesn’t sate him, show him the door. This isn’t going to get any better!


Going “All out” and spending money on children is trying to buy love and is giving children a false impression of what love really is in addition to raising another generation of spoiled children. Easter is a religious holiday turned into another opportunity for corporations to grab your money.
Want to spoil your child? Spoil them with time…spoil them with actual attention. Talk to them…take them places that will inspire them. People are so brainwashed with the I gotta out do everyone else to show my love is pure bullshit!
Now change my mind…

Easter is NOT a bunny!! Teach him what Easter really is all about

Sounds like he wants to control u, and it won’t stop there ,if he isnt paying for it why does he care ,do what u wanna do he’ll get over it or hit the road but u need to make it perfectly clear that he is ur son and u will do what u have always done , and if he can’t handle that then hit the door ,big flag popping up here so watch for more,

Dump him and find one you can marry.

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Pfft. I do what i want for my son.

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Red flag….yelled at you….he can move back out. Next comes yelling at the kids


Not his child. Not his business. Period.


I am 40 yrs old and my son is 12 and i will do an Easter egg hunt and get him, my niece and nephew Easter baskets until the day i die!!! What is wrong with having a little fun. Especially with everything going on in the world! Anything to bring a little happiness! It isnt hurtin anyone. Its a time to celebrate. With chocolate’s and candy. :hugs::raised_hands::blush:

So, are you asking if your boyfriend is more important than your son? Or if your life and traditions have value? Only you can answer that.


And what does it matter to him. It is your son! And he is only 5 !! Best time to celebrate Easter. The Easter Bunny is coming. Lol. They dont stay little for very long! Do whatever you want! It’s ridiculous he even has a problem!!! :roll_eyes:


Kick him out quickly. There should be nothing more precious than your child. Boyfriends are a dime a dozen.


Point out that it is your son, and this is how I do it! If he doesn’t like it, he can leave! Your son was there first!


It’s your child you do what you want to do for him and if your boyfriend doesn’t support and understand that then maybe you need to discuss with him that it’s not his place to judge.

Remove him from your life

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YOU DO WHAT YOU FEEL IS APPROPRIATE!! NOT HIS BUSINESS!! RED, RED, RED FLAG!!! What is the next item that he won’t approve of??!! Easter is religious & fun!! Kids grow up fast!! Please do not let this man control you!! Think with your HEAD!!!


I agree as long as you can afford too.

Your money, your son; send him packing!

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Do you have a job? None of his concern if it’s your money. Not something I would do but it’s your choice

Who is raising this child, you or the “boyfriend” This is absolutely NONE of his business! Boyfriends come and go, but your child should be there until he is grown and children are not stupid. If the “boyfriend” cared about your son, he would not want to interfere in your celebration concerning your child. You need to RUN!

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Your kid is always more important. Screw him. Buy the gifts.

I think you know what you should do. Your son is 5 and every Easter you’ve gone out for him. Boyfriend just moved in and is already telling you what to do! If you let him tell you what to do now without talking it out, he’ll remain the same and you’ll be the one making all the sacrifices and you’ll have no say over what you can or can’t do for your son or with him. Show him the door xx


Why should he care? Go all out mom, these are precious years you never get back. He’s 5 and should enjoy his Easter. This guy sounds controlling I’d watch out for any man telling me what to do about anything.

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Wowwww… I have 3 kids and 1 on the way (1 from a previous, 2step, and expecting in June!)… and we go all out for all the kids and split it equally!!! Thats a big red flag if he thinks you’re doing “too much” and isn’t treating your kid equally!!

But also how was holidays for him as a kid? Maybe he’s not used to having big holidays, so it’s weird to him… what we’re his traditions like as a kid??? Maybe you can show him what your traditions were and he can show his and you can combine them together?? :woman_shrugging:

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It is one thing to celebrate a holiday, but Teach the kid what the holiday really is about. Easter is About our Lord Jesus Christ, not getting 50 lbs of candy, or getting presents…That is the problem today, No one teaches these kids correctly any more…They just spoiled brats…

Easter is about Jesus. Not candy.

Do what you want to do. He is your son.

Boy sounds like a tool.

Take a stand, your child is important right now. Beware meanness, it comes in all forms.

Do whatever you want! How are you going to change the relationship you have with your Son for him? You shouldn’t be torn! PERIOD’T! Thats just insane.

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This post is stupid by the way!!! There shouldn’t even be a question.

So he moved in with you and he’s calling the shots? Turf him - now! You’ll never get these precious times back with your wee boy. Next time, find yourself a nice bloke who isn’t a bully/control freak and wait until your child is older before you move another ‘father’ figure in or else the poor child will be screwed up. xx


My kids will always come before a boyfriend. It would be a different discussion if you were married… fortunately my husband and I have similar thoughts.

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Show him the door. Your kids come first.


Your son you buy what you want for him.

I wouldn’t listen to your boyfriend. Its not his role to decide

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is he paying for it? Are you married? Does he have kids that you don’t treat that way ? I would find a way to agree or leave him.

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Your Son must always come 1st, your Boyfriend has come into this relationship and must respect what you do for your child. If it is something that you have always done why change…It’s called making memories, don’t let your partner dictate what you do for your Son. My children/grandchildren always comes 1st.

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Tell him to leave cos your son isn’t going anywhere
Don’t ever make a mistake that make you choose between him or your son

Di what what you know is right. I would and do spoil mine idc who likes it as long as it makes my child and me happy who ever in our life should respect and appreciate that.

Your child comes first. Always

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Run away as fast as you can. Cody.

He is your son, not his and what you do with regards to your son is none of his damn business

Yelled at you? Send him packing. It will only become worse.

Get rid of him. Not a good sign.

I say F*ck him. BF’s come and go. But your son is your son. You and your son are a family. The BF is an outsider who has been granted the privilege of being a part of that. His role is to fit in seamlessly with the status quo concerning how things are done in your family, not disrupt it. Do UP Easter big for your son and tell BF to sit tf down, or keep it movin, right back out the door he came in. Best of Luck, sis! :orange_heart:

Umm it may be time to give him the cut !!


He’s your boyfriend not husband or the child’s father so therefore he can voice his opinion but at the end of the day it’s your child and your choice what you decide is enough or to much! Although i can understand he might have concerns that if you are going over board it could be very expensive if you ever decide to have additional children as your son will continue to expect just as much or more every year and you’d be obligated to do the same for any additional children you do have. But most of us mom are guilty of going over board at some point because well we love seeing are child/children happy. With that its still your decision but remember you decided to invite this man into yours and your child’s life and if it’s a serious relationship than you should be able to take his opinion and concerns into consideration without being immature about it immediately saying well it’s my son ect … like for a example did you ask why he felt it was too much? If your honest with yourself are you going to far overboard? Was this stated because you can’t really afford all the extra stuff that you bought? Honestly no one could really immediately damn this guy and say oh leave him ect when I’m sure there is more to this story. Tbh :woman_shrugging:t2:

Bye bye baby my kids are more important!! This is just the beginning it will get worse. Red flag!!!

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Boyfriend needs to go asap!

Do what you want to do with your son. Who is he to tell you other wise? Your house, your son, your life.

Do what you want he’s not the boss

When I was a teen both my brother and I had issues with my step dad. Our mom sat us down and said we were in the wrong and she is on his side… so even if he was in the right my brother and I took this as she has chosen her husband over us. This put so much strain on our relationship and we still do not have much of a relationship with our mom. So even though this is just a Easter Basket to your son it may not be and he may take it wrong that your choosing his side over him. Plus if its not your boyfriends $ he really doesnt have a say in the case. Plus this is something that was happening before he came into the family. As an adult he should respect the tradition even if he doesnt agree.

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Spend more money on 1 or 2 nice things. Haha. Then add candy n smalls on top. Tell him you got this n it’s all good. :blush:

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U. Go. All. Out. For. Easter

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Thats. Your. Son. Red. Flag. Girl


Lose the dumbass and keep spoiling your child! Keep the magic alive for your child.

Its your kid. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: why the fuck does he even get a say. Tell him to shut up

Out he goes. Kids come first, and NO one was allowed to tell me what I could or could not do for my kids!!!

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Your son comes first!

And if your bf is yelling at you for that, well, it will get worse… verbal abuse is not acceptable!
Plus, he’s not that much of a bf…move on.


Teach them what Easter is all about!

get rid of the boyfriend ASAP


It’s none of his business unless you’re asking him to pay for it . Tell him
To get bent.


Sorry but kids always come first they didn’t ask to be born

END the relationship w/boyfriend -


Do what you want to do for YOUR son! The boyfriend needs to respect your decision and know it’s yours to make, not his!

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If you let him get away with this, it will only get worse. Control. That’s what it is. Don’t let him!!!

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Tell him you appreciate his input, but the decision rests with you.

BIG RED FLAG! PUT HIM OUT NOW! YOU’RE “AFRAID” of drama with him? What about your child? The child is your first obligation not some grown man! You aren’t in a good relationship if he’s telling you how to care for YOUR child! RUN! If you let him stay you’re picking your own needs and wants over the best future for your child! Been there, done that. Men like him never change. They only get worse and I’m sure this isn’t your first red Flagg or bump in the road with him. Face the truth! Don’t be selfish!


I’d say get rid of the boyfriend fast. When you are a mother of young children, your first responsibility is to your children. An important fact I hope you always remember. Guys like this are a dime a dozen and not fit to be around children if this is their attitude.

Um it’s ur kid. He can either shut up about what u want to do for ur kid or get tf out

Give him his things as his Easter basket and tell him to kick rocks. Your child will come before any man. Period.

Just tone it down a little?! Maybe?

Go all out for your kid. If you did it before you should continue. Honestly your son might start to resent him if he feels that his life is being changed dramatically with him in it. That’s something you do for your kid and he really shouldn’t have a say in it. That’s how I would handle it.

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Your son will be your son forever, your boyfriend not so much. He should understand how you feel about your son.

Get rid of him he’s jealous of your son


Boyfriends are replaceable. Your son isn’t. Do you mama :heart:

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Front door right there

Sorry but your kids come first hes just being a bully and your letting him choose where there shouldnt be a choice. Kids first.

You do what you want for YOUR child.

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If money is not tight buy what YUO want for your son

RED FLAG!!! Kick him out and spoil YOUR baby! The boyfriend is REPLACEABLE! He isn’t YOUR son’s dad! Get rid of the BF

YOUR CHILD COMES BEFORE ANY MAN, if you want to go all out for him then do it babes, don’t let someone that’s only been in your life for a year tell you what you can and can’t do for YOUR son.:heart::heart:

Your child … your rules … blokey doesn’t like it … show him the door


You do your thing. Whatever you want to do and can afford, for your son. They’re only this little for a short time, but all that you put into your son now, your time, these memories, he will grow and learn from. Boyfriend? Not so much. I’d tell him to get on board or take the day away while you concentrate on your son. And maybe rethink the whole thing.

Are you paying for it? Then tell your boyfriend to “read a book”.
In other words, (pee off).

Keep teaching pagan ways and they’ll grow up not knowing who they REALLY ARE​:fire::fire::fire::kissing_heart:

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Men come and go, sons are forever and they love their mom’s unconditionally don’t change for a man, so not worth it!!


You continue to do what you’ve done. He can shut the heck up. Not his kid. NOW if you feel you were doing too much then his input would be ok

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Kick his ass to the curb and spoil and love your baby he’s only little for a short time

I would just ask myself if this is what you want to wake up to and deal with the rest of your life… if no, then release him and find someone who is more like you, especially when it comes to your kids


I doubt this relationship will last…he’s all ready trying to control rather than discuss the matter “on an adult level”

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Ditch that bitch…dont you dare let that man run your life💔

Your traditions…your son. Your boyfriend needs to understand that this is how you roll. Before you know it your son will be grown and Baskets will stop. Get alittle something for your boyfriend too. Enjoy your Easter

I totally agree with Cathy

Make him one too. Men are children and have jealousy issues

“Easter” is a pagan holiday. Look it up, the pagan goddess “Esther”. Ēostre - Wikipedia

Nowhere in the Bible does it talk about bunnies representing the resurrection of Christ.


Please, run, it’s your kid and you should be allowed to do what you want, it’s not his and he has no right telling you what you can and can’t do.


Your son… your choice…


Your child should ALWAYS come before boyfriend.