Could be a worrying sign what else will he want to ‘control’ do as you normally would for your child if Mr acts up show him the door
Communication probs already? Bye bye… what are you gonna do when something serious comes up?
First of all it’s your kid You do whatever you please nobody in this world can tell you otherwise. If he has such a big problem he needs to step aside. Bottom line your child your rules
Your kids all the way…don’t even hesitate…
Do what you want. Don’t lose sight of the real reason of Easter though. I always made sure my kids knew the meaning behind Christmas and Easter and that it wasn’t just for presents.
Kids before everyone and everything.
You can handle it by getting a new BOYFRIEND! Just think about the future and how it’ll be w him. Spoil the kid!
Remind both the true reason for Easter.
Wow it’s a know brainer, but you seeking help on FB disturbs me,you need to take a good look in the mirror !
If he didn’t pay, he has no say. That said…do you spoil your child frequently?? I don’t know you, so don’t know how you raise him…: I find it hard to step in with my opinion because I don’t know ALL the circumstances…
Do your best for your son FIRST
My kid my chose you don’t like it leave
This is controlling behavior. Why should he care about this so much?
Go all out for your children they are children just for a while
Honestly there shouldn’t be any drama with him. If you’re spending your money on your child and you’ve always done so the 5 years he’s been your child why change over your boyfriends opinion? You do what you feel is right. I feel as though he should t even make a comment about how you choose to spend your money on your child holiday or not.
Your son takes priority. Why are you letting this man be the boss of your? You’re a grown woman. Do what you want for YOUR son.
Teach him the real meaning of Easter
Where he’s young a new outfit
Pail and shovel he can play ourtsife with a a few candies should please him
If not du
P his goat stinking birthday
Tell him to get the hell out
Men come and go but your child doesn’t that’s your lil man forever. Spoil him with your money and if guy has issues then maybe it’s time to tell him so.
Better think about this fellow, he could be narsistic
Never let a man dictate the way you care for your child. If you have to choose the mans feelings over your child then he that man should not be in your life. I spoiled my kids for Easter and Valentines day when they were small. If he isn’t the one spending the money he can keep his mouth shut. But in all honesty leave before you end up in worse situations.
Do what you had planned x
Keep your traditions, The boyfriend needs to understand your ways with your child.
Tell him if he don’t like it he can always go back to where he came from. Xxx
Your kid, your rules
Ele se não gosta que vá embora o teu filho está em primeiro lugar fazes muito bem em o mimar
If you can afford it , do . It’s your child , but get him something nice as well and when he moans about that , then get rid
Loose him Girlfriend he is the Easter Gringe
It’s your son, not his. You do what you want. Your child is your first priority, not him. There can be many reasons why your boyfriend is so upset. If he will talk, listen and not yell, maybe get him an Easter basket too! Get both of them one! If he still complains, then a good talk to find out why he’s so upset about it, other than “you’re doing too much!” Then you really need to have a strong talk to yourself if the guy is safe to be with you and your child. You’re the little one’s Mom! Enjoy loving your son with lots of goodies in his Easter basket! Those will be great memories for him.
Easter is the Holiest holiday of the year; more so than Christmas. Some Easter candy is fine, but take the opportunity to teach the meaning of the holiday.
Never put a man before your son
Tell him to get effed. That’s your child and your money and if you wanna spoil him then spoil him. He can go if he has issues with you loving your child.
Your child comes 1st! He’s a loser, get rid of him!!!
You do for your son don’t worry about your boyfriend
Ummmm that’s your child ma’am. Men come and go. You get that baby whatever the hell you want to with your own money. Your boyfriend should appreciate that you love and provide for your son.
Get a better boyfriend.
Truly, maybe he should go back to his own place
It’s not his kid so it’s none of his business. I have an only child and almost every holiday is Christmas for her.
You really need his permission? Run girl run away from that mess!!
Get out the back, jack…don’t try to be coy, roy. Make a new plan, stan. Just get yourself free!!!
You got that right……throw his sorry ass out!!!
Omg whats the boyfriend still doing there show him the pigging door if he like this when he has not long moved in then after a few months he will have your poor boy locked in a cupboard, never ever put anyone b4 your children,in fact i would go and buy 2 massive baskets of easter goodies
Exactly, Jan….you tell her!
Tell the boyfriend to eff off.
Kick that dude out & go all out for your child.
Kick him out and go big for your kid. That man doesn’t come first
You tell him you will do with your child as you wish. If he doesn’t like it he can hit the road. This is such a sad story that you are wondering what you should do.
Yes. They are only little once.Spoil the hell out of them.
Show him the door. Your getting a taste of a controlling sob
Be patient with him. He probably never experienced the kind of attention you show your child when he was a child. There may be some repressed feelings. Get him an Easter basket also so he doesn’t feel left out. By Halloween he will be going all out too.
Betchu she don’t kick him out!
You always go out for your son and tell the man to kiss oh kate.
Boyfriend needs to go out the same way he came in.
Now you may be going overboard on Easter basket, however , It’s your business and bf does not have a say in this. Yeah, he needs to go.
Find another boyfriend
Leave while u still can. Its none of his business. Unless there are other reasons such as debt in the home etc and he’s worried more about finances not the actual buying of gifts x
Agree, might be time to tell him goodbye.
Your child comes first period, this shouldn’t even be a question he was your no.1 before this guy and that should not change. If you stop doing things you’ve always done for your son now it could also cause your son to to feel resent towards this man.
This guy is not a keeper …Your son is a lifer……You do the math
I think your bf needs to learn how to handle himself-
Sounds like a rocky road ahead with conflicts regarding your Son.
Be careful.
This is showing what your future will be like and it will only gets worse.
It’s your kid not his. Do what you want to do.
F this douche canoe🤷do what you want for for babyas long as you fund and he don’t do crap towards it he can kick rocks. I said what I said. Not sorry.
selfish!!! send him packing
Dump he. He will only get worse
If it makes you happy and you have the means to do it then I say do it if it isn’t going to put any extra financial stress on you then what’s the harm. I’m the type of person who loves holidays and I love going all out to but I try to remember that it’s just one day and that if it’s going to hurt me financially to go all out then I tone it back a bit. But these are moments you won’t ever get back with your baby they just grow up so fast. So I say tell him not his kid not his business & that he doesn’t have to contribute to the basket and just do it on your own
That’s your son, not his. I would find someone else if I were you. If he’s like this now, you are heading for trouble. Your son should come first before anyone else. Just my opinion.
He is stepping way out of line, yall have been dating for a year and you have a 5 year old son. That’s not his son. And not his say. Your his mom, you have the final word. I would break up with him, if he is this controlling about nothing, think about how much worse it can get
Tell your boyfreind to Fuck Off and do what you want xx
Your choice your child. He needs to back off. If not sure nice knowing you;
It’s your damn kid! Spoil away! Boyfriend needs to understand that your kid will always come before boyfriend and if he can’t accept that he needs to kick rocks.
I think your boyfriend needs a big stuffed bunny and an Easter basket. When my girls were little on Easter I would buy them something special like season pass to Great Adventure, or s new bike. Something for spring or summer, because at Christmas time if I bought them s bike they would not be able to use a bike on the winter with the snow and ice on the sidewalk
you kid comes first he doesn’t sound like a very good guy
Get rid of the boyfriend, your son is more important.
Your son your decision. He seems controlling. Yes your kid not his.
Hear hear get rid of him
Boo on him he can eat half and egg
Sounds like he didn’t have a good childhood. Tell him it’s part of a parents responsibility to love one’s children. Tell him you understand and invite him to be part of the festivities together. If he’s too broken to accept, then yes dump.
You’ve been together about a year and he’s “yelling” at you? Thats a sign of bad things to come.
You do what you’ve always done for your child. You don’t let a man that just came along dictate how you are with your child. What if you have one with him ?
Yuck. Get rid of him.
Make him a little basket? Sounds like he didn’t get to experience this kind of thing, and it’s not fair to your kid if you want to spoil him on a holiday. Maybe making your boyfriend feel included might make him open up to it?
I hope you guys can still have a great Easter
Your boyfriend has no right telling you what to do with your son. He moved in with you so he is not boss. Tell him is your son & I will continue with my tradition at Easter.
no more boyfriend…if he’s like this now, he will only get worse.
Tell him Christ was born on Christmas, but He rose from the dead on Easter. No one should be yelled at for being good to their child.
Listen your son is 5 if you have gone all out on Easter for I’m for the past 5 years then you continue to do so! Your boyfriend has no say if it’s not his money! Your son your money your rules sorry!! If y’all where married, and it was his son then he would have a say but y’all have not been together long enough for him for make those decisions about your child
Go all out it’s your kid. Tell that newbie if he wants to stay shut up or leave
Your money you do it, if he give you Drama about it. If its his money he has a say! But he has to think, so do you.
Sjame man jou boyfriend ken seker maar die waarheid…good for him
Get rid of the boyfriend now
You’re kid you’re rules. Holidays are magical for kids. Don’t let him ruin it.
Your son should be priority. Plus if he’s that way now, he’ll get worse.
Get rid of the boyfriend, he can be replaced, your son can’t. If he is this way now, it will get worse. Daughter had a husband like that, it only gets worse.
Tell his ass to hit the road. My children come 1st.
Do what you want for your Son! They are only young once- no permission needed!!
Do what you want he needs to stay in his lane
If you don’t look out for your son who will. Boyfriend’s come and go children are for a life time
Go all out for your son. He is 5 years old. If you’re boyfriend doesn’t understand that it’s the Easter Bunny to your son and not you doing it then he isn’t a father figure you want around your son.
Sorry. Your son was there before the guy. Your son will always be your son. There’s no question where your loyalty should be.
If it’s your money buying the Easter stuff then I’d let him know that going all out for Easter is a family tradition that has been a part of the love that you show your little one every Easter and that part of your life is something you’re not about to change. If he’s paying maybe he’s not as financially secure as you may hope.
Either way, Happy Easter to you and your family and many more.