My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Dump him. Immediately.

Go all out for your son! If he isn’t stoked about spoiling your child for a holiday, girl move on! These are your sons childhood memories. You should have a partner that supports the love of your son.


Tell him to go back on his back and paddle back to mommy

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He can get over himself and let they baby have a amazing Easter shit

Your kid your rules.


That’s your child and if its your money he really has no say.

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Don’t waste another year with a man that YELLS at you for how you raise your child!! Guurllll, thats a BIG RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Um no, you do right by your kid always. If you feel like going all out and you can afford that, do it.

Kick his douche-y ass out and spoil that baby! He has no right to yell at you, let alone tell you what you can or can’t buy for them.

Your money, your child, your Easter. Huge red flags, he is very controlling.


GO all out for your kid!


Get rid of boyfriend. Lol

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Evidently he doesn’t love you, because if he did he would love who you love.


Is there a underlying issue? Do you have the money? Does it stress you out thinking you need to do this? Have you asked him why it matters to him? I mean 5 is still young and a 5 yr old still believes in Easter. Does he feel left out? Have a talk with him and let him know you would like to involve him- hell, maybe he needs a basket for himself :woman_shrugging:t3:men are big babies JS

Screw em, thats your son, and his not your husband to be making orders at you <3

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Is he paying for it ?? Does he pay rent ? Your house, your child ! :sparkling_heart:

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Who cares what he says hes just a bf. He can go


Seems as if you’re boyfriend should just move right back out


Leave and take care of your son!


Your his mother, do whatever you want with your son,

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You’ve been together less then a year and he is being assertive in how you handling your child with holidays? Is he already financially responsible for your kid? Do you work? Who pays your bills? You need to set boundaries and set them now or else this has the potential to turn into something it doesn’t need to be. His opinion is fine but unless it is him paying for all of it including the bills, i think it should be heard for what it is an opinion.


My kids my rules- I use my money on my kids. you are not married.


If you want to spoil him your mom!! You have the right!:heart:

Get rid of the BF he is too much.

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Your kid should be priority. He can fuck all the way off.

Do it and go all out. Your kids are your kids with or without him. They are only little for a little bit. I don’t know why these “men” think they can dictate what we do

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I would go all out on my son if it was me!! I know he will always be there and who knows if your bf will be there next Easter. I have always put my son before any man!!

Do whatever you want to do. It’s your kid.

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Explain to him this is the way you have always done Easter with your son, and that’s just the way it is :woman_shrugging:t2:

?? You have only been with him a year. Your son has been with you 5. Tell him to get over it or move along. Red flag number one :triangular_flag_on_post: controlling what you buy for your child when he has no right.


Tell him to STFU!! Easter is my favorite holiday and I always go all out for my kids

Do you want you want to do!!! It’s your child and your decision. Don’t change what you do because someone gets mad.

Not his kid not his say :roll_eyes:


He is your boyfriend…do what you want for your child

Continue what you did before meeting him! Your son will notice, trust me. Your boyfriend needs to understand that. I just learned that lesson. I’m still with the boyfriend and things are better in them areas but I have resentment as a mother myself that I let love for a man change how I show love towards my child in some sort. Now we both are one the same grounds with it but things could have been better in the start or he could of kept on moving! Your child is the only one who can’t come and go and they’re only little once. Mine just turned six and three. Happy Easter :rabbit2:

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You do what you always have for your children. That’s just silly.

Your kid comes first kick him to curb

I ignore and do what I want…my kid and if I’m paying for it…kiss my arse

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Kick him out.!! He has no right to say anything
He will only get worse


Wow he should be treating your kid as his own :thinking:

Yr child comes 1st… remember time is worth more then things, but if u choose to spoil yr son with things then you do that… if yr boyfriends not ok with this then most likely he’ll get super jealous when he feels yr son is getting more attention then he is… RED FLAG

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Throw him in the rubbish lol :laughing:

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You pack his stuff and tell him to leave!!! I dont see this ending well for you or your boy if you continue with this relationship…xxx


Umm :thinking: why is this even a question, I put my kids before anyone especially a man. He can go eat some rabbit poop , and be a party pooper all by himself. He is jealous or something and has no right to speak over a child that didn’t come from his ballsack

Ummm get rid of the bf :woman_shrugging:t3:

Mind you, I don’t have childrens but he’s YOUR kid. That’s NOT his place to tell you that you’re doing too much FOR YOUR OWN CHILD. I’m almost 33 and I still get easter baskets and goodies from my family, it’s not Christmas by any means but the small things mean the most and I appreciate it… it is still a Holiday. So I say, do as much as you want for Easter, as he is YOUR child to do it for.:two_hearts::two_hearts:


Do you BooBoo - he will get over it or get out :joy:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: your kid. Your Money.

He’s NOT the father nor your husband. Buh bye.

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Ignore him and go all out for your son.

It’s your kid tell him to f^^%@ off and if he doesn’t like it he knows where the door is

Spoil your boy and get rid of the whole dude


Throw the whole man away asap!


I mean what are we talkin?? You giving him a Nintendo switch and 300 jordans?Jordan’s?? If so I say excessive… are you spending his money? Can you afford to overspend? Some stuff is missing to get a good answer


u do what is best for u and ur son and what u want to do u let him know thats how u was raised and its ur tradition to keep on with ur child. . my family was very “festive” as my husband says ,his family didnt celebrate every holiday like we did ,its crazy how so many kids didnt get the enjoyment that so many others get. just how some people are raised , its crazy .

Hes your child, sounds like you have made it a tradition for past years, don’t let the new guy (or anyone really) break your tradition for your son. Do what you want to do, your boy comes first, especially before any bloke


Your child, your money.


I agree with him but :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

That’s your kid sis. You do you and make sure you give your child whatever you want. He can have a say so when he supports him or he becomes his father

He yelled at you over giving to your own child.
Dump his ass. That’s disgusting behavior
Your money. Your child
Kick his ass out and buy whatever you want for Easter

And he JUST moved it.

Get rid of boyfriend. Your child comes first

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Do it anyway! Don’t get why it’s a big deal. They are only little for a short time


simple leave his ass!! ur baby deserves it he would be soo happy!

If he’s that pressed about Easter chances are things won’t get better. And I’m sorry but LET YOU. No ma’am

Ummm… reg flag number 1!! DITCH THE BOYFRIEND


Leave his ass. That’s your kid and if you’re spending your money on it then he shouldn’t be bitching about it. Your kid, not his.

Do What ever ur morgen hearth want, and for that boyfriend…:smirk:, U Just take care of him.

It’s your child and your child should come first I’d tell that boyfriend to hit the road. Don’t let him come in an change everything😡


Your child!! Your decision!!

He’s a nobody, spoil your son and ignore your jealous boyfriend

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WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING AN OUTSIDE PARTY tell you how to raise your child. Tell your “boyfriend” to GFO and be a mother to your son.

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Boy friend can screw off. My kids are 11 and 9 I buy them a new swimsuit and towel and slip on shoes for the pool not to mention candy and instead of eggs we still boil some but we tie dye shirts for our family. It’s fun

I would put him out on the curb I have a 13 year old and believe me we go all out with him there only a kid one time so we enjoy doing it

Boyfriends come and go but your kids are forever

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Ditch the boyfriend. How dare him.


It’s your kid not his :woman_shrugging:

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Your kid, your choice. I go out a bit for Easter but it’s stuff I would get this time of year anyways (summer clothes, beach towel, camping stuff etc) He’s 9 and won’t believe much longer so no regrets here!

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Do it for your kid. They come first. What’s it too him. what and how much you spend on your kid.

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Easy. You go all out for your kid. Your boyfriend of one year doesn’t like that you want to go all out for your son of five years? Dump his ass and get you a MAN that wants to go harder than you for your kid.

Dont let anyone tell u what to do. You did it before he came along. Why stop now

Sooo it sounds like it’s not his kid? Tell him to fuck off lol

Maybe he doesn’t want your child to be spoiled? If he plays a parental role, which he should for a healthy household relationship, then you could explain your side and maybe find a compromise? Idk if that’s worth throwing away a relationship for like everyone else says. In the end it is your son and your decision


Ditch the boyfriend. :woman_shrugging:


Find a better boyfriend

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I’ve had the exact same thing happen to me in the past. Do not ever let anyone change how you treat and the love you show to your child :pray:t3:

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Your kid, do what you want.


Do what you need to do for your kid!

Honestly it’s disappointing that u even have to ask what to do……
How much u wanna bet it be different if it was his kid :thinking:
I don’t go all out for mines just the basic but again mine are way bigger they still love boiling and coloring the eggs fill plastic ones up with candy and especially the golden egg my almost 20 year old still helps hide the eggs
Tell him u are gonna do what u always do for ur baby he can either do it with y’all or step away

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Your kid is your family…guys come and go


Kid always comes 1st screw him

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I worked retail for many years and Easter is as big as Christmas…toys and lots of candy .

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Um leave his ass why does he care what you spend on your son

Go all out for your kid ! You are his mom,that guy has no say or standing whatsoever especially so early in the relationship to be asserting his two cents anywhere regarding your child or how all out you go for him ,I do the MOST for my girls and they are both under two lol and I don’t give a flip !

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He’s your son you do what you want, boyfriend has no say and sounds jealous I’d be saying bye bye to him if he’s throwing tantrums about something so small before it turns into something big. No one comes before your child.

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Uhhhh it’s your kid and he has no right to tell you what to do. Boy bye!


My husband has got used to the way I do things for kids during holidays.

The years when I didn’t do much due to other reasons. I got a easter tree and decorations and let my kid decorate it. And got them a small basket of things having rabbit footprints leading to the basket. It was enough for the kids. Everyone was happy.

Bye boyfriend!! He ain’t ya husband… bye bye bye. Kid first. He don’t like it, he can leave. Ain’t that much love in the world. That’s str8 cut throat

Have fun…its a holiday.

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if hes not paying its not his business

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Um it’s your kid he can go eat a bowl of dicks. Who is he to dictate anything you do for your son. I’ve always done the most for my kids holidays. If you have the means to do so then I don’t see an issue.

I also agree with the controlling aspect people are bringing up… its tour money and you have always spent it like that, so as long as you aren’t like, neglecting your bills or whatever, he shouldn’t have a reason to get upset like that.

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