My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Your child your call. Why do you have to change your holiday routines. Why does he feel your child doesn’t deserve too feel special?

Umm… Do it. Just do it. It’s ur kid, Ma’am… Uh don’t have to do less cause someone else wants the bare minimum :wink:

Kick the boyfriend out for Easter.

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Um tell him too get gone? How is this even a question


fuck that guy. do you. spoil your baby.

Tell him to STFU. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Son before boyfriend


Get rid of him no man gets in the way of your child.


Throw the whole man out. Your child comes before anyone. A child is only young once. Go all out.


your priority in life is son…He comes first!!!


YOUR CHILD! & you can spoil him whenever you please! The way I see it is they are only little once so make it special and magical for them…especially on Holidays
I see zero harm in spoiling kids on holidays…& like others have said if he is used to it in the previous years how do you think he’ll react if it is basically lesser than what he’s used to.
As a kid we only got a few small things and candy but parents couldn’t afford much more than that with 4 kids. My niece is an only child (age 8) & she is only really spoiled on Holidays but my sister & brother in law always make it memorable for her.

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If he wants to fit into your Life, he must accept what he finds. Otherwise drop him

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Don’t change because of him, that’s not fair to your kid. Yes you don’t NEED to spoil him every holiday, but if you like to and can afford it then why not? Your bf sounds controlling and if he has a problem with something you were doing BEFORE him, then you can continue doing it AFTER him

YOUR CHILD, your $$$, your home, do it YOUR WAY!!!


He moved in with you? He has no say how you do your holidays. And this is the only time that you’ll be able to that for your son! If your boyfriend don’t like it, he can get the f out.


Damn just get rid of him!!!

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Ultimately it’s your decision, it’s your child and it’s easy to say ignore BF/kick to kerb etc BUT playing devil’s advocate here, does your BF have a point?

Are you doing too much? How all out is all out in your eyes? Are you spending too much money and time on one day/occassion where you don’t have finances to do that or really the time? Is your kid actually going to understand/or appreciate it?

There’s nothing wrong with having a good time and making memories with your kids and I get spoiling kids on their birthday and Christmas and l love seeing their faces light up but just wondering if there’s a reason your BF has said that to you? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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He is YOUR son not Y’ALLS son. As long as you have the means to spoil him and you’re not in financial trouble I say do as you please and make your son happy.

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Leave that dude u don’t owe him nothing. U owe ur kid everything

Get rid of him and go all out for your son


Kick that ass to the curb, NEXT

He YELLED at you, that’s inappropriate regardless if you’re doing too much or not, he yelled. He’s getting comfortable and starting to show his true colors. Don’t call him out on it, remain calm, take a step back and observe his behavior with other situations. This could possibly be a controlling relationship.


Get rid of the boyfriend! That’s a huge red flag! He’s your son, not his. It is your decision to make! Don’t make big changes concerning your role as a mother and how you parent because of some guy! There are others out there that are better!


Ummm… Sounds like he is a jealous Lil brat himself… It’s YOUR child and you do WHATEVER YOU WANT FOR HIM!!!

I do too. Are you paying for it? If so, do whatever tf you want.

Run. He seems controlling and that’s not fair to your son to not be spoiled on a holiday if that’s what you wanna do.


Stop playing house with that man and spoil your son


I would buy my kid even more stuff if soMeone told me I was doing too much :woman_shrugging:t3:

Nope. No man is ever going to tell me what to buy or not buy for my kids. No F’ing way. That’s YOUR child and YOUR money! Get that baby his Easter gifts!!


Get rid of the bf and do what you want for your child.


Get that little guy the best Easter basket you can find and tell your boyfriend if he loves you he will love what you do for your child.

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Ditch the boyfriend- your son will only be 5 years old once ! :woman_shrugging:


Sweetie I would say this is a red flag. He family values are not the same as yours. You have to wonder if you ,two, have a baby - will he treat them differently.


Get rid of the boyfriend and go all out for your child if you want to. The fact that he yelled at you for doing so is a HUGE red flag! How will he react when you do this for other holidays or his birthday? It’s YOUR child, not his! It sounds as though he may be a bit jealous.

First of all it’s your child. Don’t ever let any man thats not his father tell you what you can do for your child. 2nd of all he’s right. Easter isn’t a 2nd Christmas and it’s not about a bunch of gifts. But saying that I also think Easter is good time to stock my kids up with spring and summer outdoor stuff and toys. Toys I’m going to buy anyway. Bikes and stuff too. I go.all out fkr Easter when I can afford to. Less with the candy more on outside toys. Bottom line if you’re not depending on your bf to buy everything for Easter and you pay for it yourself then you do what you want. Tell him it’s your son your and its how you’ve always done it so you’re not changing it now. Maybe you can compromise in the future but not this year.

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Umm no! That’s not ok! He has no say so over what you do with YOUR child! Sounds like he’s a controlling asshole! You have done it every year before you lived together, so why stop now. You let him control you on this and it’s just the beginning!

He’s YOUR child, your bf has zero say

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By making him move right tf out…why is this even a question? If he’s throwing a fit over this and you give in to his idiotic demands he will expect you to do so every time.

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Unless the boyfriend is a husband and actively raising the child (support etc) the decision is yours and the child’s Bio father if he is involved

Um who is he to tell u how to raise your son? He seems jealous that he was left out of the easter festivities. No basket waiting for him Sunday morning from the Easter bunny so he doesn’t think your son should get one either


And who tf does he think he is? Girl spoil your child, they’re only little once!!! To hell with him! He can kick rocks!


girl men comes n gies but yr baby is there tge rest if yr life… never put a nan in frint of yr chikd akways put put yr son first

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Your son comes first! Your boyfriend can’t tell you what to do!

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If it’s your money and not messing with joint finances I wouldn’t stress it too much. I mean be aware of what you’re spending but it’s your child, your decisions.

Why would he have any say in what you do for you’re child?


If you’re stressing about money I see his point if you’re not stressing then he can leave. Boy bye

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I think you know the answer , I’d be packing his stuff for him


He moved in YOUR house …he lives by YOUR house rules …he cant control u in your own house wtf …remember not to spoil the bf


If he isn’t your husband and that’s not his child and it’s your money then do whatever you want for your child …. :woman_shrugging:

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:that would be my EX boyfriend. HELL NO. Do what you want with YOUR kid. Now unless you’re trying to make him pay for it then that I can see but nope. You need to say goodbye to that drama

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He’s your kid. YOUR’S. Not his, he has NO say so in what you do for your child’s Easter. Get rid of him. Seriously. Sounds like he’s almost jealous of the child, which is disgusting but it’s real. It happens.

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He’s a bf not a husband or step parent. Your child your choice. It’s only been a year and you even questioning do you choose making a holiday fun and special for your child or this man is disturbing.


Go all out if that’s what your heart desires. They are only little once. If he doesn’t like it tell him to kick rocks! :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Your kids your rules and kids always come before boyfriends

I always give my kids above and beyond my partner and many friends are against it but honestly spoil them !

Your kid, your choice. I have never understood all of the “Easter presents” though. It has gotten ridiculous (just my opinion) What happened to simple baskets with candy?! I see people post tons of pics like it’s Christmas morning.

First off did he yell at you or did he conversate about how much your spending on Easter and how much your getting for the child? I have to agree with him on Easter is not a second Christmas. What happened to the days when the Easter bunny just brought a basket for the kids of candy?

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Mine told me “it’s Easter not Christmas” what did I do?! Went out and bought what the hell I wanted anyways and they are gonna be sooo I excited Easter morning! Don’t let him stop you from doing what you want for your child. He can back you or leave his ass at home and go buy whatever it is you want anyways. Ignore him when he gets pissed off, put a smile on your face & say fuck him! :upside_down_face:

He’s not in charge of how you raise your child. Your money, you get to choose how you spend it.

He’s jealous of your kid. Get him gone!

this is your child

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Get your boyfriend a giant empty Easter basket and tell him that’s his new home!


To me your son comes first before anyone , he’s your child and you want to do something special for him for Easter go for it! This sounds like a red flag also ! So keep your eyes and ears open , remember there only little once ! I have 13 & 18 and my husband doesn’t say a word to me about what I do for our kids on any holiday

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Girl you just need to take a step back and look at your behavior and his. There’s compromise there.


Kick him out you child is more important


Like seriously he’s a freaking idiot . Dump him immediately obviously. What a jerk wow . He sounds to be jealous of you’re son .
You’re child comes first . Go all out for you’re boy if you can .

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Um put your damn kid first. Who cares if your boytoy gets mad that’s not his kid not his business what you buy him

You do whatever you want for your kid especially if your paying for it.

Your son should be your first and only concern if it makes you happy doing it then do it! Your child your choice. They’re only little so long❤️

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Tell your boyfriend to get the hell out n never come back. I can tell u no man has ever told me what to do for my daughter n I was married to him. My daughter always came first n he learned to accept it and spoiled her just as much as me .


Cool it Mom! You will regret spoiling him when he grows up!


No candy from the Easter bunny for the boyfriend :rage: get over it jealousy will get him nowhere your kid comes first


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Your first responsibility is to you son. (It would be the same, if you were married. ) You should rethink this relationship.

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You do you! It’s your child.

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Sit down calmly with him alone and ask him what he’s comfortable with. Also explain that they won’t be kids forever but to please understand.

Tell him to take a hike !!

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I feel like you guys haven’t been together long enough for him to have a say in how you choose to raise/spend money on your son… I could see if he was more of a long-term boyfriend who’s been a father figure in your son’s life for many years but that’s not the case… Definitely red flags


Your boyfriend is not your sons dad and doesn’t have a say in what you do with him.

Kick him to the curb. Always choose your child over everyone else. You do you. Go all out for your son if you want. Forget what he says or thinks. Red flags girl​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: definitely not a good guy.

This was Easter 2021 for my then 7&8yos! They are now 8&9yo girl and boy and it will be as big as usual :laughing: :rofl: it’s honestly none of his business unless you can’t afford what you’re spending! My wife loves to do the most as much as I do though :joy:
Edited because comments are coming in so fast it kept messing up so typos :upside_down_face: :laughing:


Dump him family comes first


Your kid your rules don’t let a boyfriend tell you what to do with your own kid who he has no relation with


If he’s that jealous of your little boy,and make no mistake it is jealousy,it is only going to get worse, it’s your kid do what you want for him and if boyfriend can’t handle it let him go he’s not the one for you and your son.


Your kid your rules. Screw him. My kids get bikes every other year. This year no bikes but my one of my son’s is getting a stand up basketball hoop and my oldest daughter is getting a volleyball and net… I usually have foster kiddos so usually I buy 6 bikes. Last year only 4 lol


Spoil him also I go through it still my husband still doesn’t believe in going all out for holidays he says it’s just another day but when the day comes and he gets the presents he loves it

Is he coming at you just trying make a good point or just being a jerk?Makes one wonder how he acts on a daily with issues involving your baby, why would something like this be such a issue? Maybe you should evaluate y’all relationship. Personally I’d continue to do what I have done before .You only get one shot with your babies and don’t let anyone else come between.

Get rid of that no good piece of a boyfriend.

A boyfriend would support you not yell at you. Trust and believe you will not be happy with him.

A true man would want your son to be spoiled

I would say bye see ya later. No one deserves to be yelled at. Especially about something that isn’t a big of a deal.
It’s your life. Someone is out there who would treat you like a queen! Just need to find him.


hes YOUR son, you do what you think is best for him, is that REALLY a battle he wants to pick, i see worse in the future if so


First things first…get rid of the boyfriend.

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Sounds like jealousy to me. Trust me you will not be happy with a man that wants to be number 1. He will resent everything you do for your son as he grows up.

My gosh I’m having daja vu…hasn’t this already been posted??

He can suck it up or get out.

If you can afford it and your kid deserves it do what u wanna do. he sounds jealous of your son. Just be careful with him.

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IMO, tell him to mind his business and do for your child like you’ve always done.

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What I see is that you aren’t even married and already having issues in reference to your child. Things WILL NOT get better, UNLESS you and him learn about each other FIRST, to learn things about each other like how he would react in situations like THIS, so you can decide if you want to even pursue a relationship. THEN, when you find a decent man that respects you, AND your son, THEN think of marriage.

Just speaking from experience. If only I could go back in time, I would be VERY SELECTIVE of the men I chose to date… I just didn’t know any better back then because of how I was raised… I am happily married now that I brought GOD into my life! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Toddler bike versions lol

That’s the whole problem…money and material things…when I was growing up we got what my parents could afford and we were very happy with that!..I agree if the mom is paying for all of it then it’s her choice but I’ve seen people put aside important bills to finance Christmas and other holidays!..Some people think that’s the measure of a good parent and it’s not!


There’s no friggin way this entire page isn’t satire. Every fan question is such an EXTREME.