My boyfriend refuses to post me on social media: Advice?

The fact that he told you he didn’t want a relationship to start with is the answer to your question…


I don’t even think I have anything that says I’m married on my page. We hardly ever post pictures or each other. My husband is a very private person and just doesn’t think it’s important. Ask yourself if this is the hill you want to sit upon. Is it really so important to you that he has his face buried in his phone and not just living in the moment with you? Why compare yourself to an ex girlfriend; do you want to be that ex? Because she’s not with him anymore, so why compare yourself to someone who has zero affect on you? This post sounds more like you’re ego is bruised. Maybe you should work on yourself and your self esteem. Don’t force something that shouldn’t be.

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At 49 you should know to stop sweating the small stuff. Maybe he’s doing the opposite with you that he did with his previous gf because he realized it was a mistake :woman_shrugging: give your man the benefit of the doubt and quit letting social media dictate what is or isn’t happening in your relationship

Social media has nothing to do with reality. Do you have a boyfriend so you’re able to brag about him on Social media? If you want to see someone else, break it off. You sound very self absorbed.

Take it from someone whos been through several really shitty relationships its not about letting others see your relationship! you dont need gratification from others if hes not giving you enough attention or if he isnt as active in your relationship talk to him about it! all that social media does is ruin relationships when you bring others into your private business it makes it worse! please sit down and talk to him about the fact that youre feeling unappreciated and dont worry about what others think i love my boyfriend and dont mind when he doesnt want to post pictures or like the ones i post of us he give me the love and attention i need without seeking it from others

Why are you so pressed about being validated on a social media app by your man? It’s just Facebook.

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Sounds like a “you” problem. I think you need to face your insecurities to fix it. Not to sound harsh.


Yeah… high-school ended like 30 years ago for you lol.


Lol you sound like a women half your age TBH :person_shrugging: and it sounds like you feel chubbier women are inferior to you because you have a nice body. Well no offense but maybe they had a better personality.


You are too old to be this insecure. If you know he not specifically attracted to your body type and doesn’t want to be in a relationship why are you trying so hard? Find you a man that likes you for you and actually wants to be with you. As for FBmy husband never post anything and when I do he will like the picture but that’s it. We don’t care what out marriage looks like on FB because all that matters is us.


I think you sound like an a&@hole but hey that’s just me. Your almost 50 and your worried about social media? Hunny if that’s the case go date a 20 year old.


Posting and anonymous post while making comment about “big/chubby girl”.

Are you that shallow that you have to compare your body size/type to others.

Honestly not sure what page/platform youre on that guys are hitting on you but with someone who has a bf, you are just wanting drama.

If you need likes and comments to validate your relationship, then is there any other point to your relationship

No offense, although you claim to have a better body than other women, you’re attitude is ugly asf.

Is this for real? lol.

My moms obsessed with social media (Facebook mostly) at 47, my dad (49) does not participate. He scrolls when he’s bored sometimes or to show off pics of his grandkids and stuff but it’s simply not his thing. Many men regardless of age do not care for social media the way women do. My boyfriend doesn’t care for it as much as I do and he’d delete his accounts tonight if he ever left sales (uses fb to promote). I’m not sure why lack of social media presence would be a factor in deciding to cheat on somebody. You stated he had said he didn’t want a relationship? Is he even your boyfriend? Not trying to be rude but these are questions you need to ask him and y’all need to talk because I think there’s more to this I mean deciding to cheat on someone lol like planning to? Just leave instead? If you’re that unhappy

How did people survive without social media back in the day??:joy::joy:


? You say he’s your boyfriend, but then you said he told you he wasn’t ready for a relationship. If he’s not ready for a relationship, then you’re not in one, so you can’t cheat then. Then do you. And if it was in the beginning he said that then what does that matter if you’re together now?
If you’re feeling insecure because he prefers chubbier women, then express that to him. I can see the issue of him not wanting any social ties to you. Not sure if you’re intending to put other women down but if so that’s kind of shitty. You could have the greatest body & be the prettiest, most sweetest, genuine person and still get cheated on or be unwanted/used by someone.

You’re worried about being consider a cheater when you are entertaining other men. Ma’am thats h*e behavior.


Without the ages being stated this sounds like you’re in highschool and teenagers. Grow up move on. He’s just a boyfriend and has told you from the start he wasn’t ready for a relationship.


My husband doesn’t post us on social media. He also rarely posts. It doesn’t mean I’m not his wife. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t mean we have problems. :woman_shrugging:
I have to wonder why you care. At the moment it seems like your self esteem needs boosting and you want him to post you to get it. Maybe he doesn’t want everyone gauking at you? Maybe he doesn’t want someone to make rude comments? Plus, he said he did not want a relationship. So why are you demanding he act like you’re in one?
Personally, you should be asking why you want to play games? You seem (based on this short amount of info) that you have self esreem issues. I get hit on too. I don’t rub it in my hubbins face. I would never use it to get a specific reaction, because I’m not 16. I’d advise therapy to get your self esteem in order bc as long as it’s tied to other ppl, you’ll never have the relationship you want.

Legit thought this was a spoof page… Are you in 8th grade?


You’re an AH. Does body shaming other women make you feel better? His ex and her body have zero to do with your insecurities and nasty personality. You want someone to tell you that it’s okay to cheat. Please break up with him so he can find a GOOD woman. You’re way too young minded to be the age you are. :face_vomiting:


If you need validation from your significant other via social media you have bigger underlying issues 

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It’s social media, I get it maybe you just aren’t feeling wanted outside of Facebook? It’s simply for communication and a good laugh

I’m confused. Are you worried about him cheating…or you?

Sounds like the relationship is over and all you need to do is pack and walk out.

If you don’t want to leave tell him all this you just posted. Talk it out. Social media is :poop:. Not important. My husband of 30 yrs shut his off and before that he never acknowledged me on there either. It didn’t mean I don’t or he doesn’t love me. As long as he acknowledges you in reality. That’s all that matters.


Are you sure you’re even girlfriend and boyfriend? Maybe he thinks you guys are just dating since he said to you he wasn’t ready for a relationship. The fact that you are thinking of cheating speaks a lot. Clarify things with him first and ask him where he stands. Boyfriend/ husband not posting the other on social media is not a deal breaker sometimes it’s best to keep things private.

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Maybe don’t base your relationship off of social media. Just a thought

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Been there-done that. Walk. Away.
Trust me on that one.
The ex was the same way-nothing on any social media. “Not ready for a relationship “. I held on for 2 years, only to find out he was in fact seeing several other women.


OMG. Somebody needs help.

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Sounds like a mess move on.

Sounds to me like you two don’t have much in common. Go your own way.

First off, don’t be petty. Who cares if he doesn’t acknowledge your social media posts. Facebook should not be your meter for assessing how much he does or doesn’t like you. Then, don’t body shame other people because you feel insecure in your relationship. That’s very unbecoming of someone trying to get pity from the general public.
If you don’t want to be a “cheater” as you stated, then don’t entertain the idea of straying. You know 100% if you want to be in a relationship with this man, there should be no other options or ideas to start checking what’s on the market. Grow up! Start acting your age. Your opinion of your body isn’t going to save you or make you more appealing to single men. You’re still older, and should act your damn age.


Depends on situation he might just not go on social media much, but I’d be pissed if he was posting other things often and liking and commenting on other people’s I would feel like he was keeping me a secret and not wanting people to know about us , is he OK with you tagging him in stuff? If he is then I’d say you have nothing to worry about, if he’s insisting you untag him then I’d be suspicious :thinking: x

Imagine being 49 and being upset about social media lmao


Body size has nothing to do with who a person is and their personality. Sounds like “you” might be the problem. Y’all are in your 40’s and 50’s worried about social media :woman_facepalming:t3:


I think it would be best if you guys go your separate ways. That way if you are wanting to see someone else go for it.

Sounds like he doesn’t want to be seen on social w you.
Dump him

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If it’s not a relationship why not don’t ask for permission its your life he doesn’t want a relationship with you

Girl. Really I’m 51 (in less than 2 weeks), who cares?? It’s social media and you’re taking this too serious… to be talking about seeing other men? You need/want attention from your bf, I understand that but you’re going about it all wrong. Is he attentive, kind, loving, loyal? Then you need to continue to be those things as well. Don’t maneuver your way out of this relationship because of your own issues.

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You two are 49 and 52 :joy::upside_down_face:

This whole thing is so childish


Is this for real? This was written by a 14 years old girl???


Just based off this post I would have dumped you already


Come on woman !!! Act your age


Ok look me and my husband been married 21yrs . I tag him in post with pics of me and him he don’t reply or like them … I’m 43he is 47 … no there is nothing to be upset about I think you need to grow up .


Honestly at your age you should just say next cause you dont have time to be wasting on someone who isnt meeting your needs


Sounds like a bad relationship…find one that works better for you x


My advice: get over it. He isn’t sure about you yet.


Girl he’s Hiding you

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Girl get rid of him find someone that will treat you like a queen he apparently wants a fat woman


He us not your man… move along.


Wait… you just went from talking about him not posting about you on social media, to questioning if you should cheat on him and whether you should let him know about it, because you think you’re hotter than most women your age? I just can’t wrap my head around this lol. You sound unstable from that little paragraph though…


My husband doesn’t even have social media :joy::joy::joy: and I don’t post about him much at all so :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: not everyone is all about it.

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If you post pics of the two of you and tag him, does he remove it or let it stay? Some people (especially those in their 50s or above) just aren’t about social media for whatever reason.


I’m so sorry but we have to listen when a man tells us they are not interested in a relationship like he told you. We think , oh once we date he will change his mind.


You’re an a**hole. Size means nothing. Maybe your face is trash. Grow the F up. You’re better cause you’re skinnier??? GTFOH
Sounds like HE deserves better.

Seriously!?! If you’re gnna start seeing other people then you need to tell him. Would you want him seeing other people and not telling you??? “I don’t like that you refuse to advertise me on your social media, so I started seeing other people behind your back” what kind of logic is that💁🏼‍♀️ use your communication skills and TALK to him before acting


At 49 and 52….:…liking your photos on fb shouldn’t even be an issue. I don’t even know who my spouse is :rofl:


Find a new boyfriend or stay single :thinking:

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Sis y’all still not in a relationship


Sometimes people despise the spectacle of social media. I would never want that kind of attention and my partner doesn’t have social media crap. That makes me happy. You need to think about your BF, Maybe he Hated his ex gf and the obsession with posting. I mean you should be comfortable with yourself and your life that you do not need that kind of external validation. You are actually considering Cheating because you want to be a social media gf. What’s going on in real life? Are your in real life needs being met? Are you happy otherwise? If you need that constant social media aspect and your not getting it than break up. Don’t cheat just so you can post pictures and that stuff.


You are way too old for all that!!!


This post is so fucking immature and dumb. Act your age.

If he ain’t ready for realationship why he with you tell him are we together? What is this is it a realationship? If not tell him you gonna start seeing other people

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You don’t sound mature enough to be in any type of relationship. Try again dear.


I think you need to give social media a break and grow up alittle :pinching_hand::blush: most people your age don’t care about social media or silly stuff like that


Dang I thought this was a teenager at first :sweat_smile:


Sweetie he’s got someone else. That’s why he doesn’t want pics of yall together on FB. You can think he’s not cheating but there’s someone else.


Do you see a therapist¿ :thinking:

Girl I’m 22 and see how toxic this post is. Girl I see why he don’t wanna post you I mean look at what you just said leave him and let him find his true love bc you obv aren’t. If you wanna hoe around do it single or with a open relationship.


Oh he’s likely already seeing other women.


Why cheat? If you’re not compatible with each other, leave. Cheating is not the answer.


I mean, you already know the answer
Red flag zone :golf::golf::golf:


And don’t say you have a better body than most woman! That’s body shaming. I’m a thick girl and my BF loves that. His exs have all been thick girls. You aren’t prettier just because you are smaller. :roll_eyes::person_facepalming:


Please move on, he has clearly shown you he doesn’t want you. Why do we feel the need to “own” people?


Break Up Partaaayyyyyy! Buh-Bye BF…

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He’s immature!!! It shouldn’t b that big of a deal.


Good Lord you’re the problem with the world thinking it’s ok to have “multiple” partners. Fix your shit or move on


I’m 54. I know all the signs. Honey, it’s time to move on. Period

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He should be proud to have you as GF… Just talk to him before u start dating others… if he doesn’t want what you want then move on… Life is to short to not be happy girl …


I’ll never understand the need to validate your relationship thru social media…:woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5: I don’t post my husband either :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5: and he don’t post me… everyone knows we’re there…


And you’re how old? I could understand if you were 15, but geez.


Grow up :joy: baby with my husband for 8 years and he hardly comments on my posts :joy:


If he’s not posting you he’s protecting someone’s feelings

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This seems like a very immature relationship all over. I would say that it’s just not meant to be.


This is a whole mess… :grimacing:
Yes, leave and date someone else. Break up with him first. If you’re even in a relationship :thinking:


Red flag might be cheating

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If he’s doing it on purpose, then throw him away!

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Seems to me you’re incredibly vain and immature.


You’re 49 but sound like your still in high school!!!


My by is the same way.
He said he lives with me so why should he say anything on social media.
He can say to my face. And we share a FB acct. He deleted his and is now on mine.
I asked him the same thing and that’s the answer I got.
He won’t even hold hand or say anything nice to me in public. He walks ahead of me by 4 ft.


Your 49 years old and coming to the damn internet on YOUR relationship? :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: Can ANYONE think for themselves anymore with relying on a bunch of strangers?

Does he post anything else on FB ? My husband and I have been together 15 years and he rarely ever posts anything or comments … he just isn’t that type of guy … he will every now and then

I’ve been here. He had another

49 or 19?
Good lord almighty. :woozy_face:

He’s probably married or Bisexual!!!


If he posted about an ex-girlfriend and not you seems as if he could care less.

How old did you say you were lol, if you want to see other people leave him :roll_eyes:even considering doing that while with him is a red flag to me, some people like to keep their relationship off social media there’s nothing wrong with that!


Social media means nothing. Shouldnt need it to validate your relationship. That’s just silly and immature.


If he used to post and then stop then that would be suspicious, if he use to with priors and it didn’t work out then maybe he just doesn’t have a desire to share that kind of stuff on social anymore, in my experience men of that age don’t care to brag on socials as much as women do, unless there are other signs I wouldn’t get worked up about it


Who on earth does that bother you

Lmao first off all…. Your weight has shit to do with anything. Just because you’re thinner doesn’t mean you’re hotter. Everyone has preferences and a big reason guys like thicker women is because not only can they be confident and sexy but they’re usually not conceited. 2nd of all…. You sound very immature for your age. My boyfriend is 4 years older then me too (44&48) he doesn’t do the social media crap and won’t post me or any of that stuff either and it doesn’t bother me. Social media is stupid other then keeping in touch with people snd the occasional page like this :joy: we don’t need to put an image of us online …. Most people that are into that are fake anyway. Seems like you need a lot of attention and you’re both better off single. Thinking about cheating because he doesn’t kiss your butt and treat you like the goddess you think you are is ridiculous. If you have a good man let it be. I’m a big girl and my boyfriend doesn’t like the skinnier girls… I see what he checks out and prefers in porn lmao it’s always thick girls with big butts so that makes me feel better. However… if 2 people click and really enjoy each other, are attracted to each other and sex is great … then that’s the key to happiness in a relationship. :woman_shrugging:t2: