My boyfriend thinks I should pay half of the rent because I have a daughter: Thoughts?

I think you got your answer from everyone. Easier said than done, but better to cut ties now than continue a dead end relationship. Especially if he is considering your child as a “roommate” rather than a child, a child he should be considering as part of you, loving her as his own, because that’s what blended families do. Best of luck babe :heart: do it sooner rather than later​:heart:


You’re not with a man, you’re with a boy!


You are serious?? You need to do better for you and your child. Yes, If I was in your situation, I would pay half the bills but for him to want to pay a 3rd he is a total douche. Learn your value!!


Ditch that loser. Because you spent 2.5 years making a mistake, is no reason to continue it.


Wtf is this guy? The woman I just met and got along with really well with never asks me to do anything for her, but when I’m there with her I just help her around the house wherever I can. I’ve even offered to pay some of her bills because I spend a lot of time at her place with her and her son.

This guy is just garbage for not wanting to pay some bills to help out.


Lose that man! He’s too all about himself. He’s not showing any indication that he’s a provider, got your back kinda guy. That’s petty, insecure, selfish and down right childish. Lose him.


If he is marriage material then he wouldn’t complain. Period.


If it was worded different… uh. If it had different intentions, I’d be happier paying 50% honestly.
I really like equal, and if he’s barely surviving bills, yeah. Pay your part. But this sounds more like he’s bitter that there’s a kid that ain’t his, I’m sorry


I’m sorry girl but I’m gonna have to run on that one too

Girl I’m a single mom in a relationship and I have four kids by someone else bf still pays half the rent and stuff for the kids and everything. Tell that man child to kick rocks.


Thoughts? He sounds like a tool.

Oh honey! No no! He ain’t the one! A real man will want to step up and help. Even if you dont really need it. At minimum hell pay half.


Time for him to GO!!!

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You can’t seriously still be with him currently knowing how petty he is?!


Get a new boyfriend.


Wtf! Is he gonna make your daughter start paying for utilities and food too? Jesus!


Umm well you should be paying something :woman_shrugging:


Um. Yes, he should pay half.

Actually he should pay nothing and you should find someone more worthy. Jesus. This sounds like my ex who said I should pay more of the rent because I make more money.


Is the goal not to work together? for a wonderful life full of both happiness and struggles but at the end of the day- hardworking together!

Kick him to the CURB!


Please for your child drop the loser…
That’s the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while. He doesn’t and won’t love your daughter. You have to choose her and move on before this just gets worse. Sorry excuse for a ‘man’
My female friend roommate and I didn’t even split it like he’s suggesting when I had a child and she didn’t… that’s just nasty, no adult thinks like that.
Not only that but he would be paying way more for a 1 bedroom alone so paying half and half with you is way helpful anyway…


You just saved yourself a whole lot of time with him by asking this. He’s not worth it. Pay your rent somewhere else or kick him out :triumph:


What a douchebag. If he wants to be with you than he takes a certain amount of responsibility for your child. You’re not asking him to pay for everything. Half is reasonable. He’s just a little boy. Wow


What an ass!!! Find a new one


Throw the whole boyfriend out!!!


Does the child have its own room?
If not, then its 50/50, if yes then BF only pays a 3rd.
Keep EVERYTHING separate. After all he is just a boyfriend, obviously not a partner or a husband. So, you put on the boss bitch panties and be independent and treat it like what it is… A roommate you fuck.

Children don’t pay rent. Period point blank.

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That is ridiculous. Children don’t pay rent. He should pay half. Clearly he doesn’t see your child as part of “his” family. He is looking out for himself. Always keep that in mind. I personally would kick him to the curb.


If he’s not willing to pay half, he needs to go.


Leave him! You can do better. Are we seriously discussing a five year old share equal part in rent??? This isn’t three college roommates splitting rent for a pad!


So, you’re just going to depend on a man to pay your way through life?
Everyone expects him to pay for her and the child, but what are you doing to pull your weight?
I feel like this is missing some details.

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Does she have her own room where you have a two bedroom when he would ordinarily just have one bedroom? Does she have her own bathroom? Does she eat a lot of special food or just a lot in general? Honestly I can’t imagine she tips the household expenses by much, and I assume you pick up any school, activity or daycare costs for now.

Does he treat her nicely and take care of her otherwise or does he leave everything up to you and not engage with her much? Are you more like tenants or family to him? Think about what you want your future to look like and if he can fill the bill.

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Boy bye. Take your extra $100 and find you a new woman

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Key word BOYfriend… Kick him to the curb and find a MAN!


This should be a CLUE of how he will be your whole relationship…get rid of him


Pretty sure my guy spends more money on my child than I actually do. Because he’s a MAN and works for a reason. For his FAMILY. As a matter of a fact, he’s done so much for my son - that my son will earn his own money and buy him things as a token of appreciation.

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Girl find a man that can provide for you and your chickens


If ur in a relationship ur not a single mom :woman_facepalming: but u both should pay half. Or work out who pays what bills if u don’t share an account

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Why does the kid count? They’re included with you? Sure- split the rent…. But it’s because he lives there too.

I mean what’s he expect to split it 3 ways and the kid pay 1/3? Yeah right. It’s split between the adults in the house. Good lord.


Tell him half or fk off. Sounds like a dickhead anyway


It sounds like he thinks you’re naive. I’d move ASAP or make him move! That’s BS. What a petty thing to even complain about! Shoot maybe he should be a man- a Provìder someone who PROVIDES for you AND your daughter! These guys have some nerve! Girl please knock some sense into him or leave. Set the right example for your little angel :purple_heart:


Wait I don’t understand. You both are wanting each other to pay half?
Either way; pay half and call it a day. You aren’t with him for him to take care of you…. And your kid! Y’all need to be a team

Wait, so he thinks you should pay more because you have a kid? Girl leave. Huge red flag! He obviously doesn’t accept your child. It’s never gonna get better. Run!


Lmao my partner pays all the bills except one or two we both work . But our money is our money if he has none he uses mine vise versa . Plus we have one child together and also I have an older daughter from a pervious relationship. But our money is our money no split in half things


He knew you were a package deal when he started dating you; if he agreed to move-in together it should have been because he wants to be a responsible man, not nit-pic like a boy.
Each adult paying half is reasonable. If he’s not ok with that you need to get rid of him & fast!! What about when you go out, does he only pay for himself? What red flags do you see for your future if you continue with him…


My ex played this game. He wanted all the perks of being a family with none of the responsibility.

I’m sorry gotta comment again I’m pissed what a man child

Cut him off…if he thinks like that now and she’s only 5 then baby girl will be miserable living in a house with him when she is older. Protect your peace and your child’s. Trust me I grew up in household like that


No!!! You should leave his ass.

You shouldn’t pay extra in rent or utilities for your child. Pay for her own needs, yes. Not extra in living expenses. He’s very ignorant for even suggesting it. You should seriously leave and just take care of you and your child. He’s not the right man to be around your child. How rude!!!

Girl tell him bye :rofl: my man won’t even let me work because he says I’m a queen and I shouldn’t feel the need when I do have a man.


He’s a douche! Move on!


Get rid of him and if he wants to go that route tell him no sex

Seriously… he thinks the 5 year old should be paying a share? What a ridiculous twit. Dump him. If this is his mindset, there will be more problems later in life.


A man would take care of you and your daughter. Don’t waste your time.


Warning warning warning! That is an attitude that will get worse not better. I had one who wouldn’t even put our clothes in with his washing. Unfortunately I excused his behaviour instead of seeing it for what it was: a disregard for me and my son and the life we were building. Ended in divorce. Run. For your child if not for you.


Wow, this is just the beginning… get out… is this the way it’s going to be from here on out. If y’all have kid… will you have to pay for your previous daughter when y’all go on vacations. Will you have to buy the previous ones school cloths. Na im good. Tell him bye girl!


If dump him specially if he thinks he shouldn’t have to pay just because you have a 5 year old.

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I mean you not single if ur in a relationship


Time to move on,he is not the the one for you or your daughter


Find yourself a real man! He’s already petty about that it’s only going to get worse.


Huge red flag. Make him pay for sex and everything else. I would leave the guy before it gets worst. He is a child man not a real responsible guy. He will want to get rid of your son when your son gets a little older

do you really have to question what you should do?


Wow. He’s already jealous of your child. BYE


Girlfriend, you best know your worth and kick that dude to the curb! Bills should be split and he shouldn’t be living rent free as an adult!


I agree with that being a huge red flag. Find a man that will love her as his own and not basically say she is a burden without saying it by saying he shouldn’t pay half bc of a small child. You and her deserve better and it should be 50/50.


He shouldn’t be including your child in that. The two adults should split the rent evenly. I’d kick his :peach: to the curb bc that’s ridiculous


Kick him to the curb …

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Jeez why live with him? Especially if he throws your child at you! He sounds like a loser. Take out the trash!

I say you need a new boyfriend that’s a BIG :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Yes he should pay! Man tf up.


Any “man” wouldn’t even have to be asked to help pay. He would happily be willing.


Cut your losses and move on


Kick his ass to the curb. Thats a boy not no man

That boyfriend is a bum. Let him go.


Run! This dude is NOT mature enough to be living with you and your daughter


Get rid of him. It will only get worse


Tell him see ya :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:to many of these


That’s ugly. Leave his ass

Big big BIG red flag !!:triangular_flag_on_post:


Take my advice…leave him and don’t look back!

Hit the road JACK! AND DON’TCHA COME NO MORE!!! Any man that puts a child in that sort of equation is a lowlife piece of escrament!!!


Yeah it’s a no from me. She’s a CHILD. What is wrong with men these days?! Good lord.

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Y’all should split based on income, so if he makes significantly more, he should pay more.
If you were in a roommate situation, yes you’d pay more, if you and your daughter each had a room. But in a relationship, nah.

Get you a man that will love you and your daughter. You are a package deal and if he cannot see it that way then he shouldn’t be apart of that package.


:roll_eyes::expressionless:Kick his ASS out of your life ASAP the writing is on the wall

If after 2.5 years he doesn’t see you as a family then he doesn’t care about you or your daughter. She doesn’t deserve that.


No need to be in a relationship with him. Your kids come first .


Dump that zero and get you a hero


Tell him to kick rocks he obviously is a selfish child himself who has no intention of growing with you !

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He is a bum get rid of him


Isn’t he loving, sensetive and compassionate.
What a catch!

How lucky for your daughter to have such a devoted father figure in her life and lucky are you to be filled with doubt and confusion.

It can only get more intense from here.

Listen to your gut!


Kick his sorry self to the street.


Big red flag. When my now husband first moved in I offered to only have him pay 1/4 of the rent since I had 2 kids … he said absolutely not. Insisting on paying at least half if not all the rent so that my paycheck could benefit the kids more.


So he wants a roommate if that’s is it yes split 3 ways that’s what I did and of course I paid my daughter half if you’re in a relationship run he will. never except your daughter as part of the family just the third person


Kick him to the curb and find a real man ! If he doesn’t consider you guys family after over 2 years obviously he never will and needs a reality check


Tell your Free loading freddie, to hit the road, a real man provides, a piece of garbage dude cry’s and hides.


50/50 is legit. Billing a 5 year old is insane. In this situation I’d be finding an apartment where I paid 100% for myself and my daughter & dropped the dead weight of the 3rd occupant.


DAMN kick him out. You were alone before him. Anyone that isn’t a common damn idiot knows that the only people responsible for paying the rent are the ADULTS IN THE HOUSE. Good God where do y’all find these men?? Send them back to their momma. You have a LOSER on your hands. A man child. Send him right back to where you found him, and stay single. I know women who have three kids and a whole man stepped in and fully supports her, and all three of her kids, without one complaint, and even adopted them. Then made two more. He worked three jobs, and she worked two, but those kids were supported and he never once made her feel like a burden. What is WRONG with these boys today….???

Me and my Fiancé split bills based on income. I make a 1/3 of what he does, so I pay a 1/3 of the bills. i have a daughter from a previous relationship, but we raise her together and share parenting duties as well as her expenses. We both work full time, we both live in the house, all house work is 50/50 and all parenting is 50/50.
It wouldn’t be fair if it was any other way.


Throw the entire boyfriend out and find another. Problem solved.