My boyfriend thinks I should pay half of the rent because I have a daughter: Thoughts?

This is what happens when women don’t know how to stay alone for a while. You can’t just get with whoever. I see everyone bashing the guy but no one holds her accountable. When we choose to be a mother, our children and their safety come first. Women need to stop rushing into new relationships and chill by themselves for a while. Especially when we have children, that’s how so many molestation and rapes happen (not saying this is the case). How about telling her to stop looking for financing from a man and empowering her to become a self sufficient woman?? Yes a man should hold his wife down not girlfriend in all ways but she should be expecting to contribute into a household. It’s something that is great if a man does but should not be expected. Some women need to learn how to be mothers before being a woman.


Get rid of him. That is just the beginning of a long road of trouble


Thoughts? Get rid of him…

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He is a loser who isn’t any kind of man to provide for a family - he has zero plans - of being a provider. Leave stat if you plan on having a future with this man !

I don’t need to say much because it has already been said. I agree with all of these women here. He’s an epic asshole. You need to move on. He just wants to live off of you.

Honestly if you see marriage or a life long commitment then this should not be an issue.


Giiirl you and your daughter are a package deal! If he thinks like that towards her already he should be kicked to the curb!


That’s not a boyfriend that’s a bichhh


That means hes not willing to treat your child as if it were his own, which in turn means he shouldnt be with someone who has children. The future arguments would be over any and everything that your daughter would want/need. You dont want that for you or your child. My fiance treats my 2 daughters as if they were his own. We now have a child together as well. I’m a stay at home mom for now, and he provides and pays the bills for all 5 of us… not because i choose to not work, but because he wants me to be home as its best for our kids right now… and yes, we say OUR kids, not just mine. I’m not saying he should be paying for everything for your child, but the right man will step up, and if anything, want to help you grow, consider whats yours his, & take on any baggage that comes with that. Dont let anyone treat your child like a burden. It takes a certain kind of man, but they are out there.


She’s a child. Tell him where to go.


Your child over anything. For him to look at her as a bargaining tool when it comes to paying rent is disgusting. Who raised him? Don’t do it your daughter and most of all don’t do it to yourself. You seriously can find something for you and her and not be feel obligated to live by anyone else’s way or by their warped feelings. Ditch him and find another apartment for you and her and keep it moving!!


It’s unanimous, dump him! I mean what kind of man is arguing with his girlfriend about paying half the rent :woozy_face:. To hold a child accountable like that means he does not accept her fully and will treat her accordingly. Hopefully your financial situation can get you out of this situation, good luck.


Selfish man, move on


Let him go girl you don’t need him!!!


Is there a single person on here saying, pay 2/3 rent and keep him… :eyes: Boy, bye :v:t3:


How much do you currently pay?

Well then maybe he pays 40 pct rather than half. Try that. 20 pct child share 40 pct adult share.

Very selfish man. Run!!!


There are 2 of you guys and one of him so I guess it’s not really half and half. :woman_shrugging: Unless this is a serious long term relationship and he will be taking on the role of father he is not responsible for supporting her. :woman_shrugging: He obviously sees you as a roommate rather than a partner and he doesn’t sound keen on stepping in as a father, which is fine since she already has one of those paying child support, but unless it’s a new relationship or a recent fling he obviously isn’t interested in parenting/supporting your daughter at this stage in your relationship.


Leave before you get pregnant with this losers child. And your daughter deserves better…


We as women want to be treated as equals but not when it comes to paying your share? No man is responsible to you! Pay up or ship out.


Your boyfriend sounds like a child himself. Tell him to grow up or get out


Woman up and get your own place. Be responsible for all your own stuff and bills and focus on your daughter and self. It feels good to be independent

Yes half is fair daughter personally not in the equation she can’t pay her way yet

Yup he’d be tossed to the curb! she’s a child and that’s not how that works…


Throw that little boy in the trash . If he is like that he’s not a real man … just cause you have a child he thinks he shouldn’t have to pay half… if he can treat your child and you like that he’s a pos … I wouldn’t want that person to spend one more day around me … he’s trash :wastebasket:

For OP: leave.

And who the fuck are these people who literally laugh react on every post. I mean who are you guys??? Is everything a joke?

Get rid of him NOW!!

I believe when HE chose to be with you, you came as a package (your baby girl). Now the child support is for use of your daughter, not for any type of bills. Single or Not. Now as for that being a reason he wants to go halves on bills. That’s cool! But if you’re doing cooking, cleaning, washing, drying, folding laundry and whatever moms “are suppose to do” and he’s not participating! Charge him for it or let him do his own damn cooking, cleaning, washing and laundry! An eye for an eye! Or it’s probably time to go! Good luck! :pray:

So this person is expecting you to pay 2/3rds of all of the bills because you have a 5 year old? She doesn’t eat as much, not using as much electricity or water as an adult, probably not utilizing things like internet. So when you have a child together does that mean you’ll both split thier 1/4th of the bills too?

Leave now!! He should be half the rent because his ass is living there as well… but don’t even argue just dump his ass now it’s not even worth it .

He sounds like a scrub.

That is only going to end in tears for you


Girl… you gotta leave that fool!!! That ain’t love!

Sounds like an ass hat , get rid of the douche

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You shouldn’t have to pay for him. He’s not your husband. And by the sounds of it he’d rather live off you than live with you. Make him pay something or flick him. I’ve just been through the same thing. Not anymore. Think about your kid not him. Cock over kid is never a good idea.

Throw the whole boy out . I’d say man but…


Yeaaaaah…that sounds like a weird little resentment toward the baby. I would gtfo there quick!


Speaking from my own experience, I see this as a huge red flag. If he is coming into this like a business arrangement and already being funny about evenly sharing the rent expense with you, issues like this will continue to arise. Does he feel this way about the utilities and the groceries as well? If you truly love him then you can try to talk some sense into him, but I really think this says alot about his character. Good luck.


He’s a douche bag!! Does he actually accept your daughter ?? Like, it’s a NO for me !!!


This is a fake, made up conversation to draw comments.

His looking for a free / cheap ride not a partner or family. I’d be reconsidering the entire situation myself


You need to get rid of him asap

How is this even a question. Straight :hiking_boot: out the door :wave:t3:


I’m a “single mom in a relationship”. How does that work exactly?


Throw him back out where he belongs. He obviously does not think of your child as his problem at all.


Throw the fucker out useless

Get rid of him fast! No man should ever point out negativity towards your child and he is putting that crap on you absolutely not bye loser!


I’m confused. What % of the rent and bills does he feel the LW should be paying?

Get rid of the BOY and find the right MAN, sweetie.

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You should pay half because there are two of you. Two adults that is. Share the cost, share the lifestyle it’s not that hard


He is gross please let him read these because he needs to be gone.


That’s a huge red flag.


The question is confusing my brain. Is he wanting her to pay half or is she wanting him to pay half? If its both then problem solved. :thinking:

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Straight Up dump the jerk and yes find a real man !!!


yes you should, and not because of the kid but because you live there. hes not selfish so i dont know why women are saying hes selfish. you are an adult, you should be paying your portion

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Pay half of the rent and utilities or get out

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Uh… I’ve watched enough judge Judy episodes … she says yes! Lmao. She is 2 people and he is 1… doesn’t matter if the 2nd person is working or not.

Throw out the entire man


If he is doing now after 2 and a half years imagine what he will be like in a few more years … seems like you 2 have a lot to figure out befor more commitment


Tosser a bloke of 2.5 years should see the child as his own by now

I’d nope outta that one pretty quick.


Well… I guess it’s time to take out the trash… kick him to the curb! :wave:t3: Best of luck to you mama, you deserve someone who values you and your little girl. Sounds like he’s a little insecure and selfish :confused::confounded:

It kinda just depends on your relationship dynamic. My husband and I have always pooled all our money together and paid all the bills together even when we were dating. If we split expenses completely like that, then I would think I would’ve been paying for my kiddos stuff too. And then if we had kids together, then half me and half him. But like I said we choose to do everything together, so this isn’t an issue at our house.

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Throw him away and get another sounds like you can do better for your daughter


Is it a relationship or roommate? Relationship? Get married first or help w child expenses if y love her. Roommate? Definitely pay more. Utilities food etc add additional expenses.


RED flag! Get out now


He’s a loser! Get rid of him


What an ass hat of a boy. No you guys should split rent 50/50 between the adults

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Tell me you’re a douchebag without telling me you’re a douchebag!!! Get out!!! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Umm, you’re paying everything??
And he thinks what, its a free ride?!
You’ve spoiled him for 2 ½ years, its time to cut your loss otherwise he’s going to keep riding your coattail.


He sounds like a bum


Eww, that’s not a man


If he was a real boyfriend and loved you guys like he should… He shouldn’t want to split anything


Who rented the house first or did ya rent it together? If you rented it together then yes he should be paying half because he knew you had a child. If you rented it first, yes you should pay more because it’s yours and your child security. If he rented first, id pay more too

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ew get rid of the bf


Don’t split your bed with him.


Where do y’all find these “men” :woman_facepalming:t4:
If he doesn’t want to pay half of the bills, let him pay 100% of his own bills elsewhere. You should really reconsider your relationship with this man child. :woman_shrugging:t4:


BYE BYE would be my words, but that’s just me.


I think initially single moms like us who have learned to be independent and take care of our children on our own feel that we don’t need a man to come and help out with the kids. I get that it’s not his child and therefore he doesn’t have any responsibility towards her , however, like my parents say “He wants the cow he needs to take the calf too” .That type of behavior is gross in my opinion and will certainly raise red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:. Think about the future , is he ever going to be someone you can count on when things get tough for you ?


Get a better boyfriend? The guy I’m seeing and I have only been together a few months. But he doesn’t like when I pay for anything. Even if my kids are there. We just took them to a carnival on the 4th and my boyfriend insisted on paying for at least my kids snacks and for them to each play a game while we were there. He tried to cover their ride wristbands too and I beat him to it. He than had all 4 of us over his place for a cookout (most of the food he bought).


Does he live there w yu legitimately ? If he does then tell him to man up or go the Fuk away

get rid of him mama !!!


you’re not married so yeah, pay half. you’re essentially roommates

Whew chile…the fact you even have to ask this question a red flag!! And you say boyfriend of 2.5 years?? The fact you even had to ask him makes me wonder what has he been contributing to the relationship period!!!


Tell him to get the eff OUT!!


My man pays all the rent and I pay bills and food. If.your man isn’t will to make it work just because you have a child. And after 2.5 years oh boy. He should in my opinion be more bonded and not thinking she’s your kid. She should be ours at that point. Bit that’s just my opinion


Rent should be evenly split through the adults only. He sounds like a child though so you should be getting some support from his parents it seems like :grin:


Facebook flagged my previous comment because I said you should punch him in the face straight out the door…my opinion still stands. :person_shrugging: he ain’t worth your time


That is such a turn off!:nauseated_face: He’d have to get and go for me… The split second any type of shade or weird vibe is thrown my child’s way, I’m done… Girl, I’m sorry that he sucks​:confused:


Sis, he needs to hit the road!!

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Idk if this helps but i have a male roommate who pays half the rent and he takea the bigger utility bills and it is just me my daughter and him.


1st off that tells you alot if what he thinks and how he feels about your daughter. 2ndly he should be helping you if not paying all of it. And not just rent, everything. You’re not alone. And if he date’s you that includes your daughter. Or what? Is he gonna be living off you paying everything and him not helping out cuss “that’s your daughter not mine”. And 3dly, a guy with that kind of reaction and mindset shouldn’t even be one of your problems. Nobody lives off love, that’s reality. And if he’s not helping you then he shouldn’t be holding you


Sounds like ur bf needs to grow up


Your child I mean bf (because he clearly isn’t a man) is a tightas$


He is a frickin loser, walk away !!!, no run away !!!


If he loved you, he would love your kid like his own. My husband told me that after we got married. My current husband is not my son’s biological father but he loves him like his own. As a bf, before marriage he treated my son like his own. After marriage, he still treats him as his own. My husband never ask for a cent before or after marriage. It comes from the good family he comes from. He comes from a woman and a man who taught him how to be an extraordinary MAN. if that guy can’t be the extraordinary man a single mom like us deserve, he doesn’t deserve you. Time to walk away and a real man will come into your life. He is just a sample of what shitty feels like. Do you want a man to make you feel cheap?

I mean if you can afford to pay a bit more if she has her own room, and a bit more in power if she has like a heater in her room, that would be really sweet of you, but not expected while in a relationship, sounds like he sees himself as a flat mate, not a partner.


Don’t live with your boyfriend. If he is committed to you AND your child, he will want to care for yall. He will marry you because he wants the both of you. If you can help with rent, than help once married.


If you did not have a child, you would only need a one bedroom apartment, you have a child, so you a two bedroom. Usually that equates more money. This should of been discussed when you moved into together. It’s your child, not his. My question is why is this coming up now? He’s probably looking for a fight to break up