My boyfriend went to the zoo with his ex and child, should I be mad?

He’s the father and the mother won’t let him have his child because she’s too small? OKAY WHAT


Seeing two parents showing a united front infront of the child is the best thing. No you shouldn’t be mad im a mum and i have done the park trips with my child’s father they love it to see that mum and dad might not like each other but they can be mature and come together for the child is beautiful


Sounds like you don’t trust him. And if you don’t trust him then there’s no point in the relationship. He will put his child first and will also be involved with the child’s mother. And that is not going to go away. The ex will always be in his life. If you can’t understand and accept that then you shouldn’t be with him at all


I think you’re just jealous. If he hid from you it would be different. He’s child comes before you. Have you been together for long?


They’re co-parenting like they should be if you have an issue with it then don’t be with him. Kids that little don’t understand their parents being separated so if the parents get along the better the situation is


I wouldn’t be mad especially if he is telling you about what he is doing. It seems like he is just trying to be a good coparent with his child’s mother. I recommend you watching jesssfam on YouTube she has a great relationship with her baby daddy and his wife. They have a podcast too.


I think all three are in a difficult situation but I think trying to be the open, calm one will only benefit yourself and everyone involved. Of course that’s the kiddies mum and dad and some form of family-ship being maintained is only a good thing. I would try keep cool calm and supportive & hopefully it won’t upset you so much, it’s just different with kids isn’t it. Sending support to you all!!


I’d say get used to it.
If you guys are in a committed relationship & you trust him, there should be no issue.
The parents separated, not the child’s family.
My ex & I still do things together with our kids & they’re older then two.

Maybe ask to be involved if you’re looking at a long term commitment & build a relationship with the Mum & child


Don’t think you’re mature enough to be involved in such a positive co parenting set up. Do you have any intention of a relationship with this little one? Any intention of being respectful and seeing her ad the mother of his child rather than ex? Hats off to both those parents, I hope you learn something from them. Hopefully there won’t ever be an age where they feel the need to stop coming together for their child


Don’t be thr akward stepmother it’s not like he’s having an affair with her he’s loves his child and is doing what’s best for it . Are you maybe a little jealous that you didn’t get an invite pr that the ex went too. Why not ask if you can join them. As you all need a good relationship with each other.


Hughy Thomaš this is surely satire

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Its all good for the child that kids growing up with 2 loving parents, but why didnt he tell you he was going is my question?


It’s called co-parenting and good on them for being able to do it, it’s hard to put your feelings aside for the sake of the little one.
What I’d have a question about is why 2 years old is not old enough to be with the dad alone? Seems strange to me, my boy was left alone with his daddy from the start so I could do shopping or get some peace and they had good bonding time together. 2 years old isn’t too small to be alone with a parent

Allow them to co parent. It’s possible to and truly doesn’t need to be a problem. As long as you have trust, then you’re fine. Now if you’re bf isn’t trustworthy then that’s another story. Otherwise remember that you are all adults and he should be able to do things with his kid and his kids mother without having to feel like his gf is going to make a fuss over pretty much nothing. I understand that because they had a kid together means that they were intimate at some point, but that doesn’t mean they will inevitably forever have the potential to be intimate. It’s actually possible to no longer be attracted to your child’s mother/father but you respect that without them, you wouldn’t have the small human that you’d give your life for… and because of that, they have your respect; but otherwise you no longer feel any attraction to them as you’ve moved on. Just my 2¢~ :upside_down_face:

My partner used to go out on days out with his children and their mum. There was nothing to it apart from parenting and making sure the kids were fully supported especially being so young.
After a while this stopped as they got older and come to be aware that mum and dad don’t live together mum has her own things with kids and dad has his own things too :slightly_smiling_face:

Now kids are 11 and 14 we still have days out as a family unit and invite mum or vice Versace xx

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Nope you shouldn’t be mad. Good for him for being mature and coparenting properly for the best interest of the child. As long as you trust him, you should be glad he’s being such a good dad.


I’m sorry but if he can’t look after his own child at almost 2 years old, is he any sort of man you want in your life ? If they have a good relationship in respect of their child then fab. I’ve learnt over the years never to be with a man who hasn’t got a good established routine or set up with their kids. Jumping to things here too, but if you had a child with him, will he help ? Will he make out it’s too small. Having your own baby with their little chicken legs when they’ve just been born. Look so fragile yes, but we all crack on and hold them up by their little ankles etc. We’re not hurting them or anything. I feel it’s just an excuse to not look after the kid. Or for him to have his cake and eat it maybe. Not much info on your post to go by. You should feel secure in your relationship and he should be working on building more trust with you maybe or something as it’s obviously bothering you even if he is just trying his best to be a dad. Hope things work out for you

Sounds like a great dad to me! He had a choice to be petty and walk out of his child’s life or be a man and keep the peace with the mother for the sake of the child. so many children grow up in broken homes that it’s nice they’re able to get along for their child to feel what should be normal.

ultimately if you’re upset about it you need to communicate that to him and he needs to meet you half way with being honest. You have to trust him and if you can’t do that then he isn’t right for you. wishing y’all all the best!!

This make literally no sense… The father can’t be left alone with a small child? Also, tbh don’t be with someone who has children with someone else if you’re gunna get upset about the presence of the other woman, she the mother of his children, you need to figure out a way to be ok with it.


Grow up girlfriend. Co-parenting is great when it’s safe to do so, you just sound petty bearing jealous your mans making good memories for his kid.


I go out with my ex and our kids, we have a great relationship now he has a girlfriend and we’ve all been out together too, I think its great to have have relationship with the other parent especially with kids involved

Sounds like poster has some insecurities going on


You need to leave the situation. Clearly you’re not built for it.


#1. She’s not too small for her FATHER to take care of her
#2. Grow up

Yet you got with this man knowing there was a child…? Oh baby :woman_facepalming:t2:


Jealousy comes to mind

Petty fuck
Two parents looking after their child and you’re jealous/ mad ?
Grow up


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend went to the zoo with his ex and child, should I be mad? - Mamas Uncut

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Nah, the kid shouldn’t be able to spend time with her parents because you’re jealous… I’m sure the trip was about the kid, not them.


…so he has a child with that woman. If you can’t trust him, leave him. If he’s never given you reason to doubt his loyalty you have no right to be mad whatsoever. The mother of his child is in his life, forever.


My kids dad and I do stuff like this all the time. It’s easier and better for our children to see thst we can get along. Just because we didn’t work doesn’t mean we can’t get along for our kids mental health and well being


As me being “the ex”, I want nothing more than my son and his father to have a good relationship. We get along pretty well as long as we aren’t together too long lol. We just went to the zoo yesterday, just the three of us. Nothing happened other than family bonding. His girlfriend is a whole different story and refuses to allow him to spend time with his son for fear of us getting back together :roll_eyes: girl please


I’m not buying that its bc he needs help with the child. Maybe if he was left alone with the child he would know how to take care of it. I think the mother is either over protective or they are still interested in being a couple. I would talk to your boyfriend and tell him you are not comfortable with this. You both could have taken said child so he had help. Mom needs to back off and except you. Or you all go together period.


Most of y’all are missing the point. It’s not about him trying to co parent. You’re an adult that has a child and you can’t take care of your own child without being with the ex?? I would be suspicious too and I’m a mom my self. I know there are woman who say the father can’t be around the child alone just because he has a gf and she’s bitter/jealous that he has moved on(my own experience) It may be more to the story than him spending time with both of them. 2 years old is not too young for the father to be able to be alone with his seed. Newborn maybe, but I’m sure he has family and clearly a gf that can help him manage. It’s not that hard :man_shrugging:t5: And before y’all try to jump down my throat him spending time with them is not wrong, but the excuse just makes it weird and she has every right to feel how she feels.


You refer to his child as the child! It’s best you move on!


You should never try to come between a man and his child and I know this personally that child comes with an ex. Trust is huge here. They are an ex for a reason and if you love him then you just be there and encourage his relationship with his child and also try to become a part of it too. I have a wonderful relationship with a man that both our kids were 5 when we met and neither of us interfered with the others exes. We just made a beautiful blended family!!


I don’t see the issue ? He has a child and the child’s mother and father co parent ? That’s not a bad thing that’s a wonderful thing! If that’s an issue for you then I would suggest being with someone who doesn’t have children from a previous relationship


thats great co parenting but outta respect he shlda told u ahead of time, my ex and i take our kids to the zoo, we even took them to disneyland and shared a hotel room w 100% zero interest in anythng but our kids, i even invited his gf to come, she had to work but hopefully nxt trip she will come.


He should’ve told you knowing you would be upset but need to understand it’s important for the child to have both parents in her memories separately and together (not romantically but as friends there for the child). My ex didn’t understand and one of the reasons he is my ex due to the shit I’d have to deal with bc he was jealous and didn’t understand how important it was to my daughter. We only do it a few times a year but it’s something I wouldnt change for the world. We have no feelings for each other than as the parent of our child and we are co-parenting as best we need to for our child. You can be upset he didn’t tell you prior but not that he is taking time to make memories for his child in a healthy way.


If you’re not mature enough to except the fact that they have a child together and it’s okay for them to be friends and do things as a family then you shouldn’t be in a relationship at all… they are still family no matter what and you should respect that. Maybe try joining next time and get to know her, as well as his child


Your insecurities and immaturity shouldn’t get in the way of him being a good dad and having a good relationship with his child’s mother.
You either need to work on your issues or leave


It’s weird that you weren’t invited and didn’t know about it and it seems the respect for you isn’t there and your feelings are on a back burner. People have there own opinions on this topic i however have been that child and honestly felt like it’s more confusing when both the parents are trying to do stuff together like that but aren’t together. I guess it depends on the situation of things but if it’s not sitting right with you talk to him about it and see where it goes.


Yes and no.i mean I understand co parenting and all but why couldn’t you go too? But then again the mother is ALWAYS gonna be in his life regardless of how you feel bc of that child. So might just be something you are gonna have to deal with. But if you can’t now is the time to let him go.


First of all, newborns aren’t too young to be with their dads. If he can’t handle a 2 year old on his own, I’d seriously be questioning what your future holds with him.

Secondly, if he does end up wanting to be with the mother of his child, great. You’re only dating at this point anyway.


Nope. Child is definitely not too young :unamused: he’s dad… it’s his child not radioactive waste. This just seems suspish


The excuse that child is to small bs seems like a cover story to make it okay with you that he spends time around his ex… no reason he can’t have his child alone unless he shouldn’t be around kids period supervised or not… suspicious!


I totally understand your point. I get it. It’s not wrong for him to go be with his child. Is it that you just want to be included in some of the outings? You would have to be super women not to feel some kind of worry. Why can’t he reassure you every time these outings occur that you are the one for him. That’s the main problem. He needs to help you get through these natural feelings.


I’m engaged to a man with a child. She’s about to turn 5. I’ve been in her life since she was 1. My fiancé has gone places with her and her mum.
He goes to her house 3 days a week after work to spend time with his daughter instead of dragging her around all over the place.
Comes down to trust honestly. If you don’t trust him then you shouldn’t be with him.
If you don’t trust the ex, then that still means you don’t trust your man not to do the wrong thing.
They are exes for a reason. Believe me. No one with a child would be exes if there was a chance of staying together.

I get that it’s not your ideal situation and I never thought I would be with someone with a child but I’m so glad I stuck by and didn’t throw it in the ‘too hard basket’. I have found the best guy and his daughter is amazing. She says she has two Mum’s. She tells me she loves me every time she says bye to me or goodnight. I’m very very lucky.

You need to decide if being with someone with a child is right for you. Because honestly it’s not for everyone.

My fiancé’s ex has always been great to me also so I’m very blessed. Every situation is different. I hope you can figure out the right thing your gut is telling you to do, for you x


Sometimes men don’t always have the instincts like mothers do so he needs help but still wants to enjoy an outing with the child! Have you ever asked to be apart of these outings? I’m sure the mother wouldn’t mind, she would also probably like to know you and build trust! If he has never given you a reason to be concerned then don’t make one. Enjoy the fact that he will be there for his children no matter what! Also if you’ve ever taken a toddler to the zoo you will know why that man had a long day! :joy:


I am the step parent and go over to his ex’s house and help her with tech issues, paperwork for the child, and talk to her frequently, as does he. For me, it is not about the adults, its what is in the best interest of the child. Whatever that may look like.


I feel like as long as their hasn’t been anything inappropriate while you’ve been together with him then I would
Say it’s harmless.

It’s good for the child to see mom and dad coparenting. However I would
Ask why he didn’t bring you? He could of asked you to go. Maybe if you were there it would make you more comfortable


It’s great if they are co parenting and getting along, and not using the child against each other, however I’d be more interested to know why he can’t be alone or have his child at 2 i don’t see why he couldn’t


If you’re not ok with this, you need to leave. What he is doing is being a great dad. Don’t get in the way of that.


Could def be nothing to worry about, but why as a man can’t he get his child by himself??? Like you have had 2 years of practice by now, that is what I would be more worried about…js!


If you want to be with him, they come with the package. What you might want to question is his inability to care for his child without her mommy there to help.


Communication is always best in any relationship talk with your man tell him how u feel and see where it goes…if he continues to still spend time with baby mama then he’s not the one for you


Honestly, It’s a show of your insecurities that you’re not ok with it.

He’s with you, he chose you. He can still be friends with the mother of his child, in fact - i’d expect it for the child’s sake if my husband and I ever separated.

Kids come first, always. Co-parenting is important because the flip side to that & the toxicity that comes with it will damage that child’s relationship for years to come.


A 2 year old is not too young to be left alone with their father, so his story is a load of horse shit. However, for the other part, my children’s father and I do all kinds of events and things with the kids together. The kids and even we enjoy it as a family.


First off, stop calling it “the child” im sure his baby has a name. And second, if it was me, I’d choose “the child” over a spouse ANY day. So I’m proud of him for wanting a relationship with his baby


If you couldn’t tag along or if he didn’t invite you… please move on. I know any breakup is difficult but it’s better you aren’t always the 3rd option in the long run.


Grow the hell up.
You should appreciate you have a man who takes his parenting responsibilities seriously and for the sake of his child can get on well with the mother.
If you can’t handle it then you need to learn or leave.


If you don’t want to support healthy coparenting, don’t date someone with children. Period.


No trust the relationship won’t work stop being jealous an let him be a dad hopefully he made it clear to you that his child will come first


It’s called co-parenting. If you’re not comfortable with that, then you shouldn’t be with someone who has a child with another person.


It’s called co-parenting and they are doing it for the child. You should be proud of him for being so involved with his child. If you can’t trust him, you should step aside and find someone else that doesn’t have any previous responsibilities.


There is no reason why this should upset you! That is called co-parenting and great for that child. If you can’t handle that you might need to find another man.


If you have to question the time he spends with his child then get out of his life. You clearly aren’t mature enough to accept he has a child with someone else


What a brilliant set of parents, well done to them. Putting their beak up aside and being able to make memories with their child together, that’s great.

If you don’t trust that he’s doing what he says, then that’s a flaw in your relationship not theirs!


What a lovely dad that man is! He has realised that his relationship with his child has to be his first priority. You have to realise that too - and whilst his little one is so young, it will involve mum as well. If you aren’t prepared to take second place, you should end the relationship now.


I think he is doing an amazing thing. I understand ur feelings but I think that if he had anything to hide he wouldn’t of been honest. For the 1st 6 years after my break up with the kids dad, he had a key to my house and was welcome whenever he wanted to see them. We would go on days out with them and spent every Xmas together for the kids. That has stopped but it was important for the girls at the time. How long have u been with him? Maybe when the time is right for all of u, you can meet the ex. That might help. I would advise not to try and stop this or cause an issue making him feel uncomfortable as he is being a Daddy and putting his child first. That’s admirable and something more parents should do. Try talking to him, maybe ask if u can meet the ex. If they have a good friendship she may welcome this. I know I did. X


His daughters mothers going to be apart of his life for life its simple as that. If your not okay with them keeping in touch for their childs sake the relationship isnt for you. Save yourself the heart ache if you cant come to terms with the dynamic your in :woman_shrugging:t4: Shes going to have to deal with entrusting another woman (you) with her child at some point.


Maybe grow tf up and get over yourself because co-parenting is a thing to keep a healthy environment for the child. If you can’t understand that then you are the problem and have some serious maturing to do.


I wouldn’t be happy about it I know dads that gave their young children


I completely understand you’re logic about this but you do need to appreciate that people who co parent like to take the child/children out for day trips as a family to make things normal for the child where both parents are present for those special days out! If there are no feelings between them romantically and you trust him then there is no issue here x


I’m just gonna leave this here

“Co-parenting isn’t weird. Helping the other parent of your children move isn’t weird. Helping them with advice isn’t weird. Hanging out with them isn’t weird. Going on family days with them for the kids isn’t weird. Being friends with their new significant other isn’t weird. Being friends with them IS NOT weird. Wanna know what’s weird? Wanting two separated parents to not do what’s best for their children. I want my kids to know that even though I’m not with their mother I still respect her and love her as a friend. Nothing will change that. And they will be better people because of that. /end rant.”

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I understand where your coming from however he was completely honest with you, it’s nice for a child to go out with mummy and daddy whether they’re together or not.
I’d probably say voice your concerns to your boyfriend but you knew this man had a child with another woman.
Also if he hasn’t spent a great deal of time with his child, it can be pretty nerve wracking taking a child out for a whole day xx


I’d be congratulating him and her on their ability to co-parent so well together. Whether you like it or not, he has a child with someone else, and it’s very rare to see separated couples co-parent in a civil manner. It’s important for children that are so young to have a great relationship with both their parents & I’m sure their 2 year old enjoyed his/her time with mum & dad. Perhaps you should build a relationship with her and get to know her better. She’s not going anywhere. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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A complex situation. The mother needs to spend time with her daughter. Yes he needs to see his daughter unless required by divorce decree the father should be able to spend time with his daughter. I respect that you want the best for his daughter .


It’s crazy how y’all slandering the mother with no background! Y’all always come for the mother’s. Not every mother is bitter she could be protecting her child. That dude could be leaving some things unsaid. Or he wants his family back :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t let my son’s dad see him without me there because I don’t trust him. I have no feelings toward him at all and would never go back there.
We have learnt to get along because it’s good for my son, it’s what grown ups have to do.
So I think you should just be happy that your bf is spending time with his son and maybe in time you can go along on visits as well and build a relationship which will lead to you and your boyfriend getting to have his son by yourself s. But if u go metal about it now that will prob never happen

That’s completely normal and also that’s not too small to be left with dad?? That’s rlly weird. I’m a stepmom and we’ve been keeping my SOs daughter since she was 4 months old since by then she only needed formula. That part aside that is completely normal. The only weird part is why they didn’t invite you? Unless y’all are in a new relationship or something.


I think the relationship two exes with children have is important. I would be fully supportive of that. My only issue is not being told beforehand. If you address that with him and he gives you the courtesy of a heads up next time, I would be happy about it for the sake of the child

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I think if something was going on between him and the mom he would hide ng it from you. Instead, he is open and honest. I think you have a great man who is trying to be a great father by getting a long with his baby’s mother.

If you’re dating someone with a child you need to accept the fact you’re never gonna come first - the child is. His baby mama will always be in his life because of their baby, and if you can’t accept that you shouldn’t be with him lol. The baby is only 2! They’re probably still trying to figure out their “new normal” and co-parenting thing. You need to be more understanding instead of being insecure.


It is pretty hard to handle a relationship when there are kids involved, IF YOU FEEL YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE RELATIONSHIP, YOU MUST MUST MUST END IT. Sorry to say that but, I was in both sides, first as a single woman with a man with a child and second one I was the one with a child with a single man …. Tough !


At least he was honest about it, if he had other intentions he would not have answered yes…

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Personally I think no, you shouldn’t be mad that they do things as a family. So long as there is no interest in anything more than a co-parenting relationship. However, it’s curious that he says his kid is too small to be left alone with him…she’s not an infant, and even if she was, he is her father and should probably grow up and learn how to care for a child. He made it after all. :woman_shrugging:

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The child is 2! That child needs to know what a family unit is even if they are not together! having both parents taking them on fun activities altogether the child will remember forever. If you have a problem with that, break up.

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I think you could definitely tell him how you feel and if you’re serious about him and the child he comes with, present the idea of coming along on adventures with them. His kiddo would get a chance to know you, see the adults in his life getting along, and you could have the comfort of being present.

I think it’s beautiful & amazing for a child to grow up like this. Two parents that love them so much that they can act like adults&put things to the side to Co parent. It’s the way it should be & qualities that you should want your partner to have. It gives you a glimpse into the future that should you have children & anything go wrong, he will do the right thing!


Good on him for spending time with his little girl, parents who aren’t together should at the very least get along for their children. I do think you need to get your jealousy in check and let it go.

The greatest thing for a child is for the parents to maintain a relationship that is positive. He came home to you. Trust him and keep the communication open about your feelings.

The kid deserves to experience both his parents getting along. It would have been fantastic for them to include you, yes. But, the three of them going together and getting along is setting a much better example to the kiddo than the parents being divided and fighting.

It would have been better if he had let you know what the plans were. It’s sketchy that you were told after the fact. If he can’t be alone with his own child, that’s a red flag! He has you at home too! He would not be alone. That is not how a relationship should start. I’m all for co-parenting, but be up front with everything. It’s early enough in your relationship to leave, or set down some boundaries now.

2 is too small for him to be alone with her? That’s weird to me. I am all for coparenting and stuff, I do it as well. Without knowing why his visits must be chaperoned, to me can’t really say. If there’s no danger for the child I’d say always having her present is a bit much. You can do things together as a family, but not everything. If there’s never been a reason for him to be doubted then I mean you should trust him until he gives a reason not to.

Why don’t you go with them to :woman_facepalming: at least he is being a father and spending time with his child


People may have lives before you. And if they have children, it is sometimes best for that child to have both parents in their lives. I wouldn’t be mad. Just watch for inconsistencies. Now, there are many people living like this, even tho they aren’t good for each other, they’re good for the child. It’s common. Just be aware of inconsistencies.

I don’t see a problem with it! He’s honest with you about being with her so he’s not hiding things from you and he’s being a responsible parent by having something to do with his child. It would be different if he was hiding things from you.

Depends on how long ye are together on if you should have been invited or not but sometimes it’s good for the child to be able to do things with just their parents if they can get along. Him not telling you though is probably the only thing you can really be mad about. They’re the kids parents at the end of the day.

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Me and my daughter’s dad do stuff together still and we not together. Co parenting is important and you should be happy that your bf is trying for HIS kid

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