My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

You don’t love him, you are dependent on him. A man who doesn’t work, treat you right, ignores his daughter ad nauseum. Get some self respect lady.

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If you stay in this relationship knowing how unhealthy it is, child protective services could take your baby, because of you having kept her in an abusive situation. Not sure what you see in this useless, nasty person, but get away from him ASAP before things escalate (and they will).

What the hell is wrong with you?? Leave that lazy bastard.He will never change.Your child deserves better and so do you.

You love yourself more than your child. You’re selfish. Be a mother and raise your children well with good environment. Your boyfriend/husband can replace you but your child will be your child forever.

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I moved out when my daughter was 2 months old, I loved him too but no one should make you feel low like that when things are already hard enough with a newborn. You need support, and if he is just making things harder you need to separate yourself and your daughter from something toxic right now. Maybe things will change later but it’s hard when this is the time you need someone the most and they bail I many ways even if they are present in the home. Be good to yourself, you deserve it. :raised_hands: Hope things work out.

Sounds like you already have your answer… :person_tipping_hand:


That’s because you’re being extremely selfish on for a piece of shit but if you continue so be it why are you doing this to your child she deserves better he doesn’t care about you or your well-being or his babies wake up wake up girl

hes toxic. contact your mum and ask for help then leave him and tell him to seek medical help, he may be clinically depressed

You can love someone and they’re toxic and bad news. Don’t let him ruin more of your life. He doesn’t serve any purpose. You have 2 children.

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Drop him, seriously, he won’t help with anything. My parents used to call his type, a boat anchor he’ll only keep pulling you down. Give him an ultimatum but stop letting him live off you and your baby.

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Leave him now he is an abusive cunt and toxic for you

Dear me young lady get yourself out of there he isn’t going to change and a baby obviously isn’t helping… get yourself out and be happy with yourself and baby…

Who do you love more your daughter or him? Do what’s best for your daughter. Do you want her to one day find a man like him?


Leave and go live with your parents and get full custody

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Some times you have to put your foot down. If you love him he should come around.i know someone who has 3 kids and doesn’t work. It’s very hard.

I agree with all the above

I don’t know why this is even a question?? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Have you lost your mind? Your a parent, children come first. Be done with him, file for support, get to your parent’s home and get on your feet. You need counseling then to get working.

Kick him to the curb! You and your daughter will never have a life as long as you continue to allow yourself to enable him to sponge off society and never contribute to supporting a family. He’s worthless!

You can love him with all your heart but if he doesn’t respect you enough to be a provider for you and your daughter also belittling you, he does not love you!! I know it hurts but you have to move on and take care of your daughter and your self. Trust me when I say it’s scary being on your own but it will be worth it. You will find someone who loves you and your daughter. I will be praying for you and your daughter.

You have a beautiful baby to look after, he is an adult who needs to grow up and look after himself.

Why are you asking this on Facebook. Really??? Wake up woman!!!


Go back to your mum and dad. Sounds like this could get nasty, you need to leave. There isn’t any other option.


Get rid of him for good. No second chances.

Hes an abuser. Mentally ir physically it’s still abuse
And cutting you off from family is a huge red flag. Take your baby and go home to mom and dad. For your sake and your daughter


You need to tell him that it’s time for him to grow up he’s not a child anymore and he has to be responsible and you should never have to give up the people you’re close to for a relationship if he doesn’t move on with your life believe me you’ll find better

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Why do you love him? What could he possibly bring to the table?
Is this the kind of relationship you want for your daughter?
Move out and move on.
Get custody in order and focus on your future.


I would suggest ‘you and daughter’ move back home Let boyfriend grow up. Your daughter is priority not him. Where are you living? Does he pay where you are now? At another place for free? You will be kicked out again if that is the case. Go home with baby, do not cut your family and friends off Hon. They love and care about you. Not knowing your age, but if your family can help, get a job and help at home. Boyfriend will have to make a decision for himself. Does he love you and his daughter the way you think you love him? I don’t think so.


You’re very brave for looking for help. This is an abusive relationship, and even though we love people, it doesn’t mean that its healthy for us to be with them. This current situation is dangerous for you and your daughter. Get out as soon as possible


look for therapy if you can, and cut all ties with this person. He could turn violent.

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YOU picked him dummy lol ,just leave ,you were ok with it till now there’s an infant.If it’s not the life you feel your capable of ,then scoot,no explanations , nothing …It might make him sack up ,who knows


I went thru something similar with my son’s father. I left when my son was 8 months old. His father stayed in bed for the entire 8 months. A lot of it was depression as he’s a combat veteran. But I tried everything and it was making me less of a mother so I had to leave. A few months of no contact, he promised me he would do better and it didn’t change much. I learned that a lot of the verbal manipulation is bc they feel like crap about themselves and project onto you. It’s not right. After being on my own, about 4 or 5 months I started getting into the groove of things and feeling stronger and more confident. You just had a baby. Your hormones are still very strong from the pregnancy and delivery. You’re making this HUGE adjustment from living for yourself ur entire life to living for ur child. That’s a big change. You need peace to figure out what kind of mom you want to be. The relationship drama clouds all of that. I suggest you leave and focus on ur child and don’t give in to any advances or promises from him in the future that he’ll be better. Bc it’s not likely to stick for longer than a few weeks or months and just go back to the way it is. It’s a burden you can’t take on and you’d be doing him no favors by trying to. He’s got to work thru this and you’ve got to take care of your child.


Your priority is your daughter! Leave!

I was in the same situation as you 5 years ago. I left because I did not want my daughter to think the way her father treated me was ok. I did not want her future to be the same. So I left and I have found a wonderful man that shows my daughter how a women should be treated. With love and respect and he treats her with the upmost respect. I hope you can do the same thing I did because if you stay your daughter will most likely end up in your current situations when she is older.

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Leave. Move out. I was in the same situation. It took me 5 years and a 6 week old baby boy for me to leave. Move in with your mom and dad. Itll get better. I promise.

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Walk away. Thats the best you can do for her. He will never change

There is no cure for lazyness!!!

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Love is an action. He isnt showing you or the child he loves you. And your actions of tolerating his poor behavior are not love either. Sorry dear, leave him and work on the piece of you that would tolerate this behavior before you repeat the cycle.

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Kick him to the curb your daughter needs her grandparents also.hes not going to change unless you set boundaries. You didn’t make that baby on your own

Just leave. Not worth going through that with your child!

Go back to your family and tell that loser since enjoyed the manufacturing of your child now it’s time to help with the maintence.

What would you say to me if I told you “my boyfriend does nothing, is totally useless, and hateful, and made me stop talking to everyone who loves me, but I love him and will follow him anywhere.”
What if I said “he kicked my newborn”? What if he stabbed me in the face? What if he did that to you? Where does your love for him end and your love for yourself and your child start?

ATTENTION LADIES: This shit I why the phrase “You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else” exists.

YOU’RE A MOTHER NOW! The time to get your shit together was LAST YEAR! Move it before you lose it, Pumpkin. Run back to mommy and daddy and stay there until you’re a grown up.

He’s not a man. He’s a punk.

Do you really want this to be the example your child grows up with?

Kick him to the curb.

he is a lazy pice of crap and won’t change. kick him out

Uh, go back to your parents. I didnt talk to my mom for over a year. I came home at 2am with my daughter and she never questioned it.
It WILL get worse.
In that 3 year relationship I was choked with a belt for telling one of his coworkers the the gender of our baby was when he was 8 feet away and heard my answer. I had 3 bruised ribs, 7 black eyes, bruises on my legs, hips, stomach, chest and arms, and 3 miscarriages due to the abuse.

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He’s a narcissist and only cares about himself. Leave or kick him out and change the locks and get a restraining order. If he doesn’t care about you and the baby he will cheat on you with no problem anyway.

Please leave girl for your daughter,s sake.

Sounds very controlling under dv walk away while you can before it gets worse trust me I’ve been through it for 6 years so glad i moved away

If you have your daughter’s best interests in mind, I’d leave. Make your point to him. If he loves y’all truly, he’ll take the steps necessary to get on the right track. It doesn’t have to be forever.

Be serious!! I you let him get away with it then you are an enabler.

Kick him to the kids

Move back with your parents and leave him alone

Stay with him and do whatever he tells you to do and don’t complain about it.It isn’t the man’s job to take care of a baby.You’re lucky to have a boyfriend especially now that you got a kid.:blush:

You know what you need to do. The red flags were there before baby ever came into the picture. Leave now. It’s hard because the heart thinks that you can fix the situation. It’s never your job to fix another human being. Just take care of yourself and your kid. Kick the man-child to the curb. A queen doesn’t put up with this.


Leave him. Go after him through the court system. My daughter had a similar situation - even though my granddaughter is now 21, her father never voluntarily helped, just enough to get out of jail. The bum deserves it.
(just so you know - daughter and granddaughter never suffered that month. My wife and self had the pleasure of helping raise her. Daughter worked hard, went to school in addition to work, and now has a MSN (master of science in nursing).

If your asking ,then you truly know the answer. It’s hard to make that first step to break it and I am sure scary now that you have a child.
He’s showing you his true colors.
Be strong …you need to protect yourself and child. There’s better out there.
You can be a single mother and make it far in life and give your child the best.
RUN!!!he’s not going to change ,it will keep getting worse. There’s help out there if you need it.


You teach people how to treat you by letting them continue… and you are setting a fine example for your daughter…so bottom line is what do YOU think you should do?


Love is s verb and I am sure you Love your daughter so teach her what it means by Loving her and yourself over everything. Go home leave that lump of nothing, do not start your childs life in this way it will not get better.


Cutting off friends and family is abuse. Once my contact was cut, the physical stuff started. Get out while you can. I left with my baby bc she deserved better and deserved to know that type of behavior by a man isn’t normal.


You can love a person and know intently that the relationship is toxic. You need to figure out what you want your future to be and start taking the steps to make it happen. If he doesn’t help in any way financially or at home then he doesn’t love you no matter how many times he says it. Loving someone means caring and helping and being a team. Sounds like he needs you more than loves you. Be strong and think with your head over your heart. I’ve been in a relationship where it was only 80/20 and it causes so much extra stress that you don’t need. Know your worth.




Leave, Leave Leave, it’s just the beginning of mental and leads to physical abuse to you and your children. Don’t teach your daughter that it is ok to allow a guy/ man treat you that way. Get out now


It is not gonna get better. And the longer you wait the harder it will be to leave. You really want your daughter growing up thinking that this is ok? Your gonna have enough problems if she inherited the lazy gene, she doesn’t need a live in example.

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If you stay in that toxic relationship, you’ll have nothing but the same. You have a choice, stay or get out and make your life better. You owe your daughter more than what she’s getting now.

You are raising one child, not two. Get out now and be with family that supports you. Baby is number one priority.


Time to tell him to leave. Then get child support for if he ever gets to work. This is already a bad sign.

Run! Run far away before it all gets worse! :two_hearts:


Cutting you off from your family is a form of domestic violence. I would definitely get out of the relationship while your little girl is still a baby. Don’t let her see what may come next. She deserves a good life mama.


You answered your own question,s .Believe in yourself and do what’s best for your daughter.


RUN! Before it’s too late!

Run, don’t look back. Find and love yourself…you deserve better


I feel like if you just go back and read this as if it were your own daughter who was being treated this way you will have your answer… :zipper_mouth_face:


Yes Get out!!! You deserve better and so does your daughter. This is abuse and will only get worse.


The hardest decision is always the right decision. Sometimes we have to leave for them to grown up.


Do whats best for you and your baby! Been down that road, trust me its a road you dont wanna go down!


Boyfriends will come and go…Your family is your family forever…


It will get worse. Get out and move home


I did this minus baby and When he said you can’t see my family and friends. I divorced him


Run run run…you deserve better than this.He is not going to change

Call your family and go home. You and your daughter deserve better.


I think you have answered your own question!!! It’s time for you & your baby to leave!! He obviously doesn’t love you or his daughter!! I know you may love him, but if he’s like this now he’s probably not going to change!!! I’m sorry, but do what is best for you & your baby!!! Leave now & don’t look back!!


Please listen to everyone most are saying the one same thing


Get out and run as fast as you can. From experience it will only get worse.

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It is only going to get worse. But the only one that can do anything about it, is you.


Yes i say get out you and baby deserve better.


Get out stay out, child needs stability and a good example for a father

What would you tell your best friend? Better yet, advance 18 years, what would you tell your own daughter?

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Trust God will work things out, find a good church & you’ll find the help you need. Uplifting you in prayer. :angel:

Honey please, please, please return to your family. Even if you aren’t strong enough yet to see that you deserve better at least see that your baby does. Cutting you off from those you love and love you is a form of abuse.

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It’s time to leave you dont need him you are a great mom to have your daughters best interest you also need your parents support go leave now

Its quite evident he doesn’t love you!!

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RUN!!! Get as far from him as you can. He won’t change.


Have seen this happen. Not a good thing. Get out ASAP!!

A past time to be out of that relationship

Leave. It’s not going to get any better, only worse.

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U r the only one that can make the decision…u do not sound happy…my advice would be change your situation for u andyour child.

It is not wise to break ties with your family. You need them! Now more than ever! Make amends with them and forget about the lazy moocher. By staying with him, you’ll be teaching your daughter that it’s ok to be treated that way. Apologize to your family and ask for their help until you can stand on your own 2 feet. Make your own way with your daughter and never look back. Don’t forget to file for child support! :heartpulse: Best wishes!

Be. Done. It will only get worse, trust me.

Time to get hid of the big baby.