My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

Hate to say it girl,Everyone just told you what to do.
It will get worse,and if you keep playing your cards wrong,it will get hard to find the help you need.
Your parents are willing to help now so u better take that advantage but run from the past and dont look back! Your parents will only help for so long as long S you help yourself


Kick him to the curb. You already have one baby to take care of, you don’t need a larger one who CAN do for himself but won’t.


Ask yourself, what would I want my daughter to do in the same situation. Then take a deep breath, square your shoulders up and walk out the door. Teach by example. Good luck. Better things are ahead!

He is abusive. Get your daughter and run away like the wind Not only for yourself, but also for your daughter!

Run fast and far !!!

How do you love someone who has no regard for you or your child?

You need to love yourself and your child and bounce because he certainly does not love you.

Wait so he’s not working, are you supporting him? What is he actually contributing to your relationship? Take your baby and leave

My daughter dealt with abuse for 9 years. You have to make the choice to leave. Your situation will only get worse. I was cut off from having contact with my daughter and her baby and this caused us too miss so much time together. So blessed she got away from that situation and has remarried. Please make a change for you deserve better. Praying for you and your child.

Run and never look back. I wouldn’t let him see the girls again until he got a job and you got full child support. You both need to grow up. Those kids deserve better parents.

Leave go back to your family !

Get the hell out and stay out he doesnt care about you or his child or he would get off his butt and get a job …you both deserve better … learn to say no and stand up for you and your child. Get your head out of the sand … he dont love you and treat you the way he does sorry to say … wake up…

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If he loved you he would be doing what ever it takes to give you and your child what they need. And I Defently would not give my family up. They will be there for you when he will not. And you are staying with him over the well being of your child. Leave his sorry butt

:pray:t2: for guidance and strength to do what’s right for your baby and you. If you go back home , I promise you, your momma and dad will open their arms to you and her. I would. Its Never too late. My daughter is in the same boat. But, I make sure I stay in touch with her no matter what. Go home baby. Your momma and daddy are worried about you. Sometimes it’s ok to be selfish. Think of your future with him. And you child’s. God bless. God is with you. Turn to him. :pray:t2::hugs::heart::v:

Apparently love is a one way street there…he won’t change if he will not put his child first. Trust me. Cut ties with him and live your life for your daughter

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Get out of the relationship he is not worth it

I agree with Robyn Marie Justesen-Kunz - a queen doesn’t put up with this mess. I did it to my husband - its all you - he is leaving me - but i know it was him not me

You can love someone but have to love them from a distance. Your choices are not just affecting you but you and your baby. There’s a saying that I always think of in situations like this…”don’t put yourself on the discount rack or mark yourself down…you my dear, are precious and should be kept in the glass case with all the valuables.” Don’t let anyone treat you differently

Get out of there and make sure he never gets more than supervised visits for that baby if at all.

My daughter went thru the same scenario kinda. It ended badly & she’s left with their son. Beg your families forgiveness & go home for your babies sake & yours.

I think,in your heart,you know what to do…for you and your child.


Get out of the relationship now! I know it is easy to give advice when you aren’t in the situation, but that is what I say. You need to do what is best for you and your child.

You already said it. Love is blinding you. Let him go for yours and your daughters sake and move on with life.

Its time to roll out no question

Do what’s best for you and your daughter if your not happy go back home with your parents and be happy and let your daughters daddy see her when he wants to

Throw the whole man away.

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Get out. Go home. Don’t let your daughter be raised in an environment that is unhealthy or she will grow up thinking it’s okay

Go back to your family! You’re still dealing with postpartum emotions and you need to go to whoever has your best interest in mind. For the sake of your child and your own health/mental health.

It sounds like he needs a ride awakening or just for him to leave. Best wishes!

he is controlling you, I would think of my kids, he is not a person to look up to, you want your kids to be taught, not to be lazy etc

Really? You already have kids to raise, you don’t need another one.

I’m reading your comments and don’t see anything to love. He’s a user. Someday you will find someone you love who loves you back.

You need to get yourself and your baby girl out ASAP! Forcing you to cut off contact is a huge red flag and his behavior is likely to escalate the longer you stay and allow that kind of treatment

I don’t have the right to judge but what makes you (or some other girls) fall in love with these kind of jerks? Been reading similar stories like these. Girl, you deserve better. Love doesn’t pay bills and can’t feed you. You already know the answer to your question but you’re just in denial for now!


Wake up SWEETIE if he loved you and the Baby he would take care of you,

You need to leave take a break tell him how you feel and if he truly loves you and wants to change then he will but no man should keep you from your friends and family i really feel for you iv been there myself its so hard but you can do this!

Go home with your parents and tell him when he grows up and gets a job and wants to be a real dad to his daughter maybe you can work things out with but until then you have to do what is best for you and your daughter and right now he not what is best I hope he does the right thing

Time to go plain and simple

Get out now! Run, take your child and leave, NOW!!


Been there. My advice is RUN! You don’t love him. You love an idea of him that isn’t real. You’re REAL love is out there waiting for you. Someone who you will love and respect. Someone who will treat you with respect and kindness. Again, I’ve been in your shoes. I wish someone had told me to run, not walk.

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Like you said love is blind. But it seems you now see. Might as well move on now because it will get worse and harder to get out or he leaves you. It’s your responsibility to take care of you and your baby. Not him if hes not going to be 50/50 in your life.

There is a reason he had you cut off your family. So he can control you and abuse you. I have been there done that.

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Leave…things will not improve

Now that the blinders are off you already know what you have to do… an if you don’t re read your post… good luck

Run, he will not change but will only destroy you by making you feel like everything is your fault. Get out now.

I think you know the answer

He sure sounds like a husband that is such a Blessing

Ditch his damn butt!

Go home. Your parents will help you. Go home. Your family loves you. Your children deserve better.


Yes love is blind but,now you have a baby that did not ask to be born …she deserves a father that works to provide her needs . you need to say good bye to the sluggard . find you the real deal . sorry to be so blunt . a real dad wont expect everone elseto provide . he will man up and make it happen . your baby daddy is still a spoiled bratt time to stop molly coddling him give him the door . maybe if he gets a dose of nobody owes him a living . and he sleepsvin the streets and eats from the salvation army he might get a clue . gotta work if you wanna eat. He needs a felt need . you need to send him packing . sorry cant sugar coat a lazy puke

Love him all you want, but you have to make decisions for the welfare of your baby. Get out of that situation and get around people who love you, respect you and are happy to help you. Nothing else matters…take care of you baby and yourself

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He does what he gets away with. If u allow it he’ll keep doing it. Having a baby from some one doesn’t mean u gotta stay w/them. Be independent n do it by yourself or go bk to your family w/out him. Don’t get stuck where you’re not happy

You should love your daughter more and yourself and want better for you both. Is this something you would want for your own daughter? Cutting you off from the family should be a red flag that is NOT want someone that loves you does.

get out while you can…this guy isn’t worth all the pain and heartache you will endure later on in life if you stay in that relationship

Walk away had the same problem took me 10 years to figure it out.

I would suggest getting yourself a job. (If you don’t already have one) There are a multitude of various programs to assist you with daycare costs. Start putting back some money and take the steps to leave. In my opinion, you’ve dealt with him this long with no relief. You might as well deal with him a little longer as you better yourself and your situation. You’re in a relationship a lot of us have been. It’s a “sick” love. You won’t realize the full extent until you walk away. Not just a few days either. It’ll take some time. But you’ll be a better Mother and person for it.

Run…do not walk away from this man!!! Your story has MULTIPLE red flags. Just imagine if your daughter was experiencing this. Would you want her to stay in that situation?

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Don’t believe his lies that he will change. He won’t! I had to end up getting a no contact order because my ex was psycho. Domestic abuse. Part of it is emotional. Belittling you.

I think you have your answer!

Family will take you back. Leave

Wake up and smell the coffee. You can do better.

Leave and don’t look back.

I know you don’t want to hear it but if he loved you like you love him, he would do anything he could to get up each day and provide for you and your child. Lose him asap, file for child support, reconnect with those friends and family and get on with your life, no matter how much it hurts.

Go back to your Parents house, your doing it on your own now anyway. If he changes by the grace of God then maybe talk to him but either then that you already know what to do…

Reread your post. What would your advice be to your daughter?
Follow that.

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He should be gone from your life and his daughter until he shows interest in his daughter welfare

Your teaching your daughter too

Go back home and make amends with your family. Your heart will heal. If he’s a real man he would already be working and supporting you and your baby. That little one comes first…ALWAYS

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Get out now. Vicious cycle. The only momma you need to be is to that baby!

your child is your number one priority!

This is abuse. Not married? Move!!! Far and away! Get out!

Your not. Get out now. He is disrespectful to you,your parents. Cares for no one but hisself. How can you love someone like that?

Leave now , that is not a healthy relationship to be in , I can definitely speak from experience here as I’m sure a lot of people can . Things will only get worse if you stay . Please get out now

He is not taking responsibility for you nor his daughter. At this point I am sure you and your daughter would be better off without him. I lived five years through this in my first marriage. I worked and he went to college. He had girlfriends and blew all of my money. He was abusive and did not deserve us. It took a lot for me to see him for what he was but I finally packed up and left him. That was 33 years ago and I have never had a single regret with my decision.


Wake up my dear. Classic narcissistic behavior. Call your family and tell them you’re sorry and start your life over without him. Oh he’ll try to tell you he’s sorry and that he will change but he won’t honey. And no…he wouldn’t be able to take the child from you. Stop listening to his lies and get YOUR life back on track for YOU and your child. It won’t be easy but life sometimes isn’t.

There are a few things I can say here. One is the definition of the act of insanity which is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It never happens. Also, what you will allow is what you will continue to accept. You already have your answers in your post. Trust me when I say that it is scary to leave a toxic relationship, but staying is not the option though. So now is the time to do what you need to not only for yourself, but also for your baby.

Nope. Get out, get out NOW. I think you already knew what to do. Unless you leave, it will only get worse!

You may love him but he obviously doesn’t love you. You deserve someone who does.

Don’t raise your daughter to think it’s okay for a man to not provide for his family and help out!

You are a mom now, your daughter should be the most important person in the world for you. That means you get this excuse of a man out of both of your lives - NOW. You deserve better and she certainly deserves better. If you stay with him, you are taking a real risk of having your daughter taken away from you if things are going in a downward direction. Grow up, be an adult and take charge of your life. Raise her to be strong and to have self worth, that comes from example. I speak from experience. Praying for you and her. Also, call your family. You are going to need the moral support - especially in the first few weeks.

Get out!!! When they start keeping you away from your family and friends that’s toxic af and leads to worse. Praying for your situation girl. I know it’s hard to leave, but you can’t change anyone especially on a fundamental level.

leave the bum and get on with your life. You need your family more than you need him. It may not seem like it now but years later you know it was the right decision

You have got to be kidding…
:speaking_head: LEAVE HIS AXX NOW! You really shouldn’t have to be told that. FYI… it’s not about you or your love for him at this point. If you don’t respect yourself at least respect your daughter. #TruthHurtsSometime

you need to leave the lazy bum, family is more important than he is no man would ever tell me I cant see my family

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Get out of the toxic relationship. ASAP!! I don’t understand why woman stay in a toxic relationship. Go back to your mothers with out him and start working and building a foundation for you and your daughter!! I’m sure your family will help.

Go back home to your parents where you will be safe and can create a good life for you and your daughter. :heart:

Get away from him now!

Girl, GO HOME… my mom always told me you can do bad by yourself. You don’t need someone who belittles you because you ask for help with THEIR child. Go home. Apologize to your family and friends for being foolish. And tell him when he decides to grow up and act like a man, you might let him see his child

Young lady when you answered your own question then you need to write down on paper WHO is the most important in your life. I am going to be harsh if you love him more than your child find your child a better home. There is a man out there that will LOVE your child more than you. So decide which is more important. GOD bless! Make the right decision.

He doesnt sound like a very loving or responsible person. Time to hit the reset button and move home with your parents, put your kids and you first. One step at a time. I’m so sorry! I moved back home at 26, finished school, later got a job, 2yrs later met my true love and fast forward to 10yrs I can honestly say we have the happiest family and life!! :: time is short please dont waste it on this guy. Doing the right thing is a choice. He sounds like a free-loader bum. Best wishes sweetie

Go to work. Contact your family and tell them what has happened. Let them know you need out. Come up with a plan for as many people as are available to meet you at your place with whatever moving equipment you need. Have a police officer meet you there in case he gets violent. Grab EVERYTHING that belongs to you and your baby and LEAVE. Beginning signs of narcissism. By the end of it you may be dead if you stay. Get out while it’s early. If you can avoid putting him on child support, avoid it. That just gives him an in to yours and your baby’s lives. Report all stalking and violence because I can almost guarantee he will go there and you need evidence for a protective order. Good luck!

Best advice, leave him. It isn’t easy to hear, but you can’t make a person change their ways. He’s showing you his true self right now. Do yourself and most of all your daughter a favor, and leave him. That is such a toxic relationship to try to make better. Love yourself and love your daughter the best way you can, without him. I’m so sorry you’re finding yourself isn’t his situation. I’ve been in a toxic relationship in the past I was hellbent on fixing, always made excuses for his behavior, believed his belittling of me and fell under his narcissistic spell. Please, Ik it’s hard, but please leave this toxic relationship.

Please contact family discretely and get them to help you leave. Do not leave your daughter alone with him. Once I got cut off from my family he got more dangerous and violent. Its what dicks like him do. Please run! Get an appointment with solicitors afterwards get an order in place putting daughter in your care on grounds of domestic abuse and tell your health visitor everything.

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this relationship is dangerous. Having you cut contact with family and friends is classic abuser behavior, so you don’t have anyone to turn to when the abuse starts. The belittling is a from of mental and/or emotional abuse depending on how much it bothers you. I you can’t leave him fro yourself then do so for your daughter. It’s a very small step from belittling you to belittling her…Unless you want her growing up thinking your boyfriends behavior is acceptable or normal…

go back to your parents,at least you know they Love you,& their Grandaughter,if he loved you,then he would be a real Man,& take responsibility,get a job so he can support both of you like he’s supposed to.

Pack your bags and take your child back to your parents. The guy will never change and your life will only get worse. Move on for your baby’s sake. You’ve already got the best part of him - the little one!! Love may be blind but it doesn’t have to be stupid.

Yes. Leave. Go back to your parents. He doesn’t love you or your daughter. He’s manipulative and controlling. It’s not going to get better.

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His lack of repect for you, your baby, and family members (and even himself) should tell you all you need to know…

The best interest of your daughter would be a father who is a productive member of socoety1 Good luck even getting child support out of this guy.

Your feelings cant be your priority anymore, your daughter is your priority. No matter how much you love someone they wont change until they want to. Im so sorry you are going thru this but staying with him isnt going to take care of your baby. Go home to your parents and figure things out