My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

Love isn’t enough. The world lied to you. It takes two committed unselfish people to make a relationship work. This guy is selfish and letting you tote his load. He isnt a man. Hes a boy looking for a mommy.

Go back to your parents start the process of getting child support and you will find out how strong you are at your parents you will have love and support

He is toxic to not only you, but your daughter. You may love him, but you probably love your daughter more. I know from experience. My daughter’s biological father was worthless, and I left him before my daughter was born. It’s a tough struggle being a single parent, but there are REAL men out there who are willing to step up. I found one when my daughter was 4. We’ve been married for 15 and a half years, and he is a way better dad for our daughter than her biological father ever was. I fear that as he belittles you, what will he do to your daughter as she grows up? Honey, my suggestion is to leave. Yes, your heart will break, but you have that little girl to think about. Do what is best for not just you, but her as well. Will she grow up believing her father loves her, or will she grow up with the thought she will never be good enough? It takes a very strong person to leave a toxic relationship. Pray about it. I know there’s lots of people who don’t believe in it, but it honestly does help.

100% been in the same situation. So in love too. He ended up leaving me which I’m thankful for because I never would have. I would have stayed and tried forever for our sons. GET OUT. You can’t stay in HOPES he’s going to change and help you. Even blinded by all the love. I can’t say I don’t love my sons father either. I may love him forever. But he’s a POS and not the example my sons should have to become a man. Your daughter doesn’t need that man showing her how she can be treated by a man when she is a grown woman and has a child with someone.

If you have a loving family that is willing to let you move in you need to appreciate that opportunity because alot of women in your position would love to have that. You sound like a genuine person asking for help and no one deserves to go through that. More importantly your daughter doesn’t deserve it. Get out now because it only gets worse. it’s not fair for your daughter to be raised around that thinking that’s how love is.

You need to get out of that relationship ASAP! I have been through the exact same situation and I have 2 children. I did what was best for my children and got out and you should honestly do the same

Leave for your daughters sake. You both deserve better. I had to do it for my son’s sake and you can too. Be strong for her and do what u have to do to make a better life for her

Girl you need to ask yourself… Do y0u have a good father? Would he have done this to your mother? And do you want your daughter growing up thinking its ok for a man to di this? You may love him but if he truly loved you and baby he’d get off his ass and go get a job…hes playing you girl. Wake up take control of your life and find a real man or just find yourself. I bet you he gets a job if he had to pay child support. If not he can go to jail. Love yourself 1st you deserve way better. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Sorry but he is NOT a man. Men have (are supposed to) this innate DRIVE to protect and provide for their loved ones. The opposite of him is a woman who neglects to change her baby’s diaper or nurture and care for her little baby. Something is seriously wrong with him, and you need to walk away. What is his purpose for if he is not doing the most important job of a man? Sorry to tell you this but the chances of him changing are slim. If it is not instilled in them when they are young, it will be more than likely that this is going to be him. I can’t even say it is because he is a man-child, because even my teenage son, when I was a single mom, would bring me his paycheck from working at a fast food restaurant. He couldn’t stand to see my struggle and have needs unmet. Don’t be afraid to move on. You will see that your future will hold what you want and deserve. You deserve a man who cares for you, works hard for you (and you for him in what ever role(s) you do), and you both will hustle to make a good life together.

Girl, leave! I know you love him. But you need to love yourself and your baby more. He is not worth it. He clearly doesn’t love you or your baby. If he did, he wouldn’t be so lazy and he wouldn’t treat you like that.

I think you need to decide what’s more important to you. Him your life and your daughters. I would leave him. Because he’s putting himself first and always will

A real man would never put you in a situation like that! Believe me when I say, there will be someone who does everything they can to show you all the correct love. Just be patient and in the mean time, work on getting on your own two feet and stop finding excuses to stay. A man’s actions will tell you what he wants, he doesnt have the ambition necessary to provide. Honestly, it doesnt get better.

Ask yourself if that’s what you want for yourself (not to mention for your child). The answer will help guide you in the right direction🤞🏼

Sounds more like the habit of being with him than loving him. Do yourself and daughter a favor move on and move out and find a man because your dating a child. The greatest gift you can give your child is stability and what you have does not sound stable.

You need to rethink your situation. If he doesn’t work or help with the baby or do anything else I’d leave his butt sitting there and leave.

Pick your daughter! Put her first. Put her before yourself!
She doesn’t deserve to be a reason you let a failure of man and so called ‘father’ hold her back in life.
What a child sees, is what she will accept in life to be OK…
Do you want her with a bum of a man that doesn’t take care of his child? Do you want her to settle for less and be belittled by a man???
So do not stay with this man for another month…year…ten fucking years… Leave now and start giving your daughter the life she deserves… and along the way you will see that you deserved a better life too!

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If this man truely loved you and respects you he would work. Working is showing love. He needs mental counceling to see why he has low self esteem

Get away from that environment ASAP!

Get out no matter how much you love him. If he loved you or the baby, he would be working.

He really can’t MAKE you give up your whole life to allow him to abuse you. Leave for the sake of your child

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Go back to your parents. By moving in with him, you are saying it’s ok for him to treat you so bad! Give your daughter a future - not a dead end. Men like this never change. I know it’s hard and lonely on your own but in time it will be for the best. Also get a lawyer as soon as you can afford it and file for her custody and child support!

You don’t want your daughter growing up thinking that’s how a man should treat her. You are in a toxic and controlling relationship. You need to take your daughter and move back in with your parents so you can move forward without him. Praying for you and your daughter.

Not worth it I think. I wouldn’t want a father figure like that for my child. I went through the same thing and when I got pregnant again he left me. Best thing that happened to me

Are you serious? You sound Stupid! Love is not paying your bills! Put your big girl panties on and step up and be gone from this situation! Good Luck :+1:


Your daughter deserves better. Lead by example because you’re setting the stage for a very possible same future for her. What you’re living isn’t love. You don’t need a ‘relationship’ to raise a child. Women need to stop playing the victim. I’m no feminist but you don’t need a loser dragging you down while trying to raise your daughter. Love & respect yourself!!! :heart:

You know what’s up and know this is not right in your own words.

Be strong, make a plan and follow through with your daughter and yours life in the best interests.

You got this and you will figure it out, dont be afraid to seek help even tbrough a shelter…

It is mental and emotional abuse to keep you from your family as well.

Please you know what’s right ,you got this and you and your daughter will be better off in the long run. It may be hard after a month after you do what you need to maybe two months but it will get better very slowly…

Believe in you and your daughter, you can do this !

He is controlling and abusive. Get out. You can do this! I married a man who physically abused me the first year we were married. I was confused and surprised and embarrassed. One day, he threw a toy at my baby ( because I had just come home from work, he was not working and I wanted to eat my dinner quickly before taking over with the baby. His mother had actually watched him all day. He was doing nothing but playing video games). When the baby cried after he threw the toy, I stopped wht I ws doing, picked up my baby and left. I NEVER went back, only saw him long enough to get the divorce papers signed.
Do not stay with this man. You deserve better! I know you must not feel that way, but TRUST ME, you and your daughter deserve better. You can do it!

You have to teach your daughter the way she should and shouldn’t allow someone to treat her. Don’t you dare put up with someone treating you like you’d never allow someone to treat her. Square your shoulders, woman. You’ve got a strong woman to raise and you only lead by example.

Look at the red flags!! You are taught the red flags all your life!! He wouldn’t do what he needed from the start, he is not going to step up, now he wants to isolate you from ya family, next is not going to be good!! You have a daughter, but if he is not supporting you now, it’s like he’s not there but for one thing, you are worth more and so is your daughter!!

It will continue to get worse he will not change and you stand a very good chance of him beginning to hit you and your be abusive to your daughter
Cutting you off from family is the first step to him becoming very obsessive and abusive.
Gather your daughter and get the hell out!!
I did not follow my own advise and thank god every day that I survived the abuse and it all looked alot like you in the beginning.

cutting your ties because he says so shows he is controlling .He wants you to support him and a sign of a abuser is isolating you babies get hurt by accident when couples are fighting .Keep you both safe

Here’s my question, will you be ok with a man treating your daughter the way he treats you? Remember you are teaching her how a woman should allow her self to be treated and he is teaching her how a man is to treat a woman. I don’t think that’s what you want. I’ve been there and left because I refused to allow my son to see his mother be treated like that and now importantly I refused to let my son see his mother allow herself to be treated that way. Much luck

Run, you will be better off. I ruined my life for loving someone like that it’s one sided. Love your daughter enough to leave

Put your child first.

He’s a narsassist. They don’t get better. Instead, they get worse. Walk away. Now, while your baby is still small. Sounds like your parents will help out. He won’t. Sweet heart, it gets worse. Walk away.

You need to ask yourself is that the kind of partner you’d want your daughter to date and/or marry. The answer is probably no.

Get Out! That is abusive behaviour that will only intensify! GO back to your parents!

Let him go. If this is how he shows his love. He loves himself, selfish.
Its not to late, god has her plan on its way, and hes not in it. Youll be glad

I’m sorry but you should’ve thought about this before you made a baby with him& if he loved you then he wouldn’t have made you cut contact with your family.

My advice would be sit back and read what you just typed out as if it were one of us saying this stuff… you’d be like girl time to make a change and get the heck away from this guy…just saying

Drop him like a fly if he isnt changing.
Your daughter deserves to have both parents active part of her life if both parents are around.

Why should he get a job or help out? He’s got you doing everything.

You should have stayed with your parents and let him go on his own.
It’s not your responsibility to raise a grown man.
Take care of your baby and yourself that’s who is important.
I see so many young girls who work and support a so called man. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.

Talk to him Tell him all of your concerns and tell him what your plan is…if he doesn’t start working and doing what he should as a father then u will have to leave

You answered you’re own question. You already know what to do. Don’t let your child grow up in that type of atmosphere. She will begin to think it’s okay to allow someone to treat her the same way your boyfriend treats you. Your children should always come first. It’s part of being a parent.

You need to get both of them out of there neither one seems like they’re good for your head up and one day you will have happiness

get copies of all of your financial stuff together…pack your things and get OUT…if he’s so USELESS and moans and groans to you, it will NEVER, EVER get ‘better’…before you leave, you should see a lawyer

Bye! Go home ! Your parents will help you and your baby. He will never be any different person Han he is now unless it is to get worse.

Go home. He sounds like a lazy narcissist. Sounds toxic. Best thing for you and your baby is to leave and let him grow up.

Go back home! Cut your losses before that baby really gets feelings hurt

Your daughter will learn that being treated this way is ok… you need to want better for her. You need to want better for yourself.

Get out now.Leave the bum. If he doesn’t respect you enough to take care of you and his baby now he never will. Contact your parents ask for their guidance.

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Leave him & you go get a job. See if your parents will watch your daughter. Cut all ties with your lazy husband.

Leave him go to court no and ask for child support maybe by if he needs had to spend time no in jail for no lack of child support he will get the message about supporting you and your child

Live like your a single mom and don’t worry about him. You can’t and won’t change him. It will just make you upset and mad. When he sees you’re living life just fine without him, he will either change or leave. I’d stay away from him as much as possible if he is belittling and mistreating you. Just live as roommates if you have to until you’re good and on your feet enough to leave and take him to court for child support. You could push child support now and have a good case supporting you, but do you want to mess with that can of worms yet? Focus on you and that baby and go from there.

What type of help exactly are you looking for? The fact that your bf is obviously lazy and has no desire to step up and be a man and take care of the child he helped create with you says all you need to know. But my first question is, how did you not see the red flag warning prior to even getting pregnant? He didn’t wake up one day and decide to be lazy🤷‍♀️ girls these days need to start making wiser decisions on the men they choose to have babies with. If he can’t support himself and provide a home for the both of you, then he certainly won’t for a child. It’s time to deal with what you’ve chosen, walk away and make a life of your own for you and your child. You and your baby deserve better than what you’d ever get from him.

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What would you want your daughter to do if she were in your shoes? You are showing her how women should be treated by staying. Make a clean break girl. You will never regret it.

Run dont walk away from the relationship. Its not good for you or your baby. Call your parents and go back home.

You Women kill me with these post wanting advice and you already know what everyone is going to say, and you already know what you should do. You answer your own question when you put it on here. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Its toxic you need to get out of it for the sake of your daughter things will never change sont keep getting sucked into it because the longer your either him the harder it will be you need to show your daughter that it’s not ok for a guy to control a woman

Walk away with your child. Don’t look back. And succeed. He won’t change, don’t waste your time.

Leave him hit him with child support and get a job do what’s best for ur daughter he is obviously showing signs of turning abusive

Have you ever heard of divide and conquer?
This is what he is doing. Get out! Cut all ties with him.
I took my 4 yr old and 2 week old left my husband. I devorced him. Thankfully he never tried to see the kids. But he did not pay childsuport. We all were better off without him. You can do this. Be strong for the baby. If not the baby will grow up thinking women should be treated like he treats you. And will treat you like that too

Run, it will only get worse. Get to your family. Your daughter does not need to see a person treat her mom that way. You and your daughter need better and positive energy around you. Please get out and don’t turn back. It will be hard but if anything please do it for your daughter.

Pack up & leave, if nothing else do it for your daughter!She didn’t ask for a dead beat Dad, give her the life she deserves.

Leave him!! Move back with your parents and work on you and your baby,he is being very tocic

Leave him and put his a*@ on child support even though he ain’t working they’ll eventually lock his bum a@* up. When he finally gets a job by the time he files for social security he won’t have :poop: because it will all be yours. RUN!!!:running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:

And u got pregnant by him? Why? Now you’re bitching cause he wont do anything? Really wtf did u expect

This TERRIFIES me because it sounds like my ex, however I was lucky enough to have never been impregnated. My relationship with him got physically abusive after 4 years. I stayed another year before he flat out attacked my only friend - I stayed after he attacked me (multiple times), after raping another friend (and I believed him over her of course, until he was out of my ear), I stayed while he was demanding I refuse to hang with my other friends who did not drink/do drugs, & blocking my family on my phone without me knowing - & when I found out I STILL EXCUSED HIM. :cold_sweat:
Boo, I would RUN, NOW, & TAKE YOUR BABY. Your daughter DOES NOT deserve to have that man in her life so young, & that man cannot be a male role model for her, even if he wants to be (but considering he don’t have a job it’s prob he don’t care at all about her personal growth as her own human so). Love made me blind - please do not make the same mistake!
He sounds like the same type of narcissistic pig my ex was. That type of man won’t think twice about abusing a younger human… Let’s not get into what TYPE of abuse though ok?


**look at all of the support you have here! I am so proud of you for reaching out for advice!

GET OUT! You can succeed on your own. It’s like I tell my husband " I can dig myself in a whole I don’t need your help". Only difference is we been married 26 yrs and he is going thru some kind of menapause . You don’t need anyone to treat you like that. Go back to your parents ask for forgiveness and help and do what you need to for the little girl that depends on you.

you know what you need to do you have a child now take steps to do the right thing for you and your child

Pack your stuff and go home. Your parents will welcome you with open Arms. Cut all ties with that loser. He doesn’t deserve you or your daughter in his life.

1st thing,get rid of mr lazy bones, get back with your parents,to get on your feet,he dont help,that’s not love,get your own place,forget abt him,

You’re never supposed to choose a man over your CHILDREN

It will not get better. Ever. Dump him and run!

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Honey it’s time to get rid of him! He surely doesn’t want to help you or your child together. What is his deal? Does he think he is too good? Your too good and so is your child to put up with his selfish self! That is actually abuse on his part! I am sure your parents will always help out no matter the situation. I am sure if you called them or your friends they would coming running to help. But if running back to him everytime he calls they will eventually get tired and stop helping. So while I could I would escape. This does cause problems in relationships but he obviously doesn’t have you or your child best intrest ,its all about him . Tell him to step up or you need to take your child and leave!

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If you had more love for yourself & your daughter then you would leave. He apparently doesn’t care you all will fair! Go home with your baby & stay with your parents, atleast they care!

Go home with your daughter and then see if he can grow up.

Did he have a job before you got pregnant? I am sure he did not and he lived of you. Move on with your child! He a bum and always will be .

Sometimes love is not enough… I think you need to give him an ultimatum although men rarely change.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out. Boot his lazy no good ass out.

Blind love is digging you into a hole. Cut him lose and get started on a better life for you and your daughter.

Please don’t make your innocent baby pay for your decisions girlfriend. You wanna stay with him and be miserable? Fine. But give the baby up to someone else who will care about his/her future. I’m tired of females always saying “ohhh but I love him…” yeah, a man that doesn’t provide doesn’t care. And no you’re not gonna change him. Do your child a favor and woman up. Otherwise you don’t care either.

Kick his ass to the curb, move back in with your parents and your daughter and do not look back.

Go back to live with your parents. Its not easy but toxic relationship isnt good for kids

Cut ties with him and take care of urself and ur baby. Family is always going to be there no matter what happens. He sounds like he doesn’t care or have the best interest for u or the baby. Maybe dumping him on his head will show him what he lost and make him get up off his ass and do something. If not then he doesn’t deserve either of u. Ur worth more then that and so does that baby. God bless and merry Christmas, I hope things get way better for you and baby.

speaking from personal expercience,same thing happened to me 23 years ago,with that said throw him to the curb Now before it is made for you by DHS and take your baby away permatly,they did all three of mine,fast forward to now I just found my kids and I feel like a total stranger to my two boys and daughter ,they all are grown now and i missed their childhood because of him.You can not get those years back,Think about it

You already know your answer seek inside yourself.

Hes a narcissist and wont change! Cut your losses and get out!

dont let how someone else act affect your and your daughters happiness he is missing out not you .

A partner/bf/gf/spouse is supposed to make your life BETTER. Not working that way? Move out and move on, before you become bitter.

Run as fast as your little legs will go

My opinion is to move on and make a life with your daughter. You will be better off

Learn your self worth. Once you do, you’ll stop letting anyone control you

Run as fast as you can back to your family

Better off with your parents

you have all the answers! you know what you need to do… fo you want us to say stay with him hell no!!! cant & wont say that sorry.

Get out. Stay away from him. Yes

Leave that LOSER in your dust. That kind never changes . You & your daughter can make it on your own.

Run get rid of him fast has you can you will be much happier with your family