My boyfriend will not give me the password to his phone: Should I be concnered?

Hmmm I don’t like the double standards that are being used against you for a start. I get privacy and I understand that not all things need to be shared. BUT something is been hidden from you. I wouldn’t have much trust in him if I was in a relationship with him.

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You need to grow up.

You’re creating an issue out of nothing, so you have something to fall back on when you decide to leave. And you do want to leave. But he isn’t giving you a reason, he isn’t being the bad guy, so now you’re starting trouble to try to justify your behaviour/choice when you leave.

Again, you need to grow up.


You already know the answer. You deserve better!

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He is hiding something babygirl…I know it’s easier said than done but it’s time to go.

For the sake of goodness, please allow yourself the freedom of walking away.

I would have to agree…if he has nothing to hide…then he wouldn’t be so Guarded about his phone…speaking from experience…trust ur Gut.

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If you trust him, you dont need the password. If you dont trust him then you shouldn’t be together.

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She already knows whats up… We really do feel it.

If you can still breathe well without it why bother?

Idk…I do not want my man on my phone nor does he have my PIN code and vice versa. I am not hiding anything, it just is my personal phone and I see no reason for him to have access to it.

Who does that work ? He has yours but you can’t have his ?
How do you trust somebody that don’t trust you?

He may or may not have something to hide but nobody likes a nosy ass going through their shit. If you can’t trust him then leave instead of creating drama in your life over a damn phone.

Thats how i knew my ex was cheating he stop letting me use his phone and put a code on it

Yes mine done the same i soon found out why :unamused: im not with him anymore


Yes :woman_shrugging:t2: no secrets in a relationship


My ex husband was just like that. Notice how I said ex? He was chatting up allllll sorts of females and exes


If he won’t give you the password then that’s a red flag. Just because he doesn’t have social media doesn’t mean he can’t be on dating sites. If there’s passwords and secrets… why are you with him?


Even tho I dont think the password itself is an issue, I would be more concerned as to why you are not allowed to even touch his phone. That would be a red flag for me.


Find a new partner lol he being shady and thats nogo

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Move on he’s not what you want


My boyfriend and I dont have each other’s passwords. We’re not in high school and share this thing called trust. If you don’t have that in your relationship, what are you even doing with him.


This is sort of a no brainer… he’s clearly hiding something

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Why give him the information if he won’t with you? It’s a two way street.


:stop_sign::bangbang:RED FLAG​:bangbang::stop_sign:I’ve been thru that! Guarantee he’s cheating.


If a password is enough to terminate the relationship don’t be in one :tipping_hand_woman:


Change your password too and just ignore him


That’s the oldest and biggest red flag ever


Listen to all these women, we’ve ALL been in a relationship like yours. No password = no secrets.


My husband knows my password and I know his. I never go on his phone but if I needed it I could use it. He doesn’t mind if I grab his phone if mine is not available to look something up etc.

that’s a red flag and he’s probably hiding something


I would leave hes definitely cheating

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just because you have his info doesnt mean youre gonna be monitoring him. the fact he just straight up will not let you even once would be a very big issue to me

Girl lock your phone up then!

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You’ve only been together a year. I don’t see an issue with it.

My husband and I share phones from time to time. But because we both look for and buy each other presents using them we want the other to ask first. I also don’t need to know exactly who my husband talks to on a given day. That’s not my business. I trust him and he trusts me. That’s what matters. Not verifying on his phone that he isn’t doing something shady so I can trust him because then I don’t really trust him.

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I’m talking fro
Experience get ride off him !!
If he is like that clearly hiding shit!

The problem isn’t the password, you obviously don’t trust him so that would be the reason to leave. IDK if my husband even has a password on his phone because I’ve never tried to look at it. Trust is a huge thing in a relationship, if it’s not there that should be your cue.


Change the password on your phone, tell him to sling his hook obviously hiding something he doesnt want you to see…

If he has always been this way why is it a problem now…, now that y’all have a baby together? Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t be okay with that… but from the start. My husband &I don’t touch each other’s phones but have each other’s passwords.


If you feel like you need to go looking, you’re more than likely going to find something. I mean, it’s all about trust. If he doesn’t trust you then that’s something y’all need to talk about.

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Shouldn’t need to go through anyone’s phone you’re with. Either trust him or don’t be with him. That phone checking shit is so childish.

At first I was on his side… until you said you can’t even hold it or borrow it. That’s fishy. My husband doesn’t have my password but if he needed it or wanted it I’d give it to him. We just don’t really ever need to use each others phones. I can never remember his code, but he hands it over (and rolls his eyes) any time I ask (usually to troubleshoot his phone) because my memory is pathetic


Uhhhh, that’s his personal privacy, you have no right to go through his phone. If you dont trust him, why be with him.


Childish. Evidently hiding something. So he trust you to be the mother of his children but not have his phone? I guess you need to look out for you and your children. A grown man would not have a problem with you having his phone

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Clearly hiding something…I can understand him not wanting you to go through his conversations and stuff with friends but hiding it and not letting you even hold it or use it? Hell no! Also commenting and liking on picture of his ex he’d be fired out the door instantly, no questions. Bye.

You sound like a child lol


I mean maybe a red flag maybe not. If you can’t trust someone why be with them?

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Why do you need it? If you don’t trust him, why are you with him?


If you don’t trust him, you need to leave. It won’t get better. There’s no reason to not allow a partner to go through your phone if you have nothing to hide - even with privacy like banking apps you two should be close enough to where nothing should surprise you on his phone (plus partners don’t go through phones to check a credit card balance.) him being so secretive about his phone is a bad sign there’s something he doesn’t want you to see.

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Try respecting his privacy and stop assuming the worst? You aren’t entitled to know absolutely every single thing or go through whatever he owns just because you’re dating. This is mental abuse of the worst sort.


He’s just protecting his grandmother’s recipes.


Intuition never fails.

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Girl you dont need to ask fb advice… hes CLEARLY hiding something

Yep that’s a big red flag

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing. Wasted a lot of years on this mind game.


We trade phones sometimes if I’m leaving the house and my phone battery is low. It’s nice to know there are no worries. But, maybe it’s not that he’s cheating.

My face is one of my husband’s passwords and I still don’t touch his phone. It’s just not that serious to me. If you can’t trust him then that’s the problem, not the phone.


He’s probably cheating on you

My husband and I have each other’s email and fb passwords. Our phones aren’t locked so we can read each other’s messages at any time. I was going to lock mine but only because I take care of kids who sometimes play with my phone

My husband And I use the same password for both our phones and we each have each other’s fingerprints on the phones also, but we both have nothing to hide. I’m allowed on his and vice versa. Don’t know what’s up with your man


Nope nope. Now, I feel like if you’re in a relationship, you shouldn’t feel the need to go through their phone, with that being said, my boyfriend and I have been together almost 3 years and the first month or so I asked him what he would do if I asked for his phone and without missing a beat, he handed me his phone. I know his password, he knows mine but we never go through each others phones cause we don’t feel the need. If you feel the need to go through it AND he’s not allowing you…I think you know you’re answer.


He’s obviously hiding something , I had an abusive cheating ex just like that . I was ever allowed to touch or grab his phone he would get physical with me. He was the only one allowed to be that way , I always had to give him my passwords and my phone when every he wanted it. Fast forword to now, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 8 months and we both use each others phones and facebooks etc without any problem what so ever. There’s a huge difference between actions of a faithfull man and a cheating man.

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The only reason my husband and I have passwords on our phones is because we have a 2 year old that likes to buy things otherwise there wouldnt be one. We have nothing to hide from each other .


He’s hiding something.

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Huge flag and honestly it’s a phone…A PHONE…he shouldn’t have to be that defensive/protective about it. Find a new trusting person that you can also trust

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I would never go through a boyfriend’s phone nor would I expect to know their password. I also wouldn’t let anyone go through mine. My ex constantly went through my phone while I was sleeping and would delete people off my social media. If you can’t trust them, then why are you with them? Everyone deserves a little privacy. You’re his partner, not his mother


Lol a man who has something to hide won’t let you look at his phone, but if you had trust in your relationship that wouldn’t even be a thing. You might as well not even be together. Y’all obviously don’t trust each other

Currently I’m not in a relationship. The next time I do though, I don’t care about nobody’s damn phone. I’m not tracking you, I’m not spying on you. I’m too grown for the messiness. I know when I’m being treated good and when I’m not. I know when someone’s true to me or effing with me. That’s what I will base my relationship on. Actions.

He doesn’t have to give you the password to HIS phone.


Deactivated? Or blocked you.

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I’d lock my phone and watch him go crazy… if theres nothing to hide theres no reason not to let you in it. My husband has never once batted an eyelash about me grabbing his phone not that I would really snoop through it anyways because he doesnt give me a reason to

You don’t need the password to something that’s not yours. He’s not your child.


He’s clearly hiding something. My husband can take my phone anytime he wants or I can look at his phone if I need too but I dont, thats his phone i only take it when I have to look at my other accounts for couponing :joy:
But look if you dont trust him leave, because you wont be happy till you check that phone, and if you find something you will be more disappointed.


Leave. Hes hiding shit. You deserve better

If you feel the need to go through his phone then obviously you think something is going on. Maybe I’m old fashion but I don’t get the obsession with the phones and going through them. If I felt I needed to check up on my husband the relationship is over because the trust is gone.


Change your passwords. Then sit back and see how long it takes for him to blow his top and accuse you of cheating.
You’ll have your answer then.


So he deactivated his accounts or he just removed them from his phone temporarily and then blocked you from both?

He’s up to something. If he had nothing to hide, this wouldn’t be an issue.

You’re going to have to figure out how long you want to be in this situation. Child or not. You don’t ever stay for a child, all you end up doing is showing a child what a dysfunctional relationship looks like.

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End it now. You are prolonging the inevitable. You don’t trust him so why stay.

Kick him to the damn curb!!!

I think the real question here is if you can trust him or not

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Tell him bye! You need trust

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My husband and I have been married 3 years and I don’t have his password and I don’t feel the need to have his password. Just because you are together doesn’t mean you lose all rights to privacy. What if he vents to his mom when you guys get in a fight or his best friend. Those conversations are his private conversations to let off steam. You don’t need to be all in his business to trust him. If you don’t trust him then you don’t trust him having his phone won’t fix that. Sounds like the two of you have some issues you need to work out beyond his phone.


A cheater will find a way to cheat without Facebook or instagram. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong he wouldn’t care if you looked. If this was a healthy trustful relationship you wouldn’t feel the need to snoop or worry.


My husband and I have passwords but so our kids can’t get in but we both know each others passwords and can look if we feel a need to.

I know the password for his phone. But I respect his privacy.

I have wondered the same here he hides his phone always on him!!! Heck I lose my cuz I’m so busy with our son n my other 5 kids!! He uses my phone all the time but I’m not allowed to go on his

I dont know my husband’s password and he doesnt know mine. Its called trust. And ending a relationship over a password is petty imo.

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a relationship without trust is not worth fighting for before u take such drastic steps sit him dwn n tell him abt ur feelings n would like t talk abt his code

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Change your code and start acting secretive with it see he likes it

but like why do you feel that you NEED to look at it?


Be concerned. May be cheating on you

If you dont trust him leave, it’ll keep causing issues, I mean it is his phone he doesn’t have to give you the password. I never asked my ex for his I just saw concerning texts to his ex while he was next to me texting her and ended that shit

If you need a password there’s already an issue.

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My husband and I feel that our phones are our own. We don’t go through each other’s phones because we have trust. We will both use each other’s phones if we need to though. We just don’t snoop. I would be concerned if he started to refuse to let me use it. I do feel that your boyfriend is hiding something. My ex was the same way about his phone, he had me blocked on social media, and all of it was so that he could cheat. Sometimes it’s smart to trust your instincts. I’m so glad I left that relationship and (with my daughter’s father) and found my husband. I am so much happier now. Having trust is the best!


He’s hiding something

I experienced something similar. I changed my password. See how he reacts, tell him he will get your password when you get his!


This question really shows that there are 2 types of women in this world when it comes to basic rights of privacy😂


I wouldn’t be with someone if I felt the need to go through their phone. I’m big on autonomy and privacy so if someone makes me feel like I need to violate their privacy, I’m out


No biggie after 30 years of marriage, I don’t really care about his passwords :blush:. He does not touch my purse , I don’t touch his wallet either.


Honestly, in any relationship you want mutual respect & mutual trust. If he won’t unlock his phone then I wouldn’t let him look at yours, granted I wouldn’t be staying in the relationship even… if he’s going to freak out over something as stupid as his phone lol He obvs has shit to hide, so either he gives it up or i’d say bye bye. :wave: Don’t waste your time on childish games, sure everyone is entitled to their privacy in a relationship but if you can’t even go on his phone then he knows he’s doing something wrong!!

Change your password and don’t let him use your phone.


He’s hiding something. I would give him a chance to redeem himself though Just in case. Change your password and don’t give it to him unless he gives you his. Last chance. Don’t even let him touch your phone if he won’t give you his password.

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