My boyfriends ex has been keeping their kids from him: Advice?

Go to court to get a agreement

Take her to court and get visitation set up through the court!!!

This is exactly what court ordered custody agreements are for. It’s one thing for her to violate a verbal agreement they have, it’s another thing for her to violate a court order. I know it’s a pain in the butt, but if he misses his girls and wants to see them, he’ll fight for them in court.

Take her ass to court, if you can’t afford a lawyer seek legal aid. To me this is mental child abuse

Best advice will be he needs to take it to court.

He needs to get an attorney and have visitation in place.

Tell him to file for custody agreement. Girlfriend or not he has a right to see his kids. If mom wants to be petty, spiteful or use the kids against him for any reason she needs to grow up and get over it.

There’s nothing to do except document what goes on and take it to court. If he has a visitation schedule, those days are his regardless of what else is going on and if she’s keeping them from him on those days it can be ordered for him to have makeup days. Other than that there’s nothing you can really do. You can’t force her to turn over her kids, he has to take it to court. If this has been going on for three years why hasn’t he gone ahead and done something about it already?

Simple take her to court. Ask for joint custody and neither party pays child support. Then if she attempts to keep the children then he can bring her up on charges and may then get full custody. I hate it when parents use the children as pons.

Lawyer up and set support and visitation

Keep texts of conversation and he should take her to court. If he has court ordered visitation she has no ground to stand on.

The only thing he can do is go to court. There’s no way to do it between them personally if that’s how it already has been

I know someone who’s in a similar situation. You have to go to court, jump through hoops and fight her for visitation

That’s what courts are for…

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Take her ass to court! She can go to jail for continuing to do this!!

Women that use their kids for paydays and pawns are not mother’s in my eyes. :woman_shrugging:t2: Go to court and make sure to document everything she says and or does involving the kids.


She’s breaking the law and the courts need to know.

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Don’t play her games and he should file his paperwork IMMEDIATELY! I admit a page here in Cleveland oh, Cleveland fathers, but I do know it can vary state to state. You can give it a try though and I’ll ask my coworker to help you all as much as he can! I know everyone wants to avoid court but this kind of thing is silly and she will just continue to do this, every time she doesn’t get her way, whatever that may be, so just get it out of the way as soon as possible so that she can never, ever do this again😤

Let him deal with it. You getting in the middle of things will not help a bit- it’ll honestly just make his ex more angry. If your bf is genuinely concerned about the situation, then he will handle it thru the courts.


Courts need to be involved

It’s super weird to me that she doesn’t let him see them at all. Has he spoken to the kids lately? Does she even have them? It just seems so odd.

If there’s a court ordered custody agreement, he should go to court. She’s in contempt.

He needs to go to court so males will never be man just saying

Do they have a legal custody agreement?

If they weren’t married when the kids were born he legally has no rights. She has full custody. The only thing he can do is take her to court to establish his rights and set up visitation.


Keep a journal/diary of dates he reaches out and she denys him. Receipts for money given. Text logs. Go to court.

Only option is court if there is an outstanding order, if not he needs to file 1 and bring in the evidence . But he needs to file and handle it himself. He is a grown man and doesnt need you fighting his battles for him. If his kids mean as much to him as you says they do, he would of been doing this immediately.

Best advice- stay out of it


If it’s court ordered visitation report her :smirk:
Women like this are the worst.

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What’s up with all these “my boyfriend’s BM post” of course the men gone look like angels. It’s from the perspective of the girlfriend who (9 times outta 10) have nothing to do with it


Sounds like lawyer time to me

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Get a lawyer go to court… I would
I would never ever keep my kids away from their dad if we ever separated… esp using them to get $ from them “no! no!” :woman_facepalming:t4: going to court is the only way… I hope it works out for him :pleading_face:

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I would suggest him to get a lawyer and take it to court.

Child support and visitation are two different things. He should always pay support. Period. He needs to take her to family court for obstructing his visitation.

He needs to go to court and have custody and child support figured out by them.

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Maybe it’s you… not saying you’re a problem but probably are one to her… I’d find out the problem then work from there, going to the courts is really messy I think


he needs to get the courts involved as for you Stay out of it


If that was all to it he would go to the courts to see his kids

They have been split up for 3 years and have 3 kids, you have only been with him for 6 months you don’t know half the story behind any of there business. Best to stay out of it if he had a problem with the situation he knows how to go to court.


Honestly its not really your business. He can go to court and get a custody agreement and child support set. If she violates it then he can file contempt.


At 6 months in, I would only suggest that he seek a court ordered parenting plan. Beyond that, you don’t do anything else.


He needs to get a lawyer and go to court. That is one of the big no no for parents to hold a child from the other parent. She could lose that child. If she demands something in exchange for him to see those children that is even worse.


Go to court, get the child support set, and visitation set so she can’t just demand more money and keep the kids from him

There’s nothing you can do either way. Not your kids so you have no say. But he needs to go to court for a custody and child support agreement. Then he has grounds to go after her for withholding and she can do the same if he decided he shouldn’t pay support.

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He needs a lawyer and get the custody/visitation/support court ordered. Other than that theres not much he can do about it.

Get a lawyer and go to Court

He should go to court and get a visitation schedule. That way if she doesn’t follow it he can take her back to court.

He needs to go to court, since he is paying child support anyways he needs to show her violating the court order. He needs to keep a record of every denial, every missed visitation that she denied, and her extorting money for him to see his kids. Bring it all to a lawyer so that he can get legal visitation


Take that HCBM to court. Get the kids in therapy. Go for full custody. Parental alienation is child abuse.

Can get a lawyer and go to court ($$$$) may work but???

If he doesn’t go to court and get his rights and make sure he’s paying child support with receipts (money order etc) then he’s screwing himself. I wouldn’t get involved besides being supportive. Make sure he saves any messages (don’t call unless you can record it) and use them as evidence in court. Best of luck.


He has to get a lawyer and take her for visitation.

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First, it’s none of your business.
Second, in three years he hasn’t found his way to a lawyer and family court. Doubtful.
Third, red flags everywhere. I bet he’s lying to you and there’s much much more to it.


Any adult that uses children as a pawn should lose their children. Those kids will find out the truth one day. Better get a lawyer and take her to court. She will be arrested if she doesn’t follow the court order

Get an attorney. He should file for custody if she is doing this - it is harming the children.

Parental alienation is child abuse he should file emergency petition

Talk to the child support office. If it’s in the papers, make a police report every single time he is denied having his kids


It’s none of your business. Not your children. Not your custody arrangement. It’s between him and the mother of his children. I don’t think it’s appropriate to interfere after only being together 6 months.


Hurts him so much…but it’s been 3yrs. Yeah he don’t care that much & now that you’re involved he’s pulling the “oh she won’t let me see them card” but forgot the I won’t fight for them card.
Could be wrong but I’d say let him get things straight with his kids before being involved (obviously a but let but take a step back)
Also if he does not have it as actual child support through support inforcement all he’s doing is giving her “gifts” as the courts will see it & he will back owe for not doing real child support.


You are only in 6 months. Just don’t interfere

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Go through the court.

Been there done that…unfortunately it all depends on the courts. The justice system for some reason thinks all mothers are saints and the father gets screwed.


Court…and if he has visitation already, she is going against court orders.

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Print out the proof and file a petition with the courts holding her in contempt of court for visitation. We did that with my husbands ex and we won. She had an attorney and we did not. But we still won

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Go to court and get a custody agreement. Go to a lawyer. And tell them all this. Keep texts that show that she hasn’t given the kids on his days. Make sure to do all communication through text so you have written evidence. Especially about giving money over just so he can see his kids. Make sure to get bank statements to prove you pay child support as well. And if your partner really wants to with all this evidence in hand a and a good lawyer, file for full custody.

The only thing you can do is have him go to court and file contempt charges. Request make up time and FOR HER TO PAY HIS COURT COSTS. Also request that ANY TIME HE HAS TO GO TO COURT OVER HER WITHHOLDING THE KIDS…SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS COURT COSTS.


There’s got to be more to the story also any parent knows that if you were paying child support and she’s withholding the children that it’s illegal actually unless a judge says otherwise

If they have a court ordered custody agreement then he can just call the police and have an escort with him to pick them up. If not, then he has to take her to court and get a custody agreement.

Is his child support & custody court ordered? It sounds to me like they’re doing it without the courts. That’s always a recipe for disaster. He needs to file for custody in court. He should have at least joint legal (decision making power). He can bring all this up in court. However it’s not going to have much weight since the courts will see it as he allowed it by not getting a court order. He can make a list of things he wants like visitation every other weekend, 1 week day etc. Meet at a ln alternative place instead of each home because then you can provide proof (receipts, witnesses etc) that he was there & she never showed up.

I keep mine from their dad but he’s abusive, unstable, can’t keep a residence, refuses to pay child support and actively uses drugs in front of them. Idk what you should do in your situation, except go to court and establish a custody agreement.

Important: Keep receipts of all money payed to her , if not through the child support registry! Parenting time and child support are separate things.


There is most likely a reason and it just hasn’t been long enough for you to personally realize yet! I’d stay out of it.


Lawyer up get visitation through the courts… if he has that all ready hold her in contempt.


For one it’s not ur place to do anything. Full stop :stop_sign: it is up to him to man up get a lawyer and fight for his kids not gonna lie if he hasn’t been doing it up till now odds are he isn’t super motivated to do so 10/10 guaranteed there is so much more to this story y’all only been together 6 months


Court. A friend of a friend had an ex like this so he took her to court and found that the original agreement was more money than recommended, she got her financial support reduced and he got part custody and there was nothing she could do about it… Keep a record or proof of everything he has paid and seek advice on whether he should carry on paying or set the money to one side until the court date, also keep every text where she has cancelled or double booked his days

Take her to court. Not paying child support is not an excuse for her to keep them from him.

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The laws in each state are different. I know for a fact here in Louisiana the courts will say visitation and support have nothing to do with each other. My ex was never up to date and we had a court order for both custody and support. I had reason to keep my son from going for years and he came with law enforcement but was told he would have to take me to court for a contempt ruling because it was a civil matter and even though I was held in contempt several times nothing was done. I dropped the Child support order and he didn’t ask to see him for 5 years. It was a long miserable 17 years but thankfully my son is now 24. I didn’t withhold visitation cause for no reason but I know here the police and courts don’t do much about it.

I agree with everyone else its time for a lawyer and court.


Your boyfriend is a BIG BOY , If he is indeed being kept from his children there are Legal options to put a stop to it, I can guarantee the Girlfriend of 6 months isn’t being told everything, they never are. If He has a Legal custody agreement and is being denied His time and HE has let this go on without Taking her to court it can’t be that important to him.


My advice to you is stay out of it, it has nothing to do with you don’t even give your opinion when it comes to his ex, let alone his kids, he will have to work it all out himself , if he ask you a question concerning his kids then yeah if not stay right away from it…

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You two have only been together 6 months, he is an adult and should have been handling this wayyyyyyy before you came along. He needs to take her to court for visitation if she is being difficult about him seeing the kids because they deserve to see their dad too. Also this is his battle to handle, it’s between him and his ex.


Go to court file for visitation

Take her to court keep all things civil and in text or email you’ll win

First question, is there any court order signed by a judge regarding custody and/or child support? If not, he legally has no option to go get them and forcibly remove them. Even if he does, police will most likely say its a civil matter and to take it up in the courts. If there IS an order signed by a judge, document every single time she has done this and file contempt of court. In order to prove it, you have to show it is a repeat behavior and done maliciously. Which means, while it sucks, he has to be patient and make sure he has the proof. She needs to fall on her own sword, and he has to keep communication open and honest the entire time and not play into her bullshit. That is the only way to prove contempt of court. Take the high road EVERY time, until you get your day in court.

Now, if there is no court order, nothing, he needs to go down the the courthouse and file for custody which will then make a hearing for child support and/or mediation. Depends on the state and county law and guidelines. Technically, if he wanted to, he could refuse to give them back the next time he gets them, until an agreement is reached in court and signed by the judge. But you’re looking at mediation and court, it could be months before that happens, which means you’re on the hook for daycare and all expenses until then. If b he not sure tell him to call the county court house and see if they have a family court commissioner he can talk to for advice before or seek an actual lawyer doing anything.

Document everything and go to court. That’s not okay

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Document everything and take her to court.


Go to court, and when she doesn’t follow the plan set by the judge, have him be escorted by police on his days

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If it’s court ordered then she is breaking the law. Other than that, document everything and take her to court.


There’s nothing you can do besides encourage him to get professional help.

He needs to take her back to court with ALL proof on what she is doing.

Don’t let him fool you. Cause he could always go down to the court house and file for partial custody and visitation. If they already have an order then he has to let them know what’s going on. And save all the text messages and print them out when he goes to court


He needs to come to an agreement with her. Maybe and I hate to say this he had an issue with agreeing to custody. I’m in the same boat right now with my kids father and he will NOT agree to 3 days 2 nights with our baby. He insists on 50/50 or he doesn’t even want to be in her life at all. Unfortunately you just have to let him do his thing and things will work out.

None of your business!!!done…


Let him handle this. Not your place. I am sure his side of story is a lot different than his ex’s. He could go to court if he wanted to. I think him & his ex may still have something going on & she’s not liking you.


In the state of Kentucky, support and visitation are two separate issues. Legally, she cannot keep the children from him UNLESS there is legal reasons. If they’re sick, it doesn’t matter. Sleep overs don’t matter. His time with his children during the court appointed time is what matters. Keep a journal and take it to court (or back to court)

Give him cuddles and stay out of it

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Take her to court that’s illegal.

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How hard is it to see a lawyer?!
My goodness :woman_facepalming:

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Keep records of everything, then Go to the courts, they will forse support and visitations.


Nothing you can do but be supportive… he needs to just pay through childsupport and only through childsupport and document any extra he gives her and give all receipts to childsupport so he gets childsupport credit for that and take her to court for every time she violates their visitation agreement if they dont have one then he needs to take her to court for it if he wont then that is his fault and he will have to deal with it. Because thats how she is going to be but literally nothing you can do. But he needs a lawyer and court ordered visitation


You guys have been together for 6 months. They have been separated for 3 years. How do you know what she was doing for the other 2 1/2 years? :thinking: Honestly these letters from new girlfriends are getting exhausting. You really don’t know the whole situation, you only know/care about HIS side of things. If/when your boyfriend it TRULY tired, he will go to court and have an order put in place for visitation. My advice to you is to stay out of THEIR business. But since you probably won’t make sure you help him pay for an attorney if he needs one.