My boyfriends ex has been keeping their kids from him: Advice?

He has rights love it’s called phone relationships Australia they will do a parenting plan for them . Both have to stick to it ,

1st of all stay out of it.Their is nothing Worse than a girlfriend COMING in .And wants too save the DAY!!
Its his problem not yours let him be a big Boy.And let him and his x work it out.:thinking::thinking:

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If he wants them he can get them. When you pay child support, you get visitation rights. By law she has to let them go with him. If she doesn’t let child support know. They will make her let them go. She can go to jail for not letting them go with him. That’s how it works in California and Texas.

Honestly, Why doesn’t he take her to court the court will only take from him a percentage of his pay he will pay 1 amount for all 3 through
FAMILY RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE OR KNOWN AS FRO, anyways this way the court will set the rules and she must Abide by them or Dhe will be Arrested a court order Ordered by the Courts, he would be so Smart and believe me karma is a B***h as his girls will remember how poorly his Mother has treated dont think they Miss A Trick she does cause they Do honey, if she doesn’t be Careful her kids will Disoise her when old enough, how old are his girls I ask bc at certain age kids old enough to decide who they want to be with, some situation diff from others think legal age 12/13 yrs some younger tho.

The court will decide custody arrangements and it is legally binding.
If either party doesn’t abide by the arrangements they will have another hearing and the judge will punish the non compliant parent & change the arrangements.

Support and visitation are two separate issues. Visitation used to go through the probation office. If it still does, he can pursue the visitation at no cost. Just have him check with General District Court in his area.

Court is the only thing you can do. Let the judge know what she is doing and file for custody.

Very unfortunate!! The kids are the only ones suffering in that situation!

It all depends on what the divorce papers say. It is illegal to withhold visitation if it awarded in the divorce, regardless of child support

I would stay out of it because you don’t want to fight with a mama bear protecting her kids

It says split up? Are they legally divorced and have paperwork for visitation? If not, he is most likely screwed.

Child support has nothing to do with visitation so don’t let her hold that over you been through that

Something seems off about this one. Why are you guys not going to court over this matter? Is there a signed document saying he has to pay the support, or is it just a number they mutually agreed on? If she keeps pulling this maneuver, and there is court approved documentation stating there are specified meeting times, she can receive hefty penalties. In some states they can even turn over full custody. That’s another question as well, what is the custody agreement like?

Get a lawyer and get a parenting plan in place. Then let the system deal with her!!!

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He needs to go to court & you need to stay out of it .

Is the child support court ordered?
Sounds like it’s not as the courts also determine parenting time at that hearing.
So, if he wants scheduled time he will need to go to court. This however will also mean he may end up paying child support that could be far higher than what he is currently paying.
I have a feeling that this is why he is putting up with the uneven parenting time.

There is no woman on earth to keep a man from seeing his kids if he wants to see them unless it’s a court order that he can’t see them or he’s behind on child support. Woman get real

If there was an order at the time of Divorce and child Custody hearing that he should see his children on such and such day … she is inContempt of Court. he should tell his Attorney to file Contempt of Court Charges against her.

Stay out of it it’s an issue between them and getting involved may bite you. He needs to stand up for himself and if it’s court ordered go back to court and file a motion for violating the visitation order. I do agree though write down all the extra money being asked for above what is court ordered if they in fact have an order. It sucks but sometimes ppl do use kids as pawns to get what they want.

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Visitation and child support are two different things, if theres no court otder then quit paying it, but if there is you better keep paying and file contempt

He needs to make sure he documents everything including money given. Set in place a planned schedule. Women who refuse to comply for money and with holding kids will lie.

If there is a court order visitation and she is doing this than she is in contempt. And if she has been doing this for 3 years why the HELL has he been only complaining about it and not doing anything about it.

Petition the court for set visitation, child support, in the eyes of the court, is not a valid reason to deny visitation

He needs to go to court asap. Use the extra money he’s giving her for an attorney

First of all go to court for set visitations. Don’t give her any extra money. If you pay child support through the system then you could have set up visitation. Always pay by check, so you have proof. If you buy anything for them keep all receipts. Keep a journal of dates on why she didn’t let them see you during your time period. Go back to court and even ask for joint custody.

get a lawyer if is not just money those kids need to see their dad and no telling what she is saying to them. Maybe its your dad does not want to see you anymore

Unfortunately your boyfriend will have to take her back to court. Assuming theres a custody agreement in place that stipulates visitation shes in violation. Your boyfriend can drop off a copy to remind her and tell her if she doesnt stay with hos visitation days hes taking her back to court. Follow it with he is considering asking for full custody when he files. That should straighten her up quick.

Tell him to go to court and tell the judge that she is refusing to give him his visitation and go from there

The court that’s making him pay child maintenance will also allow him time with his children.

I agree with what most of you are saying. I have an ex-daughter-in-law, that was having an affair with a former boyfriend. My son was watching their daughter almost more than mom was. He watched her until he had to go to work, and then he would take her to her mom at the daycare center that she worked at. When he would get home, she would take off. When they married, she didn’t take his name, which I thought was odd, but didn’t say anything. When he confronted her about her possibly having an affair, about how long this had been going on, she told him for 6 months, which ment it started when the baby was three months old. My son told her that the only thing he wanted from her was his daughter. Well needless to say, he doesn’t get to see her. It has been ten years since he has seen her. Once, his ex called and let him talk to the daughter. For her birthday, I sent her a card, and gave her, her dad’s phone number and told her to call him when she got the card. I also put his return address on the envelope. He has never heard from her. My guess is her mother confiscated the card and she never saw it. By the way we are all blocked from any corraspondence with her with her. Yes, I have talked to him about going to court, yes he is paying child support for her.

I had to have my children escorted out of the ex mother in laws house the grandmother told me I couldn’t get my children from her house well quess what the cops told her to give me my children and she tried telling them no lol well she almost got herself arrested for trying to not give them to me.Anyway I got them.Your boyfriend has every right to have time to visit with the kids keep ever record of everything it shows that you buy them things if they need it or just that you buy things for them.Get a court ordered motion done for visitation they do mediation first but most times that don’t work but it shows you trying.If that don’t work they set up a court date to speak to the judge than you will need all of your proof and she can get into trouble it don’t matter if he paid or not he has a right to see them.Keep to the order be on time always text &call&print out all the phone calls or text I did that highlight the importance things ask her in text about when they have a doctor’s appointment and arange your time to go he has every right to go and the doctors note who’s there every time I showed up even if they didn’t know I was coming they tried to not put me down on paperwork like my contacts make sure they have that updated that the doctors can contact you my ex tried to not include me telling the doctors not to contact me well they can’t do that.Oh make sure you kids schools are up to date with his information and yours for emergency and make sure they have your work phone#don’t let her bully him if she don’t let him take or visit the kids call the cops she will have to and keep a copy of the order or agreement to show the cops it’s your weekend to visit with his kids if she don’t it’s kidnapping and she can go to jail for that and do a health check on your kids if you feel they aren’t taking care of them properly and if she try to go on vacation she needs to give you everything like who what and where and when they will be back and if she don’t that’s kidnapping too.Hope that helps.

If there is no court order for support and parenting time he needs to get one. These are 2 separate issues and paying has nothing to do with visiting. If there is an order she is in violation. The forms to correct this are available at most courthouses in the law library. He can file them himself.
You have no dog in this fight.

Stay out of it! That’s their

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Lawyer time to set up custody and visitation and support. Keep it legal to at least avoid some crap.

STAY OUT OF COURTonce they get you in they keep you in court, the only people who come out on top is attorneys. Very costly

Why do I feel like their is way more to this? He needs to get a lawyer.

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Go to family court and get it documented what a going on and file for visitation to be court order or he can file for full custody

You can’t do anything active. That will cause more problems. After living most of my life and being a step mom for 18 years and knowing what I know now you should nicely run away. You haven’t been in this very long and unless the mom is really over him and she likes you. It won’t change. She likes the control. Especially if he has done nothing to deserve this.

Take her to family court, the safest way to get his right to see the kids, good luck. She has no right to do that

This is what a custody agreement is for. Get a lawyer and have one drawn up. Get child support through the court. No need for drama. My husband’s ex is the same

Go see a meateater or however that’s spelled and she might lose them to him if she is messing with there heads

Best thing for you to do
Is keep your nose out of it
Nothing to you and surely none of your business or concern
trust me you dont wanta go there
I know

Go to court get the paper work fill it out and file for visitation rights .I know people who have done this.

Simple take her to court and have the courts schedule his visits there for she can no longer do this! :woman_shrugging:

He needs to get an agreement drawn up. Judge told my daughter child support does not constitute visitation

You’ve only been with him 6 months…not your place yet. This is his battle. You can be kind and do nice things for him, but you only know what you know and you’re not married…being on this side can suck.

Some ex wives can be be so hatefull my ex daughter in law took everything including things that didn’t belong to her they belonged to me she claimed when they went to court this was after the judge granted the divorce she said she was pregnant and she wanted my son to pay child support I told why she didn’t tell the judge that she told me to butt out it was none of my business I told her when it concerns my son it dose and I dont think she had a baby never heared from her after that

Talk to attorney! It’s not only hurting , consider how the kids are doing. Keep all things legal

MYOB your boyfriend is grown you are not his family nor theirs he has to handle this on his own that is between two parents

Price one pays for not staying with kids’ dads. Sorry, but it’s true & staying with kids’ moms. I’ve seen it & it’s bad for the kids. Childish parents. Get a grip & grouw up.

If he is paying support through the courts. She can’t do this legally.

If he’s paying and is court ordered to have them certain dates he needs to go to court. My x hasn’t paid child support in 11 yrs. I have sole physical custody he has 0 overnight and allowed visitation with a court appointed official when in MI. He won’t give me any heads up he’s coming and will call the day of ( only happened twice but) refuses to make apt with court cause he has to pay for it and then he’ll get arrested for non payment. I refuse to let him near her without following court orders cause I’ll be found negligent for allowing her to be around him. I’m sorry but you don’t pay child support you don’t call you don’t write you don’t make any effort your not gonna pop in and out when it’s convenient for you

Get an attorney who has experience in father’s rights.

go to court for visitation. he doesn’t have to prove anything…just ask for something in black and white.

Go back to court. She is going against court orders and can be arrested…he needs to keep track of all of her shenanigans to prove his point…dates/times and which crap she chooses to pull.

She is hurting and its got nothing to do with you. Let him solve it with the mother of his girls.

Just remember, there are 2 sides to every story…

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Child support and visitation are two different things you can not pay child support and still see your child

Bf of 6 months and she’s asking for baby moma advice… is it wrong what the mom is doing yes but he has ways to fix it if he wants

Something is not right about this comment…either he’s not telling you everything or he is a pushover wuss. Why is he randomly giving her money at her request? In either case it doesn’t concern you, it is a legal matter between him and his ex. He needs to drag her butt before a judge…no one would keep me from seeing my kids. Personally I don’t think this is the entire story.

That’s THEIR game, Stay out of it. If all payments are paid up HE needs to grow a Pair and nail her for alienation of visitations. Cashiers checks on ALL Support payments. NEVER cash.

Mediation to work out visitation if that doesn’t work than a court order

Don’t get involved. This is between him and the ex. Its not your job to help.

He needs to see his attorney and file a complaint with the courts

You help by staying out of it. Let the parents solve the problem. Another woman in the mix will only make it worse.

Go to court and get it sorted out. Not much you can do unless there’s legally agreed terms.

Go to Dept. Of Social Services , for 25.00 $$, Fill out a form and go to court. DSS will help you fight for your rights.

Mind your business.
You don’t know the whole story, or what’s really going on.
You think he’s going to tell you anything that makes him look bad?:roll_eyes:

Take the ex to court and have him document everything that she doing. She could be get in trouble and actually have to pay him back if she has the kids and not let him see them when he really wants to. She is being a greedy witch. Next she does this tell her that he will take everything back to court. Try to get full custody of the girls if possible this may change her ways.

Go to court, get visitation schedule,if she still won’t she can be arrested.


Take it to court it’s only way that it will be sorted out

Take her to child support court and establish vistitation rights. do it legally.

You are only the girlfriend. Stay out of it.


Court and make sure she follows the court order every time she refuses a visit take her back to court for contempt

He should go to court!! She’s Lucky to get any support!!!

Take her to court and get a parenting plan and get emergency visitation

He needs a different attorney to fight for him

Contact Friend of the Court. Document everything!! Dates, reasons she gave and texts she might have sent.

He needs to get a lawyer and take her to court. So unfair!

Go thru the court for child support anything he gives that not thru court is considered a gift.

It’s illegal for her to do that!

Take a policeman with him on his visitation days for backup. And carry his divorce papers with him.

Sounds like he needs to go back to court

Stay out of it. He has to be the one to take care of this. It’s not your business. Unfortunately, you have no dog in this fight. She may be jealous of you and you could unknowingly be part of the problem. You have to back down and be invisible to this situation. I promise you, it will help. I was in your shoes, 20 years ago. The x was even married. But she was still jealous of me and didnt want her kids to like me either. 15 years ago, we got custodial rights and 10 years ago, full custody.


Take her to court for violating the court order or if there is no order get one

Take her to court. Or no kids no pay child support.

Taker a…to court. If he is good as you say.there should be no problemfor visitations .

Have him go through Court System. If her can support them he can see them through Legal Court Order🤔

Right every time she has an excuse why he cant have them

his side,her side and the truth :woman_shrugging:


Modification of child support through the court

He needs to see an Attorney.

I know you love your boyfriend and don’t want to see him suffer. 6 months isn’t a long time for you to truly know him and the issues between them. I’m not siding with anyone. Personally if I was in that situation all I would need from my girlfriend was patience support and understanding. Because I would be fighting tooth and nails to see my kids (courts, lawyers, multiple jobs). That means time, energy, and money away from her. It means she won’t always be the priority. I feel it’s alot to deal with for a girlfriend.

Yes he needs to go to court.

See a lawyer and get everything in writing

Hmmm, I hear yours and his side of the story, what is her side?

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Go to court let the judge tell her no way he pays he has a right period.!

Time to go to the courts

Uh, best advice - stay out of it.

He needs to keep very detailed records and hire an attorney.