My boyfriends ex has been keeping their kids from him: Advice?

He needs a lawyer or family services

Sound like she very controlling. This is a shame

He needs to file a petition with the courts

So he goes back. There is ways around all this.


Just get a lawyer it will be the best money u ever spend

Take her to court and get everything in writing.

Get him a lawyer and then stay out of it

Take her back to court

Take him to court thru your attorney!

He needs an attorney to take her back to court.

Use the money get a lawyer and fight for his kids

Legally she can’t do that. He needs to take her to court.

–Pay regular support
–document. What/when/where he pays
–file in court for custody/visitation
–don’t try to negotiate personally

Why he doesn’t take her to courthe paying

We don’t know both sides of this

Sounds illegal, get an attorney

Time for him to get a lawyer

Get a good lawyer and get a set schedule for visitations

How about retake her to court for full custody, joint custody or visitation rights. If he a in arrears or not he still has the right to see his children.


It’s could going to court to get rights

It’s past time to go to court!!!

get a lawyer, Dad has rights

Document & go to court. Always carry the court order.

The kids are the ones that have to suffer

Court date is needed. Child support and visitation are two completely different things and it sounds like they don’t have a court order for either or are ignoring them.

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Walk away…pick a freer guy.

Well it should have gone to court a long time ago. And no action is action. This isnt your battle, its his. If he actually wants it then he needs to be active in getting it.

Talk to legal aid. They’re attorneys for reduced or no fees depending on income

Sounds like a court matter

See an attorney
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Document everything I mean everything and get a lawyer

Has he gone to court for custody, because as their father he has parental rights, if she wants to keep playing games then he needs to take her to court so if she keeps playing her games there will be consequences.

That’s against the law. Get a lawyer

First of all, you might be part of the problem because you have no say and they are his kids. Secondly, he must keep paying his child support or lose his license and/or go to jail. Thirdly, did they go to court for child visitation? If so she can be considered breaking the law. If they haven’t been to custody/visitation court that’s what he needs to do. I would advise him to document Everytime he is denied visitation and why to bring to court. You need to stay out of his business with his children, visitation and with his ex.

Let your boyfriend handle it, because that’s what he’s supposed to do. And, if he won’t then you should be able to see what you’re getting yourself into and move yourself up and away from the BS
No relationship of 6 months should have the new girlfriend handling what should have been being handled long before you came along.

If she isn’t cooperating the only thing to do is get a lawyer. I’m sure the girls ask for their father…My 5 year old grand daughter is here with her dad and she is always asking when she can see her mom. It breaks my heart…Children need their mom’s and dad’s…it should be fair to the kids.

Nope. Go to court. End of story.

Go to court get parenting plan .if she violates it off to jail she goes.keep track of all times she refuse him kids .paper trail wins in court.oh and you stay out of it.6 months don’t give you the right to butt in so butt out .

Keep out of it!! He should know to document EVERYTHING on paper and his cell. He should know to contact a group for dad’s in same situation. Networking for a good attorney and when CPS can work for him. But he can make kids, so he can work it out…not your business.

He needs to get an attorney, has he let this go on for 3 years? He needs to keep a calendar of all communications with her, when he sees the the kids, etc…build the case. There are definitely deadbeat mothers out there, my husband’s ex is :blush:

He has to get a lawyer & go to family court. That’s the only way he can deal with it.

He needs an attorney! He’s paying child support and he should have visitation- he needs to get in touch with his attorney who will get in touch with the judge and charge her with contempt if there are court sanctioned visitations.

You stay out of it. He needs to take care of This with lawyer.

Lawyer is about the only way

Hire a good lawyer and stop paying. If you can’t see the kids he shouldn’t have to support them.

he needs to take her back to Court

Legal route is the only way

6 months and you all in huh

Do u Have court orders? If not go get them

Stay out of it and let him handle it. You’ve only been together for 6 months

You’ve got more problems than any 10 people have a right to.

Get a attorney that cares or your fucked

Take her to court. Judge will give her hell.

Women (and I use that term loosely) that do this are DISGUSTING!! Just because you two cant get along doesnt mean the children should be used as “pawns” in your sick games. I hope the father of these babies has a lawyer that will FORCE her to allow him time with his children. Some women are despicable and vicious without cause. They choose to be NASTY!

Than your boy friend is a jerk. That is why if it is true ,he should paticion the court to make her comply. Or check out the divorce papers and find out if the judge gives her total control over the kids. Because he is probably unfit to have them.

Any good advice someone gives you that doesn’t include a court order will backfire and you guys will lose. Violence, trickery and other such things will cause him to
Lose in court. Do it legally or he has no leg to stand on. It’s sad but true.

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Child support and custody are separate issues. If there is no custodial agreement, get a lawyer and go to court. Lack of visitation does not mean support is reduced or withdrawn. Continue to pay the support so there is not a separate contempt issue against you.

Dammm 6 months. Chill out a bit. Most definitely not your business at all. Maybe years into the relationship but 6 months you need to stay in your place and let them work it out and just try and support and comfort him without getting involved!

Nice to hear he keeps up with the child support his KIDS deserve. Child support isn’t about your Ex it’s about your kids.

Visitation is arranged through the court take her back to court for not allowing visitation.

He could take her back to court . . That’s what he needs to do . They need to now what she is doing to him and his children.

Time to go to court and get a court order for her to make this right, she is only hurting the children.

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First child support isnt tied to visitation. A parent has their court order visits regardless of the state of their child support payments. Both issues require court orders and when either issue has been violated a in contempt charge brought. It can be done by yourself or with the help of a paralegal. Hes not getting anywhere on the issue until he takes it to court. Keep it impersonal and get a court mediator. Require she pays half. Might take 3 months. But it is the only way.

He needs to go to family court. Visitation is not tied to support. Try to stay out of it but be there to answer questions if he has any or if he needs a sounding board

You’ll only make matters worse if she knows you are getting involved…he needs to take this to court

Stay out of it verbally yet support him. He should take her to court.

Have him go back to court, bitches dont change…kids are the ones that are suffering. Some people never grow up…

Have home take her to court for 50/50 custody. That way it’ll be on paper. If she doesn’t comply with the court order she’ll get in trouble and he’ll get full custody of them and she’ll most likely go to jail for interfering with court orders. I don’t mean to sound mean or anything when I typed that and nor do I want that to happen but some thing needs to be done. And if he has proof she’s keeping his children away from him like text messages and voicemails and emails and any posts she may have made (not sure if they are on each other facebook or twitter accounts as friends) then he can use them in court.

Child support and visitation are mutually exclusive, even if he is in arrears.

You only know his side of the story. It may not be the most accurate version.

Suggest that he gets a divorce so the courts can dictate his rights,but if he doesn’t want a divorce then your just temporary.

I’m going through the same shit selfish bitch I hope it all blew up in there face everything that can go wrong I hope It do . So I can sit back drink Margaritas enjoy life and laugh at this stuff.

I doubt she’s keeping the kids from him……

Stay out of it and let him handle it.


Get a lawyer and get a legal custody agreement!

He needs to make a written record of these events and then see a good lawyer!!

He needs a lawyer and you need to stay out of it, respectfully

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He needs to file a grievance with the court

6 months, stay in your lane

Tell him to take her to court

Keep log of ea time refused. Get a good lawyer

Family Law Court. Only answer full stop.

Man up and go to court

Have them child custody

He needs a good lawyer.

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get in touch w/atty.Gadon

He needs a lawyer!!!

Call his divorce attorney.


Maybe the children should be taken from her and given to the father

Contact family law attorney

He needs to get a lawyer o o o court

He needs family court…

Get a lawyer immediately

He needs to take her to court.

Take her ass to court

Take her to family court…

Get a competent lawyer!

THEIR children are Theirs… and NOT YOUR affair… Don’t. Become. An. INTRUDER. …He knows what HE NEEDS to do…IF HE really want to see his children…You do NOT really have THEIR FACTS … be still and observe

He needs a good lawyer right away