If he calls himself your boyfriend he would stay away from the function and prove a point, you his number 1.
I don’t have an opinion on why they would exclude you on purpose. Which would be really rude imo but it’s better to ask them. Maybe it’s bc you’re fairly new to their circle & the ex probably built a strong bond with his family over the course of that said 7yrs. Do they have kids? That would be another reason they’d invite her. If the sister doesn’t give you a straight answer, then let your bf know. What he chooses to do will help you make a decision.
Hell nahhhhhhhh run sis
Walk away I put up with 15 years of my partner and his x going to functions together I always hoped it would change but it never did, I hung in there hoping but it’s a shit feeling when every one supposedly likes you but they invite the x so you can’t go… nope leave now
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriends ex was invited to his family get together and I wasn't: Advice?
If he goes…run! If the family is like that this early on…it’s not going to get any better…
So,why did he accept,why do people blame the wrong people,leave his ass
Don’t ignore red flags
I would ask him to politely talk to his family about it. If they stil don’t see an issue ask him not to go. He should stand up for you.
Has your boyfriend not said anything? If he hasn’t you need to let him know how you feel and he needs to defend you. If he decides to do nothing you know where you stand.
Sucks but they prob didnt invite both of you to avoid drama/awkwardness. Seems like they still have loyalty to her as she was part of the fam for a long time. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my man going if I wasn’t invited.
As long as he doesn’t go without u…I don’t see the big deal. Family always causing unnecessary drama.
Has this event happened yet also have you spoken too your bf about it if this was me and my husband I know he wouldn’t go as there has been times his family has excluded me we have been married almost 13 yrs when our son was just under 1 we cut all ties with his family our son is 8 this year my husband said if necessary his wife couldn’t be included in things then none of us would
If he goes. Then leave him. His family is toxic and it won’t get better.
I think if he goes you need to go that is not right and there’s something fishy if he goes and does not take you here I’ll be gone when he got back
Oh hunnie… In life we have to learn to pick n choose our battles…
She’s not your friend
Get out of there hun! Run!
Speak up and say your peace or you will carry it forever. And, I’d be done with them all if that is their mentality. Dont start “fighting” for your rights to exist and be included. You shouldn’t have to teach others to include you. That’s an exhausting battle that will never end and it will never feel right. You dont deserve that.
This is a your boyfriend problem. He needs to let his family know this isn’t okay behavior. I’d say they were looking to avoid awkwardness- but if he doesn’t speak to the ex, there will still be awkwardness. If they still refuse to welcome you to the event, he should just not go. If he goes without you, you should cut your losses. This family will be a problem always. Seems like they can’t let go of a relationship that’s been over for over a year. That’s not a good sign for you.
You’ve been with him 6 months. I wouldn’t invite you anyways.
Don’t feel bad my new husband’s family is always inviting his ex to everything
That’s on your man! He needs to give you your place. Your man should’ve declined the invite. If he doesn’t respect you and give you your place don’t expect others to do so either.
My bfs family leaves me out a the time… IDGAF either because they are all back stabby talk about everyone behind their back kind of people. I hate gossip and, Oh and My Bfs Brother is married to a chick I went to HS with. So because she’s an English Biatch I’m automatically one as well… BUT I’ve been Bi-Ligual My whole life… English and French. (And I can understand Hungarian,Russian and german). Plus I know Sign language and can converse well that way too
He needs to get his family in check.
What’s his reaction on the situation? That should tell you where your place is at with him
She isn’t your friend. They want her in his life. Not you. They need to accept it is over between them. It is weird and extremely rude to invite an ex to a family function when she is no longer family. More than likely she is trying to get back together with him if she goes along with it. If he doesn’t put his foot down and goes then end it.
It’s worse when you’re married and the family would rather have the x around
Girl get fine as hell, show up and show out… she’s an x for a reason…smile and be nice…you’ll come out on top and the bigger person…who cares if you weren’t invited? THATS YOUR MAN NOW
Just show up haha! But for real girl… that’s the biggest red flag I’ve ever seen
Sounds like his sister might want to try and get them back together. He needs to tell her straight up that if you are not invited than he is not coming. If he goes red flag. It will continue to happen.
Either he takes u along or he don’t go it’s that easy they need to respect the fact you’re his gf u included…it’s obvious something is up coz if there wasn’t then I’m sure they would’ve invyt u or tell him to bring u along
It probably won’t get any better. Unless the family sees an issue with it, but I bet they won’t. Some people have different views on this and I have been through it. I had a child with my ex and his family did this with his ex and when I said how I felt about it and he finally stood up for me, they didn’t care and called me all kinds of stuff. Even though my family and friends also thought it was weird and wrong on their end. Not just because they were on my side either. I don’t feel like going into full detail right now. Just talk to your boyfriend.
My sister had to deal with this she would get the pitty invite. Honestly if it makes you feel that way your bf should say something an hopefully his family is understanding an doesn’t do that again.
Do not ignore this red flag. He should make it clear to his family that you are the woman in his life. He is the only one who can. If he goes, he should take you to show his family he is over her. If you go, ignore her. She will try to bait you in but don’t let her. Be the bigger person.
Were you excluded or just nit invited? If she said don’t bring your girlfriend that is excluded. If she just didn’t invite you I would ask your boyfriend what the attire is for the event and since you are a couple plan to show up with him.
First question…… do they have kids together? Ofcourse she’s being invited then and you’ve only been together for 6 months, I’m sure once you make the one year mark you’ll be included more……
They were friends for 7 years and built a family Ofcourse they have a bond and she will forever be invited, get use to it or leave… become civil with her it’s the best for everyone!
there is something fishy about it, it is not good that his family want his ex around while you are engaged to him
He should probably pass on the invite . It’s just not right !
Hang in there because it’s not personal at all
Not sure your situation but as a girl where my brother dated a ton of my friends and cost me so many friendships I can see the sister point of standing her ground to allow her friend as I have been that sister before… however you should not be excluded… think everyone should be adults and be civil why can’t you go too
Show up. Maybe they just assume you would show up with him.
If there are kids involved then I do understand the families need to keep the ex around. If there are no kids around then I agree that this is extremely hurtful and toxic.
He needs to check his family, they want to stay friends thats fine but to exclude you is hurtful, rude, petty and in one form making you uncomfortable. How dare she and if that ex shows up she still wants something. Cause there is zero reason for her to be all up in his family shit. She has her own family.
depending how long the guy and his ex were together his sister may have a true friendship with the ex. I’ve had to learn to go to many family events with my ex and his new gf and be ok with that. Try to build a relationship to be included in family events or stop being upset. Just because you are with him doesn’t mean his family has any relationship with you yet. Reach out, build those relationships.
He should either bring you or not go! No if’s ands or buts!!!
Another point should be it’s your boyfriends job to sit down with his family and explain that that is his ex for a reason… are you and he serious?? I have friends that have been in a “relationship” for 6 months but neither says it’s serious yet I know your feelings are hurt, but his family has known this person for 7yrs that’s hard to compete with I
If you’re truly hurt talk to your boyfriend if the situation doesn’t change in the future he needs to tell them that he won’t attend if she’s invited. I’m friends with my brothers ex-wife and she understands that he will always come first and she’s ok with that
That’s a common sense question isn’t it?
He needs to pass on it.
Your boyfriend shouldn’t go unless you’re invited too
I have a better relationship with my ex in laws then my ex husband and that’s his parents. I am invited to most of the family get togethers. We have kids together and we were together for years. I built a relationship with the family and to honest they are my only family I have besides the kids. Just because the ex is invited and shows up for the event doesn’t mean she wants him back. Maybe just maybe shes “family”
Yall been together for 6 months things could be getting serious, congratulations but shes probably family. Let you man know how you feel and go to the event anyways and be your self and GROW your own relationship with his family. Dont worry about the ex.
And if shes the ex that does want him back then watch them both if there is any type of sign of them relighting that flame well then that’s on him and you deserve better
I dealt with that with my husband’s ex wife for 8 years! Thankfully his family finally came around and realized how messed up it was.
Sorry but if your with him he’s not with his ex absolutely no reason exes need to be included either they need to invite him or her point
My family has my sisters ex husband and current husband at certain events because there are kids involved and everyone gets along we do it all time and no problem my son and ex daughter in law come to family functions with current spouses so why feel bad there’s attachments there
I had a similar situation, I just made my feelings known and my bf backed me up and didn’t wish for them to continue and relationship with the ex…fast forward 11 years and he’s my husband and the ex dissapeared under a year into our relationship…it was kinda like they needed to break up with her too, have no regrets xxx
I mean, I’d be ok with them hang out with her for non family functions as they have a right to be friends. But this is definitely rude and done to create drama I think. I’d ignore the sister and talk to your bf. He should be the one saying this is not okay and if you’re not included then he won’t be going.
Also you don’t mention kids but if there are kids then it might change things a little as you will have to be more accepting of her I think.
If he doesn’t stand up for you to his family then get rid of him.
I went through this same thing two years ago and I told him if I was not going either was he and if he did we would no longer be together two years later we are still together
I would let it go and see how things all play out from here…meaning I’d keep his family at arms length, especially the sister and I would totally hold off on picking out curtains and a China pattern if he’s ok with all of this and he goes with her and not you. A smart man who is worth your time would go to the event with you on his arm the entire time as a show of respect for you and signaling to his family and his ex that you are not to be excluded and his relationship with her is over. Period.
she’s playing cupid and wants them together. I’d go anyway
someone needs to confront his family
So, being a Brady bunch we have had this come up with family and old friends. My husband bows out and doesn’t go no matter the occasion. Problem solved.
Your boyfriend shouldnve spoken up for you. Or not attended
Get over your self look after your kids tats important
He should not attend in protest.
Be patient. They’ll come around. They probably feel a loyalty to her.
I’d legit say bye. That shouldn’t happen at all.
I agree with others if u aren’t invited then he shouldn’t go.
Pretty pitiful for an ex to even want to attend
Inviting her, might not be too bad of a thing. Excluding you, not sure why and sounds unacceptable.
Probably something your boyfriend will have to address with the family.
If your not invited then he doesn’t go simple as that!! And if he does go without you then he isn’t the one for you and move on
Nah too messy if he doesn’t take care of the situation then it’s not worth it 6 months is not slot of time wasted.
Go get a massage. Spend the day at a resort. Find some friends to hang out with. If your boyfriend doesn’t take you, you know where you stand.
It’s your boyfriends job to take care of his family. He needs to let them know that if they invite him then they invite you or he just doesn’t go. If he’s not willing to do that then your relationship is in trouble.
Its his family. He needs to step up and tell them how messed up that is.
If he doesn’t now than he isn’t ever going to and its time to leave
My family didn’t allow my current man around for the first nine months they wanted to make sure it was a for sure thing but still allowed my ex to come around because the kids know him as their uncle we were together for 8 yrs before we spilt. It doesn’t bother me. But now they adore my fiancé. There is a bigger picture then it being about just you and your man. If she was with him for 7 years she became part of the family despite the break up.
I’d invite myself as his plus one. And roll in looking hot and show her your not threatened by her presence.
My ass would go I’m the girlfriend and that’s that !! If they like her still ok whatever but YOU are with him NOW !
So maybe they just assume you’re coming with him? Like y’all are a package deal so you didn’t need a formal invite? Or did they literally tell you you’re not invited?
I’d beat him up how rude
I do not see the big deal. People invite who they want to.
I’m amazed at how often this happens and often the boyfriend doesn’t step up for the current girlfriend. I don’t get it. How a situation like this is handle can make or break a relationship.
Your boyfriend is a piece of crap if he goes
I was very close with my ex’s family. We stayed friends for 15 years after we slpit. When they ,the parents and 4 of the 5 siblings passed. There were 4 more relationships after me…I was the only one who had actually been welcomed into the family… I have stayed friends with my ex …now 36 years later. We have always been good friends…the other girls knew I was no threat to their relationship.
He needs to say something, it’s his family and if he doesn’t then he’s not worth it.
He should bring you if not…
He needs to not show up to that event! And he needs to talk to his sister
If he’s okay with this, get a new boyfriend.
If he can’t speak up for you then perhaps it’s time to find someone new. He shouldn’t go.
Been there and going threw this even tho I’m pregnant with our 2nd child together. Screw her I’d go!
I think it’s not about you they may have bonds with her but he shouldn’t go and he should make it clear to his family
Is it possible she just assumes that since you and her brother are together you would be attending? I would go and if she asks why you are there tell her that! If she has a problem with you being there, then you and the boyfriend need to leave. (I would drive the two of you in YOUR car.) If he refuses to leave with you, go home, and dump the him. If he doesn’t stick up for you over this, he will never have your back.
FUCK. THAT. He better not go without you. If he does, leave his ass.
The x being invited I understand. I am still invited to all the family functions so she’ll have to get over that but it was wrong not to invite current Girlfriend…… However sister might have assumed that it was a given that the new GF would automatically come with Boyfriend or be invited by boyfriend. So I think the bigger question is why didn’t the boyfriend invite you?
Sounds like it is time for your boyfriend to step up and take control of the situation. If they are friends they can hang out anytime. How is it up to her to exclude you from family functions? If she must be there, fine, why should you be excluded? I would check the relationship you have with his family…
He needs to tell his family you’re his girlfriend!!
It all depends on what he says and does… If he is ok with it and goes without you… That’s all you need to know. Remove yourself if that’s the case!!
Why is it a problem if you go too? They cab be friends with his ex AND you as well
He needs to step up or step out if he knows you are uncomfortable and still doesn’t make a note to his family about how it’s not ok, then he might just not be that into you, in which case he needs to step out so you can catch the next bus.
If he goes without you, tell him to keep going. That’s would be total disrespect