You sure no contact?
If he’s not going to stick up for you I would consider leaving. You could be the rebound.
This is a look at your future with him. Dump him now. Not worth it.
Some one need s to stop it
Tell your boyfriend your concerns and honestly he shouldn’t go. He needs to tell his family that he will not go unless you go or the ex isn’t invited.
Well if they invite him isn’t that more or less inviting you too if y’all been together that long
Dump him… He’s sleeping with her
Then he needs to stand tf up for you to his damn family and if he don’t then wave his ass goodbye… SIMPLE!
Tell him how you feel. I have ex that are friends we were together so long and they know my family It’s hard to just wipe someone like that away. My husband now is friends with them too at first he didn’t like it but I made a point to always make sure he knew there wasn’t anything but friend love between us. Communication is the key if y’all can’t communicate on how you feel without fighting walk away now!!!
I would go anyway. Who cares if she gets mad or not
It’s up to him to put foot down or drop him
Talk to your bf, if he’s ok with the situation and does nothing you know how he feels about you then. It’s not your place to deal with his family it has to be him.
Take the initiative. Either you get into the car with him or say you don’t know where the keys went.
I have a totally different view.
You are new to this dynamic, yes it’s been 6 months, but that’s hardly any time when you think of it.
The ex was part of the family for 6 years. So it does make sence for her to be invited to a family event, she legit is family, even if they didn’t get married.
It’s something as adults you will all have to respect and work around.
Sounds like you need to run
Either put ur foot down or leave. Absolutely not. Completely disrespectful
Did you exclusively get excluded? Or was he invited and maybe they had the expectation of him just bringing you?
If he goes without you, dump him
If he’s half a man he won’t go either. If he goes without you, be gone when he gets back home.
I’d send her a small note and ask her if theres anything you & he can bring to the get together
I would ask the boyfriend to say I’d like to bring my girlfriend if that’s OK with you
Why aren’t you invited though
I would think they assume you’re going with him. Maybe they didn’t send you a personal invite because they thought with him coming that he’d bring you.
Well, ik my dude better not choose to go to a family gathering without me but with his ex present… Family there or not, it’s disrespectful.
I don’t understand why both you and the ex are not invited. The ex is now a friend of the sister and you are now the girlfriend of the brother
Well its up to the boyfriend to speak up to his sister. Its ok if his ex and sister remain friends but she should consider you too and the fact you’re the future of her brother not his ex so shes gotta balance that out or walk away girl
I was with my ex for 13 years… I still go to his family events. So does my fiancé. They always invite everyone. I would ask your boyfriend to address it and show kindness. If she’s truly done and there’s closure, she should be reaching out to you or refusing the invite. I’m not friends with my ex’s girl but not ever would I accept an invite to anything that they excluded her from. I don’t think there’s anything cool about making another woman feel insecure or unwanted. It’s also up to your BF to address this and it he values yalls relationship, he will stand beside you. If he doesn’t, then you need to value your time and exit that chaos.
I used to feel this way when me and my husband got together, especially since he was still friends with most of his ex’s, even an ex fiancé! However, I was told multiple times that if we were together and he was invited it was just assumed I would come too! However, now I’m the one invited to his family events and he just tags along! And that’s how we played it rest of our relationship! If you’re secure in your relationship he should still take you, & if he was specifically asked not to bring you, that’s an issue he needs to address with his family. Good luck, but this is a serious discussion you should definitely have!
What kind of sister invites your ex to a get together?
It is wrong and if he doesn’t stand up for you now with his family, he won’t in the future!
I agree with most everyone else. He goes say goodbye. If he does it means he dont respect u enough 2 care about why u weren’t invited. However at the same time maybe the family is trying 2 prevent possible drama. But if that was the case they wouldn’t have invited the ex which just goes 2 show how the family feels about u. Otherwise just have a civil conversation with them and ask y u weren’t invited or maybe it’s just a miscommunication and it was implied u were going because u are dating.
Go with your boyfriend. All adults. Be adults.
Why would you continue to have a relationship with a relatives ex. If you want to be friends with her then fine I guess but it’s just common courtesy to not bring them to family functions just cause you get along. Have some respect for the gf whether you like her or not.
If he is a real man he would step up and say hell naw! If not then move on because a man wouldn’t let that happen unless he still has feelings for her and wants her.
if he really loves his now girlfriend he would insist on her participation to the family do if he doesn’t then he still misses his ex
Did she actually say you’re not invited? Or is she just assuming that you’ll be tagging along with your boyfriend?
If she were a true friend, she would have invited you as well.
No advice butttt my now husbands psyco ex had to come to our wedding so that we could have his son there. Sometimes u just gotta take it
He should be your ex
Sounds like the Sister is testing Your Limits and How This Would Affect You! I’d tag Along!!
Were you literally told that you cannot go? Or did they just assume you would go because your boyfriend is obviously invited? What does he have to say about that? In my world I am welcome anywhere my significant other is welcome, and that just goes without being said.
Did he go without you? If so, that should be your answer.
If she means nothing to him he as a man should speak up for and have you invited as well! That was so not right!
My husband of 5 years got a call the other day from his brother saying him and his gf were getting married in September and that him and our daughter were invited but not myself. My husband is choosing to go but I made it clear he won’t take our daughter. I think husbands/boyfriends should stick up for us!
If he goes without you then you should know your answer on what to do…as for his family his job to put them in their place.
He shouldn’t go period. That’s disrespectful.
I was with a guy with a family like that… They never change, absolute red flag.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriends ex was invited to his family get together and I wasn't: Advice?
A little strange that she would even be considered for an invitation, but for those type of things it is up to you what you can handle! Personally, I wouldn’t deal with it, as I believe it opens up a way for drama. In my opinion, there isn’t a reason that she should be there anymore and for them to consider it would make me uncomfortable.
Another point you have to look at is, did she flat out tell you that you’re not allowed to come? Or is there a miscommunication that she could’ve assumed your presence with him and felt no need to invite you personally? Those facts should play some part in your response to this. These types of things suck and even more so if your partner blows it off. Maybe have a good talk with him and maybe the sister to decide your next step. I’m sorry you’re feeling left out! However, there could be the possibility of misinterpretation for you and hopefully this gets cleared up soon!
I’d still go with him I wouldn’t make him miss a family gathering but I’d tag along and not tell anyone till we got there and have him explain to his family that your his girlfriend and shouldn’t be excluded to begin with
He should have declined the invite if you weren’t included and the ex was…in my opinion the problem would be with the boy friend instead of his sister…she can choose who she wants to socialized with and HE surely had the same option…honey you need to be looking at him, not her.
If he goes without you, you need to pack his things and ship them to him over there. Or pack your stuff and leave!! No respect
Instead of jumping to conclusions have you asked your boyfriend if he intends on taking you? If he has his heart in the right place he will not hesitate to say YES I wouldn’t have it any other way. If he says no, you were with him six months too long, move on honey. End of story. Life is too short don’t put yourself in relationships where you are left out!
Sounds like a very deep history and a lot of love is there.
Maybe try starting a relationship with the sister (if you haven’t) and you too can get to that place!
His sister doesn’t have to invite you and he shouldn’t have to choose between you and a family function. He is also not obligated to bring you to these functions. If you feel secure in your relationship, then it shouldn’t be an issue. Have you identified WHY you feel the way you do about this? Is it a trust thing? Is it a jealousy thing? Are you trying to have a relationship with the fam that isn’t being reciprocated?
Now if I’ve missed any important deets, then I apologize. But from what was provided in the main post, it sounds like you need to identify where your emotions stem from and address that issue. best of luck!
If your boyfriend doesn’t stand up to his sister & excludes you from going, don’t walk away……RUN!!! If he doesn’t consider your feelings on this now, he never will & you shouldn’t settle for somone that puts you & your feelings last!!
Your bf needs to not go or take you with him regardless. If he goes without you then leave him and move on, because his family may be trying to get them back together
Maybe you’re being presumptuous. Perhaps the sister felt you’d be joining with him regardless, and you were included in his invite, and the ex needed her own specific invitation, because she isn’t family or already attached like you are. If he’s a good BF, he’ll make the right decision that supports you. If he doesn’t, than be glad this paved the way for future expectations, and you can begin to find another relationship without ex’s.
How dare she and how dare he even consider going. Nope it’s he goes with u or doesn’t go at all but that needs to come from him
Sounds like his sister is emotionally attached to his ex. She’s putting him in a situation. If I were him I wouldn’t go because it sounds manipulative
The boy friend should step up and talk to his sister and get this handled. If his sister insists keeping in contact with the ex that is her business, but it should not be at a family get together. Really low class move if you ask me.
Ummm disrespectfully fuck them ppl if he goes break it off with him that family needs boundaries if you don’t set them now you will be in a world of trouble in the future. This is just attempt number 1
His sister is friends with this woman, who happens to be his Ex. This is an event she wanted her friend invited to. I don’t think forcing an invite based on jealousy is a good approach for future relationships to be successful. Don’t be upset, you may be invited to other events if you remain chill.
I understand how you feel. But show them you have class and brush it off. Sounds so disrespectful and mean. The more class you have the better you look to everyone. Don’t let them know it gets to you. Sending you strength.
I feel like I wouldn’t like it either, but at the end of the day that’s something you have to talk with your boyfriend about. You don’t wanna get in bad terms with his sister. But I also don’t understand why both of you couldn’t be invited.
Could the sister be jealous of you and his relationship and trying to instigate something ? That’s just wrong on so many levels.
To be quite honest this sounds like some sort of setup to me. I haven’t necessarily been in this situation but I’ve been in a situation where an ex of his was in my house. The sister should of included you. You specifically need to ask him how he feels about the situation and weed out the suspicions. Was his sister friends with the ex before they met ? I mean I don’t care how attached the sister is to the ex that’s not right one bit. Doesn’t sound like a family gathering to me sounds like there’s something sneaky going on. Me personally i would let him go and do a drive by to see if there really is a family event
I dealt with this, but it was with my husbands ex wife. I came to visit one day and his ex wife was inside making herself at home and I was stopped outside and not allowed inside.
Take the high road.Too many personalities involved and by your delima,there will be chaos.My advice is to go to a great movie at the theatre.Take a good friend.Let it go and enjoy the show.He will not be comfortable without you.He will appreciate you so much.Best wishes
Well I think the boyfriend should say something to his family and explain that you are his current love and you should be invited and if you can’t come then he’s not going
Get out now ! That was not right she shouldn’t be invited and he should not of went without Out you and told his family I dont think so if he didn’t do that hes not worth it and still cares for her
Sounds like his family is trying to get him back with his ex. First off how serious are you too ?? If you are serious, then I’d explain that you feel hurt and left out . From there you have two choices 1 both of you don’t go 2) both of you go . ~~ IF you decide to go, expect things to be awkward
Personally, Go together as a couple and be confident, so what … if it is a family and friends event, so be it. He is going/ taking you… if there is insecure people in a relationship… it will not be a healthy one. Don’t read anything into it. If you see something with your own eyes and it triggers your heart… then explain your feelings and deal with it then. Enjoy yourselves.
Sounds like a problem. Get out of the relationship if he does not support you in this. Run for the hills
Either he takes you with him or decline the invitation!
Not much of boyfriend if he dont stick up to them and say I have current girlfriend she will be attending or I wont.
My boyfriend wouldn’t go even if the ex was not invited. Either I’m included or he is out. Due to respect to me and our relationship.
If you are not valued take heed of the signs. I would leave him
Personally I would find it disrespectful and an insult if he values your relationship his girlfriend goes as a invited guest or no one goes who wants to feel like see what the cat drags in.
Why didn’t your boyfriend invite you?? Maybe he should have told you and invited you. What is he hiding? Sister needs to consider your feeling also!!
He should not go either way. The ex should be the ex.
He needs to set boundaries with his family and make sure you are at the events with him. She may just be super close to his ex and want her to be apart of the event. I look at it as anywhere I go my boyfriend goes or I don’t go and anywhere he goes I go or he doesn’t go. For a while my family didn’t want my current bf around them because of some things he said and did in the past. I was persistent with my family that he was gonna be apart of our life and they have now come around to him and love him! If he isn’t being persistent about you being in his life and you being included in family events that’s a red flag. You should definitely talk to him and let him know how not being included makes you feel and that you don’t like him being around his ex. If he cares about you he will understand and make you feel included regardless of how his family feels. He should understand about the ex also and if he doesn’t that definitely a red flag.
What does your boyfriend say… HE should insist your coming… Your his current partner he shouldn’t want to go with out you…
This happened to me with my now ex and he made the decision on his own not go to the event either since I wasn’t invited.
He should stay home with you or find something g else for the two of you to do that day … being nice to an ex for the kids is one thing but excluding current spouses to include the ex in family events is over the top in my book !!
Then you need to speak up. But remember the ex was part of that family for 7 years. Theyre not just going to drop her cause they broke up.
If it was me in the situation, it all depends if they are saying she’s not allowed. Because if they’re saying she’s not allowed then I’m not going either
He better not go without you
And if he does thsn it’s time for you to move on.
He either brings you or doesn’t go. There’s no in-between here. Sister was wrong and being shady
Show up and claim your man! His reaction will tell you what to do next.
My dad tried this shit with me. He told me I couldn’t take my boyfriend with me to myrtle beach but my ex was allowed to go. I told him to kick rocks and we both didn’t go🤷♀️
I would go and make it known that you want be apart of his family
Your boyfriend should not go unless you’re invited.
I would straight up ask his sister why you weren’t invited.
Maybe they feel like you would automatically come with him.
Wow! I would talk to him or it’s me or your ex or if it’s not his fault, he is not allowed to go over his family’s if im not accepted fuq it
You both are a couple why ask both ?
If they asked him they know you’ll go also.
I have 1 question which is also the answer. Did he go without you?
I would go. You’re his girlfriend now. And two id be asking him to address his sister and as to why she thinks it’s normal or okay to invite her brothers ex girlfriend knowing he has a new girlfriend.
Are they maybe assuming you will come with BF??
If you weren’t invited he should have stayed home. Think you might reevaluate your relationship.