My brother in law tried to sleep with me, help!

TELL HER. So she can find actual love and not a lil boy who can’t keep his pecker dry.

tell her!!! how would you feel if it was you and the tables were turned and no one told you! tell her.


You’d expect the same right?

Shouldn’t be any doubt, if he’s doing to you he’s doing with it others.

Your gonna have to record him being like that in order for you to tell your sister. She won’t believe you otherwise. Tell him look you come on to me again I have no other choice but to tell my sister


Love relationships do come and go in life, sister relationships are birth to death, dont jeopardize your relationship with her by commiting a huge “bro code” violation, tell her he hit on you when he was drunk, you wont even have to tell her he did it twice, she’ll take it from there


Wasted or not he’s responsible for his actions. You need to tell your sister. She’s blood. He’s just some dude that will probably do it over and over again because he thinks he’s going to get away with it

If he tried it with you chances are he’s cheating on her with someone else being your not there. I would definitely tell her. Hey the good part is you DIDN’T so it wasn’t you he is hurting her but there is most definitely someone else

If he is doing that with u I’m pretty sure he is doing it to other women. Your sister deserves to know


Confront HIM!!! DO NOT TELL HER!!!


Tell him to confess to her before you tell her

Flip the script… wouldn’t you want to know?

Explain “tried to sleep with you” How does he try? Are you alone with her husband for some reason? For a 2nd time?


Get him on video, tell him he needs to talk to her about this or you will. If you tell your sister she might not believe you and then just be mad at you and stuck with a liar. :grimacing:

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Tell her she’s your sister and deserves to know

Go to him tell him first, ask and see what’s up. See his reaction first, that’s what I would do. If it was my BILs because, could be he doesn’t remember anything.


He doesn’t love her if he’s willing to sleep with her sister. Drunk or not. I would tell her and let her decide what to do with the information. I couldn’t keep something like that from a family member wether it would devastate them or not. That’s not something to hide. Because it would devastate her more if you didn’t tell her.


I’m not even sure I understand what I just read, that’s your sister and you’re not telling her that her husband is scum??

Make yourself more unattractive! Don’t shower for weeks and urinate yourself. My brother tried to sleep with me and that help.


I agree with not getting involved in THEIR relationship. But as his sister in law, you and he have a relationship to maintain. I would call him out on his bullshit, and not in a polite way. I would sit his ass down, chew him out, ask him who the hell he thought he was behaving that way when he is married, and with someone who is now his family. And i would counter every damn point he throws out with a real-world reprecussion and a demand for his accountability for his actions.

“I was drunk/ I dont remember doing that.”
“Do you have drinking problem that prevents you from controlling yourself and your behavior when you are drinking? Do you feel compelled to drink to such an extent? We should get you into a program because this is dangerous and unhealthy, and could potentially hurt my sister.”

“Your an attractive woman and I just cant help myself.”
“So, you’re a sexual preditor? And you think that is an excussable explination for your behavior? Maybe we should see what law enforcement has to say about that.”

“You know youre attracted to me, too”
“What I know is that I respect my sister and the very clear boundaries set by the ring on her finger and yours. I AM NOT attracted to you. I do NOT appreciate this behavior, I will not tolerate it, and if it happens again, its going to destroy your life because I will tell my sister.”

“Youre just being sensitive.”
“No. Im being an adult handling adult situations and emotions like an adult should. I am giving you this one final opportunity to correct your behavior towards me.”

Etc… girl, I’ve got a come back for it all. Understand that you have the right to set your boundaries with this guy and not feel the slightest bit guilty about it in anyway. Dont let him make you feel bad in ANY way for standing up for your sister, and yourself. A candid conversation may bring something deeper to light that needs addressing like an addiction or unhappieness, what have you, but it will also certainly set an expectation of behavior towards you, while you figure out what, if anything, needs to be said to your sister.

That depends in your relationship with your sister. Stop drinking around him. You might confront him when he’s sober and tell him to stop -


Eh this breaks my heart that’s your sister girl . You owe it to her and for your sister bond to be honest with her and whatever she does with that information is on her . At least your conscious is clear


Go talk to him first. If that does not stop him then try to get him recorded comign into your room and making moves on you that way you have actual proof of this. Without pictures or a video she will think you are lying and that you want her man and trying to split them up so you can have him. It will cause alot of bad heart ache. That is the reason I said proof of it. without proof she will not believe you

Um this shouldn’t even be a question…tell her and tell her now I would of went in there and woke her up immediately if it were and would of helped her throw him and all his shit out…what in the actual hell? Drunk or not no excuse for him to do that to your sister who you should want the best for…

Tell him about his self but don’t tell your sister don’t hurt her but I would put him in his place once and for all then I would tell him if you ever try that again I will tell my sister


Absolutely TELL HER!!

Don’t be around when HE’S WASTED!!!

Tell her because he could eventually ask someone else


He doesn’t love her if he can do something like that !! You need to let him know in no uncertain terms that if he tries one more time you will tell your sister and they will be getting a divorce!!


Have a stern talk with him!

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Tell him to tell her or you will either way she need to know she can’t trust the guy she with if he will sleep with you he will sleep with others


A drunk man’s words and actions are a sober man’s thoughts… It’s not an excuse. I say tell her but you have to realize it may backfire. Idk what kind of relationship you have with your sister. Hopefully she believes you and not whatever lies he spews out. It’s a 50/50 shot. If she doesn’t believe you then don’t push the subject. He will get caught one day and she will see the truth on her own


i would tell her bc the next female might not say no


Save her from the pain, it will be your fault if you tell her, avoid him

Tell her. You would want her to tell her the same if the roles were reversed.

Does your sister deserve that kind of man?


Would you want to know if it was reversed? Confront him about it and tell him to stop or you will tell her.

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Tell her. She should find out now instead of later.

I would tell her right in front of him so he can’t deny it. I know it would hurt my sister’s feeling but she has every right to know her man ain’t shit

Tell her! Sounds like just a matter of time b4 next female

If he’s trying this with you his partners sister imagine what he tries/does with other girls. Tell her !

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I’d tell her. … It doesn’t matter if he is wasted or not … he has intentions regardless.

Tell her it will hurt her more if she finds out you didn’t even tho you were only trying to protect her feelings, she’s a grown a*s woman she deserves to know.

tell her! because there may be other women too if he’s not afraid of what he’s trying to with you.

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This is a crappy situation bc obviously the right thing to do is tell her… but what usuallly happens in these situations is…. They usually get upset but still STAY with these men.
So then what? Then ur sister and her bf/hubby then avoids YOU so that it dont happen again. Or it could go badly and him lie to her and say that you are lying and then everyones mad at you.
When i tried telling a good friend of mine his gf was making out with some dude behind his back. They all called me a liar and blocked me and everyone went around running their mouths saying i was a drama starter… :flushed::expressionless: all because i thought the RIGHT thing to do was to tell him what happened :disappointed: they all ended up hating me and made me look like the bad guy. I got told to mind my own fucking business :woman_shrugging:t2: I thought i was doing the right thing but they just looked at me like i was the bad guy…
So this is definitely TOUGH bc u dont know what revealing this will do… will she believe you? What will be the outcome? Will she leave him? Or will he end up lying and say that u are making it up? You really got to be careful.

Tell her. If he’s trying to cheat, he’s probably cheating. It may back fire but at least you’d have done the right thing.

Tell him to tell her, or you will.

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I would actually bring it up calmly and without judgment to both of them at the same time. Like at breakfast, look at your brother in law and tell him he needs to not drink so much that he confuses you for your sister and you REALLY don’t like it. Your silence makes you complicit in his behavior. Instead of worrying about it at all, dig deeper and be honest. If he knows you aren’t going to keep your mouth shut, but are going to be transparent to your sister and about his behavior, then he will learn a valuable lesson: The Sister Code is Strong in you. If your sister gets a little upset with you, don’t worry about that either. Tell her, “Maybe now that your husband knows how he acts when he is super drunk, he will drink less.” Keeping the secret means you feel some shame about it, so move past that and Be Bold & Use your Voice. The Sister Code demands it. (and good luck…you CAN do this!)


She needs to know. You don’t know if he’s tried it with anyone else. Drunk or not he’s an ass

Record it and post it


Hurt her with the truth…don’t comfort her with a lie! :100:


If you care at all for your sister, you need to tell her. Because, if he’s trying to sleep with you, he’s most likely trying to or is sleeping with other women.


Tell him if he approaches you one more time and you are telling your sister. It’s a hard thing to do. But me myself I would tell my sister that Everytime he drinks he approaches you. That’s your sister she should know it all

Also I’ll cut back on the visits and if she ask I would tell her the same when your husband drinks he approaches me and it makes me uncomfortable…

She may know already and just waiting for someone to speak out on her behalf…
He may be abusive and you may not be the only one he approaches


Talk to him first! If your sister is madly in love, this may end up biting you in the ass…even if your intentions are good, she may end up resenting you and he could twist it and make it sound like it was you. Slippery slope! Also if he was wasted, you might want to find out if he even remembers. People do stupid shit when drunk and if you were drinking also. .he could easily say you misread his intentions.

Don’t tell her. She will blame you. If he’s a dog with you… his behavior is already telling her and she’s not ready to hear it


Tell her tell her tell her!!!

I would tell her. Hopefully she directs her anger at her slimy husband and not at you for coming to her and letting her know what tricks he’s been trying to pull

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Why is this even a question. Would you want to know?


why is this even hard ! it’s ur sister tell her !! i would never keep that from my sister

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Tell her, if he does with you lord knows how many others he has done it with

Yes you tell her. She’s eventually going to get her heart broke, you’re not the only one.

truth hurts for a minute lies hurt FOREVER


I can’t believe you wouldn’t tell her. Why would you keep something like that??!?something extremely similar happened in my family. Yes, it hurt my family member. But they deserved to know.


Dont take a chance of looseing your sister. I would make it definately plain to him that if he EVER comes across like that again you will tell her. Dont be alone with him to give him the chance and make it plain he understands. Do u have a brother that needs to talk to him or dad??also let him know alcohol is no excuse.

What do you think you should do? You could tell him to tell her or you will but he could say it was you, you could confront him infront of her or tell her I front of him. You could always record the next incident for proof.

I would talk to him and tell him to knock it off and if it happens again you have no other choice but to tell your sister


I would get proof & then tell her.

Tell her! Wasted or not, he knows what he’s doing. If he says he doesn’t, he is a lier. Remember, he’s guilty, you aren’t.


Personally, I would want to know. No matter how much I “love” that man. Fuck that. TELL ME. And I will deal with it. That’s disrespectful, drunk or not. it happened twice ?? WITH MY SISTER ?? The hell, NO !! he’s gone.
… well that’s just me.
some people try to kill the messenger soo I can’t speak for your sister.

My question is how did he try? Did he ask you will you sleep with him? Or did he get physical? Asking you is inappropriate but physically trying is sexual assault. If he verbally asked you then you can tell him when he’s sober if he tries it again, you WILL tell your sister. But if he was actually making physical contact, you need to tell her IMMEDIATELY.
TBH, if I was in your shoes, I would tell her. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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She needs to know. She will blame you if or when he cheats. You knew he was dishonorable. She may never forgive you.

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She isn’t your friend, she’s your SISTER. This shouldn’t even be a question. You shoulda woke her up when it happened and let her handle it THEN

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He doesn’t love her if he’s trying to sleep with her sister :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Keep it to yourself and tell him if he EVER tries again — you will tell her without hesitation!!!

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Keep it to yourself. My brother in law hit on me when he was drunk . He was falling down drunk . I handled it than. when he was sober told him what he did . He was very embarrassed :see_no_evil: never tried it again.


You gotta tell her. The truth always hurts but will set you free. She’s your sister, if YOU love HER, do the right thing.

If he’s doing it sleigh his own sister in law he’s already cheated on your sister tell her

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This shouldn’t even be a question :roll_eyes:. That’s your blood. Your sister!!


I wasn’t told and only after I divorced him did women stop to tell me. Please tell her ASAP


I wouldn’t tell her just yet.
Wait till he’s sober and tell him what he did while he was drunk. Set boundaries.
If that doesn’t prevail then tell her.

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Put yourself in her place, wouldn’t you want to know?

I would definitely tell her. If it were my sister I would have told her the first time. Whether he is wasted or not it is very inappropriate. And him being wasted should never be used as an excuse. If you dont say anything to her and he goes out and gets wasted again and takes someone else. How are you gonna feel then?? Your responsibility is to your sister not your drunk brother in law. He knows exactly what he is doing and he will push it and act a fool. Tell her so she can handle it now instead of later.

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Tell her. If he’s not doing it to you it’ll just be some other women.

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I’d be more hurt that this has happened before and you said nothing. You covered for him instead of telling your sister the truth.

I don’t have a sister, but if I ever caught a girlfriend of my brothers cheating I’d sell her ass out so fast :woman_shrugging:

Baby a drunk man tells no tales, and you owe your sister loyalty NOT HIM, why would you not tell her unless you’re actually thinking about giving him some :thinking: So because they been together so long and she loves him for who she THINK he is, you’re going to let your sister stay with a pos guy instead of exposing him for who he really is…. You must really dislike your sister…


Tell her in front of him


With this it doesn’t matter about saving her from the pain. This is your sister and it’s wrong to keep this from her. Let her handle it but please just be honest.

People are so confused about love. Call me old fashioned but love doesn’t hurt, cheat, lie. He will do this again. If not with you, he will with someone else if he hasn’t already. Sadly you need to tell your sister. Don’t make her waste more time in a loveless relationship. She will probably get mad at you and blame you. I really hope she doesn’t turn on you but it’s possible. Be prepared for that. Good luck!

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I’m sorry but we have all drank at some point I’m sure and in no way to it excuse someone action it’s not oh I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing stupid thing I have ever heard !! If you did it drunk you will do it sober promise the only thing different is you might be a little more ballzy that’s it he knew what he was doing !! Point blank and if he is trying to sleep with you he is 100 percent cheating on her !! Personal experience here

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He obviously doesn’t love her or he wouldn’t chk you out. Drunk or not

First of all he does not love her if he could do this. He is a jerk and a loser, she deserves better. You should at least confront him and tell him you have it recorded for proof and If he ever looks at you again you are going to expose him for what he is.
Now if I were your sister I would want to know this it would be a bigger betrayal keeping it from me for any reason. But this is just my opinion hope it gives you something to think about

Tell her right away because if she finds out, she’s gonna think it was you all along

Tell her please let prepare to deal with a community husband…

I would tell her. If he tried it with you then who else. Do they have children (girls) I would say something you never know.

Great advice Lauren Bgoren

Umm. Why wouldnt you tell her

I would totally tell my sister!
I would start off with telling her that I love her and I am only letting her know and whatever she chooses I will respect. Also I would start with him being drunk and then say the rest.

After telling her do not give her advice on what to do in the relationship. Let her think. Let her vent and support her if she needs it.
This is gonna be tough, but this is your sissy. I would’ve done it for my sisters. Good luck💟


YOU NEED TO TELL HER, imagine who else hes tried this with. I would have told my sister the very second it happend, by you not telling her if it ever did get out im sure she would be livid with the fact it happened twice and you have not said a thing,

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Trust me you need to tell her because if this comes out in a few years (and it will) she will hate you both

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Tell her ! It never ends ! The excuse only starts with sorry I was drunk

Tell her. Being drunk is no excuse.